1 خَرِسَ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. خَرَسٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) He (a man) was dumb; was naturally, by conformation, prevented from speaking; (Msb;) [he was destitute of the faculty of speech, by natural conformation, like the beast: see أَخْرَسُ:] or he was, or became, tonguetied, or withheld from speech, (A, K,) either from inability to find words to express what he would say, or by natural conformation [of the organs of speech]. (TA.) You say also خَرِسَ المَجْلِسُ The assembly was, or became, mute, or speechless. (A.) A2: خَرَسَ المَرْأَةَ, (Lh, IAth,) aor. ـُ (Lh,) [inf. n., app., خَرْسٌ,] He fed the woman with what is termed خُرْسَة; (Lh, IAth;) He fed her on the occasion of child-birth; (Lh;) as also ↓ خرّس عَليهَا, inf. n. تَخْرِيسٌ (S, K) and تَخْرِسَةٌ. (TA.) In like manner you say, ↓ خرّسهَا, inf. n. تَخْرِيسٌ; and خرس عَنْهَا; [so in the TA, without any syll. signs to the verb;] He made for her what is termed خُرْسَة. (TA.) And ↓ خُرِسَتْ, (S, L,) or خُرِسَتْ, (so in a copy of the A,) She was fed with what is so termed: (A:) or a feast on the occasion of her having given birth to a child was made for her. (S, L.) A3: خَرِسَ, aor. ـَ He drank from the [kind of wine-jar called] خَرْس, (Sgh, K,) i. e. the دَنّ. (TA.) 2 خَرَّسَ see خَرَسَ, in three places.4 اخرسهُ اللّٰهُ [God made him to be dumb: see خَرِسَ]: (S:) God made him to be tonguetied, or speechless, (A, K,) either from inability to find words to express what he would say, or by natural conformation [of the organs of speech]. (TA.) 5 تخرّست She made for herself the food for the occasion of child-birth, (A, * K,) i. e., what is called خُرْسَة. (TA.) Hence the prov. تَخَرَّسِىيَانَفْسُ لَا مُخَرِّسَةَ لَكِ (A, * TA) Make thou the food for child-birth for thyself, O self: there is no maker of it for thee: said by a woman who had given birth to a child and had not any one to care for her: alluding to a man's taking care for himself: (K, TA:) and also related [in the A] without the words يا نفس. (TA.) 6 تخارس [He feigned himself dumb, or speechless,] is from خَرِسَ المَجْلِسُ: hence إِذَا شَهِدْتَ مَنْ لَا يَفْهَمُ عَنْكَ فَتَخَارَسٌ [When thou art present with, or beholdest, him who will not understand what thou sayest, then feign thyself dumb, or speechless]. (A.) خَرْسٌ A [wine-jar such as is called] دَنّ; (JK, S, K;) as also ↓ خِرْسٌ, (Kr, K,) and خِرْصٌ: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَخْرَاسٌ (JK) and [of mult.]
خُرُوسٌ. (K.) خُرْسٌ Food that is prepared on the occasion of the birth of a child; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ خِرَاسٌ. (Lh, TA.) IJ seems to assign to it also the sense of خُرْسَةٌ. (TA.) b2: Hence, as also ↓ the second word, A feast, or banquet, that is prepared on that occasion, and to which people are invited: so in a trad. of Hassán, كَانَ إِذَا دُعِىَ إِلَى
طَعَامٍ قَالَ إِلَى عُرْسٍ أَمْ خُرْسٍ أَمْ إِعْذَارٍ [He used, when he was invited to food, to say, To a weddingfeast, or a feast for child-birth, or a circumcisionfeast?]; and if it were for one of these, he consented: but if not, he did not consent. (TA.) خِرْسٌ: see خَرْسٌ.
خُرْسَةٌ Food for a woman who has given birth to a child; (S, A, K;) what is made for her, such as فَرِيقَة and the like; as also [خُرْصَةٌ,] with ص. (TA.) خُرْسَةُ مَرْيَمَ [The child-birth-food of Maryam], applied to dates, and occurring in a trad., alludes to verse 25 of chap. xix. of the Kur, وَهُزِّى إِلَيْكِ الخ: and Khálid Ibn-Safwán uses in the same manner the phrase ↓ تَخْرِسَةُ مَرْيَمَ; in which تخرسة is an inf. n. used as a subst.; or it may be a subst., like تَوْرِيَةٌ. (TA.) خُرْسَى A she-camel that does not utter the cry termed رُغَآء. (Ibn-' Abbád, Sgh, K.) خِرَاسٌ: see خُرْسٌ, in two places.
خَرُوسٌ A بِكْر [or female that has not yet brought forth] in the first period of her pregnancy: and (some say, S) one for whom خُرْسَة is made: (S, K:) and one having a scanty flow of milk. (Sgh, K.) خَرَّاسٌ A maker (S, TA) and seller (K, TA) of the [kind of wine-jar called] خَرْس. (S, K, TA.) b2: And A vintner. (JK, TA.) أَخْرَسُ (S, &c.) Dumb; prevented from speaking by natural conformation; (Msb;) speechless, or destitute of the faculty of speech, by natural conformation, (T and Msb in art. بكم,) like the beast that lacks the faculty of articulation; (T ibid;) differing from أَبْكَمُ, q. v.: (T and Msb ibid:) or tonguetied, or speechless, (K, TA,) either from inability to find words to express what he would say, or by natural conformation [of the organs of speech]: (TA:) fem. خَرْسَآءُ: (Msb:) pl. خُرْسٌ (Msb, K) and خُرْسَانٌ. (K.) b2: جَمَلٌ أَخْرَسُ A he-camel that has no perforation to his شِقْشِقَة, for his bray to issue therefrom, so that he reiterates it therein: such a one they like to send among the [she-camels in the state in which they are termed] شَوْل, because in most instances he begets females: and نَاقَةٌ خَرْسَآءُ a she-camel that is not heard to utter the cry termed رُغَآء. (TA.) b3: عَلَمٌ أَخْرَسُ (tropical:) A sign of the way, (K,) [or a mountain,] from which, (A,) or at, or in, which, (فِيهِ, K,) no echo is heard: (A, K:) or a sign of the way in the mountain whereof no echo is heard: (Lth, T:) or [it seems to be applied to a mountain where no echo is heard; for] it is said when no sound of an echo is heard in the mountain. (S.) b4: سَحَابَةٌ خَرْسَآءُ (tropical:) A cloud that does not thunder: (A:) or a cloud in which is no thunder nor lightning, (S, K, TA,) and of which no sound is heard; which is mostly in winter. (TA.) b5: عَيْنٌ خَرْسَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A spring of the running whereof no sound is heard. (TA.) b6: صَخْرَةٌ خَرْسَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A hard and solid rock: (Akh, TA:) and عِظَامٌ خُرْسٌ (assumed tropical:) hard and solid bones. (Th, TA.) b7: كَتِيبَةٌ خَرْسَآءُ (tropical:) An army, or a portion thereof, without any clamour or confused noise: (A:) or whereof no sound is heard, by reason of their staidness in war: (S, K:) or that is silent, by reason of the multitude of the coats of mail, without any clashing of arms. (A 'Obeyd, S, K.) b8: لَبَنٌ أَخْرَسُ (tropical:) Thick milk, (S, A, K,) that makes no sound in the vessel, (S, K,) or that does not shake about in its vessel: (A:) or thick milk, of which no sound is heard when it is poured out: (Az, TA:) and شَرْبَةٌ خَرْسَآءُ (assumed tropical:) a thick draught of milk. (M, TA.) b9: وَلِّانِى عِرْضًا أَخْرَسَ
أَمْرَسَ [or عُرْضًا?] (assumed tropical:) He turned from me, and would not speak to me. (Fr, TA.) b10: خَرْسَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A viper: (A:) pl. خُرْسٌ. (TA.) b11: Hence, (A,) رَمَاهُ بِخَرْسَآءَ (tropical:) He smote him with a calamity. (A, K. *) تَخْرِسَةُ مَرْيَمَ: see خُرْسَةٌ.