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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1047. خبو9 1048. خبى2 1049. ختر14 1050. ختعر6 1051. ختل14 1052. ختم201053. ختن15 1054. خثر18 1055. خثى4 1056. خجل16 1057. خد7 1058. خدب12 1059. خدج17 1060. خدر18 1061. خدش17 1062. خدع19 1063. خدل12 1064. خدلج9 1065. خدم17 1066. خدن18 1067. خذرف5 1068. خذف13 1069. خذل15 1070. خذم13 1071. خر7 1072. خرأ9 1073. خرب20 1074. خرت13 1075. خرث9 1076. خرج20 1077. خرد10 1078. خردل9 1079. خرز13 1080. خرس14 1081. خرش11 1082. خرص17 1083. خرط15 1084. خرطم9 1085. خرع14 1086. خرعب5 1087. خرف19 1088. خرفج9 1089. خرق20 1090. خرم18 1091. خرنب5 1092. خرو3 1093. خز5 1094. خزر19 1095. خزعبل6 1096. خزف12 1097. خزق13 1098. خزل18 1099. خزم16 1100. خزن16 1101. خزو6 1102. خزى4 1103. خس6 1104. خسأ14 1105. خسر19 1106. خسف19 1107. خسق8 1108. خسو4 1109. خسى1 1110. خش6 1111. خشب19 1112. خشر15 1113. خشع16 1114. خشف16 1115. خشم18 1116. خشن17 1117. خشو4 1118. خشى5 1119. خص8 1120. خصب15 1121. خصر18 1122. خصف20 1123. خصل15 1124. خصم16 1125. خصو4 1126. خصى4 1127. خض5 1128. خضب16 1129. خضد17 1130. خضر21 1131. خضرم11 1132. خضع15 1133. خضل15 1134. خضم14 1135. خط6 1136. خطأ14 1137. خطب20 1138. خطر17 1139. خطف18 1140. خطل14 1141. خطم12 1142. خطو12 1143. خظو5 1144. خظى2 1145. خف6 1146. خفت17 Prev. 100




1 خَتَمَهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. خَتْمٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and خِتَامٌ, (Lh, K, TA,) with kesr, (TA,) [in the CK, erroneously, خَتَام,] i. q. طَبَعَهُ [He sealed, stamped, imprinted, or impressed, it]: (Msb, K:) or he put the خَاتَم [or signet] upon it: (Mgh:) namely, a thing, (S, Mgh,) or a writing or book and the like: and خَتَمَ عَلَيْهِ signifies the same [or he put a seal, or the impression of a signet, upon it]. (Msb.) Accord. to Er-Rághib, خَتْمٌ and طَبْعٌ signify The impressing a thing with the engraving of the signet and stamp: and the former [as is indicated, but not plainly expressed, as distinguished from the latter,] is tropically used, sometimes, as meaning the securing oneself from a thing, and protecting [oneself] from it; in consideration of protection by means of sealing upon writings and doors: and sometimes as meaning the producing an impression, or effect, upon a thing from another thing; in consideration of the impress produced [by the signet]: and sometimes it is used as relating to (assumed tropical:) the reaching the end [of a thing]: (TA:) or the primary signification of خَتْمٌ is the act of covering over [a thing]: (Az, TA:) accord. to Zj, the proper meaning of خَتْمٌ and طَبْعٌ is the covering over a thing, and securing oneself from a thing's entering it: some say that the former signifies the concealing a notification of a thing, [as] by putting one's fingers over it, by way of guarding oneself thereby. (TA.) b2: Hence, خَتْمُ الشَّهَادَةِ [The sealing of the testimony]; which is thus described by El-Hulwánee: the witness, when he wrote his name upon a صَكّ [q. v.], caused his written name to be beneath a piece of lead, [i. e. covered it with a piece of lead,] and put upon it the impress of his signet, in order that there might be no falsification of it or substitution for it. (Mgh.) b3: As to خَتْمُ الأَعْنَاقِ [The sealing of the necks], the case is related, in the “Risáleh Yoosufeeyeh,” to have been this: 'Omar sent Ibn-Honeyf to seal the عُلُوج [or unbelievers] of the Sawád; and he sealed five hundred thousand of them, in classes; that is, he marked them twelve dirhems, and twenty-four, and forty-eight; tying a thong upon the neck of each, and putting upon the knot a seal of lead. (Mgh.) b4: خَتْمٌ also signifies The protecting what is in a writing by marking [or stamping] a piece of clay [upon it, or by means of a seal of any kind]. (TA.) b5: And you say, of a man, خَتَمَ عَلَيْكَ بَابَهُ [He sealed his door against thee]; meaning (tropical:) he turned away from thee, avoided thee, or shunned thee. (TA.) b6: And خَتَمَ لَكَ بَابَهُ [He sealed for thee his door]; meaning (tropical:) he preferred thee to others. (TA.) b7: خَتَمَ عَلَى قَلْبِهِ [which may be rendered He sealed his heart] means (tropical:) he made him to be such that he understood not, and such that nothing proceeded from him; or he made his heart, or mind, to be such that it understood not, &c. (K, TA.) خَتَمَ اللّٰهُ عَلَى

قُلُوبِهِمْ, in the Kur [ii. 6], is like the phrase in the same [xvi. 110 and xlvii. 18] طَبَعَ اللّٰهُ عَلَى

قُلُوبِهِمْ: (TA:) it points to what God has made to be usually the case when a man has ended in believing what is false and in committing that which is forbidden, so that he turns not his face to the truth; this occasioning, as its result, his becoming inured to the approval of acts of disobedience, so that he is as though this habit were impressed upon his heart: the assertion of ElJubbáee, that it means God hath put a seal upon their hearts, as a sign, to the angels, of their infidelity, is nought: (Er-Rághib, TA:) الخَتْمُ is explained by IAar as meaning the preventing of the heart from believing. (L in art. خدع.) [See also طَبَعَ.] b8: خَتَمَ الشَّىْءَ, inf. n. خَتْمٌ, also signifies [as indicated above] (assumed tropical:) He reached the end of the thing. (K.) And الشَّىْءَ ↓ اِخْتَتَمْتُ (assumed tropical:) [I ended, or finished, the thing,] contr. of اِفْتَتَحْتُهُ. (S, TA.) You say, خَتَمَ القُرْآنَ (assumed tropical:) He reached the end of the Kur-án [in reciting it]; (S, Er-Rághib;) [he recited the whole of the Kur-án;] he completed [the recital of] the Kur-án: (Mgh:) [and] he retained in his memory the last portion of the Kur-án; meaning he retained the whole of it in his memory. (Msb.) It is said of Suleymán El-Aamash, كَانَ يَقْرَأُ خَتْمًا, meaning (assumed tropical:) He used to recite the whole of the Kur-án; at one time, according to the reading of Ibn-Mes'ood; at another time, from the edition of 'Othmán. (Mgh.) b9: You say also, خَتَمَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ بِخَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) [May God make his end to be good]. (S.) b10: خَتَمَ البَذْرَ (assumed tropical:) He covered over the sown seed: (Az, TA:) or خَتَمُوا عَلَى البَذْرِ (assumed tropical:) they turned up the earth over the sown seed, and then watered it: (Et-Táïfee, TA:) or خَتَمَ الزَّرْعَ, (JK, K, TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. خَتْمٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) he watered the seed-produce, or sown field, the first time; (JK, K, TA;) because, when it is watered, it is finished (خُتِمَ) with the رحا [app. رَحَا, which here seems to mean the “roller,” as being likened to a mill-stone, though I find no authority for this meaning]; (TA;) as also خَتَمَ عَلَيْهِ: (K:) or خَتَمُوا عَلَى زُرُوعِهِمْ means (assumed tropical:) they watered their sown fields while these were as yet كِرَاب [app. meaning clear of vegetation]. (JK, TA.) b11: خَتَمَ النَّحْلُ (tropical:) The bees filled with honey the place in which they deposited it: (JK, A, TA:) or خَتْمٌ signifies bees' collecting some thin wax, thinner than the wax of the comb, and smearing with it the orifices of their خَلَايَا [or hives]. (M, K, TA.) 2 ختّمهُ, inf. n. تَخْتِيمٌ, He sealed it, stamped it, &c., much. (TA.) b2: [In modern Arabic, He put a خَاتَم, or signet-ring, upon his (another's) finger.]5 تختّم, or تختّم خَاتَمًا, (accord. to different copies of the S,) or تختّم بِخَاتَمٍ, (K, [agreeably with a trad. cited in the TA,]) He put on [i. e. put on his own finger] a خاتم [or signet-ring]. (S, K.) b2: And تختّم (tropical:) He put on a turban: (K, TA:) or تختّم بِعِمَامَتِهِ he put on his turban in the manner of a نِقَاب [q. v.]; syn. تَنَقَّبَ بِهَا. (Z, TA.) The subst. [signifying the act or mode, of doing so] is ↓ تَخْتِمَةٌ [q. v. infrà]. (K.) b3: تختّم بِأَمْرِهِ (assumed tropical:) He concealed his affair, or case. (Z, K.) b4: تختّم عَنْهُ (tropical:) He feigned himself heedless of him, and was silent [to him]. (K, TA.) 8 إِخْتَتَمَ see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.

خَتْمٌ inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) A2: Also The impress produced by the engraving of a signet. (Er-Rághib, TA.) b2: See also خَاتَمٌ. b3: أَعْطَانِى خَتْمِى means (tropical:) He gave me my sufficiency, or what sufficed me: because what suffices a man is the last [or utmost] of his desire, or demand. (TA.) A3: Also (tropical:) Honey. (K, TA.) b2: And (tropical:) The orifices of the خَلَايَا [or hives] of bees. (K, TA.) خَتَمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ. b2: Also A sealed piece of clay [or wax]: like نَفَضٌ in the sense of مَنْفُوضٌ, and قَبَضٌ in the sense of مَقْبُوضٌ: so in the saying of El-Aashà, وَ أَبْرَزَهَا وَ عَلَيْهَا خَتَمْ وَ صَحْبَآءَ طَافَ يَهُودِيُّهَا [And a jar of reddish-coloured wine, the Jew -vender whereof came, and brought it out, with a sealed piece of clay upon it]. (S.) [See also خِتَامٌ.]

خَتْمَةٌ [an inf. n. of un. of 1, (assumed tropical:) A recitation of the whole of the Kur-án: used in this sense in the present day: pl. خَتَمَاتٌ. b2: And also] vulgarly used as meaning (assumed tropical:) A copy of the Kur-án: and so ↓ خِتْمَةٌ. (TA.) خِتْمَةٌ: see what next precedes.

خَتَامٌ: see the last sentence of the next paragraph.

خِتَامٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Lh, K.) b2: and a subst. signifying The first watering of seedproduce, or of a sown field: (JK, TA:) or the turning up the earth over sown seed, and then watering it. (Et-Táïfee, TA.) A2: See also خَاتِمٌ. b2: Also The clay, (JK, S, K,) and the wax, (TA,) with which one seals, or stamps, (JK, S, K,) upon a writing, (JK,) or upon a thing: (K:) or which is sealed, or stamped, upon a writing. (Msb.) [See also خَتَمٌ. And see an ex. in a verse of Lebeed cited in art. دكن.]

b3: (tropical:) [The hymen; as being the seal of virginity; as also ↓ خَاتَمٌ.] You say, زُفَّتْ إِلَيْكَ بِخِتَامِهَا (tropical:) [She was conducted as a bride to thee with her seal of virginity], and رَبِّهَا ↓ بِخَاتَمِ [with the seal of her Lord]. (TA.) And [hence, app.,] سِيقَتْ هَدِيَّتُهُمْ إِلَيْهِ بِخِتَامِهَا (tropical:) [if it mean, as I suppose it to do, Their present was sent to him with what rendered it perfect or complete, or with what appertained to it]. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) The furthest part of a valley. (JK, TA.) (assumed tropical:) The last of a company of men; (Lh, TA;) as also ↓ خَاتَمٌ and ↓ خَاتِمٌ: (K:) whence النَّبِيِّينَ ↓ خَاتَمُ (assumed tropical:) [The last of the prophets], in the Kur [xxxiii. 40]; accord. to one reading, ↓ خَاتُم, with damm to the ت; (TA;) or خاتمُ الأَنْبِيَآءِ, i. e. Mohammad; (S;) also called ↓ الخَاتَمُ and ↓ الخَاتِمُ. (TA.) And (assumed tropical:) The last portion of anything that is drunk [&c.]. (TA.) خِتَامُهُ مِسْكٌ, in the Kur [lxxxiii. 26], means (assumed tropical:) The last that they will perceive thereof will be the odour of musk: (S, TA:) or, accord. to 'Alkameh and Mujáhid, its admixture shall be musk: accord. to Ibn-Mes'ood, its result shall be the taste of musk: Fr says, ↓ خَاتَمٌ and ↓ خَاتِمٌ and خِتَامٌ are nearly the same in meaning; whence the reading of 'Alee, مِسْكٌ ↓ خَاتَمُهُ: and the explanation is this; that when any one shall drink thereof, he will find the last cup thereof to have the odour of musk: Er-Rághib says that the meaning is, the end, and the last draught, i. e. what shall remain, thereof shall be in perfume [like] musk: and that the assertion that it means it shall be sealed with musk is nought. (TA.) [See also خَاتَمٌ and خَاتِمَةٌ.]

A3: Also, (IAar, K,) and ↓ خَاتِمٌ, (K,) or, accord. to IAar, ↓ خَتَامٌ, (TA,) sings. of خُتُمٌ, which signifies (assumed tropical:) The places of separation (فُصُوص [q. v.]) of the joints (مَفَاصِل) of horses. (IAar, K.) خَاتَمٌ (JK, S, Msb, K) and خَأْتَمٌ (TA) and ↓ خَاتِمٌ, (S, Msb, K,) which is more commonly known than خَاتَمٌ, (Msb, [but see what follows,]) and ↓ خَاتَامٌ and ↓ خِيتَامٌ (JK, S, K, the last in the CK and TA ↓ خَيْتَام) and ↓ خِتَامٌ (K and TA but omitted in the CK) and ↓ خَتَمٌ (ISd, IHsh, K) and ↓ خَتْمٌ (Ez-Zeyn El-'Irákee, TA) and ↓ خَيْتَمْ (Ibn-Málik, TA) and ↓ خَيْتُومٌ (EzZeyn El-'Irákee, TA) and ↓ خَاتِيَامٌ (K) signify the same; (JK, S, Msb, K, TA;) [A signet; generally a signet-ring; i. e.] a certain ornament (حَلْىٌ, M, K) for the finger, (K,) app., at the first, used for sealing, or stamping, therewith; so that the word is of the same class as طَابَعٌ: afterwards, in consequence of frequency of usage, applied to one not used for that purpose: (ISd, TA:) or a ring having a فَصّ of a substance different therefrom [set in it; i. e., having a stone, or gem, set in it]: if without a فَصّ, it is called فَتَخَةٌ: (Msb:) or ↓ خَاتِمٌ signifies the agent [i. e. the person sealing, or stamping]: (JK, Az, Msb:) خَاتَمٌ, the thing that is put upon the piece of clay [or wax, for the purpose of sealing, or stamping]: (Az, Msb, K:) the pl. [of خَاتَمٌ and خَاتِمٌ] is خَوَاتِمٌ (K) and [properly of خَاتَامٌ] خَوَاتِيمُ: (S, in which the former pl., though more common, is not mentioned, and K:) Sb says that those who use the latter pl. make it to be pl. of a sing. of the measure فَاعَالٌ, though it be not in their language; which shows that he knew not خَاتَامٌ: the pl. of خَتْمٌ is خُتُومٌ. (TA.) b2: خَاتَمٌ also signifies A seal, or stamp, and a mark: so in a trad., in which it is said, آمِينَ خَاتَمُ رَبِّ العَالَمِينَ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ المُؤْمِنِينَ, i. e. [آمِينَ (or Amen) is] the seal, or stamp, and the mark, [of the Lord of the beings of the whole world upon his servants the believers,] which removes from them accidents, and causes of mischief; for the seal of the writing protects it, and precludes those who look from [seeing] what is within it. (TA.) b3: See also خِتَامٌ, in seven places. [It is nearly syn. with خِتَامٌ, as Fr says: and thus,] it signifies also, (JK, K,) and so does ↓ خَاتِمَةٌ, (S, K,) (assumed tropical:) The end, or last part or portion, (JK, S, K,) and result, or issue, (K,) of a thing (JK, S, K) of any kind: (JK, K:) ↓ the latter [particularly] signifies (assumed tropical:) the last part or portion (JK, Msb) of a chapter of the Kur-án, (JK,) and of the Kur-án itself: (Msb:) [and (assumed tropical:) a concluding chapter or section: an epilogue: and an appendix:] and ↓ مُخْتَتَمٌ signifies [in like manner] the contr. of مُفْتَتَحٌ; as in the saying, التَّحْمِيدُ مُفْتَتَحُ الْقُرْآنِ وَ الِاسْتِعَاذَةُ مُخْتَتَمُهُ (assumed tropical:) [The declaration of the praises of God is the opening portion of the Kur-án, and the prayer for the protection of God is its closing portion]; (A, TA;) and it is a chaste word, of frequent occurrence, though the contr. has been asserted. (TA.) One says also, الأَعْمَالُ بِخَوَاتِيمِهَا [Actions are characterized, or to be judged, as good or evil, by their results]. (TA.) b4: Also, i. e. خَاتَمٌ, of a mare, (tropical:) The lower ring (الحَلْقَةُ الدُّنْيَا [app. meaning the extremity, in which is the orifice, see حَلْقَتَا الرَّحِمِ and حَلْقَةُ الدُّبُرِ, in art. حلق,]) of the طُبْيَة [evidently here used as a dial. var. of طُبْى, i. e. the teat, though I do not find it mentioned in its proper art. in any lexicon; unless مِنْ طُبْيَتِهَا be a mistranscription for من طُبْيِهَا]: (K, TA:) so called by way of comparison [to a signet or seal]. (TA.) b5: And (tropical:) The hollow (نُقْرَة) of the back of the neck; (JK, K, TA;) which is the cuppingplace. (TA.) b6: And (assumed tropical:) The least وَضَح [or whiteness] of the legs (JK, K, TA) of horses; (JK, TA;) i. e. a slight whiteness in the parts next the hoof, less than what is termed تَخْدِيمٌ. (TA.) خَاتُمٌ: see خِتَامٌ.

خَاتِمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, in two places: b2: and see also خِتَامٌ, in five places.

خَيْتَمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.

خَاتِمَةٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph.

خَاتَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.

خَيْتَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.

خِيتَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.

خَيْتُومٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.

خَاتِيَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.

تَخْتِمَةٌ: see 5. You say, مَا أَحْسَنَ تَخْتِمَتَهُ [How good, or beautiful, is his act, or mode, of putting on the turban! or, of putting it on in the manner of the نِقَاب !]. (Ez-Zejjájee, TA.) مُخْتَّمٌ Sealed, or stamped, &c., much. (S, * TA.) b2: Applied to a horse, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) Having the whiteness of the legs which is termed خَاتَمٌ. (K, TA.) [See the latter word, last sentence.]) مَخْتُومٌ Sealed, or stamped, &c. (S, * TA.) b2: Also The [measure commonly called] صَاع: (A'Obeyd, Mgh, K:) or the sixth part of the [measure called] قَفِيز. (Mgh in art. كر. [It is there added that the قفيز is the tenth part of the جَرِيب: but it seems that this is the قفيز which is a measure of land; not what is here meant in the explanation of مختوم, which is a measure of corn and the like.]) [Pl. مَخَاتِيمُ.]

مُخْتَتَمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph.
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