عَضَّ(n. ac. عَضّ
عَضِيْض) [ acc.
a. or
'Ala], Gripped, bit; champed ( the bit ).
b. [acc. & Bi], Reviled.
c. [Fī], Perfected (knowledge).
d. [Bi], Clave to.
e. Rendered expert, matured.
عَضَّضَa. see I (a)
عَاْضَضَa. Bit each other.
أَعْضَضَa. Made to bite.
تَعَاْضَضَa. see III
عَضّa. Biting, bite.
عَضَّةa. Bite.
عَضِيْضa. see 1
عَضُوْضa. Biting, mordacious; snappish.
b. Tyrant.
c. Hard times.
d. Bit, morsel.
عُضَّاْضa. The bridge of the nose.
N. P.
عَضڤضَعَضَّضَa. Bit, bitten.
عَضَّ الزَّمَان وَالحَرْب
a. The ravages of time & war.