عَطَا(n. ac. عَطْو)
a. [acc.
Ila], Took; received; accepted.
b. [acc. & Ila], Raised towards.
عَطَّوَa. Served, worked for; ministered to.
b. Urged on, hurried, stimulated.
عَاْطَوَa. Gave to, presented with; offered.
b. Served.
أَعْطَوَa. see III (a)b. Was docile; obeyed.
تَعَطَّوَa. Asked, begged, demanded, wanted of.
b. Applied himself to.
c. Hastened, hurried himself.
تَعَاْطَوَa. Gave, presented, offered to one another; reached
passed to each other.
b. Took, seized.
c. Disputed about.
d. Reached out after; attempted; undertook.
e. Applied, devoted himself to; busied himself
f. Was daring.
إِسْتَعْطَوَa. see V (a)
عَطًاa. see 22
عَطَاء [] (pl.
أَعْطِيَة [] )
a. Gift, present.
b. Pay, allowance ( of soldiers ).
عَطِيَّة [] (pl.
& reg. )
a. see 22
مِعْطَآء [] (pl.
مَعَاطٍ []
مَعَاطِيّ [] )
a. Generous, munificent.
مُعْطٍ [ N. Ag.
a. IV], Giver; donor.