1 صَابَ aor. ـِ (S, M, Msb, K,) inf. n. صَيْبٌ, (S, Msb, K,) said of an arrow, (S, M, Msb,) i. q. أَصَابَ [expl. in art. صوب]; (S, * M, Msb, K;) like صاب having for its aor. ـُ (S, M, Msb.) صَيْبَانٌ: see صَوْبٌ, in art. صوب.صُيَابٌ: see صُيَّابَةٌ.
صَيُوبٌ An arrow going right, or hitting the mark: pl. صُيُبٌ (M, K) and صِيَابٌ, (MF, TA,) or the latter is pl. of صَائِبٌ, which signifies the same. (M, in art. صوب.) صُيَابَةٌ: see صُيَّابَةٌ.
صَيِّبٌ: see art. صوب.
صُيَّابٌ: see صُيَّابَةٌ, in four places.
صَيُّوبٌ: see art. صوب.
صُبَّابَةٌ and ↓ صُيَّابٌ (M, A, K) and ↓ صُبَابَةٌ and ↓ صُيَابٌ (A, K) The أَصْل (M, A, K) [as meaning the original stock] of a people, (M,) or [as meaning the original, or the principal, or most essential, part,] of a thing: (A, K:) and the purest, or choice, or best, part or portion, (M, * A, K,) of a thing (M, K) of any kind, (M,) or of a people. (A.) One says, هُوَ فِى صُيَّابَةِ قَوْمِهِ and ↓ صُيَّابِهِمْ He is of the أَصْل [or original stock] of his people: (Fr, TA:) and مِنْ صُيَّابَةِ قَوْمِهِ and صُوَّابَةِ قومه (TA) and ↓ مِنْ صُيَّابِهِمْ (A) of the purest in race of his people. (A, * TA.) and ↓ قَوْمٌ صُيَّابٌ A choice, or an excellent, people. (TA.) b2: Also the first, The collective body of a people; (Kr, M;) and so صُوَّابَةٌ. (M in art. صوب.) b3: And A lord, master, or chief. (M, K.) Quasi صيت صِيتٌ and صِيتَةٌ: and صَيِّتٌ: see art. صوت.