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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2189. شرو4 2190. شرول2 2191. شرى13 2192. شزب10 2193. شزر16 2194. شسع172195. ششب1 2196. شصر10 2197. شط6 2198. شطأ13 2199. شطب16 2200. شطر22 2201. شطرنج4 2202. شطن16 2203. شظ5 2204. شظف14 2205. شظى5 2206. شع3 2207. شعب20 2208. شعبذ6 2209. شعث16 2210. شعذ8 2211. شعر24 2212. شعف18 2213. شعل18 2214. شعو7 2215. شغب16 2216. شغر18 2217. شغرب2 2218. شغزب10 2219. شغف19 2220. شغل17 2221. شغو5 2222. شف5 2223. شفر14 2224. شفرج4 2225. شفع19 2226. شفق16 2227. شفه15 2228. شفو8 2229. شق4 2230. شقأ7 2231. شقح13 2232. شقذ8 2233. شقر16 2234. شقرق6 2235. شقص15 2236. شقو7 2237. شقى2 2238. شك3 2239. شكد7 2240. شكر19 2241. شكس18 2242. شكل24 2243. شكم15 2244. شل6 2245. شلجم5 2246. شلم11 2247. شلو11 2248. شلياق2 2249. شم8 2250. شمت17 2251. شمخ16 2252. شمر15 2253. شمرخ12 2254. شمردل6 2255. شمرذل2 2256. شمز14 2257. شمس20 2258. شمط16 2259. شمع14 2260. شمعل7 2261. شمل17 2262. شن6 2263. شنأ16 2264. شنب15 2265. شنبث3 2266. شنبر5 2267. شنج14 2268. شنر13 2269. شنز7 2270. شنع17 2271. شنف16 2272. شنق20 2273. شنو3 2274. شهب19 2275. شهد17 2276. شهدانج2 2277. شهر17 2278. شهق18 2279. شهل16 2280. شهم14 2281. شهنز3 2282. شهو10 2283. شوأ4 2284. شوب17 2285. شوذ11 2286. شور21 2287. شوس15 2288. شوش9 Prev. 100




1 شَسَعَ النَّعْلَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. شَسْعٌ, (O, K,) He put a شِسْع [q. v.] to the sandal; (S, * Msb, * K;) as also ↓ شَسَّعَهَا, and ↓ أَشْسَعَهَا. (S, O, K.) A2: شَسِعَتِ النَّعْلُ, aor. ـَ The sandal had its شِسْع broken. (Ibn-Buzurj, O, K.) b2: شَسِعَ الفَرَسُ, aor. as above, inf. n. شَسَعٌ, The horse had a gap, or space, between his central incisor and the tooth next to it. (Aboo-Málik, IDrd, O, K. *) A3: شَسَعَ, aor. as above, inf. n. شَسْعٌ and شُسُوعٌ, It was, or became, distant, or remote; said of a place of alighting, or abode. (K.) And, said of anything, i. q. تَنَآءَى [It was or became, far from another thing]: and شَخَصَ [it rose, &c.]. (TA.) b2: شَسَعَ He put, or sent, or removed, him, or it, away, or far away; as also ↓ اشسعهُ. (TA.) 2 شَسَّعَ see the preceding paragraph.4 أَشْسَعَ see 1, first and last sentences.

شِسْعٌ (S, O, Msb, K, &c.) and شِسِعٌ (K) and ↓ شِسْعَنٌّ, so in some of the copies of the K, (TA,) [thus in my MS. copy of the K, and also in the O,] with an augmentative ن, (O, TA,) The قِبَال of the sandal; (K;) [i. e.] the appertenance of the sandal that is attacked, or tied, to its زِمَام; (S;) [meaning] one of the thongs, or straps, or strips of leather, of the sandal, being that which passes between two toes, of which the [lower] end enters the hole, or perforation, that is in the fore part of the sandal, and which is attacked [at its upper end] to the زِمَام [or, as it is also called, the شِرَاك, a thong, or strap, or strip of leather, extending towards the ankle, and having two arms, (its عَضُدَانِ,) which are attacked to the أُذُنَانِ (q. v.), or pass through these and unite behind the foot]: (IAth, TA:) a poet says, referring to camels, ↓ أَحْدُو بِهَا مُنْقَطِعًا شِسْعَنِّى

[I urge them on by singing to them, with the interdigital thong of my sandal broken]: (Lth, O, TA:) the pl. of شِسْعٌ is شُسُوعٌ (S, O, Msb, K, TA) and أَشْسَاعٌ: (O, K, TA:) ISd and Z affirm that it has only the former pl.; but AHei contradicts this: (TA:) the latter pl. [a pl. of pauc.] occurs in the saying of 'Obeyd Ibn-Eiyoob El-'Amberee, يُدِيرُ نَعْلَيْهِ لِئَلَّا تُعْرَفَا يَجْعَلُ أَشْسَاعَهُمَا نَحْوَ القَفَا [He turns round his sandals, in order that they may not be known by their prints upon the ground; putting the interdigital thongs thereof in the direction of the back of the neck]. (O, TA.) b2: [Hence,] قِبَالُ الشِّسْعِ signifies (assumed tropical:) The serpent; mentioned by IAar with قِبَالُ الشِّبْرِ. (TA.) b3: And شِسْعٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) The extremity of a place. (O, K.) One says, حَلَلْنَا شِسْعَ الدَّهْنَآءِ (assumed tropical:) [We alighted in the extremity of the sandy desert, or of the desert called Ed-Dahnà]. (O.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) A narrow tract of land. (O, K.) b5: And (tropical:) Somewhat remaining of property or cattle. (IAar, O, K, TA.) And (K) (tropical:) A small quantity or number of property or cattle. (Mohárib, O, K, TA.) One says, لَهُ شِسْعُ مَالٍ (tropical:) He has a small quantity of property, or a small number of cattle; (Mohárib, O, K, TA;) or a small collection of camels and of sheep or goats: (K, TA:) and Fr adds مَالٍ ↓ شَسِيعُ [app. in the same sense: but see another explanation of شِسْعُ مَالٍ in what follows]. (O.) b6: And (tropical:) The greater portion or number of property or cattle. (El-Mufaddal, O, K, TA.) Thus it has two contr. [?] significations. (K.) One says, ذَهَبَ شِسْعُ مَالِهِ (tropical:) The greater portion of his property, or the greater number of his cattle, went, or passed, away. (El-Mufaddal, O, TA.) b7: And فُلَانٌ شِسْعُ مَالٍ (tropical:) Such a one is a good manager of cattle or camels &c.; (S, O, K, TA;) one who keeps assiduously to the tending, or pasturing, thereof: (A, TA:) and Fr says, هُوَ مَالٍ ↓ شَسِيعُ, as syn. with شِسْعُ مَالٍ. (TA: [but see above.]) شِسْعَنٌّ: see شِسْعٌ, in two places.

شَسُوعٌ: see شَاسِعٌ.

شَسِيعُ مَالٍ: see شِسْعٌ, in two places.

شَاسِعٌ A man having his شِسْع broken. (O, K.) b2: Also Distant, or remote; and so ↓ شَسُوعٌ: (S, O, K:) both applied to a place of alighting, or abode: (O, K:) pl. [of either, irreg.,] شُسْعٌ. (K.) One says بِلَادٌ شَاسِعَةٌ [Distant countries or towns]. (Msb.) And رَجُلٌ شَاسِعُ الدَّارِ A man whose house, or abode, or country, is distant. (TA.) And شَفَرٌ شَاسِعٌ A far journey. (TA.)
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