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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4558. هرجب6 4559. هرجل7 4560. هرح1 4561. هرد12 4562. هردب7 4563. هرس184564. هرش16 4565. هرشب3 4566. هرشف8 4567. هرطل5 4568. هرق17 4569. هرل6 4570. هرم18 4571. هرمت4 4572. هرن7 4573. هرنصن1 4574. هرى2 4575. هز7 4576. هزأ13 4577. هزب8 4578. هزبر8 4579. هزج16 4580. هزر15 4581. هزرب2 4582. هزع13 4583. هزل21 4584. هزلج6 4585. هزم18 4586. هزمج3 4587. هسب3 4588. هش9 4589. هشم18 4590. هصب4 4591. هصر16 4592. هض5 4593. هضب16 4594. هضم19 4595. هطل15 4596. هف5 4597. هفت15 4598. هق6 4599. هقب7 4600. هقر6 4601. هقع12 4602. هك5 4603. هل10 4604. هلب16 4605. هلبث5 4606. هلبج5 4607. هلت8 4608. هلث7 4609. هلج13 4610. هلجب3 4611. هلقب3 4612. هلقت2 4613. هلك20 4614. هلم13 4615. هم7 4616. همأ6 4617. همت3 4618. همج13 4619. همد18 4620. همذ9 4621. همر15 4622. همرج6 4623. همرجل5 4624. همز17 4625. همس20 4626. همش9 4627. همل15 4628. هملج10 4629. هن6 4630. هنأ12 4631. هنب10 4632. هنبت4 4633. هنبر7 4634. هنتب4 4635. هند10 4636. هندب7 4637. هندز7 4638. هندس11 4639. هنر5 4640. هنع8 4641. هنف11 4642. هنقب3 4643. هنم11 4644. هوأ9 4645. هوب8 4646. هوت11 4647. هوث3 4648. هوج12 4649. هود20 4650. هوذ8 4651. هور17 4652. هوس13 4653. هوش18 4654. هوع14 4655. هول15 4656. هوم15 4657. هون17 Prev. 100




هَراَسٌ A certain thorny or prickly tree, (S, K, TA,) the thorns or prickles of which are like the حَسَك, (TA,) and its fruit is like the نَبِق: n. un. with ة. (K, TA.) See قُطْبٌ.


1 هَرَسَهُ, aor. ـُ (IF, A, Msb,) inf. n. هَرْسٌ, (IF, S, A, Msb, K,) He bruised, brayed, or pounded, it; crushed it so as to break it; broke it, or broke it in pieces, by beating; (S, IF, Msb, TA;) namely, grain, (Msb,) or some other thing: (IF, Msb:) or he did so vehemently, or violently: (A, K:) or with something broad: or with some preservative between it and the ground. (TA.) هَرِيسٌ Grain, (Msb,) or wheat, (A,) bruised, brayed, or pounded, (A, Msb,) vehemently, or violently, (A,) with the مَهْرَاس, before it is cooked; for when it is cooked, it is termed هَرِيسَةٌ: (Msb:) [of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ:] from the verb above-mentioned. (K.) You say, عِنْدِى هَرِيسٌ لِلْهَرِيسَةِ I have wheat bruised, &c., for the هَرِيسَة. (A.) هَرِيسَةٌ Grain, (Msb,) or wheat, (TA,) bruised, brayed, or pounded, [vehemently, or violently, (see هَرِيسٌ,)] and then cooked: (Msb, TA:) [or a kind of thick pottage, prepared of cooked wheat and cooked flesh-meats much pounded together: (Golius; app. on the authority of Ibn-Maaroof:) but this is probably one of the kinds of هريسة peculiar to post-classical times; which kinds are many: see De Sacy's Relation de l'Égypte par Abd-Allatif, pp. 307 and 312:] of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ: (Msb:) from the verb above-mentioned: (S, K:) pl. هَرَائِسُ. (A.) هَرَّاسٌ A maker, or preparer, of هَرِيسَة: (Mgh, Msb, K:) and a seller thereof. (Mgh.) مِهْرَاسٌ [in the M, voce جُرْنٌ, q. v., accord. to the TA, مهرس, i. e., app. مِهْرَسٌ,] A stone hollowed out, (S, Mgh, Msb,) oblong, (Mgh, Msb,) and heavy, resembling a [vessel of the kind called] تَوْر, q. v., (Mgh,) in which one bruises, brays, or pounds, and from which one performs the ablution termed وُضُوْء; (S, Mgh, Msb;) and it is also made of brass; and grain and other things are bruised in it: (Msb:) and sometimes, by a tropical application, (tropical:) one of wood, (Mgh, Msb,) used for the same purpose: (Msb:) or a mortar; syn. هَاوُونٌ; (K;) or thing in which grain is bruised: (A, TA,) and also, (A, K,) tropically, (A,) (tropical:) a hollowed stone, (A, K,) of oblong shape, (A,) from which one performs the ablution above mentioned; (A, K;) consisting of a bulky stone, which several men cannot lift nor move because of its weight, capable of holding much water. (TA.)
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