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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1014. حون4 1015. حوى6 1016. حيث10 1017. حيج5 1018. حيد15 1019. حير181020. حيز8 1021. حيس15 1022. حيص18 1023. حيض18 1024. حيط3 1025. حيعل5 1026. حيف18 1027. حيق15 1028. حيك12 1029. حيل13 1030. حين15 1031. حيهل2 1032. حيو3 1033. خ5 1034. خا3 1035. خاتون3 1036. خانقاه2 1037. خب6 1038. خبأ12 1039. خبث18 1040. خبر19 1041. خبز14 1042. خبص11 1043. خبط17 1044. خبعثن6 1045. خبل16 1046. خبن13 1047. خبو9 1048. خبى2 1049. ختر14 1050. ختعر6 1051. ختل14 1052. ختم20 1053. ختن15 1054. خثر18 1055. خثى4 1056. خجل16 1057. خد7 1058. خدب12 1059. خدج17 1060. خدر18 1061. خدش17 1062. خدع19 1063. خدل12 1064. خدلج9 1065. خدم17 1066. خدن18 1067. خذرف5 1068. خذف13 1069. خذل15 1070. خذم13 1071. خر7 1072. خرأ9 1073. خرب20 1074. خرت13 1075. خرث9 1076. خرج20 1077. خرد10 1078. خردل9 1079. خرز13 1080. خرس14 1081. خرش11 1082. خرص17 1083. خرط15 1084. خرطم9 1085. خرع14 1086. خرعب5 1087. خرف19 1088. خرفج9 1089. خرق20 1090. خرم18 1091. خرنب5 1092. خرو3 1093. خز5 1094. خزر19 1095. خزعبل6 1096. خزف12 1097. خزق13 1098. خزل18 1099. خزم16 1100. خزن16 1101. خزو6 1102. خزى4 1103. خس6 1104. خسأ14 1105. خسر19 1106. خسف19 1107. خسق8 1108. خسو4 1109. خسى1 1110. خش6 1111. خشب19 1112. خشر15 1113. خشع16 Prev. 100




1 حَارَ, [sec. Pers\. حِرْتَ,] aor. ـَ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and some say يَحِيرُ, but this is a mistake, (MF,) inf. n. حَيْرَةٌ (S, A, Mgh, K) and حَيَرٌ (S, Msb, K) and حَيْرٌ and حَيَرَانٌ, (K,) He was, or became, dazzled by a thing at which he looked, (T, Msb, K,) so that he turned away his eyes from it: this is the primary signification: (T, Msb:) and so ↓ تحيّر (A, * Mgh, * K) and ↓ استحار, (K,) and حاربَصَرُهُ (A, * TA) and بصره ↓ تحيّر. (Mgh, and S and A and K in art. قمر, &c.) b2: And hence, (T, Msb,) He was, or became, confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course; (T, Msb, K, * TA;) as also ↓ تحيّر (Msb, K) and ↓ استحار. (K.) And حار, (S, A,) or حار فِى أَمْرِهِ, (Msb,) i. q. فى امره ↓ تحيّر [He was, or became, confounded, &c., in his affair, or case]. (S, A.) And [حار (see its part. n. حَائِرٌ) and] ↓ تحيّر [and ↓ استحار] He erred, or lost his way. (TA.) b3: Also, said of water, (A, Msb, K,) and ↓ تحيّر (S, A, K) and ↓ استحار, (A, K,) (tropical:) It became collected, (S, A, K,) and stayed, (A,) or went round, (S, K, *) or went to and fro, or fluctuated, (Msb, K,) in a place, as though it knew not which way to run. (A.) b4: See also 5.2 حيّرهُ He, or it, caused him to become confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course. (S, * Msb, KL.) b2: [Accord. to Golius, as on the authority of the KL, حيّر, said of water, means (assumed tropical:) It was whirled round in an eddy: but to have this meaning, which I do not find in my copy of the KL, the verb should be حُيِّرَ.]4 احار [He, or it, caused a thing to descend easily down the throat: or it transmitted food to the stomach: see 10: and see also 4 in art. حور]. (S and K voce مِشْفَرٌ, q. v.) 5 تحيّر: see 1, in six places. b2: Also (tropical:) It (a cloud) continued without motion, pouring forth its rain, and not being driven by the wind: (IAar:) or went not in any direction: (K:) [and so ↓ استحار: see مُتَحَيِّرٌ.] b3: Also (assumed tropical:) It continued; said of time; (TA;) and in like manner it is said of a man. (MF.) And بِهِ ↓ حِيرُوا [if not a mistranscription for تَحَيَّرُوا] occurs as meaning (assumed tropical:) Remain ye therein; referring to a place. (TA.) And بِمَكَانٍ ↓ استحار (assumed tropical:) He alighted and abode some days in a place. (TA.) b4: تحيّر بِالمَآءَ (tropical:) It (a place, S, K, and land, TA) became full of water; as also ↓ استحار. (S, K, TA.) b5: تحيّرت الجَفْنَةُ (tropical:) The bowl became full of grease and food; (K, TA;) like as a watering-trough or tank becomes full of water. (TA.) b6: See also what follows.10 إِسْتَحْيَرَ see 1, in four places: b2: and 5, in three places. b3: استحار الشَّبَابُ (S, IB, A, K) and ↓ تحيّر (K) (tropical:) The sap [or vigour] of youth (مَآءُ الشَّبَابِ) flowed: (IB:) or became complete, and filled the body of a woman: (A:) or completely occupied the body: (K:) or filled it to the utmost: (TA:) or collected, and flowed to and fro, in the body of a woman. (As, S.) A2: اسْتُحِيرَ الشَّرَابُ The beverage, or wine, was made to descend easily down the throat. (S.) حَيْرٌ [An enclosure] like a حَظِيرَة: or a place of pasturage in which it is prohibited to the public to pasture their beasts. (S, K.) b2: See also حَائِرٌ.

A2: حَيْرَمَا [erroneously written by Golius حَارَمَا] i. q. رُبَّمَا. (K.) إِنَّهُ فِى حِيرَ بِيرَ and حِيرٍ بِيرٍ, like حُورٍ بُورٍ; (K;) i. e. Verily he is in a bad state, and a state of perdition: or in error. (TA.) [See also art. حور.]

حَيَرٌ: see what next follows.

حِيَرٌ (IAar, K) and ↓ حَيَرٌ (IB, K) Much property, or many cattle; and a numerous family: (K:) and أَنْعَامٌ حِيَرَاتٌ many cattle. (TA.) كَانَ حِيَرًا [app. for كان ذَا حِيَرٍ] is expl. by Th as meaning He was a possessor of much property, and of a numerous household and family. (TA.) b2: حِيَرَ دَهْرٍ: see حَيْرِىَّ الدَّهْرِ.

حَارَةٌ: see art. حور.

أَصْبَحَتِ الأَرْضُ حَيْرَةً The land became green with plants or herbage, (K,) by reason of much collecting and continuance of water therein. (TA.) حَارِىٌّ Made in the town of El-Heereh: applied to a sword, and a camel's saddle. (TA.) and A kind of leathern housings, made in El-Heereh, with which camels' saddles are ornamented. (TA.) A2: حَارِىَّ دَهْرٍ and حَارِىَّ الدَّهْرِ: see what next follows.

لَا آتِيهِ حَيْرِىَّ الدَّهْرِ (Ibn-'Omar, * Sh, * K) and حِيرِىَّ الدَّهْرِ (Sb, Akh, IAar, K) and حِيرِىَّ دَهْرٍ, (S,) or حِيرِى دَهْرٍ, (CK,) or حَيْرِى دَهْرٍ, (K, TA,) with the last letter quiescent, (K,) and حَيْرِىَ دَهْرٍ, or حِيرِىَ دَهْرٍ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) and دَهْرٍ ↓ حَارِىَّ (ISh, K) and الدَّهْرِ ↓ حَارِىَّ (ISh) and دَهْرٍ ↓ حِيَرَ, (IAar, K,) (tropical:) [I will not come to him, or it, or I will not do it,] while time lasts; (A, * K, * TA;) or ever: (ISh, K:) or it may mean while time returns; from حَارَ of which the aor. is يَحُورُ. (A, TA.) Also حَيْرِىَّ الدَّهْرِ, or حِيرِىَّ الدَّهْرِ, (tropical:) For an incalculable period of time. (Ibn-'Omar, Sh, IAth.) حَيْرَانُ (T, S, A, K) and ↓ حَائِرٌ (T, A, K) and ↓ مُتَحَيِّرٌ (TA) A man in a state of confusion, or perplexity, and unable to see his right course: (K, * TA:) erring; having lost his way: (T, TA:) fem. [of the first] حَيْرَى (Lh, T) and حَيْرَآءُ: (A, K:) and pl. [of the same] حَيَارَى (S, A, K) and حُيَارَى (K) and حَيْرَى, like the fem. sing. (Lh.) You say, لَا تَفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ أُمُّكَ حَيْرَى [Do not thou that: may thy mother become in a state of confusion, &c.]: and لَا تَفْعَلُوا ذٰلِكَ أُمَّهَاتُكُمْ حَيْرَى

[Do not ye that: may your mothers become &c.]. (Lh.) And بَائِرٌ ↓ رَجُلٌ حَائِرٌ A man who does not apply himself rightly to an affair; (S, TA;) who knows not the right course to pursue in his affair; as also فِى أَمْرِهِ ↓ مُتَحَيِّرٌ. (TA. [See also the same phrase in art. حور.]) b2: [رَوْضةٌ حَيْرَى is (tropical:) A meadow full of water. (TA.) b3: [حَيْرَى is also applied as an epithet to the midday sun of summer: see a verse cited in the second paragraph of art. دوم.]

حَيِّرٌ: see مُتَحَيِّرٌ.

حَائِرٌ: see حَيْرَانُ, in two places. b2: Also (tropical:) A place in which water collects (S, K, TA) and goes to and fro: (TA:) a watering-trough, or tank, to which a stream of rain-water flows: (K:) or what resembles a watering-trough, or tank, in which the rain-water collects and remains: (A:) a depressed place (K, TA) in which water collects and remains, or goes round, or goes to and fro, not passing forth from it: (TA:) or a place in the ground depressed in the middle and having elevated edges or borders, (AHn, TA,) in which is water: (TA voce يَعْبُوبٌ:) and hence, (TA,) a garden; as also ↓ حَيْرٌ; (K;) which is the form used by most persons, and by the vulgar; like as they say عَيْشةُ for عَائِشَةُ: or this form is wrong: it is disallowed by AHn, notwithstanding its being mentioned by A 'Obeyd; but he mentions it only in one place, and it is not found in every copy of his work: (ISd:) pl. حِيرَانٌ (S, A, K) and حُورَانٌ. (S, K.) Hassán Ibn-Thábit uses the phrase حَائِرُ البَحْرِ [in a verse which I have cited in the first paragraph of art. رب, app. as meaning (assumed tropical:) The depth of the sea; or part of the sea in which is a confluence of the water, and where it goes round, or to and fro]. (TA.) A2: Also Grease; oily animal matter, that flows from flesh or fat. (K.) أَحْيَرُ مِنْ ضَبٍّ, and مِنْ وَرَلٍ, [More confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, than a dabb, and than a waral,] are two proverbs; (Meyd;) accord. to Hamzeh El-Isfahánee, said because the dabb, [a kind of lizard, as is also the waral,] when it quits its hole, is confounded, and cannot find the right way to to it; and the like is said of the waral. (Har p. 166.) مُتَحَيِّرٌ: see حَيْرَانُ, in two places. b2: الَكَواكِبُ المُتَحَيِّرَةُ (assumed tropical:) [The erratic stars; i. e. the planets;] the stars that [at one time appear to] retrograde and [at another time to] pursue a direct [and forward] course; also called الخُنَّسُ. (S in art. خنس.) b3: سَحَابٌ مُتَحَيِّرٌ (assumed tropical:) Clouds continuing without motion, pouring forth rain, and not driven by the wind: (IAar:) and ↓ مُسْتَحِيرٌ (assumed tropical:) clouds (سحاب) heavy, and moving to and fro, (S, K) not having any wind to drive them along: (S:) and ↓ حَيِّرٌ (tropical:) clouds, or clouds covering the sky, syn. غَيْمٌ, (Az, K, TA,) rising with rain, and continuing without motion, or moving to and fro, but remaining, in the sky: (Az, TA:) or this last signifies (tropical:) clouds (سحاب) raining, and continuing without motion, or moving to and fro, but remaining in the sky. (A, TA.) b4: See also what follows, in two places.

مُسْتَحِيرٌ A way leading across a desert, of which the place of egress is not known. (K.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Anything (TA) continuing endlessly: (IAar, TA:) or hardly, or never, ending; as also ↓ مُتَحَيِّرٌ. (Sh, TA.) See also this latter word.

A2: جَفْنَةٌ مُسْتَحِيرَةٌ (tropical:) A full bowl: (A:) or (assumed tropical:) a bowl containing much grease. (K.) And ↓ مَرَقَةٌ مُتَحَيِّرِةٌ (assumed tropical:) Broth containing much grease. (TA.)
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