ى1 كَنَى He affixed a كِنَايَة, meaning, with the Koofees, a pronoun, to a verb [&c.]: (TA in art. ريب:) but accord. to the usage of the verb in two instances in the M and K, voce رَابَ in art. ريب, it clearly means he spoke allusively. b2: كَنَىَ بِهِ عَنْ كَدَم, He used it metonymically for such a word or phrase; he alluded thereby to such a thing.كُنْيَةٌ A surname of relationship.
كِنَايَةٌ A metonymy: see تَعْرِيضٌ; where the difference between these two words is explained. b2: Also, An allusion. (TA.) b3: Also, and ↓ مُكَنًّى, accord. to De Sacy, in his Ar. Gr. i. 455, or ↓ مُكَنٍّ, for I find its plural written in a copy of the S مُكَنِّيَات, A pronoun; see كَنَى.
مُكَنٍّ and مُكَنَّى:see كِنَايَةٌ.