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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2200. شطر22 2201. شطرنج4 2202. شطن16 2203. شظ5 2204. شظف14 2205. شظى52206. شع3 2207. شعب20 2208. شعبذ6 2209. شعث16 2210. شعذ8 2211. شعر24 2212. شعف18 2213. شعل18 2214. شعو7 2215. شغب16 2216. شغر18 2217. شغرب2 2218. شغزب10 2219. شغف19 2220. شغل17 2221. شغو5 2222. شف5 2223. شفر14 2224. شفرج4 2225. شفع19 2226. شفق16 2227. شفه15 2228. شفو8 2229. شق4 2230. شقأ7 2231. شقح13 2232. شقذ8 2233. شقر16 2234. شقرق6 2235. شقص15 2236. شقو7 2237. شقى2 2238. شك3 2239. شكد7 2240. شكر19 2241. شكس18 2242. شكل24 2243. شكم15 2244. شل6 2245. شلجم5 2246. شلم11 2247. شلو11 2248. شلياق2 2249. شم8 2250. شمت17 2251. شمخ16 2252. شمر15 2253. شمرخ12 2254. شمردل6 2255. شمرذل2 2256. شمز14 2257. شمس20 2258. شمط16 2259. شمع14 2260. شمعل7 2261. شمل17 2262. شن6 2263. شنأ16 2264. شنب15 2265. شنبث3 2266. شنبر5 2267. شنج14 2268. شنر13 2269. شنز7 2270. شنع17 2271. شنف16 2272. شنق20 2273. شنو3 2274. شهب19 2275. شهد17 2276. شهدانج2 2277. شهر17 2278. شهق18 2279. شهل16 2280. شهم14 2281. شهنز3 2282. شهو10 2283. شوأ4 2284. شوب17 2285. شوذ11 2286. شور21 2287. شوس15 2288. شوش9 2289. شوص14 2290. شوط16 2291. شوظ14 2292. شوف16 2293. شوق15 2294. شوك18 2295. شول16 2296. شوه19 2297. شوى12 2298. شى1 2299. شيأ12 Prev. 100




ى1 شَظِىَ, [aor. and inf. n. as in the next sentence,] said of a stick, or branch, or piece of wood, [&c.,] It was, or became, split. (AHn, TA.) b2: Said of a horse, (As, S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. شَظًى, (K,) His شظى, (As, S, Mgh, K,) i. e. the small bone called الشَّظَى, (As, S, Mgh, *) moved from its place, (As, S, Mgh,) or became displaced, syn. زُوِىَ, (A, TA,) or became unsteady, or wabbling: (K:) and so ↓ تشظّى, (K, TA,) this latter on the authority of ISd: (TA:) or [the inf. n.] شَظًى, accord. to some, signifies the sinews' becoming split, or slit: (As, S, Mgh:) or شَظًى has this meaning also; (K;) and so ↓ تَشَظّ. (ISd, K, TA.) A2: Accord. to the K, شَظِىَ, said of a corpse, is syn. with شَصِىَ: but correctly, the former verb is شَظَى, aor. ـِ inf. n. شُظِىٌّ, and the latter verb is شَصَا [q. v.], as they are said to be by Az: and in like manner, شَظِى, aor. ـِ is said of a سِقَآء [or skin for water or milk], meaning It being filled, its legs became raised, or raised high. (TA.) 2 شظّى, (TA,) inf. n. تَشْظِيَةٌ, (K, TA,) He separated into several, or many, portions or divisions; or dispersed, or scattered; (K, * TA;) [a thing; or] (tropical:) a company of men. (TA.) b2: And He made [a horse] to be such that his شظى (شَظَاهُ) became unsteady, or wabbling. (TA.) 4 اشظاهُ He, or it, hit, or hurt, his شظى (شَظَاهُ): (K:) Sgh says, by rule it should be شَظَاهُ [i. e. the verb should be thus, being derived from الشَّظَى, like قَفَاهُ from القَفَا]. (TA.) 5 تشظّى, said of a stick, or branch, or piece of wood, (A, Msb, K, TA,) or of a thing, (S, TA,) It split, or became split, in pieces, or in several or many places: (A, Msb, TA:) or it became scattered, or dispersed, in splinters, or pieces split off: (S, K:) and it [i. e. anything, nothing in particular being specified,] became separated into several, or many, portions or divisions; or dispersed, or scattered. (TA.) One says also, تشظّى اللُّؤْلُؤُ عَنِ الصَّدَفِ (tropical:) [The pearls became separated, or scattered, from the oyster-shells]. (A, TA.) See also 1, in two places.7 انشظى It broke, or became broken. (TA.) One says, انشظت الرَّبَاعِيَةُ The [tooth called the]

رباعية broke, or became broken. (TA.) شَظًى, of a staff, or stick, The like of a لِيطَة [i. e. a piece, or sharp piece, of the exterior portion], that enters into the hand, and wounds it. (Ham p. 474. [But شَظِيَّةٌ is more commonly used in this and similar senses.]) b2: A small bone, (عُظَيْمٌ, K, TA, [in the CK عَظْمٌ, i. e. a bone, and so in my copy of the Mgh,]) or a slender small bone, (As, S,) adhering to the ذِرَاع [here app. meaning the arm-bone of a horse], (As, S, K,) or to the bone of the ذِرَاع, (Mgh,) which sometimes moves from its place; (As, S, Mgh; [see شَظِيَّةٌ;]) or to the knee; (K;) thus in the M; (TA;) or to the وَظِيف [app. here meaning the fore shank of a horse]; (K;) thus in the A: (TA:) or certain small sinews (عَصَب) therein; (K;) i. e. in the وظيف; thus in the T. (TA.) AO says that تَحَرُّكُ الشَّظَى [i. e. The motion of the شظى from its place (see 1)] is like what is termed اِنْتِشَارُ العَصَبِ, except that the horse has more power of endurance of the latter than of the former. (T, TA.) b3: And Portions of a thing that are separated, or dispersed, or scattered. (Har p. 160.) It is said by ISd to be a pl. [or rather it is a coll. gen. n.] of which the sing. [or n. un.] is شَظَاةٌ. (TA.) b4: Also A portion of fur upon the mark left by a gall, or sore, on the back [of a camel], such as reaches the utmost extent thereof: (K, accord. to the TA: [الشَّظَى being there expl. by the words الوبرة على اثر الدبرة حتى تبلغ اقصاها: in the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K, الدَّبَرَةُ على أَثَرِ الدَّبَرَةِ فى المَزْرَعَةِ حَتَّى تَبْلُغَ أَقْصَاهَا; which Freytag renders “ sulcus ad latus alterius in arvo ductus, ut ejus extremum attingeret; ”

but which, I think, evidently presents a mistranscription and an interpolation:]) the pl. is أَشْظِيَةٌ: and sometimes there are ten [?] portions of fur [of this description, app. meaning, upon one camel: the word that I here render “ ten ” is more like عشه than عشر; but the final letter, as is often the case in the MS. of the TA, is written in a form differing little from a common form of ر]: mentioned by ISh, from Et-Táïfee; as is said in the T. (TA.) b5: Also (assumed tropical:) The followers, and incorporated confederates, of a people, or party; (S, K;) contr. of the صَمِيم thereof: (S:) or the freedmen and followers. (M, TA.) شَظِىٌّ and شِظِىٌّ: see the next paragraph.

شِظِيَّةٌ A splinter, or piece split off, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) of a staff, or stick, and the like, (S,) or of wood, (T, Mgh, Msb,) and the like, (Msb,) or of a reed, or cane, (T, Mgh,) or of silver, (T, TA,) or of bone, (T, Mgh,) or of anything: (M, K:) pl. شَظَايَا (S, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ شَظِىٌّ, (K,) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] like as رَكِىٌّ is of رَكِيَّةٌ, (TA,) or a quasi-pl. n., like عَبِيدٌ, improperly said by IAar to be pl. of شَظًى, (ISd, TA,) and ↓ شِظِىٌّ, (K, TA, [in the latter as omitted in the K, with kesr to the ش on account of the same vowel-sound following,]) mentioned by Sgh, from Ks. (TA.) AO terms the إِبْرَة [q. v.] at the head of the elbow [of the horse] a شَظِيَّة adhering to the ذِرَاع, but not [forming a portion] of it. (TA. [See شَظًى.]) b2: Also A bow: (K:) because its wood is split: on the authority of AHn. (TA.) b3: And The shankbone. (K.) b4: And A great mass of rock wrenched from the side of a mountain; (K, TA;) as though it were a piece split off, broken [off] but not parted so as to form an interstice, or a gap: and also a piece cut from a mountain, like a house or a tent: and it is said in the copies of the K that شِظْيَةٌ, with kesr, signifies the same; but the word is correctly ↓ شِنْظِيَةٌ, with an augmentative ن as in the T, and mentioned also by Hr in the “ Ghareebeyn: ” pl. of the former شَظَايَا. (TA.) b5: See also شَنْظَاةٌ.

شَاظٍ part. n. of شَظِىَ [q. v.] said of a horse. (TA.) شَنْظَاةٌ The head, or top, of a mountain, (K, TA,) [and so ↓ شَظِيَّةٌ, (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees,)] resembling the شُرْفَة [q. v.] of a mosque: pl. شَنَاظٍ: and الجِبَالِ ↓ شَوَاظِى

[likewise] signifies the heads, or tops, of the mountains. (TA.) شِنْظِيَةٌ: see شَظِيَّةٌ, near the end.

شَوَاظِى الجِبَالِ: see شَنْظَاةٌ.

مَشْظًى, pl. مَشَاظِى, A fragment of wood: (Freytag, from the Deewán of Jereer:) but the pl., when indeterminate, is correctly مَشَاظٍ.]
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