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Lane's Lexicon

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2618. طلم14 2619. طم5 2620. طمث16 2621. طمح16 2622. طمر15 2623. طمس192624. طمع14 2625. طمن13 2626. طن5 2627. طنأ8 2628. طنب13 2629. طنبر9 2630. طنجر4 2631. طنخ7 2632. طنز11 2633. طنف13 2634. طنفس10 2635. طنى6 2636. طه8 2637. طهر17 2638. طوب9 2639. طوح13 2640. طوخ5 2641. طود16 2642. طور15 2643. طوس11 2644. طوع17 2645. طوف20 2646. طوق17 2647. طول18 2648. طوى8 2649. طى1 2650. طيب19 2651. طيح9 2652. طيخ7 2653. طير17 2654. طيش14 2655. طيع6 2656. طيف13 2657. طين14 2658. ظ6 2659. ظأ1 2660. ظأر13 2661. ظبو5 2662. ظبى4 2663. ظر4 2664. ظرب16 2665. ظرف17 2666. ظعن18 2667. ظفر19 2668. ظل5 2669. ظلع15 2670. ظلف16 2671. ظلم21 2672. ظمأ13 2673. ظمخ5 2674. ظمو1 2675. ظمى3 2676. ظن8 2677. ظنب11 2678. ظهر20 2679. ظوف7 2680. ظى1 2681. ع6 2682. عب6 2683. عبأ13 2684. عبث16 2685. عبد20 2686. عبر16 2687. عبس19 2688. عبط17 2689. عبق14 2690. عبقر15 2691. عبك9 2692. عبل14 2693. عبهل8 2694. عبو7 2695. عبى5 2696. عتب20 2697. عتد19 2698. عتر20 2699. عتق21 2700. عتك11 2701. عتل17 2702. عتم17 2703. عته14 2704. عث5 2705. عثر19 2706. عثكل9 2707. عثم13 2708. عثن13 2709. عج6 2710. عجب17 2711. عجر19 2712. عجرف10 2713. عجز18 2714. عجس11 2715. عجف18 2716. عجل19 2717. عجم21 Prev. 100




1 طَمَسَ, aor. ـُ and طَمِسَ, (S, M, Msb, K) inf. n. طُمُوسٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and طَمْسٌ, (Zj;) It (a thing, as, for instance, a road, or path, T, S, M, Msb, and a writing, T, or a relic, trace, or vestige, A) became effaced, or obliterated; (T, S, M, A, Msb, K;) the trace, or mark, thereof (i. e. of a road &c.) became effaced, or obliterated: (M:) or it (a thing) quitted, or went from, its form, or shape: (Zj:) and ↓ انطمس (said of a relic, or remain, or of a mark, or trace, and of a writing, TA, or other thing, S) has the first of the significations above; (S, A, K;) and so ↓ تطمّس. (S, K.) b2: It ((assumed tropical:) a star, T, M, and (assumed tropical:) the moon, and the sight, or eye, M) lost, or became deprived of, its light. (T, M.) [See also the pass. form in what follows.] b3: طُمُوسُ القَلْبِ means The heart's becoming in a bad, or corrupt, state. (O. [See also the last sentence of this paragraph.]) b4: طَمَسَ الرَّجُلُ The man was, or became, distant, or remote; or went to a distance, or far away. (T, M, O, K.) b5: And طَمَسَ بِعَيْنِهِ, (M, O, K,) inf. n. طَمْسٌ, (IDrd, O,) He looked far: (M, O, K:) or he looked at a thing from afar. (IDrd, O.) A2: طَمَسَهُ, (S, IKtt, Msb, K,) and طَمَسَ عَلَيْهِ, (M, TA,) aor. ـِ (M, Msb,) inf. n. طَمْسٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He effaced it, or obliterated it; (S, M, Msb, K;) he effaced, or obliterated, (M,) or removed, (TA,) or extirpated, (K,) the trace, or mark, thereof; (M, K, TA;) as also ↓ طمّسهُ, (M, TA,) inf. n. تَطْمِيسٌ: (TA:) or he destroyed it: (IKtt:) and طَمَسَ المَكْتُوبَ is also expl. as signifying he covered the writing by folding. (Har p. 505.) You say, طَمَسَتْهُ الرِّيحُ The wind effaced, or obliterated, it; namely, the trace, or mark, of a thing. (A.) And it is said in the Kur [lxxvii. 8], فَإِذَا النُّجُومُ طُمِسَتْ And when the stars shall have their traces extirpated: (O, K:) or shall lose their light. (T, TA.) b2: طَمَسَ أَعْيُنَهُمْ, [as in the Kur liv. 37,] (A,) and عَلَى أَعْيُنِهِمْ, (T, A,) as in the Kur xxxvi. 66, (T,) He (God) blinded them. (T, TA.) b3: [Hence, app.,] طَمَسَ الغَيْمُ النُّجُومَ (tropical:) [The clouds, or mist, covered, or concealed, the stars; as though it put out their light]. (A.) b4: And [hence also,] طَمَسَ, aor. ـِ (O, K,) inf. n. طَمَاسَةٌ, (O, * K, * TK,) (assumed tropical:) He conjectured, or computed by conjecture, (O, K, TA, TK,) a thing: (TK:) because the doing so is generally accompanied by the putting of the eyelids together, as though one were blinded. (TA.) b5: طَمَسَهُ, inf. n. طَمْسٌ, also signifies He (God) transformed, or metamorphosed, him or it. (TA.) Hence the saying in the Kur [x. 88], رَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلَى أَمْوَالِهِمٌ O our Lord, transform their possessions: (TA:) they say that they became stones: (O, TA:) or change, or alter, their possessions: (S, O:) or destroy their possessions: (Ibn-Arafeh, O, Bd, K:) the verb is also read اطْمُسْ. (Bd.) This طَمْس was the last of the nine signs which were given to Moses, when the property of Pharaoh was transformed at his prayer, and became stones. (M.) [See the Kur xvii. 103, and xxvii. 12.] In like manner, it is said in the Kur [iv. 50], مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ نَطْمِسَ وُجُوهًا Before we change, or alter, faces: (S:) or these words, with what immediately follows, فَنَرُدَّهَا عَلَى أَدْبَارِهَا, are expl. in three different ways: before we make faces to be like the backs of necks: or before we make faces to be places in which hair shall grow like the backs of necks: or (tropical:) before we make them to err, in requital of their opposition. (Zj, TA.) b6: طَمْسٌ also signifies i. q. فَسَادٌ [as though in the sense of إِفْسَادٌ The making, or rendering, bad, corrupt, &c.: but see طُمُوسُ القَلْبِ, above]. (TA.) 2 طَمَّسَ see طَمَسَهُ, in the paragraph above.5 تَطَمَّسَ see 1, first sentence.7 إِنْطَمَسَ see 1, first sentence.

طَمِيسٌ: see طَامِسٌ, in four places.

طَمَاسَةٌ Conjecture; or computation by conjecture. (Fr, Mgh, O, K. [Accord to the TK, an inf. n.: see 1.]) رَسْمٌ طَامِسٌ [A relic, or remain, or a mark, or trace, becoming, or become, effaced, or obliterated]; (A;) [and so, app., ↓ طَمِيسٌ and ↓ مَطْمُوسٌ:] and أَرْبُعٌ طِمَاسٌ [pl. of ↓ رَبْعٌ طَمِيسٌ or طَامِسٌ] dwellings of which the remains are becoming, or become, effaced, or obliterated. (M.) b2: [عَيْنٌ طَامِسَةٌ An eye of which the sight is going, or gone: and]

↓ رَجُلٌ مَطْمُوسٌ a man whose sight is going, or gone; as also ↓ طَمِيسٌ: (K:) or a blind man, (Zj, M,) the edge of whose eyelid is not apparent: (Zj, T, M:) or a man who has no slit between his two eyelids; as also ↓ طَمِيسٌ: (A:) and نَجْمٌ طَامِسٌ (tropical:) a star [that is evanescent,] of which the light is going, or gone: (A:) and نُجُومٌ طَوَامِسُ (tropical:) stars that become hidden, or concealed, or that set: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) stars that are covered by the سَرَاب [app. a mistranscription for سَحَاب or clouds], so that they are not seen. (Az, TA.) And طَامِسٌ signifies also Distant, or remote: (T, K, TA:) or a mountain not plainly discernible from afar: (TA:) pl. طَوَامِسُ. (K, TA.) and A desert far-extending and pathless. (M, TA.) b3: رَجُلٌ طَامِسُ القَلْبِ (tropical:) A man dead in heart, (A, K,) who keeps nothing in mind: (A:) or a man of bad, corrupt, or depraved, heart. (IKtt.) A2: رِيَاحٌ طَوَامِسُ [pl. of رِيحٌ طَامِسَةٌ] (A, TA) Winds that efface, or obliterate, things, by repeatedly passing over them; syn. دَوَارِسُ. (TA.) مَطْمُوسٌ: see طَامِسٌ, in two places.
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