(ل ج ح)
اللُّجْجُ، نَحْو من الدحل فِي الْوَادي كاللُّحْجِ.
ولُجْحُ الْعين، كِفَّتُها كلُحْجِها. وَالْجمع من كل ذَلِك ألجاحٌ.
اللُّجْجُ، نَحْو من الدحل فِي الْوَادي كاللُّحْجِ.
ولُجْحُ الْعين، كِفَّتُها كلُحْجِها. وَالْجمع من كل ذَلِك ألجاحٌ.
اللَّجَحُ: اللَّخَصُ في العَيْنِ. وقيل: اللَّجَحُ: الغَمَصُ نَفْسُه. وهو - أيضاً -: غَارُ العَيْن الذي يَنْبُتُ الحاجِبُ على حَرْفِه. وكُلُّ ناتِىءٍ من الجَبَلِ: لُجْحٌ. ونَقْبٌ يكونُ في أسْفلِ الوادي والبِئْرِ والجَبَلِ، ابنُ الأعرابيِّ. ومَكانٌ بعِيْدُ اللُّجْحِ: أي الجانِبِ والطَّرَفِ.
اللَّجَحُ: اللَّخَصُ في العَيْنِ. وقيل: اللَّجَحُ: الغَمَصُ نَفْسُه. وهو - أيضاً -: غَارُ العَيْن الذي يَنْبُتُ الحاجِبُ على حَرْفِه. وكُلُّ ناتِىءٍ من الجَبَلِ: لُجْحٌ. ونَقْبٌ يكونُ في أسْفلِ الوادي والبِئْرِ والجَبَلِ، ابنُ الأعرابيِّ. ومَكانٌ بعِيْدُ اللُّجْحِ: أي الجانِبِ والطَّرَفِ.
لجح: اللُّجْحُ، بالجيم قبل الحاء بالضم: الشيء يكون في الوادي نحوٌ من
الدَّحْلِ كاللُّحْجِ، ويكون في أَسفل البئر والجبل كأَنه نَقْبٌ؛ قال
بادٍ نواحِيهِ شَطُون اللُّجْحِ
قال الأَزهري: والقصيدة على الحاء، قال: وأَصله اللُّحْج، الحاء قبل
الجيم، فقلب. ولُجْحُ العين: كِفَّتُها كَلُحْجِها، والجمع من كل ذلك
لُجْحٌ A thing in the lower part of a well, and of a valley, like what is called a دَحْل: (S, K:) or, in the lower part of a well, and of a mountain, like a نَقْب: (L:) originally لُحْجٌ, from which it is formed by transposition: (T:) pl. أَلْجَاحٌ. (L.) لجد: see لجذ لجذ1 لَجَذَ, (L, K,) aor. ـُ (K,) inf. n. لَجْذٌ; (L, K;) and لَجِذَ, aor. ـَ (K;) He ate (L, K) food. (L.) b2: He (a beast) began to pasture. (L, K.) b3: He (a beast) ate herbage: (L:) you say, when beasts have eaten herbage, لُجِذَ الكَلَأُ: (S, L:) or ate it with the extremity of his tongue, (L, K,) it being such as did not allow him to take it with his teeth: (L:) accord. to As, لَجَذَهُ signifies i. q. لَسَّهُ [he plucked it with the fore part of his mouth.] (S, L.) b4: He licked: in this sense, the inf. n. is لَجْذٌ and لَجَذٌ: (K:) you say, لَجِذَ الكَلْبُ الإِنَآءَ, inf. n. لَجْذٌ and لَجَذٌ, the dog licked the vessel (AHát, S, K) inside: (L:) [J says,] I have transcribed it from the Kitáb el-Abwáb, without having heard it: (S:) and لَجِذَ الكَلْبُ the dog put his tongue into a vessel and lapped; as also لَجِدَ and لَجِنَ. (AA, L.) b5: He took little. (L, K.) b6: He asked often after having been given once: (K:) لَجَذَنِى, aor. ـُ inf. n. لَجْذٌ, signifies he asked me, and did so much, after I had given him: (S:) or he asked me after he had asked me and I had given him: (Az, L:) or he asked me, and did so much, after he had asked me and I had given him. (As, L.) b7: He instigated; incited; excited. (K.) لِجَاذٌ Glue; syn. غِرَآءٌ [for which Freytag seems to have read إِغْرَآءٌ]. (K.) دَابَّةٌ مِلْجَاذٌ A beast of carriage that takes the leguminous herbage with the fore part of its mouth, (K,) and the extremities of its teeth. (TA.) نبْتٌ مَجْلُوذٌ A plant which the teeth cannot crop, by reason of its shortness, and which the camels therefore pluck with the fore part of the mouth. (L.)