وَلَقَد أَتَانَا عَن تميمٍ أَنهم ... ذئروا لِقَتْلَى عامرٍ وتَغَضَّبُوا
يَعْنِي نفروا من ذَلِك وأنكروه وَيُقَال: أنفوا. وَقَالَ [أَبُو عُبَيْد -] : فِي حَدِيثه عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام أَنه يخرج من النَّار رَجُل قد ذهب حِبْرُه وسبره.
ذأر: ذَئِرَ الرجلُ: فَزِعَ. وذَئِرَ ذَأَراً، فهو ذَئِرٌ: غضب؛ قال
عبيد بن الأَبرص:
لما أَتاني عن تَمِيمٍ أَنَّهُمْ
ذَئِرُوا لَقَتْلَى عامِرٍ، وتَغَضَّبُوا
يعني نَفَرُوا من ذلك وأَنكروه، ويقال: أَنِفوا من ذلك، ويقال: إِن
شُؤونك لَذَئِرَةٌ. وقد ذَئِرَه أَي كرهه وانصرف عنه. ابن الأَعرابي:
الذَّائِرُ الغضبان. والذَّائِرُ: النَّفُور. والذَّائِرُ: الأَنِفُ. الليث:
ذَئِرَ إِذا اغتاظ على عدوّه واستعدَّ لمُوَاثَبَتِه. وأَذْأَرَهُ عليه:
أَغْضَبَهُ وقَلَبَه؛ أَبو عبيد: ولم يكفه ذلك حتى أَبدله فقال: أَذْرَأَني،
وهو خطأٌ. أَبو زيد: أَذْأَرْتُ الرجلَ بصاحبه إِذْ آراً أَي
حَرَّشْتُهُ وأَولعته به. وقد ذَئِرَ عليه حين أَذْأَرْتُه أَي اجْتَرَأَ عليه.
وأَذْأَرَهُ الشيء: أَلْجَأَهُ. وأَذْأَرَهُ بصاحبه: أَغراه. وذَئِرَ بذلك
الأَمر ذَأْراً: ضَرِيَ به واعتاده. وذَئِرَتِ المرأَةُ على بعلها، وهي
ذَائِرٌ: نَشَزَتْ وتَغَيَّرَ خُلُقها. وفي الحديث: أَن النبي، صلى الله
عليه وسلم، لما نهى عن ضرب النساء ذَئِرْنَ على أَزواجهنّ؛ قال الأَصمعي:
أَي نَفَرْنَ ونَشَزْنَ واجْتَرأْنَ؛ يقال منه: امرأَة ذَئِرٌ على مثال
فَعِلٍ. وفي الصحاح: امرأَة ذَائِرٌ على فاعِلٍ مِثْلُ الرجلِ. يقال:
ذَئِرَتِ المرأَةُ تَذْأَرُ، فهي ذَئِرٌ وذائر أَي ناشز؛ وكذلك الرجل.
وأَذْأَرَهُ: جَرَّأَهُ؛ ومنه قول أَكْثَمَ بن صَيْفِيٍّ: سُوءُ حَمْلِ
الفَاقَةِ يُحْرِضُ الحَسَبَ ويُذْئِرُ العَدُوَّ؛ يُحْرِضُه: يُسْقِطُه.
وذَاءَرَتِ الناقةُ، وهي مُذائِرٌ: ساء خُلُقها، وقيل: هي التي تَرْأَمُ بأَنفها
ولا يَصْدُقُ حُبُّها. أَبو عبيد: ذاءَرَتِ الناقةُ على فاعَلَتْ، فهي
مُذائِرٌ إِذا ساء خلقها، وكذلك المرأَة إِذا نَشَزَتْ؛ قال الحطيئة:
ذارَتْ بأَنفها، من هذا، فخففه، وقيل: التي تَنْفِرُ عن الولد ساعةَ
تَضَعُهُ.والذِّئارُ: سِرْقِينٌ مختلط بتراب يطلى على أَطْباءِ الناقةِ لئلا
يَرْضَعَها الفصيلُ، وقد ذَأَرَها.
أر1 ذَئِرَ عَلَيْهِ, (S, * K, * TA,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. ذَأَرٌ, (M,) He was angry with him: (M, * K, * TA:) he was enraged against him, namely his enemy, and prepared to spring upon him. (Lth.) b2: He became emboldened against him. (S * K, * TA.) b3: ذَئِرَ, aor. ـَ He became contracted in his bosom, and evil in his disposition. (Ibn-Es-Seed.) b4: He was frightened, or terrified; he feared, or was afraid. (M, K.) b5: He was disdainful, or averse [from a person or thing]; or he disdained, or scorned: (K:) he became affected with aversion and disapprobation: 'Obeyd Ibn-El-Abras says, ذَئِرُوا لِقَتْلَى عَامِرٍ وَتَغَضَّبُوا meaning They became affected with aversion and disapprobation on account of the slain of 'Ámir [and became angry]: (T, S:) or, as some say, were disdainful, or averse, thereat. (T.) b6: ذَئِرَهُ, (aor.ذَاَ^َ, TA,) He disliked, or hated, it, and turned away, or back, from it. (S, K.) b7: ذَئِرَتْ عَلَىزَوْجِهَا, (As, S, K,) and ↓ ذَآءَرَتْ, (K,) contracted by El-Hoteiäh into ذَارَتْ, (TA,) [see also art. ذر,] She was disobedient to her husband, and hated him; (As, S, K;) was averse from him; and became emboldened against him. (As, S.) b8: ذَئِرَ بِالشَّىْءِ He became accustomed, or habituated, to the thing. (S, K.) A2: ذأَرَ النَّاقَةَ He smeared the she-camels' teats with ذِئَار, that her young one might not such her. (K.) 3 ذَآءَرَتْ: see 1. b2: Also She (a camel) was averse from her young one when she brought it forth. (TA.) 4 أَذْأَرَهُ عَلَيْهِ He made him angry with him. (M, K. *) A 'Obeyd has transposed, and then changed, one of its letters, saying أَذْرَانِى, which is a mistake. (M.) b2: اذأرهُ, (inf. n. إِذْآرٌ, Az, S,) He excited him to animosity; (Az, T, S;) incited him; (Az, S, M, K;) emboldened him; (K;) بِصَاحِبِهِ [against his companion]. (Az, S, M.) b3: اذأرهُ إِلَى شَىْءٍ, (M, K, *) and اذأرهُ شَيْئًا, (TA,) He constrained or compelled or necessitated him to have recourse to, or to do, a thing. (M, K, * TA.) ذَئِرٌ: see ذَائِرٌ, in two places. b2: إِنَّ شُؤُونَكَ لَذَئِرَةٌ (S, K *) Verily thy tears are accompanied by a breathing, or sighing, (تَنَفُّس,) like that of the angry. (K.) ذِئَارٌ Fresh camels' or similar dung, (بَعَر,) mixed with dust, or earth, with which a she-camel's teats are smeared, that she may not be sucked. (M, * K, * TA.) [See also art. ذير.]
ذَائِرٌ Angry; (IAar, T, K;) as also ↓ ذَئِرٌ. (K.) b2: Contracted in the bosom, and evil in disposition. (Ibn-Es-Seed.) b3: Disdaining, or averse [from a person or thing]: disdainful; scornful. (IAar, T.) b4: A woman disobedient to her husband, and hating him; (S, K;) averse from him; and emboldened against him; (S;) as also ↓ ذَئِرٌ, and ↓ مُذَائِرٌ: (K:) [all without ذَائِرٌ:] and in a similar sense ذَائِرٌ is applied to a man. (S, * TA.) مُذَائِرٌ: see ذَائِرٌ. b2: Also, [without ة,] A she-camel averse from her young one when she has just brought it forth: (A 'Obeyd, S, K:) or that makes a show of affection with her nose [by smelling her young one] (تَرْأَمُ بِأَنْفِهَا), and has not true love: (S, M, K:) or evil in disposition. (M.)