باب الهاء مع الزاي هـ ز مستعمل فقط
هز: هززتُ الرُّمحَ ونحوَه فاهتزّ. وهززت فلانا للخير فاهتزّ للخير. واهتزّتِ الأرضُ: نَبَتَتْ والهَزْهَزَةُ والهَزاهِز: تحريك البلايا والحروب للنّاس. وهَزيزُ الرّيح: تَحْريكُها. قال:
تقول هَزيزُ الرِّيحِ مرّتْ بأثأب
هز: هززتُ الرُّمحَ ونحوَه فاهتزّ. وهززت فلانا للخير فاهتزّ للخير. واهتزّتِ الأرضُ: نَبَتَتْ والهَزْهَزَةُ والهَزاهِز: تحريك البلايا والحروب للنّاس. وهَزيزُ الرّيح: تَحْريكُها. قال:
تقول هَزيزُ الرِّيحِ مرّتْ بأثأب
الرجل هزة نشط وارتاح وَالْقدر صوتت عِنْد الغليان والشهاب هزيزا انقض فَهُوَ هاز وَالرِّيح دوت عِنْد هزها الشّجر والرعد تردد صَوته وَالشَّيْء وَبِه هزا حركه بِشَيْء من الْقُوَّة وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {وهزي إِلَيْك بجذع النَّخْلَة} والهواء وَالْمَاء والنبات نمياه وأطالاه وَالْحَادِي الْإِبِل نشطها بحدائه
الرجل هزة نشط وارتاح وَالْقدر صوتت عِنْد الغليان والشهاب هزيزا انقض فَهُوَ هاز وَالرِّيح دوت عِنْد هزها الشّجر والرعد تردد صَوته وَالشَّيْء وَبِه هزا حركه بِشَيْء من الْقُوَّة وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {وهزي إِلَيْك بجذع النَّخْلَة} والهواء وَالْمَاء والنبات نمياه وأطالاه وَالْحَادِي الْإِبِل نشطها بحدائه
الهَزُّ: تَحْرِيكُكَ الشَّيْءَ فَيَهْتَزُّ ويَضْطَرِب. واهْتَزَّ فلانٌ للخَيْر. واهْتَزًَّ النباتُ: طالَ. والهَزْيْزُ في السَّيْرِ: تَحْريكُ الإِبلِ في خِفَّتِها، وهَزَّها الحادي. والهَزْهَزَةُ: تَحْرِيكُ الجِلادِ في أوَّل الحَرْب، والجميع: الهَزَاهِزُ. وماءٌ هُزَهِزٌ: كثيرٌ جارٍ، وهُزْهُزٌ وهُزَاهِزُ وهَزْهازٌ مِثْلُه. وبِئْرٌ هُزْهُزٌ: لا تُنْزَحُ من كثرة مائها، وهُزْهُزَةٌ: كذلك وفيها ضِيْقٌ. وهو من الرِّجالِ: الخَفيفُ السَّرِيْعُ. والهَزَّةُ من النِّساءِ: الشِّرِّيْرَةُ. وهَزْهَزْتُ الشَّيْءَ: ذَلَّلْتَه. وهَزْهاز: اسْمُ كَلْبٍ. وهَزَّ الكَوْكَبُ: انْقَضَّ.
الهَزُّ: تَحْرِيكُكَ الشَّيْءَ فَيَهْتَزُّ ويَضْطَرِب. واهْتَزَّ فلانٌ للخَيْر. واهْتَزًَّ النباتُ: طالَ. والهَزْيْزُ في السَّيْرِ: تَحْريكُ الإِبلِ في خِفَّتِها، وهَزَّها الحادي. والهَزْهَزَةُ: تَحْرِيكُ الجِلادِ في أوَّل الحَرْب، والجميع: الهَزَاهِزُ. وماءٌ هُزَهِزٌ: كثيرٌ جارٍ، وهُزْهُزٌ وهُزَاهِزُ وهَزْهازٌ مِثْلُه. وبِئْرٌ هُزْهُزٌ: لا تُنْزَحُ من كثرة مائها، وهُزْهُزَةٌ: كذلك وفيها ضِيْقٌ. وهو من الرِّجالِ: الخَفيفُ السَّرِيْعُ. والهَزَّةُ من النِّساءِ: الشِّرِّيْرَةُ. وهَزْهَزْتُ الشَّيْءَ: ذَلَّلْتَه. وهَزْهاز: اسْمُ كَلْبٍ. وهَزَّ الكَوْكَبُ: انْقَضَّ.
1 هَزَّهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and هَزَّ بِهِ, [respecting which see what is said on an ex. below,] (A, K,) aor. ـُ (A, Msb,) inf. n. هَزٌّ, (S, A, Msb,) [He shook it;] he put it in motion, or into a state of commotion; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ هزّزهُ, (S, K,) and هزّز بِهِ, (TA,) inf. n. تَهْزِيزٌ; (K;) and ↓ هَزْهَزَهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. هَزْهَزَةٌ; (TA;) meaning, he made it move by pulling and pushing; or he made it move to the right and left: or, accord. to Er-Rághib, he did so with violence, or vehemence. (TA.) It is said that هَزَّ is trans. by itself, and by means of بِ, like أَخَذَ and تَعَلَّقَ: it is trans. in the latter manner in the Kur., [xix. 25,] where it is said, وَهُزِّى إِلَيْكِ بِجِذْعِ النَّخْلَةِ [And shake thou towards thee the trunk of the palm-tree], i. e. حَرِّكِى: but ISd says, that the verb is here made trans. by means of ب because it is used in the sense of جُرِّى: and MF says, that, properly, it is not trans. by means of ب. (TA.) Yousay, هَزَّ السَّيْفَ وَغَيْرَهُ [He shook the sword, &c.] (A.) And هَزَّتِ الرِّيحُ الأَغْصَانَ, (A,) and الشَّجَرَ, and ↓ هَزَّزَتْهَا, (S,) [The wind shook the branches, and the trees,] and هَزَّتِ النَّبَاتَ it shook (حَرَّكَت) the plants: but this has also a tropical signification, which see below. (TA.) b2: You say also, أُهُزُّ كَتِفِى, and مَنْكِبِى, (tropical:) [lit., I shake my shoulderblade, and my shoulder-joint;] meaning, I walk with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait; I behave with pride and self-conceitedness. (Mgh.) And هَزَّ عِطْفَيْهِ لِكَذَا (tropical:) [lit., He shook his sides at such a thing app. meaning, he was active, or prompt, and brisk, or was moved with alacrity, to do such a thing, or he was rejoiced at such a thing: like ↓ اِهْتَزَّ لَهُ, q. v.]: and in like manner, هَزَّ مَنْكِبَيْهِ. (A.) [In like manner also you say,] هَزَّ مَا رَأَيْتُ مِنْ عِطْفَى [app. meaning, accord. to a gloss cited by De Sacy in his Anthol. Gr. Ar., p. 309, (tropical:) What I saw rejoiced me: or, as rendered by him, p. 286, ce dont j'étois temoin, réveilla en moi le courage.] (Z, in his preface to the Keshsháf.) And هَزَّ الإِبِلَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. هَزٌّ (TA) and هَزِيزٌ, (S, K, TA,) (tropical:) He (a man urging his beasts by singing) made the camels to be brisk, or sprightly, by his singing to urge them. (S, * A, K.) And هَزَّهَا السَّيْرُ (tropical:) [The journeying made them to be brisk, or sprightly]. (TA.) And هَزَّ بِهِ السَّيْرُ (assumed tropical:) The pace brought him on quickly. (TA.) And هَزَزْتُ فُلَانًا لِخَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) I made such a one to rejoice [or to be prompt and brisk (see the quasi-pass., 8,) to do good]: said of a generous man: (En-Nadr, TA:) and ↓ هَزْهَزْتُهُ and هَزْهَزْتُ مِنْهُ [app. signify the same]. (A.) And جَآءَ فُلَانٌ يَهُزُّ المَشْىَ, and يَهُضُّهُ, (assumed tropical:) Such a one came walking impulsively: (JK in art. هض:) or with a graceful gait, impulsively. (Ibn-El-Faraj, TA, in art. هض.) b3: You also say, of a plant, or herbage, الرِّيَاحُ وَالأَمْطَارُ ↓ هَزَّتْهُ (tropical:) The winds and the rains made it to become tall. (A, TA. *) b4: هَزَّ الكَوْكَبُ: see 8. b5: [مَهَزَّةٌ seems to be an inf. n. of هَزَّهُ.] Yousay رُمْحٌ لَدْنُ المَهَزَّةِ (S, TA, art. عرص,) [app. for عِنْدَ المَهَزَّةِ] A spear that vibrates, or quivers, when shaken. (TA, ibid.) 2 هَزَّّ see 1, in two places.5 تَهَزَّّ see 8.8 اهتزّ, (inf. n. اِهْتِزَازٌ,) quasi-pass. of هَزَّهُ, (TA,) [It shook; or quivered;] it became in motion, or in a state of commotion; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تهزّز, (S, K,) quasi-pass. of هزّزهُ; (TA;) and ↓ تَهَزْهَزَ, (S, A, K,) [quasi-pass. of هَزْهَزَهُ; meaning, accord. to explanations of هَزَّهُ in the TA, it became moved by being pulled and pushed; or it became moved to the right and left: or it became so moved with violence, or vehemence.] b2: اهتزّ المِآءُ فى جَزْيِهِ (tropical:) [app. the water quivered in its running]: and الكَوْكَبُ فِى انْقِضَاضِهِ (tropical:) [the star in its shooting, or darting, down]: (S, A, TA:) and اهتزّ الكَوْكَبُ (tropical:) the star shot, or darted, down [app. with a quivering motion]; (O, L, TA;) as also هَزَّ. (A, K.) b3: اهتزّ المَوْكِبُ (tropical:) The procession, or cavalcade, went quickly: (En-Nadr, TA:) or made a noise and clamour. (S.) b4: اهتزّت الإِبِلُ (tropical:) The camels, being urged on by the singing of their driver, became brisk, or sprightly. (S, * A, TA.) Yousay also, اهتزّ لِأَمْرٍ (tropical:) He was, or became, active, or prompt, and brisk, or cheerfully excited, at a thing, or to do a thing. (TA.) [Ex.] اهتزّ لِخَيْرٍ (tropical:) He rejoiced [or was active or prompt, &c., to do good]: said of a generous man. (En-Nadr, TA.) and هُوَ يَهْتَزُّ لِلْمَعْرُوفِ (tropical:) [He rejoices, or is active, or prompt, &c., to do what is beneficent, or kind]. (A.) [Hence the saying,] فُلَانٌ لَا يَهْتَزُّ وَلٰكِنَّهُ يَكُتَزُّ (tropical:) [Such a one does not rejoice, &c., to give, but he shrinks from giving]. (A, TA, art. كز.) [Hence also,] إِهُتَزَّ عَرْشُ الرَّحْمَانِ لِمَوْتِ سَعْدٍ (tropical:) The empyrean of the Compassionate rejoiced at the death of Saad; (En-Nadr, IAth, K, TA;) meaning Saad Ibn-Mo'ádh; (TA;) i. e., when he [meaning his soul] was taken up; (IAth, TA;) because of the honour in which he was held by his Lord; (K;) or the inhabitants of the empyrean rejoiced at his death: these words occur in a trad., of which there is another relation, اهتزّ العَرْشُ: and some say, that by العرش is meant the bier upon which Saad was removed to his grave. (TA.) Youalso say, إِلَيْهِ قَلْبِى ↓ تَهَزْهَزَ (tropical:) My heart became moved by a cheerful, or joyful, affection towards him. (K, TA.) b5: اهتزّ النَّبَاتُ (tropical:) The plant, or herbage, became tall. (A, TA.) b6: اهتزّت الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The land produced plants, or herbage: (A:) or became put in motion, and produced plants, or herbage. (TA.) R. Q. 1 هَزْهَزَهُ, and هَزْهَزْتُهُ, and هَزْهَزْتُ مِنْهُ: see 1. b2: Also, the first, (inf. n. هَزْهَزَةٌ, TA,) (tropical:) He subdued him, or rendered him submissive; syn ذَلَّلَهُ. (K, * TA.) R. Q. 2 تَهَزْهَزَ: see 8, in two places. b2: Also, (tropical:) He became subdued, or submissive; quasi-pass. of هَزْهَزَهُ. (TA.) هَزَّةٌ (tropical:) Brisk and rejoicing to do evil or mischief; applied to a woman: pl. هَزَّاتٌ. (A, TA.) هِزَّةٌ (tropical:) Briskness, or sprightliness: (S, K:) and (tropical:) briskness, sprightliness, alacrity, or cheerfulness, disposing one to promptness in acts of liberality, kindness, and beneficence; or liberality of disposition; syn. أَرْيَحِيَّةٌ; (K;) and [in like manner]↓ هَزِيزٌ (tropical:) briskness, or sprightliness, of camels when urged on by the singing of their driver. (A, TA.) b2: (tropical:) A kind of pace, or manner of going, of camels; (As, K;) when the train goes quickly: (As, * En-Nadr, TA:) or a state of commotion of a train or procession or cavalcade: (ISd, TA.) or the confused sound thereof. (IDrd, TA.) b3: b4: (tropical:) The sound of the boiling of a cooking-pot: (S, K:) (assumed tropical:) the reiterating sound of thunder; as also ↓ هَزِيزٌ (K:) which latter has likewise the following similar significations: (assumed tropical:) a sound, or noise; (K:) as, for instance, a sound, or noise, of turning of a mill; as also أَزِيزَّ [inf. n. of أَزَّ]: (TA:) and (tropical:) the murmuring of the wind (S, K) when it shakes the trees: (S:) or the sound of the blowing of the wind: (TA:) or the lightness of the wind, and the quickness of its blowing. (A, TA.) هَزِيزٌ: see هِزَّةٌ.
هَزَائِزُ (assumed tropical:) Difficulties, afflictions, or calamities: [a pl.] having no singular. (Th, TA.) كَوْكَبٌ هَازٌّ (tropical:) [A star shooting, or darting, down; or quivering in doing so: see 8]. (S, TA.) هَزْهَزَةٌ: see R. Q. 1, of which it is the inf. n.: and see هَزَاهِزُ.
هَزَاهِزُ [app. pl. of هَزْهَزَةٌ] Seditions, or discords, or dissensions, (فِتَنٌ,) in which people are in a state of commotion: (S, Msb:) or wars and difficulties or afflictions or calamities that put into a state of commotion: (A:) or the excitement of commotion in men, by trials, or trying events, and by wars; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ هَزْهَزَةٌ. (K.)