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136651. نءم1 136652. نءَمس1 136653. نءمل1 136654. نءنأ1 136655. نءي1 136656. نأ1136657. نَأَ 1 136658. نأَت1 136659. نأَتَ1 136660. نأت5 136661. نَأَتَ 1 136662. نأثَ1 136663. نأَث1 136664. نأث5 136665. نأج9 136666. نَأَجَ1 136667. نأجَ1 136668. نأَج1 136669. نَأَجَ 1 136670. نأجل1 136671. نَأَدَ1 136672. نأد6 136673. نأَد1 136674. نَأَدَ 1 136675. نأدت1 136676. نأدل4 136677. نأر2 136678. نأرت1 136679. نَأرَتْ1 136680. نأرجل3 136681. نأرجيل1 136682. نأش8 136683. نَأَشَ 1 136684. نأط2 136685. نأَط1 136686. نَأطَ1 136687. نأطل3 136688. نأَف1 136689. نأف6 136690. نأُفٍّ1 136691. نَأَفَ 1 136692. نأق1 136693. نأَل1 136694. نأل6 136695. نَأَلَ1 136696. نَأَلَ 1 136697. نأم6 136698. نأَمَ1 136699. نَأَمَ 1 136700. نأمت1 136701. نأمس1 136702. نأمل2 136703. نأنأ11 136704. نَأْنَأَ1 136705. نَأْنَأَهُ1 136706. نأو2 136707. نَأَوْتُ1 136708. نأى4 136709. نأي9 136710. نَأَيَ 1 136711. نَأَيْتُه1 136712. نَئِفَ1 136713. نئف2 136714. نَاءَ1 136715. ناء4 136716. نَائَا1 136717. نَائِبَة1 136718. نَائِضَة1 136719. نَائِع1 136720. نَائَع1 136721. نائَعَة1 136722. نَائِعَة1 136723. نَائِف1 136724. نَائِفَة1 136725. نَائِل1 136726. نَائِلَا1 136727. نَائلة1 136728. نائِلَةُ1 136729. نَائِم1 136730. نَائِمَة1 136731. نائِنُ1 136732. نَائِي1 136733. نائي1 136734. نائِينُ1 136735. نااد1 136736. نَاب1 136737. نَاب مصابة1 136738. نابأه1 136739. نابا1 136740. نَابَا1 136741. نابالم1 136742. نَابَان1 136743. نَابِت1 136744. نابِتٌ1 136745. نَابِح1 136746. نابذه1 136747. نَابِز1 136748. نَابِضِيّ1 136749. نابِعٌ1 136750. نَابِغ1 Prev. 100





R. Q. 1 نَأْنَأَهُ He fed him, or nourished him, well. (K.) A2: He restrained him, or turned him back, (El-Umawee, S, K,) from a thing that he desired to do. (El-Umawee, S.) A3: نَأْنَأَ فِى الرَّأْىِ, inf. n. نَأْنَأَةٌ and مُنَأْنَأَةٌ; [the latter an unusual form of inf. n.;] and ↓ تَنَأْنَأَ; He was weak, (M, K,) or confused; (S;) and not firm or sound, (S, M, K,) in his judgment, or opinion. (S, M, K.) b2: نَأْنَأَ فِى الأَمْرِ He was weak in the affair. (S.) b3: نَأْنَأَ عَنْهُ, and ↓ تَنَأْنَأَ, He was unable to do it. (K.) b4: نَأْنَأَ, inf. n. نَأْنَأَةٌ; (AA;) and ↓ تَنَأْنَأَ; (S;) He was weak, feeble, or remiss. (AA, S, TA.) R. Q. 2 see R. Q. 1 in three places.

نَأْنَأٌ and ↓ نَأْنَآءٌ (S, K) and ↓ نُؤْنُوءٌ and ↓ مُنَأْنَأٌ Weak; cowardly. (S, K.) b2: نَأْنَأٌ One who frequently turns about, or rolls, the pupil, or black part, of his eye. (K.) نَأْنَأَةٌ: see the verb. b2: Weakness. (AA, S.) b3: طُوبَى لِمَنْ مَاتَ فِى النّأنأةِ [Good betide him who hath died in (the time of) weakness!] i. e., in the first of El-Islám, before it acquired strength, (S,) and its adherents and assistants multiplied. (TA.) نَأْنَآءٌ, نُؤْنُوءٌ, and مُنَأْنَأٌ: see نَأْنَأٌ.
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