نأث: نَأَثَ يَنْأَثُ نَأْثاً: إذا اجْتَهَدَ في السَّعْيِ.
عَنهُ نأثا بعد وَأَبْطَأ
عَنهُ نأثا بعد وَأَبْطَأ
نأث: نَأَثَ يَنْأَثُ نَأْثاً: أَبْطأً، وسَيرٌ مِنْأَثٌ: بَطيءٌ؛ قال
واعْتَرَقوا بَعْدَ الفِرارِ المِنْأَثِ
أث1 نَأَثَ عَنْهُ, aor. نَاَ^َ
, (inf. n. نَأْثْ, TA,) He became distant, or far removed, from him, or it. (K.) b2: نَأَثَ, aor. نَاَ^َ
, inf. n. نَأْثٌ He was slow, or tardy. (TA.) b3: Also, inf. n. نَأْثٌ and مَنْأَثٌ, He walked, or went, syn. سَعَى, (K,) at a slow pace. (TA.) 4 انأثهُ
, inf. n. إِنْآثٌ, He removed him, or it, far off; put him, or it, at a distance. (TA.) سَيْرٌ مَنْأثٌ [so accord. to a marginal note in the L, in the handwriting of SM] A slow pace, or going, or journeying. (TA.)