(قصي) عَنهُ قصا وقصاء بعد فَهُوَ قصي (ج) أقصاء
قَصِيَ(n. ac. قَصًى [ ])
a. see supra
قَصَّيَa. see I (c)
أَقْصَيَa. Removed, sent far away.
b. Carried to extremes.
c. Protected the wing of an army.
تَقَصَّيَa. see I (b)b. Brought to a successful conclusion.
c. [Fī], Studied deeply, investigated, mastered (
question ).
إِسْتَقْصَيَa. see V (c)b. Discussed at great length, exhausted (
subject ).
قَصْوَة []
a. Slit, notch, gash ( in the ear ).
قُصْوَى [] (pl.
قُصًى [ ])
a. fem. of
(b), (c).
قَصًاa. Distance; remoteness, farness.
b. Region, country.
c. Distant relationship.
d. Interior, precincts ( of a house ).
أَقْصَى []
a. Having the ears slit, docked (animal).
b. (pl.
[أَقَاْصِيُ]), More distant; farther, further; farthest, furthest.
c. Last, final; extreme.
قَاصٍ (pl.
قَصُوْنأَقْصَآء [] )
a. see 25
قَاصِيَة [] (pl.
قَوَاصٍ [] )
a. fem. of
قَاْصِيb. Old (sheep).
c. see 4 (b)
قَصَآء []
a. see 4 (a) (d).
قَصِيّ [] (pl.
أَقْصَآء [] )
a. Distant, remote, far off.
قَصِيَّة [] (pl.
a. fem. of
مَقْصُوّ مَقْصِيّ [ N. P.
a. I]
see 14 (a)
مُقَصًّى [ N. P.
a. II]
see 14 (a)
مُقْصًى [ N. P.
a. IV]
see 25
إِسْتِقْصَآء [ N.
a. X], Investigation, research; scrutiny.
أَقَاصِي الأَرْض
a. The ends of the earth.
هُوَ فِي قَصَاهُ
a. He is in his own country.