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113051. غَشِيمة1 113052. غُشَيْنِيّ1 113053. غصّ1 113054. غَصّ1 113055. غُصَّ1 113056. غص6113057. غَصَّ 1 113058. غُصَّاب1 113059. غَصَّاب1 113060. غصب18 113061. غَصَبَ1 113062. غَصْبَة1 113063. غَصَبَة1 113064. غَصَبَهُ1 113065. غُصْتُه1 113066. غصد1 113067. غصر1 113068. غصص9 113069. غَصَصَ1 113070. غَصَصْتُ1 113071. غصف1 113072. غصل1 113073. غصْلُبٌ1 113074. غصلب1 113075. غصلج2 113076. غصلق1 113077. غصم1 113078. غصنْ1 113079. غصن13 113080. غُصْن4 113081. غَصَنَ 1 113082. غصو1 113083. غُصْون1 113084. غصي1 113085. غُصَيُبِيّة1 113086. غَضَّ1 113087. غضّ1 113088. غض5 113089. غَضَّ 1 113090. غُضّا1 113091. غضا3 113092. غُضَا شَجَر1 113093. غَضَا 1 113094. غُضَاب1 113095. غَضَّاب1 113096. غُضار1 113097. غضار1 113098. غَضَّاي1 113099. غضب18 113100. غَضِب1 113101. غَضَب1 113102. غَضْب1 113103. غَضِبَ1 113104. غَضِبَ من1 113105. غَضَبَ 1 113106. غَضْبَان2 113107. غَضْبَانًا1 113108. غَضْبانة1 113109. غَضْبَانُون1 113110. غَضْبَانِيّ1 113111. غضبر1 113112. غضت2 113113. غضث1 113114. غضد1 113115. غَضَرَ1 113116. غضر14 113117. غَضَرَ 1 113118. غضرب1 113119. غَضْرَبٌ1 113120. غَضْرَبٌ 1 113121. غضرس3 113122. غضرف7 113123. غَضْرَفَ1 113124. غضرم4 113125. غضروف1 113126. غضز1 113127. غضس2 113128. غضض13 113129. غَضَضَ1 113130. غضط1 113131. غضغض2 113132. غَضْغَضَ1 113133. غضف14 113134. غَضَفَ2 113135. غَضَفَ 1 113136. غَضَفَة1 113137. غضفر9 113138. غضفه1 113139. غضل5 113140. غَضَلَ 1 113141. غضم1 113142. غَضَنَ1 113143. غضن13 113144. غَضَنَ 1 113145. غضنت2 113146. غَضَنْفَر1 113147. غضنفر2 113148. غَضَنْفَرِيّ1 113149. غَضَنَهُ1 113150. غضو3 Prev. 100


الغُصئةُ: شَجىً يُغَصن به في الحَلْق.
والغُصْغُصُ: زَعَمَ أبو مالكٍ أنه ضُرُوبٌ من النَّبْت.
الغُصَّةُ: الشّجاة التي يُغَصُّ بها الحلق. قال تعالى: وَطَعاماً ذا غُصَّةٍ
[المزمل/ 13] .
بِالْمَاءِ غصا وغصصا وقف فِي حلقه فَلم يكد يسيغه فَهُوَ غاص وغصان وَالْمَكَان بأَهْله امْتَلَأَ بهم وضاق
باب الغين والصاد غ ص مستعمل فقط

غص: الغُصَّةُ: شجا يُغَصَّ به في الحرقدة، قال عدي بن زيد: كنت كالغصان بالماء اعتصاري
الْغَيْن وَالصَّاد

غصصْت باللُّقمة وَالْمَاء.

وغَصَصْتُ أغَص وأغُصّ، غَصاًّ وغَصَصاً: شَجِيتُ.

وخَص بعضُهم بِهِ المَاء.

ورجلٌ غصَانُ: غاصُّ، قَالَ عَديّ بن زيد:

لَو بغَير المَاء حَلْقي شَرِقٌ كنتُ كالغَصّان بِالْمَاءِ اعْتصارِي

والغُصَّة: مَا غَصِصتَ بِهِ.

وغُصَصُ الْمَوْت، مِنْهُ.

وغَصَّ المكانُ بأَهْله: ضَاقَ.

وَذُو الغُصّة: لقب رجل من فُرسان الْعَرَب.

والغَصْغَصُ: ضَرب من النَّبَات. 


1 غَصَّ, (Msb, MF,) sec. Pers\. غَصِصْتَ, (S, Msb, K,) and غَصَصْتَ, (Msb, K,) the latter extr., (TA, [see 1 in art. عض,]) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K,) when the sec. Pers\. of the pret. is غَصِصْتَ, (Msb,) and يَغُصُّ, (Msb, TA,) when the sec. Pers\. of the pret. is of the other form mentioned above, (Msb,) inf. n. غَصَصٌ, (S, K,) or غَصٌّ, (Msb,) or the former when the aor. is يَغَصُّ, and the latter when the aor. is يَغُصُّ, (TA,) His throat, or fauces, became choked, or obstructed, (S, K, MF,) by food: (S, Msb, MF:) [as also, app., ↓ اِغْتَصَّ:] accord. to some of those skilled in the science of lexicology, you say غَصَّ when it is by food, and شَرِقَ when it is by beverage, [or by the spittle, and water, and the like, (see art. شرق,)] and شَجِىَ when it is by a bone, and جَرِضَ when it is with spittle; but every one of these is sometimes used in the place of any other: (MF:) and [thus] you say also, غَصَّ بِالمَآءِ, meaning, his throat, or fauces, became choked, or obstructed, by the water; or the water stopped therein, and he was hardly able to swallow it. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] غَصَّ بِرِيقِهِ [lit., His throat, or fauces, became choked by his spittle;] meaning, (tropical:) he died. (TA.) b3: Hence, also, غَصَّ بِالغَيْظِ (tropical:) [He was, or became, choked with wrath, or rage]. (Msb.) b4: [And غَصَّ, alone, seems to signify (assumed tropical:) He became grieved, or disquieted in mind; like as does شَجِىَ (q. v.): and it seems to be indicated in the CK that ↓ اغتصّ signifies the same: see غُصَّةٌ.] b5: [Hence also,] غَصَّتْ بِنَا الأَرْضُ (assumed tropical:) The land became straitened [as though it were choked] by us. (TA.) And غَصَّ المَجْلِسُ بِأَهْلِهِ (assumed tropical:) [The sitting-place became straitened, or choked, or choked up, by its people]; as also ↓ اغتصّ. (TA.) 4 اغصّهُ, (S, Msb, TA,) inf. n. إِغْصَاصٌ, (TA,) He (a man, S, Msb) caused his throat, or fauces, to be choked, or obstructed, (S,) by food; (Msb;) syn. أَشْجَاهُ [which has the above-mentioned meaning and also another to he found below]. (TA.) [And It (food &c.) choked him.] b2: Hence, اغصّهُ بِالغَيْظِ (tropical:) [He (a man) caused him to become choked with wrath, or rage]. (Msb.) b3: [Hence also,] اغصّهُ بِرِيقِهِ [lit., He caused his throat, or fauces, to become choked by his spittle;] meaning, (assumed tropical:) He caused him to become grieved, or disquieted in mind; (A, TA;) [like أَشْجَاهُ: and it seems to be indicated in the CK that اغصّهُ without any addition signifies the same: see غُصَّةٌ.] b4: [Hence also,] اغصّ عَلَيْنَا الأَرْضَ (assumed tropical:) He made strait to us the land. (K, TA.) 8 إِغْتَصَ3َ see 1, in three places.

غُصَّةٌ A thing lying across in the throat, or fauces, so as to cause a choking, or an obstruction, thereof; (IDrd, A, * K;) a thing by which one has his throat, or fauces, choked, or obstructed; (TA;) food by which one has his throat, or fauces, choked, or obstructed; (Msb;) i. q. شَجًا; (S, K;) [which has another meaning that will be found below; and both these meanings may be intended by it in the S; but in the K, the latter only seems to be intended; for there, between it and the explanation which is here first given, we find intervening the pl., and also, in the CK, the words وَقَدْ اَغْصَصْتُهُ فاغْتَصَّ;] a thing by which one is choked (شَجًا يُغَصُّ بِهِ, Lth, JK, TA) in the حَرْقَدَة [meaning the head of the windpipe], (Lth, TA,) or in the throat, or fauces: (JK:) pl. غُصَصٌ. (S, Msb, K.) It is said in the Kur [lxxiii. 13], وَطَعَامًا ذَا غُصَّةٍ (TA) And food that sticks fast, (Bd,) or by which one is choked, (Jel,) in the throat, or fauces. (Bd, Jel.) b2: And hence, (tropical:) Choking wrath or rage. (Msb.) b3: [and (assumed tropical:) Grief, or disquietude of mind; a signification often occurring; and app. intended by the explanation شَجًا in the K. See what is said on this point above.] b4: Hence also, غُصَصُ المَوْتِ [The chokings, or strangulations, of death: the deathrattles: or (assumed tropical:) the agonies of death]. (TA.) غَصَّان: see what next follows.

غَاصٌّ A man having his throat, or fauces, choked, or obstructed, (S, Msb, * K,) by food; (S, Msb;) as also ↓ غَصَّان. (S [in two copies of which it is written غَصَّانُ], K [in two copies of which it is written غَصَّانٌ], Msb [in my copy of which, as well as in the TA, it is without any final syll. sign].) b2: And [hence,] غَاصٌّ بِالقَوْمِ (assumed tropical:) An abode, or a place of alighting, filled [and as it were choked up] with the company of men; (S, A, K;) and in like manner a mosque; as also ↓ مُغْتَصٌّ. (A.) مُغْتَصٌّ: see what next precedes.
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