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102891. ضَبِيعَةُ1 102892. ضُبَيْعَة1 102893. ضتع2 102894. ضث1 102895. ضثم6 102896. ضج4102897. ضجّ1 102898. ضَجَّ 1 102899. ضجا1 102900. ضجج11 102901. ضَجِجَ1 102902. ضَجْحَر1 102903. ضجحر2 102904. ضَجِرَ1 102905. ضجر15 102906. ضَجَرَ 1 102907. ضجع18 102908. ضَجَعَ1 102909. ضَجَعَ 1 102910. ضجعم2 102911. ضُجْعُمٌ1 102912. ضجم10 102913. ضَجَمَ 1 102914. ضَجَنٌ1 102915. ضجن7 102916. ضَجَنَ1 102917. ضَجَنَ 1 102918. ضَجَنَانُ1 102919. ضجو1 102920. ضَجُور1 102921. ضجى1 102922. ضَجِّي1 102923. ضح2 102924. ضَحَّ 1 102925. ضَحَا2 102926. ضُحَا1 102927. ضحا7 102928. ضَحَاء1 102929. ضَحَّاك1 102930. ضَحْجَرْتُ1 102931. ضَحَحَ1 102932. ضحح9 102933. ضَحْضَحَ2 102934. ضحضح4 102935. ضَحِكَ2 102936. ضحك17 102937. ضَحِكَ على1 102938. ضَحِكَ 1 102939. ضحكة1 102940. ضِحْكَة صَفْراء1 102941. ضحكه1 102942. ضَحَلَ1 102943. ضحل15 102944. ضَحَلَ 1 102945. ضَحْنٌ1 102946. ضحن4 102947. ضحو10 102948. ضحو وضحى1 102949. ضَحُوك1 102950. ضحى4 102951. ضَحَى 1 102952. ضحي2 102953. ضَحْيَا1 102954. ضَحْيَانُ1 102955. ضَحْيَاه1 102956. ضَحِيَّة1 102957. ضْحَيْوة1 102958. ضُحَيْوِيّ1 102959. ضخ2 102960. ضَخَّ 1 102961. ضخا1 102962. ضخَخَ1 102963. ضخخ4 102964. ضخر1 102965. ضخز1 102966. ضَخَزَ1 102967. ضَخَّمَ1 102968. ضخم11 102969. ضخَم2 102970. ضَخُمَ 1 102971. ضخمه1 102972. ضخى2 102973. ضد5 102974. ضَدَّ 1 102975. ضدأ3 102976. ضَدِئَ1 102977. ضَدَا1 102978. ضدا1 102979. ضَدَادُ1 102980. ضدان1 102981. ضدج1 102982. ضدد9 102983. ضدن4 102984. ضَدَنَهُ1 102985. ضَدْنَى1 102986. ضِدّه1 102987. ضدو1 102988. ضَدَوانِ1 102989. ضَدَوَانُ1 102990. ضَدِيَ1 Prev. 100


ضجا وضجيجا جلب وَصَاح من مشقة أَو جزع وَنَحْوهمَا
ضَجَّ الرجُلُ يَضِجُّ ضَجّاً وضَجَاجاً وضَجِيْجاً وضَجَجاً: من الصِّيَاح، وكذلك البَعِيْرُ. وأضَجَّ القَوْمُ: صاحُوا. وفي المَثَل: " إنْ ضَجَّ فَزِدْهُ وَقْراً ".
والتَّضْجِيْجُ: الذَّهَابُ، ضَجَّجَ تَضْجِيْجاً. وقيل ضَجَّجَ: مالَ. والضَّجَاجُ: ضَرْبٌ من الخَرَز. وماءٌ مِلْحٌ شَدِيدُ المُلُوحَة.
باب الجيم مع الضاد ض ج، ج ض مستعملان

ضج: يقال: هو ضَجيجُ البَعير، وضَجاجُ القَومِ وهو لجَبُهم، وقد ضج يضج ضَجَاً، قال العجاج:

وأغشَتَ الناسُ الضَّجاجَ الأَضجَجا

أظهر التَّضعيف.

جض: جَضَّ عن الشَّيء أي حادَ عنه، وجاضَ مِثلهُ.


1 ضَجَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. ضَجِيجٌ (L, Msb, TA) and ضَجٌّ and ضَجَاجٌ and ضُجَاجٌ, the last on the authority of Lh, (L, TA,) [and the last but one is said in one place in the L and TA to be a subst. from ضَاجَّهُ,] He cried out, or vociferated: (L:) or he cried out, or vociferated, calling for aid, or succour: (AA:) or he cried out, or vociferated, and raised a clamour, or confused cries or shouts or noises, being frightened at a thing: (Msb:) or ضَجِيجٌ signifies the crying out, or vociferating, on the occasion of some disagreeable occurrence, and in difficulty, or distress, and inability to bear what has befallen one, or impatience: (Kitáb el-Ghareebeyn:) or ↓ أَضَجُّوا, inf. n. إِضْجَاجٌ, signifies they cried out, or vociferated, and raised a clamour, or confused cries or shouts or noises: and ضَجُّوا, aor. ـِ inf. n. ضَجِيجٌ, [as meaning they did so] when unable to bear a thing that had befallen them, or impatient, and overcome, (A'Obeyd, S, K, TA,) and frightened. (TA.) And one says also, ضَجَّ البَعِيرُ, (A, L,) inf. n. ضجِيجٌ, (L,) [The camel uttered a cry, i. e. grumbled,] مِنَ الحِمْلِ [in consequence of the load]. (A. [See 1 in art. رغو.]) And إِنْ ضَجَّ فَزِدْهُ وِقْرًا [If he grumble, add to him a load]: a prov. (A.) The poet El-Kanánee uses the phrase فَضَجَّضَّجَّةً for فَضَجَّتْ ضَجَّةً; and it is cited by Sb as an ex. of the incorporation of ت into ض. (O.) 2 ضجّج, inf. n. تَضْجِيجٌ, He went away: or he inclined, or declined. (O, K.) A2: And He poisoned a bird, or a beast of prey. (O, K.) 3 ضاجّهُ, (S, O,) inf. n. مُضَاجَّةٌ (S, O, K) and ضِجَاجٌ, (S, K,) He acted with him in an evil manner; treated him with enmity, or hostility; (S, O, K, TA;) and contended in altercation with him. (S, * O, * K, * TA.) 4 أَضْجَ3َ see 1.

A2: [Reiske, as mentioned by Freytag, explains اضجّ also as a trans. verb, meaning “ Fatigavit, molestia affecit. ”]

ضَجَّةٌ, a subst., signifying A crying out, or vociferating: (L:) or a clamour, or confusion of cries or shouts or noises, of a people or party. (S, Msb.) ضَجَاجٌ a subst. from ضَاجَّهُ; [as such signifying Evil, or inimical, conduct; and contention:] (S, L, TA:) [and] compulsion. (K, TA.) b2: [Also] an inf. n. of 1, sometimes used as an epithet, [meaning That cries out, or vociferates, &c.,] applied to a man: pl. ضُجُجٌ. (L.) [Freytag explains it, from the Deewán of Jereer, as meaning “ Vanus, nefas. ”]

A2: Also i. q. عَاجٌ [as meaning A kind of bracelet]; (T, O, K, TA;) which is like the سِوَار of a woman. (O, TA.) b2: And A kind of bead (خَرَزَةٌ), (O, K, TA,) used by women in their attracting [of men]. (TA.) b3: See also the next paragraph.

ضِجَاجٌ A certain gum which is eaten (O, K, TA) in its moist state: when it has become dry, it is pounded, then formed into lumps, and made potent with potash, and one washed with it the garment, or piece of cloth, which it cleanses like soap. (O, TA.) And The fruit of a certain plant; or a gum; with which women wash their heads: written by IDrd with fet-h [i. e. ↓ ضَجَاجٌ], but by AHn with kesr. (TA.) b2: And (as AHn says in one place, O, TA) Any tree with which birds, or beasts of prey, are poisoned. (O, K, TA.) ضَجُوجٌ A she-camel that cries out when being milked, and is impatient. (S, O, K.) ضَجَاجٌ أَضَجُّ, and, by poetic license أَضْجَجُ, [meaning Very evil or inimical conduct &c.,] is a phrase like شِعْرٌ شَاعِرٌ. (TA.)
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