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99401. شَمِيم1 99402. شمين1 99403. شَمِيهَن1 99404. شميية1 99405. شَنَّ1 99406. شن699407. شَنُّ1 99408. شَنٌّ1 99409. شَنّ1 99410. شَنَّ 1 99411. شنء2 99412. شَنَأَ1 99413. شنأ16 99414. شَنَأَ 1 99415. شنأه1 99416. شَنَأَهُ1 99417. شنا1 99418. شِنّا1 99419. شَنَّا1 99420. شَنَائِك1 99421. شَنَاباذ1 99422. شَنَارة1 99423. شَنَّاز1 99424. شناز1 99425. شناس1 99426. شَنَّاس1 99427. شَنَاس1 99428. شُنَاصُ1 99429. شناصير1 99430. شِنَاف1 99431. شَنَّاف1 99432. شِنَاكِي1 99433. شَنَاكِيّ1 99434. شنَان1 99435. شَنَان1 99436. شَنَّان1 99437. شِنَان1 99438. شُنَان1 99439. شِنانة1 99440. شُنَانة1 99441. شَنَانَة1 99442. شِنَّاوي1 99443. شَنَّاوي1 99444. شَنَاينِيَّة1 99445. شَنَبَ1 99446. شنب15 99447. شَنَب2 99448. شَنِبَ 1 99449. شَنْبارةُ1 99450. شنباري1 99451. شنبث3 99452. شنبذ1 99453. شنبر5 99454. شنبرت1 99455. شنبص2 99456. شَنْبَصٌ1 99457. شنبك2 99458. شَنْبَكٌ1 99459. شنبل3 99460. شَنْبَلَهُ1 99461. شَنْبَليد1 99462. شِنْبَلِيلَة1 99463. شَنَبُوذَ1 99464. شنة1 99465. شنت1 99466. شَنْتَ أُولالِيَة1 99467. شنت اشتاني1 99468. شنت بَرِيّة1 99469. شنت بَيْطُرْه1 99470. شَنْتَ طُولَة1 99471. شَنْتَ فَبْلُهْ1 99472. شنتَ قُرُوش1 99473. شنتَ مَرِيّة1 99474. شنتَ ياقُب1 99475. شنتا1 99476. شَنْتة1 99477. شَنْتَجالة1 99478. شنتر6 99479. شَنْتَرَةُ1 99480. شَنْتَرِينُ1 99481. شَنْتَغْنَش1 99482. شنتف1 99483. شنتق2 99484. شنتل1 99485. شَنْتَمٌ1 99486. شنتم1 99487. شنتمر1 99488. شنتن1 99489. شِنْتيان1 99490. شنث6 99491. شَنِثَ 1 99492. شَنَجَ1 99493. شنج14 99494. شَنِجَ 1 99495. شنجار1 99496. شنجر2 99497. شنح6 99498. شَنَحَ 1 99499. شنحط2 99500. شنحف3 Prev. 100


عن التركية شن بمعنى مسرور وممنون وسعيد.
شنا يبس وأخلق يُقَال شنت الْقرْبَة وَشن الْجمل من الْعَطش وَنَحْوه وَالْمَاء شنينا وتشنانا تقاطر والسائل شنا صبه مُتَفَرقًا يُقَال شن المَاء على الشَّرَاب وشنت الْعين الدمع والغارة على عدوه أغار عَلَيْهِ من كل نَاحيَة
شن: الشَّنُّ: السِّقَاءُ البالي. والشَّنِيْنُ: قَطَرَانُ الماء من الشَّنَّةِ. وفي حَدِيِثِ ابنِ مَسْعُودٍ وذَكَرَ القُرْآنَ فقال: " لا يَتْفَهُ ولا يَتَشَانُّ " أي لا يُخْلِقُ كالشَّنِّ، وقيل: لا يَمْتَزِجُ بالباطلِ. والتَّشَانُّ: الامْتِزَاجُ. والسِّنانَةُ: اللَّبَنُ المَذِيْقُ بالماء. والتَّشَنُّنُ: التَّشَنُّجُ في الجِلْدِ عِنْدَ الهَرَمِ. والإِشْنَانُ: في الغَارَةِ، أشَنُّوا الخَيْلَ غارَةً: أي أبَثُّوا. وشَنُّ: حَيٌّ من عَبْدِ القَيْسِ. ومَثَلٌ: " وافَقَ شَنٌّ طَبَقَه ". وشِنْشِنَةُ الرَّجُلِ: غَرِيْزَتُه. ومَثَلٌ: شِنْشِنَةٌ أعْرِفُها من أخْزَمِ. أي شَبَهٌ منه: وقيل: طَرِيْقَةٌ. وفيه شَنَاشِنُ من أبيه. والشَّنَاشِنُ: مِثْلُ السَّنَاسِنِ؛ وهي العِظَامُ. والشَّنُوْنُ: المَهْزُوْلُ من الدَّوابِّ، وقيل: السَّمِيْنُ، وقيل: لَيْسَ بسَمِيْنٍ ولا مَهْزُوْلٍ. والذِّئْبُ الشَّنُوْنُ: الجائعُ. والشُّنَانُ: الماءُ البارِدُ. وشُنَانُ المِسْكِ: ماؤه. وقَوْسٌ شَنَّةٌ: وهي التي أُطِيْلَ عليها الرَّمْيُ حَتّى قَدُمَتْ. وقيل: هي السَّرِيْعَةُ السِّهَامِ يَشُنُّ الرامي نَبْلَها شَنّاً أي يَنْضَحُه. وشَوَانُّ الوادي: حَوَافِشُه، الواحِدَةُ شانَّةٌ. وفي الجَبِيْنِ شانّانِ: وهما عِرْقَانِ يَنْحَدِرَانِ من الرَّأْسِ إلى الحاجِبَيْنِ. ويُقال للآَشْنَانِ: شُنَانٌ بحَذْفِ الألِفِ.
باب الشين والنون ش ن، ن ش يُستعملان

شن: الشَّنُّ: السِّقاء البالي. والشَّنينُ: قطرانُ الماء من الشَّنةِ. شيء بعد شيء، قال:

يا من لدمعٍ دائمِ الشنين ... تطربا والشوق ذو شجون  وكذلك التَّشنانُ والتَّشنين، قال:

أعينيَّ جُودا بالدُّموع السَّواجِم ... سجاما كتشنان الشنانِ الهزائمِ

والتَّشنُّنُ: التَّشنُّجُ في الجلد عند الهرم، قال:

بعد اقوِرارِ الجلد والتشنن

والإشنانُ في الغارة، [يقال] : أشِنُّوا الخيل، أي: بثّوها. وشنّ: حي من عبد القيس، وفي المثل وافق شنٌّ طبقة

وافقه فاعتنقه. كانوا يكثرون الغارات فوافقهم طبق من الناس، فأبرُّوا عليهم وقهروهم، فقيل ذلك. وشنشنةُ الرَّجل: غريزته. قال:

شنشنةُ أعرفها من أخزمِ

والشَّنُونُ: المهزول من الدواب، ويقال: هو السَّمينُ، ويقال: هو الذي ليس بسمين ولا مهزول، قال :

[القائدُ الخيل منكوباً دوابرُها] ... منها الشنون ومنها الزاهق الزهم

والشَّنُونُ: الذِّئبُ الجائع، قال الطرماح : [يظلُّ غُرابُها ضرماً شذاه] ... شجٍ بخصومة الذِّئبِ الشَّنُون

. الأشنةُ من العطر: شيء أبيض كأنه مقشور من عرق. والأشنانُ: معروف، [الذي يغسل به الأيدي] .

نش: النَّشُّ والنَّشيشُ: صوت الماء إذا صببته في [صاخرة] طال عهدها بالماء. ونشيشُ اللَّحم: صوتُه إذا قُليَ. ونشَّ الغدير إذا أخذ ماؤهُ في النُّضُوب. والخمر تنشُّ في الغليان عند إدراكه،

وفي الحديث: إذا نشَّ فلا تشربه .

[والنَّشنشةُ: النَّفضُ والنَّثرُ] . وسبخةٌ نشاشةٌ [ونشاشةٌ] : تنش من النَّزِّ إذا نبع.
الشين وَالنُّون

الشَّنّ، والشَّنَّة: الْخلق من كل آنِية صنعت من جلد وَجَمعهَا: شِنَان.

وَحكى اللحياني: قربَة أشنان، كَأَنَّهُمْ جعلُوا كل جُزْء مِنْهَا شَنَّا ثمَّ جمعُوا على هَذَا. وَلم اسْمَع أشنانا فِي جمع شَنّ إِلَّا هُنَا.

وتَشَنَّن السقاء، واشتَنَّ، واستشَنّ: أخلق.

وَمرَّة شنة: خلا من سنّهَا، عَن ابْن الْأَعرَابِي أَرَادَ: ذهب من عمرها كثير فبليت.

وَقيل: هِيَ الْعَجُوز المسنة البالية.

وقوس شَنَّة: قديمَة، عَنهُ أَيْضا، وَأنْشد:

فَلَا صريخ الْيَوْم إِلَّا هُنَّهْ

معَاَبلِ خُوصٌ وقَوْسٌ شَنَّهْ

والشَّنّ: الضعْف. وَأَصله من ذَلِك.

وتَشَنّن جلد الْإِنْسَان: تغضن عِنْد الْهَرم.

والشَّنُون: المهزول من الدَّوَابّ. وَقيل: الَّذِي لَيْسَ بمهزول وَلَا سمين.

وَقيل: السمين.

وذئب شَنُون: جَائِع، قَالَ الطرماح:

شَجٍ بخصومة الذِّئْب الشَّنُون

والشَّنِين، والتَّشنين، والتَّشْنان: قطران المَاء.

وشَنَّ المَاء على شرابه يشُنّه شَنّا: صبه.

وشنّ المَاء على وَجهه يشُنّه شنّا: صبه صبا وفرقه.

وَقيل: هُوَ صب شَبيه بالنضح.

وعلق شَنِين: مصبوب، قَالَ عبد منَاف ابْن ربيع الْهُذلِيّ:

وَإِن بعُقدة الأنصاب مِنْكُم ... غُلَاما خَرَّ فِي عَلَق شَنِين

وشَنَّت الْعين دمعها: كَذَلِك.

وشنّ عَلَيْهِ درعه يَشُنّها شَنّا: صبها.

وشَنّ علهم الْغَارة يَشُنّها شَنّا: صبها وبثها.

والشّانّان: عرقان ينحدران من الرَّأْس إِلَى الحاجبين ثمَّ إِلَى الْعَينَيْنِ.

والشَّانَّة من المسايل: كالرحبة.

وَقيل: هِيَ مدفع الْوَادي الصَّغِير.

والشُّنَان: المَاء الْبَارِد، قَالَ أَبُو ذُؤَيْب:

بماءٍ شُنّانٍ زعزعت مَتْنَه الصَّبَا ... وجادت عَلَيْهِ ديمةٌ بعد وابل

ويروى: " بِمَاء شِنَانٍ ".

وَلبن شَنِين: مَحْض، صب عَلَيْهِ مَاء بَارِد، عَن ابْن الْأَعرَابِي.

وشَنٌّ: قَبيلَة، وَفِي الْمثل: " وَافق شَنٌّ طبقَة ". قَالَ ابْن السّكيت: هُوَ شَنّ بن أفصى بن عبد الْقَيْس بن دعمى بن جديلة بن أَسد بن ربيعَة ابْن نزار. وطبق: حَيّ من إياد، وَكَانَت شَنٌّ لَا يُقَام لَهَا فَوَاقَعْتهَا طبق فانتصفت مِنْهَا فَقيل: وَافق شن طبقه، وَافقه فاعتنقه، قَالَ:

لقِيَتْ شَنٌّ إيَاداً بالقَنَا ... طَبَقاً وَافق شن طَبَقَةْ

وَقيل: شَنّ قَبيلَة كَانَت تكْثر الغارات فوافقهم طبق من النَّاس فأباروهم وأبادوهم.

وشَنّ: اسْم رجل، وَفِي الْمثل: " يحمل شَنٌّ ويُفَدَّى لُكَيْز ".

والشَّنْشِنَة: الطبيعة والخليقة، وَفِي الْمثل: " شِنْشِنَة أعرفهَا من أخزم " والشِّنْشِنَة: الْقطعَة من اللَّحْم.

وَقيل: الْقطعَة من الْحَبل.


1 شَنَّ المَآءَ, (S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. شَنٌّ, (Mgh, TA,) He scattered the water; (S, K;) or poured it scatteringly; (Mgh;) or poured it and scattered it; or, as some say, poured it in a manner like that which is termed نَضْحٌ [i. e. sprinkling]; (TA;) عَلَى الشَّرَابِ [upon the wine, or beverage]: (S, K:) سَنَّهُ signifies “ he poured it gently. ” (TA.) And شَنَّتِ العَيْنُ دَمْعَهَا The eye poured forth its tears; (TA;) or sent forth [or shed] its tears; like شَلَّت, (Lh, TA in art. شل,) which is asserted by Yaakoob to be formed by substitution [of ل for ن]. (TA in that art.) b2: And, from the former, شَنَّ الغَارَةَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb,) (tropical:) He scattered, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) or poured, (K, TA,) the horsemen making a raid, or sudden attack, and engaging in conflict, or the horsemen urging their horses, الغَارَةَ meaning الخَيْلَ المُغِيرَةَ, (Mgh, Msb,) from every direction, عَلَيْهِمْ [upon them]; (S, K;) as also ↓ اشنّها; (S, Msb, K;) the latter mentioned in the Mj, (Msb,) by IF, but disapproved by the people of chaste speech. (TA.) b3: And شَنَّ بِسَلْحِهِ (AA, S, * TA) He cast forth his excrement, or dung, in a thin [and scattered] state: and one says of the حُبَارَى [or bustard]

تَشُنُّ بِذَرْقِهَا [It casts forth its dung in a thin and scattered state]. (AA, TA.) b4: And شَنَّ عَلَيِْهِ دِرْعَهُ He put (lit. poured) on him his coat of mail. (TA.) A2: شَنَّ الجَمَلُ مِنَ العَطَشِ, [aor. accord. to general rule شَنِّ,] The camel became dried up [like a شَنّ, q. v.,] from thirst. (TA.) and شَنَّتِ الخِرْقَةُ The rag became dried up. (TA.) 2 تَشْنِينٌ and تَشْنَانٌ [inf. ns. of شنّن] The dripping, or dropping by degrees, of water from the شَنَّة [or old and worn-out water-skin or the like]. (TA. [See also شَنِينٌ.]) 4 أَشْنَ3َ see 1: b2: and see also what next follows.5 تَشَنَّنَتِ القِرْبَةُ, and ↓ تشانّت, (S, K,) and ↓ اشنّت and ↓ استشنّت, (K,) The water-skin became old, and worn out: (S, K:) or ↓ تشانّ, said of skin, or a skin, does not signify thus, but signifies, (AA, S,) or signifies also, (K,) and so تشنّن, (S, K, TA,) said of the skin of a man, in extreme old age, (S,) it contracted, shrank, shrivelled, or wrinkled; or became contracted or shrunk &c.; (S, K, TA;) and dried up: (S, TA:) and ↓ استشنّ is likewise said of the skin of a man, meaning it became old, and worn out, like the old, and worn-out, شَنّ. (Har p. 675.) It is said in a trad., ↓ القُرْآنُ لَا يَتْفَهُ وَلَا يَتَشَانُّ [expl. in art. تفه]. (TA.) See also a tropical usage of ↓ استشنّ in a trad. cited in the first paragraph of art. بل. b2: تشنّن is also said of the skin of a man as meaning It became altered [for the worse] in odour, in extreme old age. (TA.) 6 تَشَانَّ: see 5, in three places. b2: Also It was or became, mixed. (K.) 7 إِنْشَنَ3َ [انشنّ It became poured out, or forth; it flowed. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.) b2: Hence,] انشنّ الذِّئْبُ فِى الغَنَمِ (assumed tropical:) The wolf made an incursion among the sheep or goats; as also انشلّ: mentioned by Az in art. نشغ. (TA.) 10 استشنّ: see 5, in three places. b2: Also, (Kh, S, K,) said of a man, (Kh, S, TA,) and of a camel, (TA,) (tropical:) He became lean, or emaciated, (Kh, S, K, TA,) like the water-skin that has become old, and worn out: so says Aboo-Kheyreh: (TA:) or, said of an animal, he became dried up, and lean, or emaciated. (Har p. 530.) b3: and استشنّ إِلَى اللَّبَنِ i. q. عَامَ, (K,) i. e. He betook himself to milk, or the milk, and desired it eagerly, or longed for it. (TA.) R. Q. 1 شَنْشَنَةٌ [an inf. n., of which the verb, if it be used, is شَنْشَنَ,] The motion of paper, and of a new garment: [or rather the making a kind of crackling sound by the motion thereof:] mentioned by Az in art. فقع: (TA:) and نَشْنَشَةٌ signifies the same: both thus expl. by IAar. (TA in art. قع.) شَنٌّ A skin, (Msb,) or a water-skin, (S, Mgh,) or a small water skin, (K,) or, as some say, any vessel made of skin, (TA,) applied by a poet to a دَلْو [or leathern bucket], (Ham p. 602,) that is old, and worn out; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA;) and so ↓ شَنَّةٌ; (S, K;) but app. one that is small: (S: [in which this addition to the explanation seems to relate peculiarly to the latter word: see an ex. of this latter word in some verses cited in the first paragraph of art. سقى:]) or both signify an old water-skin; as also ↓ مِشَنٌّ: (MA:) and ↓ شَنَنٌ, also, signifies an old, worn-out, water-skin: (TA:) pl. (of the first, Mgh, Msb) شِنَانٌ: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) and Lh mentions the phrase قِرْبَةٌ أَشْنَانٌ, as though they applied the term شَنٌّ to every portion of the قربة and then pluralized it thus; but he says that he had not heard أَشْنَانٌ as a pl. of شَنٌّ except in this case: (TA:) the water in a شَنّ is cooler [than that in a skin not so old]. (Mgh.) It is said in a prov., لَا يُقَعْقَعُ لِى بِالشِّنَانِ [A confused and clattering noise will not be made to me with the old and worn-out water-skins to frighten me]: (S in the present art.: [in the S and K in art. قع, with مَا in the place of لا; and in the K in that art., with لَهُ in the place of لى:]) مَا يُقَعْقَعُ لَهُ بِالشِّنَانِ is applied to him who will not be abased by misfortunes, nor frightened by that which has no reality: (Sgh and K in art. قع:) or it means, he will not be deceived nor frightened: شِنَان being pl. of شَنٌّ, a dried up skin, which is shaken to a camel to frighten him. (L and TA in art. قع.) An old man is likened to the skin thus termed. (Har p. 675.) And ↓ شَنَّةٌ signifies also (tropical:) A worn-out old woman; as being likened to the skin thus termed. (IAar, TA.) And one says, رَفَعَ فُلَانٌ الشَّنَّ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a man raised himself bearing upon the palm of his hand. (IKh, TA.) b2: Also i. q. غرض [app. غَرَضٌ, i. e. A butt, at which one shoots or casts: probably because an old water-skin was sometimes used as a butt]: pl. as above. (Msb.) b3: [And, as Freytag states, on the authority of Meyd, (assumed tropical:) Dry herbage.]

A2: Also Weakness. (TA.) شَنَّةٌ: see شَنٌّ, in two places.

شَنَنٌ: see شَنٌّ, first sentence.

شَنَانٌ a dial. var. of شَنْآنٌ [inf. n. of شَنِئَ], (S, K,) signifying Hatred; [or the hating of another;] (S;) mentioned by AO. (S in art. شنأ.) شُنَانٌ Water in a scattered state, or being scattered. (S, K.) b2: And (K) Cold water: (As, Skr, ISd, K:) this explanation is preferred by Aboo-Nasr. (TA.) b3: And Clouds (سَحَاب) pouring (يَشُنُّ i. e. يَصُبُّ) water. (Skr, TA.) شَنُونٌ A camel in a state between that of the lean, or emaciated, and that of the fat; (S;) so called because some of his fatness has gone: (Aboo-Kheyreh, TA:) one says مَهْزُولٌ; then مُنْقٍ, when he has become a little fat; then شَنُونٌ; then سَاحٌّ; and then مُثَرْطِمٌ, when fat in the utmost degree: (Lh, TA:) so says Aboo-Ma'add El-Kilá- bee. (TA in art. سح.) [But it is said that] it signifies also Lean, or emaciated; (K;) applied to a beast: (TA:) and fat: thus having two contr. meanings. (K.) b2: Also Hungry: (S, K:) applied in this sense by Et-Tirimmáh to a wolf, because this animal is not described as fat or lean. (S.) شَنِينٌ Poured forth: applied in this sense by the Hudhalee poet 'Abd-Menáf to thick blood (عَلَق). (TA.) b2: And Pure milk upon which cold water has been poured: (IAar, TA:) or any milk, whether fresh or collected in a skin at different times, upon which water is poured. (K, TA.) A2: And The dropping (S, K, TA) by degrees, (TA,) of water (S, K, TA) from a skin, (TA,) and of tears. (S, TA. [See also 2, and see شِنْشِنَةٌ.]) شُنَانَةٌ Water that drops (S, K) from a skin, or from a tree. (S.) شَانَّةٌ The [channel called] مَدْفَع [q. v.] of a small valley: or a small مَدْفَع of a valley: (TA: [the want of a vowel-sign in my original renders it doubtful which of these meanings is the right one:]) or شَوَانُّ, its pl., signifies the channels of water, of mountains, that pour forth into valleys from a rugged place. (AA, TA.) شِنْشِنَةٌ A nature; or a natural, a native, or an innate, disposition or temper or the like; syn. طَبِيعَةٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) and خُلُقٌ, (S,) and سَجِيَّةٌ: (TA:) and a custom, habit, or wont: (Mgh, K:) [pl. شَنَاشِنُ.] One says فِيهِ مِنْ أَبِيهِ شَنَاشِنُ In him are habits [or natural dispositions inherited] from his father. (TA.) Hence, شِنْشِنَةٌ أَعْرِفُهَا مِنْ أَخْزَمْ [A natural disposition, or a habit, which I know, as inherited from Akhzam]: (S, Meyd, Mgh:) or, accord. to one relation, نِشْنِشَةٌ, which is app. formed by transposition from شِنْشِنَةٌ: (Meyd:) a prov.: (Meyd, Mgh:) [of its origin there are different explanations: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 658, and Har pp. 591 and 596:] أَخْزَمُ is the proper name of a man: (Meyd, Mgh, &c.:) or accord. to Lth, it is an epithet applied to a penis; one says كَمَرَةٌ خَزْمَآءُ “ a glans of a penis having a short frænum,” and ذَكَرٌ أَخْزَمُ; and شنشنة means the dropping of water [i. e., in this case, of the seminal fluid]: (Meyd:) the prov. is applied in relation to nearness of resemblance. (Meyd, Mgh.) A2: Also A bit of flesh-meat, as much as is chewed at once; syn. مُضْغَةٌ: or a piece of flesh-meat; (K, TA;) and so نِشْنِشَةٌ: on the authority of AA. (TA.) b2: And [the pl.] شَنَاشِنُ signifies Bones; like سَنَاسِنُ. (IAar, L in art. سن.) مِشَنٌّ: see شَنٌّ, first sentence.

مِشَنَّةٌ A thing like the مِكْتَل: [in the present day, a round shallow basket is thus called: pl. مَشَانُّ.] (TA.)
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