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90527. زَمِيط1 90528. زَمِيع1 90529. زَمِيلان1 90530. زُمَيْلان1 90531. زَمِيلَة1 90532. زن490533. زَنَّ1 90534. زَنّ1 90535. زَنَّ 1 90536. زنء1 90537. زنأَ1 90538. زَنَّأ1 90539. زَنَأَ2 90540. زنأ13 90541. زنا4 90542. زَنا1 90543. زَنَّا1 90544. زَنَا2 90545. زِناتَةُ1 90546. زَنَاتَةُ1 90547. زَناتي1 90548. زِنَاد1 90549. زَنَّادة1 90550. زِنَادِيّ1 90551. زَنّادي1 90552. زنار1 90553. زنّار1 90554. زُنّارُ ذِمار1 90555. زَنَانِيرُ1 90556. زَنَانِيري1 90557. زِنَاهُ1 90558. زنايتي1 90559. زَنَايتي1 90560. زَنَايديّ1 90561. زنب7 90562. زَنِبَ1 90563. زنباقي1 90564. زنبر9 90565. زَنْبَرُ1 90566. زنبراق1 90567. زُنْبُرُك1 90568. زنبرك1 90569. زنبركيجي1 90570. زَنْبَرِيَّةٌ1 90571. زنبط1 90572. زنبطوط1 90573. زنبع1 90574. زنبق6 90575. زُنْبَقُ1 90576. زَنْبَقِيّ1 90577. زَنْبَل1 90578. زنبل5 90579. زنبلك2 90580. زَنْبُوج1 90581. زَنْبُورَك1 90582. زُنْبُوع1 90583. زَنْبُول1 90584. زنبول1 90585. زِنْبِيْلُ1 90586. زَنبيل، زِنْبيل1 90587. زِنْةَ1 90588. زنت1 90589. زنتر4 90590. زَنْتَرَةُ1 90591. زنتور1 90592. زِنْج1 90593. زنج12 90594. زَنَجَ1 90595. زُنْجُ1 90596. زَنِجَ 1 90597. زِنْجارُ1 90598. زَنْجَانُ1 90599. زنجب3 90600. زنجبل2 90601. زَنْجَبِيل1 90602. زنجبيل4 90603. زنجت1 90604. زنجر9 90605. زُنْجُعٌ1 90606. زنجع1 90607. زنجفر2 90608. زَنْجَفُور1 90609. زنجل2 90610. زنجلان1 90611. زنجن1 90612. زنجي1 90613. زِنْجِير1 90614. زِنْجِيل1 90615. زنح5 90616. زَنَحَ1 90617. زَنَحَ 1 90618. زنحف2 90619. زَنِخَ2 90620. زَنَّخ1 90621. زنخ9 90622. زنخَ1 90623. زَنَخَ1 90624. زنخدان1 90625. زَنْخَرَ2 90626. زنخر2 Prev. 100


(زن) عصبه زنا يبس وَاسْتَرْخَتْ مفاصله وَفُلَانًا بِخَير أَو شَرّ زنا اتهمه بِهِ وبوله حقنه وحبسه
الإزْنَانُ: الإنْبَازُ، أزَنَّه بخَيْرٍ. والتُّهْمَةُ أيضاً. وزَنَّه أيضاً. وأبو زَنَةَ: كُنْيَةُ القِرْدِ. وماءٌ زَنَنٌ ومِيَاهٌ زَنَنٌ: قَلِيْلَةٌ، وقيل: هي مِثْلُ الظَنُوْنِ التي لا يُدْرَى أفيها ماءٌ أم لا.
وزَنَ العَصَبُ: يَبِسَ. والزُّنَانن: شَبِيْهُ المُخَاطِ يَقَعُ من أنُوفِ الإِبِلِ. وحِنْطَةٌ زِنَّةٌ: خِلافُ العِذْيِ. والزَوَنْزى: القَصِيْرُ.
باب الزاي والنون ز ن، ن ز مستعملان

زن: أبو زَنَّة: كنية [القِرْد] . والإزنان: الأَبْنُ، وهو مصدر المأبون.. أزنّة بخير، أي: أَبَنَهُ. وفلان يُزَنُّ بخير أو بشر. ولا يقال: يؤبن إلا بشر، قال : لا يزنّون في العشيرة بالسوء ... ولا يُفسِدون ما صَلَحا

نز: النِّزُ: ما تحلّب من الأرض من الماء. وأَنَزَّتِ الأرض، أي: صارت ذات نِزٍّ، ونَزَّت: تحلَّب منها النِّزُّ وصارت هذه الأرض منابعَ النِّزّ ومواقع الوزّ. وظليمٌ نَزٌّ: لا يكاد يستقرّ في مكان. والمِنَزُّ: مَهْدُ الصّبيّ. وغلام نَزٌّ، أي: خفيف، وغلمان نزّونَ، أي: خفاف.


1 زَنڤ3َ see 4, in five places.

A2: زَنَّ عَصَبُهُ, [aor., accord. to rule, زَنِّ, or the sec. Pers\. may be زَنِنْتَ, and the aor. ـَ and the inf. n., in this case, رَنَنٌ, which see below, but the TK makes its aor. to be زَنُّ, and the inf. n. زَنٌّ,] His sinews dried up. (K.) b2: زَنَّ فَذَنَّ means حقن فقطر [which may be rendered He kept in, or retained, his urine, and then dribbled it, or his urine was kept in, or retained, and then dribbled]. (TA. [See زِنِّينٌ.]) 4 أَزْنَنْتُهُ I thought him to possess good or evil; as also ↓ زَنَنْتُهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. زَنٌّ: or both mean I imputed, or attributed, to him good or evil: (Msb:) or فُلَانًا بِخَيْرٍ ↓ زَنَّ or بِشَرٍّ he thought such a one to possess good or evil; like أَزَنَّهُ; syn. ظَنَّهُ بِهِ: (K:) or, accord. to Lh, one says, أَزْنَنْتُهُ بِمَالٍ and بِخَيْرٍ I thought him to possess [property and (as appears from what is said below on his authority) wealth]: but ↓ زَنَنْتُهُ is what the vulgar say, and is wrong. (TA.) And أَزْنَنْتُهُ بِشَىْءٍ, (S,) or بِكَذَا, (K,) and also بكذا ↓ زَنَنْتُهُ, (Har p. 112,) [and accord. to Golius ↓ اِزْتَنَنْتُهُ, mentioned by him as from the S, but not found therein by Freytag, nor by me in either of my copies,] I suspected him of a thing, or of such a thing: (S, K, and Har ubi suprà:) [but] Lh says, لَا يَكُونُ الإِزْنَانُ فِى الخَيْرِ [app. meaning that أَزَنَّ is not said in relation to that which is good: see what is cited on his authority above]. (TA.) And ازنّهُ بِالأَمْرِ He suspected him of the thing, or affair; like

أَظَنَّهُ. (S.) And هُوَ يُزَنُّ بِكَذَا [He is suspected of such a thing]. (S.) Hassán says, حَصَانٌ رَزَانٌ مَا تُزَنُّ بِرِيبَةٍ

i. e. [Chaste, staid,] she is not suspected of evil: [in which تُزَنُّ may be from ↓ زُنَّتْ or from أُزِنَّتْ:] but some restrict themselves to the quadriliteral verb [ازنّ]. (Msb.) 8 إِزْتَنَ3َ see 4.

زَنَّةٌ A suspicion: whence the saying, ↓ أَبُو زَنَّةٍ

شَرٌّ مِنْهُ أَخُو زَنَّةٍ The ape, or baboon, or monkey, (القِرْدُ,) worse than he is the person who has conceived a suspicion: (A, TA:) [for] b2: أَبُو زَنَّةٍ, (so in three copies of the S and in my MS. copy of the K,) or ↓ ابو زِنَّةٍ, (thus in the CK and TK and JM, [in the second and third of which it is expressly said to be “ with kesr,” which, however, the author of the K should have added, accord. to his usual practice, if he meant it to be thus,]) signifies القِرْدُ. (S, K.) أَبُو زِنَّةٍ: see what next precedes, in two places.

مَآءٌ زَنَنٌ, and مِيَاهٌ زَنَنٌ, [which suggests that زَنَنٌ is an inf. n. used as an epithet,] A water, and waters, small in quantity, and narrow: (K:) [for] زَنَنٌ signifies strait, or narrow; like زَنَآءٌ and زَنِىٌّ [which do not belong to this art.]: (TA:) or مَآءٌ زَنَنٌ means [a place of water] of which one knows not whether there be in it water or not. (K.) ظِلٌّ زَنَانٌ Short [or contracted] shade; like زَنَآءٌ [mentioned in art. زنأ]. (K.) زُنَانَى A fluid like mucus, that falls from the noses of camels: (K:) but the more approved word is ذُنَانَى. (TA.) زَنَانِىٌّ A man who suffices for himself, without any other. (K.) زَنَّانٌ One who opines, or conjectures, much; i. q. ظَنَّانٌ. (TA.) زِنِّينٌ One suppressing his urine and his ordure: occurring in a trad.: or, as some say, it is زِبِّينٌ, [q. v.,] with ب. (TA. [But see 1, and see also what here follows.]) أَزَنُّ One suppressing his urine [or his ordure]; syn. حَاقِنٌ: such is one of the persons forbidden, in a trad., to act as إِمَام to others. (TA in art. نصر: mentioned also, but not expl., in the present art. in the TA.) [See also the next preceding paragraph.]
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