1 رَسَمَ الدَّارَ, (
M,) or الدِّيَارَ, (
K,) [
aor. ـُ
accord. to a rule of the
inf. n. رَسْمٌ, (
M,) It (the rain) rased the house or dwelling, or the houses or dwellings, leaving a relic, or relics, thereof cleaving to the ground. (
K.) In the saying of El-Hotei-ah, أَمِنْ رَسْمِ دَارٍ مُرْبِعٌ وَمُصِيفُ لِعَيْنَيْكَ مِنْ مَآءِ الشُّؤُونِ وَكِيفُ [Is it in consequence of autumn-rain's and springrain's rasing of a dwelling so as to leave only a relic thereof cleaving to the ground, that there is to thine eyes a distilling of the water of the tearchannels?], مربع and مصيف are in the
nom. case because of the
inf. n., i.e. رسم. (
TA. [But in the latter, مَصِيفُ: and in a copy of the former, مَرْبَعٌ and مَصِيفُ, both of which are evidently wrong.])
b2: [رَسَمَ often signifies He marked, or stamped: and he drew, traced, traced out, sketched, sketched out, or planned: and he delineated, or described.] You say, رَسَمَ الطَّعَامَ He stamped, or sealed, the corn; (
TA in art. رشم;) as also رَشَمَهُ. (
TA, all in that art. [See رَوْسَمٌ.]) and رَسَمْتُ البِنَآءَ,
aor. and
inf. n. as above, I marked out the building. (
Msb.) And رَسَمَ كِتَابًا وَلَمْ يَحْشُهُ [He sketched out a book and did not fill it up]. (
Mz 1st نوع.) And رَسَمْتُ الكِتَابَ I wrote the book, or letter, or writing. (
Msb.) And رَسَمَ عَلَى كَذَا He wrote upon such a thing; (
K;) and رَشَمَ is a
dial. var. thereof. (
b3: [Hence,] رَسَمَ لَهُ كَذَا, (
TA,) or بِكَذَا, (
Msb,) (
tropical:) [He prescribed to him the doing of such a thing;] he commanded, ordered, bade, or enjoined, him to do such a thing. (
S, *
Msb, *
TA.) [And رَسَمَ لَهُ كَذَا also means (assumed
tropical:) he assigned, or appointed, him such a thing, as a stipend, &c.: often used in this sense.]
b4: رَسَمَتْ said of a she-camel, (
aor. ـُ (
M, [and so
accord. to a rule of the
K,]) or ـِ not رَسُمَ, (
inf. n. رَسِيمٌ, (
K,) She made marks upon the ground (
K) by the vehemence of her tread. (
b5: And رَسَمَ said of a camel,
aor. ـِ
inf. n. رَسِيمٌ, (
K,) with which مِرْسَمٌ is
syn., (
K,) He went a certain pace, (
K,) exceeding that which is termed ذَمِيل [
inf. n. of ذَمَلَ,
q. v.]: one should not say of a camel أَرْسَمَ, for this latter verb is
trans. (
b6: Also رَسَمَ نَحْوَهُ,
inf. n. رَسْمٌ, He went, or went away, quickly towards him, or it. (
b7: and رَسَمَ فِى الأَرْضِ, (
inf. n. رَسْمٌ, (
TA,) He disappeared in the land, or country: (
K:) and [hence], used metonymically, (
tropical:) he died; like رَزَمَ. (
TA.) 2 تَرْسِيمٌ [
inf. n. of رَسَّمَ] The act of marking, or stamping, [and of drawing, tracing, tracing out, sketching, sketching out, or planning, several things, or of doing so much, or] well:: and writing [much, or] well: and making a garment, or piece of cloth, striped. (
KL.) 4 ارسم He caused a she-camel to make marks upon the ground (
K) by the vehemence of her tread. (
b2: And He made a camel to go the pace termed رَسِيم (
S. [The meaning is there indicated, but not expressed.]) فَأَرْسَمَا ending a verse of Homeyd Ibn-Thowr [which is variously related] refers to two boys, or young men, mentioned therein, and means فَأَرْسَمَا بَعِيرَيْهِمَا [and they made their two camels to go the pace termed رَسِيم]. (
TA.) 5 ترسّم, (
K, but omitted in some copies,) or ترسّم الرَّسْمَ, (
M,) He looked at the رَسْمِ [or mark, trace, relic, &c.]. (
K.) And ترسّم الدَّارَ He considered, or examined, the رُسُوم [or marks, traces, relics, &c.,] of the house, or dwelling; (
TA; *) or did so repeatedly, in order to obtain a clear knowledge thereof. (
b2: And in like manner ترسّم signifies He looked, and considered, or examined, or did so repeatedly, in order to know where he should dig, or build. (
TA.) Hence, تَرَسَّمَتِ القَنَافِذُ فِى الأَرْضِ (
tropical:) The hedge-hogs looked, or considered, or examined, repeatedly, to know where they should make their holes. (
TA.) And ترسّم الشَّىْءَ (assumed
tropical:) He looked, or looked long, at the thing; or considered, or examined, it, or did so repeatedly, in order to obtain a clear knowledge of it. (
TA.) And ترسّم القَصِيدَةَ (
tropical:) He considered, or studied, the ode, and retained it in his memory, or sought, or endeavoured, to remember it. (
K, *
TA.) And أَنَا أَتَرَسَّمُ كَذَا (assumed
tropical:) I remember, or I seek, or endeavour, to remember, such a thing, but am not sure, or certain, of it. (
TA.) 8 اِرْتِسَامٌ [in its primary sense, as quasi-
pass. of رَسْمٌ,
inf. n. of رَسَمَ, is
app. post-classical, but, as such,] is used by the logicians as meaning The being stamped and depicted [in the mind]: (“ Dict. of the Technical Terms used in the sciences of the Musalmans: ”] an image's being fixed in, or upon, a thing. (
KL.) [It is used, in this sense, of an image formed by the fancy, and of any ideal image.]
A2: [Also (
tropical:) The obeying a prescript or command &c.] You say, رَسَمْتُ لَهُ كَذَا, (
K,) or بِكَذَا, (
Msb,) فَارْتَسَمَ, (
K,) or فَارْتَسَمَهُ, (
S,) (
tropical:) [I prescribed to him the doing of such a thing; or] I commanded, ordered, bade, or enjoined, him to do such a thing, (
TA,) and he obeyed (
TA) it [i. e. the prescript &c.]. (
Msb.) And ↓ أَنَا أَرْتَسِمُ مَرَاسِمَكَ (
tropical:) [I obey thy prescripts &c.;] I do not transgress thy مراسم. (
b2: And hence, (
TA,) ارتسم signifies also (
tropical:) He said اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرْ [God is great, or most great]: (
TA:) and he sought protection or preservation [by God]: (
TA;) and he prayed or supplicated or petitioned [God]: (
K:) as though [meaning] he took the course prescribed by God, of having recourse to Him for protection or preservation. (
TA.) El-Aashà says, [speaking of wine,] وَصَلَّى عضلَى دَنِّهَا وَارْتَسَمْ وَقَابَلَهَا الرِيحَ فِى دَنِّهَا (
TA,) or وَأَقْبَلَهَا, (so in some copies of the
S in this art. and in art. صلو, and in the
Mgh, also, in the latter art.,) i. e. [And he exposed it to the wind, in its jar, and he prayed over its jar,] and petitioned for it (
TA in this art. and in art. صلو) that it might not become sour, nor spoil: (
TA in the latter art.:)
AHn says that ارتسم means he stamped its vessel with the رَوْسَم; but this saying is not valid: (
TA:) [and
Mtr, also, says that] ارتسم, here, is from الرَّوْسَمُ, and means he stamped it. (
Mgh in art. صلو.) رَسْمٌ
inf. n. of 1 [
q. v.]. (
Msb, &c.)
b2: [Hence رَسْمُ المُصْحَفِ The writing of the book of the
Kur-án; for which particular rules are prescribed.
b3: Hence also رَسْمٌ is sometimes used by logicians as meaning A definition, either perfect (تَامٌّ) or imperfect (نَاقِصٌ); like حَدٌّ.]
b4: Also A mark, an impression, a sign, a trace, a vestige, or a relic or remain;
syn. أَثَرٌ; (
K;) and رَشَمٌ is a
dial. var. thereof,
accord. to Aboo-Turáb; as is also ↓ رَسَمٌ, both
syn. with أَثَرٌ, (
TA in art. رشم,) and so is رَشْمٌ. (
K in that art.:) or a relic, or remain, of what is termed أَثَرٌ [as meaning a mark, an impression, a sign, a trace, or a vestige]: or such, of what are termed آثَار [as meaning relics or remains], as has not substance and height: (
K:) or such as is cleaving to the ground: (
M:) رَسْمُ دَارٍ means remains of a house or dwelling, cleaving to the ground: (
TA:) or رَسْمٌ signifies a remain, or remains, of a ruined dwelling or place of alighting and abiding: (
Har p. 607:) and ↓ رَوْسَمٌ is
syn. with رَسْمٌ: (
K [
accord. to the correct copies of this last:]) the
pl. [of pauc.] of رَسْمٌ is أَرْسُمٌ and [the
pl. of mult. is]
رُسُومٌ. (
b5: [
I. q. مَرْسُومٌ: see مَرَاسِمُ.
And hence, as being prescribed,] رُسُومُ الدِّينِ means (assumed
tropical:) The ways that are followed in respect of the doctrines and practices of religion. (
b6: And A well which one fills up (
K) in the ground: (
pl. رِسَامٌ. (
b7: [In some copies of the
K, two meanings that belong to رَوْسَمٌ are, by the omission of a و, assigned to رَسْمٌ: see رَوْسَمٌ.]
رَسَمٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
A2: Also Goodness, or elegance, of gait, pace, or manner of going. (
K.) رَسُومٌ That makes marks upon the ground by the vehemence of her tread: applied to a she-camel. (
S TA.) [See an
ex. in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. جهم.]
b2: Also That continues journeying a day and a night: (
K:) applied to a he-camel. (
TK.) رَسِيمٌ A certain pace of camels, (
K,) exceeding that which is termed ذَمِيلٌ [
q. v.]; (
S;) [see رَسَمَ, of which it is an
inf. n.;] and ↓ مِرْسَمٌ signifies the same. (
K.) رَسَّامٌ One who engraves [or draws inscriptions or other designs] upon tablets or the like. (
TA.) رَاسِمٌ, (
K,) or مَآءٌ رَاسِمٌ, (
TK,) Running water. (
b2: And رَاسِمَةٌ A she-camel that goes the pace termed رَسِيم:
pl. رَوَاسِمُ. (
Har p. 495.) رَوْسَمٌ: see رَسْمٌ.
b2: Also A sign, a token, a mark, or an indication, (
K,) of beauty or of ugliness; as in the saying, إِنَّ عَليْهِ لَرَوْسَمًا [Verily upon him is a sign, &c.]: so says
Khálid Ibn-Jebeleh: (
pl. رَوَاسِمُ and رَوَاسِيمُ. (
b3: And as
pl. of رَوْسَمُ, (
TA,) رَوَاِسيمُ signifies Certain books, or writings, that were in the Time of Ignorance. (
b4: Also the
sing., A stamp, or seal; i. e. an instrument with which one stamps, or seals; and رَوْشَمٌ is a
dial. var. thereof: (
M:) or, as some say, particularly, (
M,) one with which the head [or mouth] of a [large jar such as is called] خَابِيَة is stamped, or sealed; (
K;) as also ↓ رَاسُومٌ, (
K,) and رَاشُومٌ. (
TA.) And A piece of wood, (
K,) or a small tablet, (
A,) upon which is some inscription (
K) engraved, or hollowed out, (
K,) with which wheat, (
K,) or corn, or grain, (
Msb,) [in its repository,] is stamped, or sealed, (
K,) or with which collections of wheat or corn are stamped, or sealed: (
TA:) as also رَوْشَمٌ:
pl. رَوَاسِمُ. (
Msb.) [In some copies of the
K, by the omission of a و, this meaning and the next are assigned to رَسْمٌ.]
b5: And (as some say,
S) A certain thing with which deenárs are polished. (
K.) A poet says, (
S,) namely, Kutheiyir, (
TA,) دَنَانِيرُ شِيفَتْ مِنْ هِرَقْلٍ بِرَوْسَمِ [Deenárs, of Heraclius, that were polished with روسم]. (
A2: It occurs in poetry as meaning The face of a horse, in the phrase قُرْحَةٌ بِرَوْسَمٍ
[A star, or blaze, in the face of a horse]. (
A3: Also A calamity, or misfortune; (
K;) like رَوْسَبٌ. (
TA.) رَاسُومٌ: see the next preceding paragraph. [
Accord. to rule, its
pl. is رَوَاسِيمُ, mentioned above as a
pl. of رَوْسَمٌ.]
مُرْسِمٌ [
act. part. n. of 4,
q. v.]. In the saying of the Hudhalee, وَالْمُرْسِمُونَ إِلَى عَبْدِ العَزِيزِ بِهَا مَعًا وَشَتَّى وَمِنْ شَفْعٍ وَفُرَّادِ [And those urging them to make marks upon the ground by the vehemence of their tread in their way to 'Abd-El-'Azeez, together and separately, and two by two and one by one], he means المُرْسِمُوهَا, inserting the ب redundantly between the verb [or part.
n., which is often termed a verb,] and its
objective complement. (
M.) مِرْسَمٌ: see رَسِيمٌ.
مُرَسَّمٌ A garment, or piece of cloth, striped, (
K,) or marked with faint lines. (
TA.) مَرْسُومٌ [or كِتَابٌ مَرْسُومٌ] A book, or writing, stamped, or sealed:
pl. مَرَاسِيمُ. (
TA.) and طَعَامٌ مَرْسُومٌ Wheat stamped, or sealed. (
TA. [See رَوْسَمٌ.])
b2: See also the following paragraph.
مَرَاسِمُ Marks, stamps, impressions, signs, or characters. (
b2: [And (assumed
tropical:) Prescripts, commands, orders, biddings, or injunctions: and (assumed
tropical:) assignments, or appointments: in both of these senses
app. a contraction of مَرَاسِيمُ,
pl. of ↓ مَرْسُومٌ; thus used in the present day; like رُسُومٌ,
pl. of ↓رَسْمٌ.] See 8.