1 دَغَلَ فِيهِ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. دَغْلٌ, (
TA,) He entered it like as enters he who is doing a thing that induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion; (
TA;) like as the hunter enters the lurkingplace to circumvent the game: so in the
T and
M. (
A2: دَغَلَ لَهُمُ الشَّرَّ He sought, or desired, to do to them evil, or mischief, when they thought that he desired to do them good. (
TA.) 4 ادغل He (a man,
TA) disappeared in a دَغَل [or place in which one fears being taken unawares]. (
K, *
b2: ادغل بِهِ He acted treacherously towards him, and took him unawares. (
b3: He slandered him, or calumniated him. (
b4: ادغل فِى الأَمْرِ He introduced into the affair what rendered it unsound, or corrupt, (
K,) or what contravened it, (
O,) and rendered it unsound, or corrupt. (
M, O.)
b5: ادغلت الأَرْضُ The land became abundant [and dense (as is implied in the
S)] in trees. (
TA.) دَغْلٌ: see دَغِلٌ.
دَغَلٌ Badness, corruptness, or unsoundness; or a bad, a corrupt, or an unsound, state or quality; (
S, and
Mgh in art. نغل;) [in an affair, &c.;] like دَخَلٌ; (
S;) and a thing that induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion; [in an affair; or] in a man: (
Mgh ubi suprà:) or a cause of badness, corruption, or unsoundness, in an affair. (
TA.) Hence the saying of El-Hasan, اِتَّخُوا كِتَابَ اللّٰهِ دَغَلًا [They made the Book of God to be a cause of corruption: or perhaps they made the Book of God corrupt; i. e. they corrupted it]. (
b2: Confusedness, or entanglement, and abundance, of plants or herbage; (
K;) most commonly known in plants of the kind termed حَمْض, when amid غريل [i. e. غِرْيَل,
app. here meaning silt, or alluvial deposit, left upon the ground by a torrent]. (
b3: Tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees; (
K;) as also دَخَلٌ. (
b4: Any place in which a wile, machination, or plot, is practised; (
JK;) a place in which one fears being taken unawares: (
K:) and ↓ دَغِيلَةٌ signifies the same as دَغَلٌ [
app. meaning such a place as is here described]: (
K:) the
pl. of the former is أَدْغَالٌ [a
pl. of pauc.] and دِغَالٌ. (
b5: Accord. to En-Nadr, An elevated [tract of ground such as is termed] قُفّ: and
i. q. أَكَمَةٌ [a hill, or mound, &c.]: and a valley: and a level, or smooth, wide, depressed tract of land: and أَدْغَالٌ signifies mountains: and أَدْغَالُ الأَرْضِ, [tracts of] land from which water has sunk into the earth, or receded: and low, or depressed, tracts of land: and level, or smooth, tracts thereof. (
TA.) دَغِلٌ, applied to a man, In whom is a bad, a corrupt, or an unsound, quality, and what induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion; as also ↓ دَغْلٌ, a contraction of the former. (
Mgh in art. نغل.)
b2: Applied to a place, as also ↓ مُدْغِلٌ,
i. q. ذُو دَغَلٍ [
app. as meaning Having tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees]: or obscure, or concealed; (
K;) as also ↓ دَاغِلٌ. (
TA.) دَغِيلَةٌ: see دَغَلٌ.
دَغَاوِلُ Calamities, or misfortunes: (A 'Obeyd,
K:) erroneously written by
J دَوَاغِل, (
K,) and so by
IF in the
Mj, (
TA,) as on the authority of A 'Obeyd, who said only دَغَاوِل, (
K,) and thus it is in a verse of Sakhr El-Hudhalee: (
TA:) [but in one of my copies of the
S it is written دَغَاوِل:] it has no
sing.: (
K:) or, as El-Bekree says, its
sing. is not known: but some say that it is دغولة [thus without any
syll. signs]. (
TA.) دَاغِلٌ One who seeks, or desires, to do evil, or mischief, to his companions, when they think that he desires to do them good. (
TA. [See the next paragraph.])
b2: See also دَغِلٌ.
دَاغِلَةٌ Concealed rancour, malevolence; malice, or spite. (
A2: Persons who seek to blame one, or to find fault with one, and to act treacherously towards one. (
K. [See دَاغِلٌ.]) مُدْغِلٌ: see دَغِلٌ.
مَدَاغِلُ The bottoms, or interior parts, of valleys; (
K;) and the level, or smooth, tracts thereof, when their trees are numerous. (