1 خَطَا, (
K, &c.,)
aor. ـْ (
inf. n. خَطْوٌ; (
K;) and ↓ اختطى; (
K;) said of a man (
TA) [and of a beast]; both signify the same; (
K;) He stepped, paced, or walked; (
i. q. مَشَى; (
K;) as also اِخْتَاطَ, [which see in art. خيط,] formed by
transposition. (
K.) You say, خَطَوْتُ خَطْوَةً وَاحِدَةً [I stepped one step]. (
JK.) [and وَسَّعَ الخَطْوَ He stepped wide.] See also the last sentence of the next paragraph.
2 خطّى He made to pass over: so in the saying, خَطَّى اللّٰهُ نَوْءَهَا God made, or may God make, its (a land's) [rain-giving] star or asterism to pass it over, and not send rain upon it: (
TA in art. خطأ:) but in this case the verb is, (
Mgh in that art.,) or may be, (
TA ibid.,) originally خَطَّطَ, the final ط being changed into ى. (
Mgh and
TA ibid. [See 2 in art. خطأ.])
Accord. to
Fr, خَطَّى السَّهْمَ and خطأ are
syn. [as meaning He made the arrow to pass over, or to miss, the mark]. (
TA in art. خطأ.) One says also, in praying for a man, خُطِّىَ عَنْهُ السُّوْءُ [May evil be made to pass him; or] may evil be repelled from him: and one says also خُطِّىَ عَنْكَ May it be removed, or put away, from thee: (
TA:) or خُطِّئَ عَنْكَ السُّوْءُ. (
TA in art. خطأ.)
A2: The vulgar say [to a she-ass and to a she-camel or other beast in a slippery or difficult place] خَطِّى, meaning اِمْشِى [for اِمْشِى رُوَيَدًا Step thou leisurely]: but the correct word is ↓ اُخْطُِى [
imperative fem. of خَطَا]. (
TA.) 4 اخطاهُ He (a man) made him (another man) to step, pace, or walk. (
A2: أَخْطَيْتُ for أَخْطَأْتُ: see the latter.
5 تَخَطَّيْتُهُ I stepped, or walked, over him, or it: (
Msb:) or I passed over and beyond him, or it: (
S:) or تخطّى النَّاسَ He went over the people, (رَكِبَهُمْ,) and passed beyond them; and so ↓ اِخْتَطَاهُمْ. (
K.) One says, تَخَطَّيْتُ رِقَابَ النَّاسِ [I stepped over, walked over, passed over and beyond, or went over and passed beyond, the necks of the people]. (
TA.) It is said in a
trad. respecting Friday, [of one who came too late to the Friday-prayers, as is shown in the
TA in art. انى,] رَأَى رَجُلًا يَتَخَطَّى رِقَابَ النَّاسِ He saw a man passing step by step [over the necks of the people who were already in their ranks in the mosque]. (
TA. [See also
Har p. 83.]) One says also, فُلَانٌ لَا يَتَخَطَّى عَنِ الطُّنُبِ [Such a one will not step over, or beyond, or from, the tent-rope], meaning, will not go far from the tent for the purpose of voiding his excrement, by reason of his foulness and vileness and uncleanness. (
TA.) And تَخَطَّيْتُ كَذَا (
TA) I passed over [to such a thing or place or person]: (
TA:) one should not say تَخَطَّأْتُ [in this sense], with ء. (
TA.) [Hence the following
tropical phrases.] تخطّاهُ المَكْرُوهُ (
tropical:) [What was disliked or hated, or evil, passed over him; not alighting upon him]. (
TA.) and تَخَطَّيْتُ إِلَيْهِ بِالمَكْرُوهِ (
tropical:) [I passed over others to him with that which was disliked or hated, or evil;
i. q. تَجَاوَزْتُ]. (
TA.) And تخطّى عَنِّى
بَصَرُكَ (assumed
tropical:) [Thine eye, or thy sight, passed me over]. (Aboo-Turáb,
TA in art. تيه.)
b2: [Also (assumed
tropical:) I overstepped it, or transgressed it; namely, a limit prescribed to me, &c.]
8 إِخْتَطَوَ see 1:
A2: and see also 5.
خَطْوَةٌ A step, or pace, as meaning a single act of stepping or pacing or walking: (
pl. [of pauc.] خَطَوَاتٌ (
K) and [of mult.] خِطَآءٌ. (
S.) Imra-el-Keys says, لَهَا وَثَبَاتٌ كَوَثْبِ الشِّبَآءِ فَوَادٍ خِطَآءٌ وَوَادٍ مَطِرْ [She has bounds like the bounding of gazelles; and a valley is stepped over by her with leisurely steps, and a valley is trampled over by her rapidly as though it were rained upon]: (
S:) i. e., one time she steps, and refrains from running; and one time she runs with a running resembling rain: but
AO relates it otherwise, saying, فَوَادٍ
خَطِيطٌ [
lit. and a valley is not rained upon]: and some substitute كَصَوْبِ الخَرِيفِ [like the pouring rain of the autumn]. (
TA.) [See also what next follows.]
خُطْوَةٌ A step, or pace, as meaning the space between the two feet [in walking or running]:
pl. (of pauc.,
S) خُطْوَاتٌ (
K) and خُطُوَاتٌ and خُطَوَاتٌ (
Msb) and (of mult.,
S) خُطًى. (
K.) One says, قَرَّبَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيْكَ الخُطْوَةَ, meaning May God make short to thee the space, or distance. (
TA.) And بَيْنَ القَوْلَيْنِ خُطٍى يَسِيرَةٌ (assumed
tropical:) Between the two sayings is little difference. (
TA.) لَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ, in the
Kur [ii. 163 &c.], means [Follow not ye] the ways of the Devil: (
TA:) or the footsteps of the Devil: (
JK:) here some read خُطْوَات; and some,
accord. to
Lth, خُطُؤَات, which
Az pronounces to have no meaning. (
TA.) خَطِيَّةٌ for خَطِيْئَةٌ: see the latter, in art. خطأ.
[Freytag, evidently from his having found it incorrectly written for حَظِيَّةٌ, has assigned to it the meaning of “ amica,” and “ amata. ”]
نَاقَتُكَ هٰذِهِ مِنَ المُتَخَطِّيَاتِ الجيف [the last word being
app. الجِيَفَ] is a saying mentioned by
Az: (
TA in the present art.:) or من المُتَخَطِّئَاتِ الجيف. (
TA in art. خطأ, where see the explanation.)