1 خَرَطَ الوَرَقَ, (
aor. ـُ and خَرِطَ,
inf. n. خَرْطٌ, (
Msb,) He rubbed off the leaves (
Msb) from the branches, (
Msb,) by grasping the upper part, and passing the hand along it to the lower part. (
b2: خَرَطَ الشَّجَرَ,
aor. as above, (
K,) and so the
inf. n., (
TA,) He pulled off the leaves, (
TA,) and the bark, or peel, (
TA,) from the trees (
TA) with his hand [in the manner above described]. (
TA.) It is said in a
prov., دُونَهُ خَرْطُ القَتَادِ [Before one can attain it he has to strip the tragacanth of its leaves by grasping each branch and drawing his hand down it: i. e. he has to perform what will be extremely difficult, if not impossible]. (
TA. [In the
S and
L in art. قتد, we find مِنْ دُونِهِ.]) You say also, خَرَطَ العُنْقُودَ He pulled off the grapes, or the like, from the bunch with all his fingers: (
AHeyth:) or he put the bunch in his mouth and drew forth its stalk bare; as also ↓ اخترطهُ. (
K.) It is said of Mo-hammad, كَانَ يَأْكُلُ العِنَبَ خَرْطًا [He used to eat grapes by putting the bunch in his mouth and drawing forth its stalk bare: or by stripping them off with all his fingers]. (
b3: خَرَطَ العُودَ,
aor. as above, (
K, *) and so the
inf. n., (
S,) He removed the bark, or peel, from the wood, or stick, (
K,) and planed it, or made it even, (
K,) with the مِخْرَط, which is also called بَلْط and بُلْط, (
TA in art. بلَط,) or with his hand. (
TA in the present art.)
b4: [Hence, in modern Arabic, He turned the wood, or stick; i. e., shaped it, or made it round, with a lathe.]
b5: خَرَطَ الحَدِيدَ,
inf. n. as above, He made the iron long, like a column, or pole, or rod. (
A2: خَرَطَ الجَوَاهِرَ He collected the jewels in a خَرِيطَة [
q. v.]. (
MF.) 4 اخرط الخَرِيطَةَ He bound, or made fast, the خريطة [
q. v.]; or closed it by inserting its loops one into another;
syn. أَشْرَجَهَا. (
K *) 7 انخرط [It (a piece of wood, or a stick,) had its bark, or peel, removed, and was planed, or made even, with the مِخْرَط, (as appears from what here follows,) or with the hand: see 1].
b2: [and hence,] انخرط جِسْمُهُ (
tropical:) His body became slender; (
TA;) as though it were barked and planed (خُرِطَ) with the مِخْرَط. (
TA.) 8 إِخْتَرَطَ see 1.
b2: [Hence,] اخترط سَيْفَهُ, (
S,) or السَّيْفَ, (
K,) (
tropical:) He drew his sword, or the sword, (
K,) from its scabbard. (
TA.) خُرَاطَةٌ The parings, or shavings, that fall from the work of the خَرَّاط; like نُجَارَةٌ and نُحَاتَةٌ. (
b2: What falls from a bunch of grapes, or the like, when the fruit is pulled off with all the fingers. (
AHeyth.) خِرَاطَةٌ The art, or craft, of the خَرَّاط. (
K.) خَرِيطَةٌ A receptacle, (
K,) [a pouch,] or thing like a كِيس [or purse], (
Msb,) of leather, (
K,) or of rag, (
Lth,) or other material, (
K,) which is bound, or made fast, or closed by the insertion of its loops one into another, (يُشْرَجُ,
K,) upon its contents: (
pl. خَرَائِطُ. (
b2: Also A thing likened thereto, which is made for the letters of the sultán, and of prefects, or agents, to be sent therein. (
b3: Also A similar thing [which was formerly, in the time of paganism,] put upon the head of the she-camel [that was] confined [to perish] at the tomb of a dead person. (
b4: [Also The pod, or oblong capsule or pericarp, of sesamum and the like:
pl. as above. Used in this sense by writers on botany, and in the spoken language of the present day.]
b5: See also بِدَادٌ.
خَرَائِطِىٌّ [A maker, or seller, of خَرَائِط,
pl. of خَرِيطَةٌ]; a rel.
n. formed from a
pl., like أَنْمَا طِىٌّ. (
TA.) خَرَّاطٌ One whose occupation is to remove the bark, or peel, of wood, or sticks, and to plane it, or make it even, (
K,) with the مِخْرَط, which is also called بَلْط and بُلْط, (
TA in art. بلط,) or with the hand. (
TA in the present art.)
b2: [Hence, in modern Arabic, A turner of wood &c.]
مِخْرَطٌ The iron instrument with which the خَرَّاط performs his work; also called بَلْطٌ and بُلْطٌ. (
TA in art. بلط,
q. v.) مَخْرُوطٌ [
pass. part. n. of 1].
b2: (assumed
tropical:) A man (
TA) having a scanty beard: (
TA:) [or you say,] رَجُلٌ مَخْرُوطُ اللِّحْيَةِ A man having a beard in which is length without breadth. (
S.) and لِحْيَةٌ مَخْرُوطَةٌ (assumed
tropical:) A beard that is scanty in its side, (
K,) or, correctly, in its two sides, (
TA,) and lank and long in the part on and beneath the chin. (
b3: (assumed
tropical:) A face in which is length (
TA) without breadth. (
TA.) You say, رَجُلٌ مَخْرُوطُ الوَجْهِ (assumed
tropical:) A man whose face has length without breadth. (
b4: بِئْرٌ مَخْرُوطَةٌ (
tropical:) A narrow well. (
b5: [مَخْرُوطٌ and ↓ مَخْرُوطَةٌ, in mathematics, signify A cone.]
مَخْرُوطَةٌ: see what next precedes.
مَخْرُوطِىٌّ, in mathematics, Conical.]