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78442. خَزَوَ 1 78443. خَزْوانُ1 78444. خَزُور1 78445. خَزَوْزَى1 78446. خَزُوفة1 78447. خزى478448. خَزِيَ1 78449. خزي12 78450. خَزْيانًا1 78451. خَزْيانة1 78452. خَزْيَانين1 78453. خُزَيبَةُ1 78454. خَزِير1 78455. خُزَيْر1 78456. خُزَيْرَان1 78457. خَزِيز1 78458. خُزَيْز1 78459. خَزِيف1 78460. خُزَيْف1 78461. خَزِيفيّ1 78462. خُزَيْفيّ1 78463. خُزَيْقة1 78464. خَزِيقة1 78465. خُزَيْم1 78466. خُزَيْمَة1 78467. خَزِيمة1 78468. خُزَيْمِيّ1 78469. خُزَيْن1 78470. خَزِين1 78471. خُزَيْنة1 78472. خَزِينَة1 78473. خسّ1 78474. خس6 78475. خَسَّ 1 78476. خسء2 78477. خسأَ1 78478. خسأ14 78479. خَسَأَ1 78480. خسِأ1 78481. خَسَأَ 1 78482. خسا6 78483. خَسَارة1 78484. خَسَّارة1 78485. خُسَارَة1 78486. خَسَاريّ1 78487. خُسافُ1 78488. خَسَّاف1 78489. خُسَالِم1 78490. خَسَّانة1 78491. خسب1 78492. خَسب1 78493. خسة1 78494. خسْت1 78495. خست2 78496. خَسْتُ1 78497. خَسْتاوِيّ1 78498. خستك1 78499. خسته1 78500. خسج3 78501. خسد1 78502. خَسَرَ1 78503. خسر19 78504. خَسِرَ 1 78505. خُسْراباذ1 78506. خَسْران1 78507. خَسْرَان1 78508. خُسْرَان1 78509. خَسْرانة1 78510. خَسْرانين1 78511. خُسرَاهاباذ1 78512. خَسْرَاوي1 78513. خُسْراوي1 78514. خُسْراوِيَةُ1 78515. خسرو1 78516. خَسَرُوت1 78517. خُسْرُوجِرْدُ1 78518. خُسْرُوسابور1 78519. خُسْرُوشاذ فيرُوز1 78520. خُسْرُوشاذ قُباذ1 78521. خُسْرُوشاذ هُرْمُز1 78522. خُسْرُوشاه1 78523. خُسْرَوي1 78524. خَسَسَ1 78525. خَسس1 78526. خسس12 78527. خسط1 78528. خسع.1 78529. خسع3 78530. خُسِعَ1 78531. خَسع1 78532. خسف19 78533. خَسف1 78534. خَسَفَ2 78535. خَسَفَ 1 78536. خسفت1 78537. خسفج3 78538. خِسْفين1 78539. خسق8 78540. خسق1 78541. خَسَقَ1 Prev. 100


الخِزْيُ: السُّوء، خَزِيَ يَخْزى خِزْياً. وأقامَه على خَزْيَةٍ ومَخْزَاة.
والخَزَايَةُ: شِدَّة الاسْتِحياء. ورَجُلٌ خَزْيان، وامْرَأةٌ خَزْيا، والجميع الخَزَايا. وخازاني فَخَزَيْتُه وكَرِهْتُ أن أُخْزِيَه: أي غالَبْتُه فَغَلَبْته. وأصابَتْنا خَزْيَةٌ: أي خَصْلَةٌ يُسْتَحْيا منها.
(خزى) - قَولُه تَباركَ وتعالى: {رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ مَنْ تُدْخِلِ النَّارَ فَقَدْ أَخْزَيْتَهُ} .
: أي أَهلكْتَه، وقيل: باعدْتَه من الخَيْر. ويقال: مَقَتَّه.
- وقوله في الآية الأُخرى: {وَلَا تُخْزِنَا} .
كأَنَّه راجِعٌ إلى هذا: أي لا تُدخِلْنا النارَ، لئلا يُصِيبَنا خِزْيُك.
خَزِيَ الرّجل: لحقه انكسار، إمّا من نفسه، وإمّا من غيره. فالذي يلحقه من نفسه هو الحياء المفرط، ومصدره الخَزَايَة ورجل خَزْيَان، وامرأة خَزْيَى وجمعه خَزَايَا. وفي الحديث:
«اللهمّ احشرنا غير خزايا ولا نادمين» . والذي يلحقه من غيره يقال: هو ضرب من الاستخفاف، ومصدره الخِزْي، ورجل خز. قال تعالى: ذلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيا [المائدة/ 33] ، وقال تعالى: إِنَّ الْخِزْيَ الْيَوْمَ وَالسُّوءَ عَلَى الْكافِرِينَ [النحل/ 27] ، فَأَذاقَهُمُ اللَّهُ الْخِزْيَ فِي الْحَياةِ الدُّنْيا [الزمر/ 26] ، لِنُذِيقَهُمْ عَذابَ الْخِزْيِ فِي الْحَياةِ الدُّنْيا [فصلت/ 16] ، وقال: مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ نَذِلَّ وَنَخْزى [طه/ 134] ، وأَخْزَى يقال من الخزاية والخزي جميعا، وقوله: يَوْمَ لا يُخْزِي اللَّهُ النَّبِيَّ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا [التحريم/ 8] ، فهو من الخزي أقرب، وإن جاز أن يكون منهما جميعا، وقوله تعالى: رَبَّنا إِنَّكَ مَنْ تُدْخِلِ النَّارَ فَقَدْ أَخْزَيْتَهُ [آل عمران/ 192] ، فمن الخزاية، ويجوز أن يكون من الخزي، وكذا قوله: مَنْ يَأْتِيهِ عَذابٌ يُخْزِيهِ [هود/ 39] ، وقوله: وَلا تُخْزِنا يَوْمَ الْقِيامَةِ [آل عمران/ 194] ، وَلِيُخْزِيَ الْفاسِقِينَ [الحشر/ 5] ، وقال:
وَلا تُخْزُونِ فِي ضَيْفِي [هود/ 78] ، وعلى نحو ما قلنا في خزي قولهم: ذلّ وهان، فإنّ ذلك متى كان من الإنسان نفسه يقال له: الهون والذّلّ، ويكون محمودا، ومتى كان من غيره يقال له: الهون، والهوان، والذّلّ، ويكون مذموما.


ى1 خَزِىَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. خِزْىٌ (S, Mgh, * Msb, K, &c.) and خَزًى (Sb, K) and خِزْيَةٌ and مَخْزَاةٌ, (MA, [or these two are simple substs.,]) He was, or became, base, abased, abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious: (S, Mgh, Msb:) or, accord. to ISk, he fell into trial, or affliction: (S:) or he fell into trial, or affliction, (K, TA,) and evil, (TA,) and a thing that exposed him to disgrace, and thereby became base, abased, abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious; as also ↓ اِخْزَوَى, (K, TA,) like اِرْعَوَى: (TA:) or خِزْىٌ signifies disgrace, or ignominy: so in the Kur v. 37 [&c.]: (Sh, TA:) or its primary signification is a state of abasement, vileness, or ignominy, of which one is ashamed: so accord. to Er-Rághib and Bd and the Ksh: (MF, TA:) or the manifesting foul actions or qualities, for the manifesting of which one deserves punishment: (El-Harállee, TA:) or خَزِىَ signifies he became disgraced, and was confounded, or perplexed, by reason of disgrace. (TA.) b2: And خَزِىَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, (S, Mgh,) inf. n. خَزَايَةٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and خَزًى, (K,) He was, or became, moved, or affected, with shame; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) [as also ↓ استخزى: see the part. n. of this latter below:] or خَزَايَةٌ signifies the being moved, or affected, with much, or intense, shame. (JK.) A2: خَازَانِى فَخَزَيْتُهُ: see the next paragraph.

A3: خِزَايَةٌ: see art. خزو.3 خَازَانِى, inf. n. مُخَازَاةٌ, He vied, or contended, with me in mutual abasing; or rendering base, abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious. (TK.) You say, ↓ خَازَانِى فَخَزَيْتُهُ, (Ks, JK, S, K,) aor. of the latter أَخْزِيهِ, (Ks, JK, S,) [inf. n. app. خَزْىٌ,] I vied, or contended, with him (JK, TK) in mutual abasing, &c., (TK,) and I surpassed, or overcame, him [therein]: (JK:) [or it may signify, in abasement, &c.; for] the meaning [of the latter verb with its pronoun] is كُنْتُ

أَشَدَّ خَزْيًا مِنْهُ. (K: in the CK, خِزْيًا: but in a MS copy of the K, خِزْيًا.) 4 اخزاهُ He (God) abased him; or rendered him base, abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious: or may He abase him; &c.: (S, Msb:) or He disgraced him, or put him to shame: or may He disgrace him, &c. (K.) Hence, in the Kur [xi. 80], the saying of Lot to his people, وَلَا تُخْزُونِ فِى ضَيْفِى (TA) And disgrace ye not me in respect of my guests: (Bd, Jel, TA:) or make not me ashamed &c. (Bd.) One says also, of him who has done or said that which is approved, مَالَهُ أخْزَاهُ اللّٰهُ [What aileth him? May God abase him, or disgrace him!]; and so without ما له: (K:) it is like مَا لَهُ قَاتَلَهُ اللّٰهُ, said of a man whose action pleases: (S in art. نفر:) it is used in lieu of praise, to charm a person against the evil eye; and means a prayer for him, not an imprecation against him. (TA.) See also مُخْزٍ, below. b2: Also He made him to be ashamed for himself (Ham pp. 114 and 397, and TA) in respect of him, for his shortcoming. (TA.) [See the citation from the Kur above.] b3: He compelled him, or constrained him, to admit an evidence, or a proof, whereby he abased him, or disgraced him. (TA.) b4: And He aided him in, and made him to keep to, a مَخْزَاة [i. e. a thing that was a cause of shame, or of abasement or disgrace]. (TA.) 9 اِخْزَوَى: see 1.10 إِسْتَخْزَىَ see 1.

خَزٍ [part. n. of خَزِىَ] Base, abased, abject, rile, despicable, or ignominious. (MA.) [See also خَزْيَانُ and مُخْزًى.]

خَزْيَةٌ A habit, a quality, a practice, or an action, (JK,) or a crime, a sin, or an offence, or act of disobedience, (TA,) of which one is, or should be, ashamed: (JK, TA: [and ↓ مَخْزَاةٌ, which is coupled therewith in the JK, app. as syn. with it, properly signifies a thing, or an action, &c., that is a cause of shame, or of abasement or disgrace; being a noun of the class of مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ; originally مَخْزَيَةٌ: see 4, last sentence:]) and ↓ مُخْزِيَةٌ, of the form of an act. part. n., from أَخْزَى, signifies [the same; or] a bad, an evil, or a foul, habit, quality, practice, or action: the pl. of this last is مُخْزِيَاتٌ, and of the same [and of مَخْزَاةٌ also] مَخَازٍ. (Msb.) Or the first signifies A habit, a practice, or an action, in which one becomes base, despicable, or ignominious. (Mgh.) b2: Also A trial, or an affliction, (K, TA,) into which one is made to fall; (TA;) and so ↓ خِزْيَةٌ. (K.) خِزْيَةٌ: see what next precedes.

خَزْيَانُ Moved, or affected, with shame; (S, Msb, K, and Ham p. 36;) as also ↓ مُسْتَخْزٍ: (Har p. 482:) or, with much shame, (Lth, JK, TA,) on account of a bad, or foul, deed that he has done: (Lth, TA:) or it may signify [like خَزٍ] base, abased, abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious: (Ham ubi suprà:) fem. خَزْيَا (Lth, JK, S, K) and خَزْيَانَةٌ, which is irreg.: (TA:) pl. خَزَايَا. (Lth, JK, S, K.) مُخْزًى Rendered base, abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious, by a thing proved against him. (TA.) [See also خَزٍ and خَزْيَانُ.]

كَلَامٌ مُخْزٍ Speech, or language, that is approved, so that one says of its author, أَخْزَاهُ اللّٰهُ. (TA.) They relate that El-Farezdak gave utterance to an excellent verse, and said, هٰذَا بَيْتٌ مُخْزِىَّ, i. e. [This is a verse such as that,] when it is recited, people will say, [or rather, such as will make it to be said of me,] اللّٰهُ قَائِلَهُ مَا ↓ أَخْزَى

أَشْعَرَهُ [May God abase, or disgrace, the sayer thereof! How good, or excellent, a poet is he!]. (TA. [See 4.]) [Hence,] قَصِيدَةٌ مُخْزِيَةٌ [An ode] that is extremely good. (TA.) مَخْزَاةٌ, said in the MA to be an inf. n. of خَزِىَ: see خَزْيَةٌ.

مُخْزِيَةٌ: see خَزْيَةٌ.

مُسْتَخْزٍ: see خَزْيَانُ.
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