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74900. حِصْنُ مَنْصُورٍ1 74901. حِصْنُ مُنيف ذُبْحَانَ...1 74902. حِصْنُ مَهْدِي1 74903. حَصُنَ 1 74904. حِصْنَاباذ1 74905. حصو474906. حصو وحصي1 74907. حَصَوَات1 74908. حَصْوَة1 74909. حصور1 74910. حَصُور1 74911. حَصُورًا1 74912. حَصُورة1 74913. حُصُول شَيْء لآخر1 74914. حَصُومَة1 74915. حَصُون1 74916. حَصَوَى 1 74917. حَصى1 74918. حصى2 74919. حصي7 74920. حَصِيّ1 74921. حُصِّي1 74922. حصيت1 74923. حَصيرٌ1 74924. حصيف1 74925. حَصِيف1 74926. حَصِيفَان1 74927. حُصَيْل1 74928. حَصِيل1 74929. حُصَيْلة1 74930. حَصِيلَة1 74931. حُصَيْن1 74932. حَصِين1 74933. حُصَيْنة1 74934. حَصِينة1 74935. حُصْيَوِيّ1 74936. حصيي1 74937. حض8 74938. حَضَّ1 74939. حَضَّ 1 74940. حضء2 74941. حَضَأَ1 74942. حضأ6 74943. حضأت1 74944. حَضَا1 74945. حضا3 74946. حَضَاجِرُ2 74947. حَضارِ1 74948. حَضَارِ1 74949. حضار وحظار1 74950. حَضّارَةُ1 74951. حَضَارَة2 74952. حَضارم1 74953. حَضَّاض1 74954. حَضَّاضة1 74955. حَضَّاضِيّ1 74956. حضانة1 74957. حَضَّانة1 74958. حَضَانة1 74959. حَضَاوِنَة1 74960. حضب13 74961. حَضَبَ 1 74962. حَضَبَة1 74963. حضج9 74964. حَضَجَ1 74965. حَضَجَ 1 74966. حضجر4 74967. حضجم2 74968. حُضْجُوْرٌ1 74969. حضحض1 74970. حضد2 74971. حضذ1 74972. حضر20 74973. حَضَرَ2 74974. حَضَّرَ لـ1 74975. حَضَرَ 1 74976. حَضْرَاء1 74977. حَضَرَات1 74978. حضرات1 74979. حضْراوي1 74980. حَضْرَبَ1 74981. حضرب2 74982. حَضَرُ1 74983. حِضْرةُ1 74984. حَضْرَت1 74985. حضرم9 74986. حَضْرَمَ3 74987. حَضْرَمَوْت1 74988. حَضرمَوْت1 74989. حَضْرَميّ1 74990. حَضَرو1 74991. حَضَرْوَة1 74992. حُضْرُوف1 74993. حَضَرونِيّ1 74994. حَضُرِيّ1 74995. حَضَرِيّ1 74996. حَضْرِيَّة1 74997. حَضَرِيَّة1 74998. حضض11 74999. حَضَضَ1 Prev. 100




حَصَا(n. ac. حَصْو)
حَصَى(n. ac. حَصْو)
a. Abounded in pebbles (land); cast a
أَحْصَوَa. Numbered, counted, calculated.
b. Understood; comprehended; retained in his

تَحَصَّوَa. Stood on his guard.

حَصًىa. Small pebbles.
b. Number.

حَصَاة [] (pl.
حَصَيَاتa. حُِصَِيّ ), Stone, gravel.
b. Pebbles.
c. Prudence.

لَا يُحْصَى
a. Unbounded; innumerable.
مُهْمَلٌ عنده. الخارزنجي: الحَصْوُ: المَنْعُ، حَصَوْتُه، وإِني لَأتَحَصّى: أي أجْتَنِبُ. وحَصَأْتُ من الماءِ: رَوِيْتُ منه، وحَصى يَحْصى - بفَتْح الصّادِ فيهما وتَخْفِيْفِ الهَمْزَةِ - بمَعْناه. ورَجُلٌ جَيِّدُ الحَصَا، وما أحْصَاهُم: إذا وُصِفُوا بالوُفُوِر من العَقْلِ والحَزْم. وحَصى الصَّبِيُّ والجَدْيُ من الطَّعَام: أي شَبعَ. وأحْصَأْتُه - بالألفِ -: أي أرْوَيْتُه.
وفلانٌ حَصَاةٌ من القَوْمِ: إذا كَانَ ظَرِيفاً. وإذا أحْدَثَ الرَّجُلُ قِيْلَ: حَصَأ بها.
حَصْوَة [مفرد]: ج حَصَوات وحَصْوات:
1 - حصاة، واحدة من صغار الحجارة، وقد تكون ملساء بفعل التآكل.
2 - تجمُّع أملاح البول أو ترسُّبها في مسالك البول حتى تصير كالحصوة.
3 - كتلة صُلْبة صغيرة في الكُلْية تتشكّل من ترسُّبات الفوسفات واليورات "أخرج الطبيبُ من كلْية المريض ثلاثِ حصوات". 
حصو and حصى 1 حَصَا, (S, TA,) [aor. ـْ inf. n. حَصْوٌ, i. q. مَنَعَ [as meaning He denied, or refused]: (S, K:) doubly trans., as in the phrase حَصَوْتَنِى

حَقِّى [Thou deniedst me, or refusedst me, my right, or due]. (S, TA.)

A2: حَصَيْتُهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. حَصْىٌ, (TK,) I cast a pebble, or small stone, at him, or it: (TA:) or I smote him, or it, with a pebble, or small stone. (K.)

A3: حَصِيَتِ

الأَرْضُ, (K,) aor. ـْ (TA,) [inf. n. حَصًى,] The land, or ground, abounded with pebbles, or small stones. (K.)

A4: حَصِىَ [He had a stone in his bladder or kidneys: or] he had a hardening of the urine in the bladder so that it became like a pebble, or small stone: (Lth, K:) said of a man: part. n. ↓ مَحْصِىٌّ. (Lth, TA.)

4 احصاهُ, (inf. n. إِحْصَآءٌ, TA,) He numbered, counted, calculated, reckoned, or computed, it: (S, Msb, K:) or he reached the last number thereof: (Ham p. 297:) or he collected it into an aggregate by numbering: from حَصًى; because they used pebbles in numbering like as we use the fingers; (Er-Rághib;) or because they used to divide a thing upon the pebbles, and when nothing remained they said, أَحْصَيْنَا, i. e. We have come to the pebbles; or because they used to reckon the spoils, and to divide among themselves, and then to take the pebbles, and put marks upon them, and when they ended the reckoning, and came to the marks, they said, أَحْصَيْنَا: (Ham ubi suprà:) or he retained it in his memory: (K, * TA:) or he understood it. (K.)

b2: He registered, or recorded, its number: (Ksh and Bd in xvi. 18, and TA:) and [simply]

he registered it, or recorded it. (Bd and Jel in xxxvi. 11 and lxxviii. 29.)

b3: He was able to number it, and to register it or record it: (TA:) and he was able to do it. (Msb, TA.)

b4: He comprehended it, or knew it altogether: (TA:) or [simply] he knew it. (Msb.) You say of God, أَحْصَى كُلَّ شَىْءٍ بِعِلْمِهِ He hath comprehended everything by his knowledge, nothing escaping Him thereof, small or great. (TA.)

And you say [of a man], أَحْصَى عِلْمَهُ [He had, or attained, a comprehensive and complete knowledge of it]. (K in art. حوط. [In the CK, erroneously, عِلْمُهُ.])

حَصًى Pebbles, or small stones: (K:) things

that one throws, like the dung of sheep or goats: (ISh, TA:) n. un. حَصَاةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) pl. حَصَيَاتٌ (S, K) and حُصَىٌّ (K) and حِصِىٌّ, thus, also, in [some of] the copies of the K. (TA.)

[Hence,] طَرْقُ الحَصَى [Pessomancy; also termed الضَّرْبُ بِالحَصَى;] a certain kind of divination. (Har p. 655.) And بَيْعُ الحَصَاةِ The bargaining by one of the two persons' saying, When I throw the pebble to thee, the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded: or by his saying, I sell to thee, of the commodities, that upon which thy pebble shall fall when thou throwest it: or I sell to thee the portion of the land extending to the place which thy pebble shall reach: all of which practices are forbidden. (TA. [See also 3 in art. نبذ.]) And حَصَاةُ القَسْمِ A pebble which is put into a vessel, into which is then poured as much water as will cover it; this being done when they are journeying and have but little water, which they thus apportion. (K in art. قسم.)

b2: حَصَى لُبَانٍ is a vulgar term for عَسَلُ

اللَّبْنَى, (K in art. عسل,) i. e. المَيْعَةُ [generally applied to Storax, or styrax], which is sometimes used for fumigation. (TA in art. لبن.)

[In the present day, pronounced حَصَى لِبَان, and applied to Frankincense: or the coarser tears thereof; manna thuris. Also to The officinal rosemary; rosmarinus officinalis.]

A2: A number: (S, K:) or a great number; (K;) as being likened to the pebbles in multitude. (TA.) You say, نَحْنْ أَكْثَرُ مِنْهُمْ حَصًى We are more than they in number. (S.)

حَصَاةٌ n. un. of حَصًى [q. v.]. (S, Msb, K.)

b2: Also [A stone in the bladder or kidneys: or] a hardening of the urine in the bladder so that it becomes like a pebble, or small stone. (K.)

b3: حَصَاةُ مِسْكٍ A hard piece that is found in the vesicle of musk: (S, TA:) or any piece of musk. (Lth, TA.)

A2: Intelligence, or understanding, (S, K,) and judgment, or mental perception; (K;) as also أَصَاةٌ. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ ذُو

حَصَاهٍ Such a one possesses intelligence, or understanding, (S, TA,) and judgment, or mental perception: (TA:) [or] is prudent, or discreet, and wont to conceal his secret. (As, TA.) Or

حَصَاةٌ was used by the Arabs not as meaning intelligence, or understanding; but as meaning Gravity, staidness, and forbearance, or clemency. (Har p. 537.) And حَصَاةُ اللِّسَانِ means Gravity, or staidness, in respect of the tongue. (TA.)

A3: The act of numbering, counting, calculating, reckoning, or computing: a subst. from الإِحْصَآءُ. (Az, IB, TA.)

نَهْرٌ حَصَوِىٌّ: see أَرْضٌ مَحْصَآةٌ.

أَرْضٌ حَصِيَةٌ: see أَرْضٌ مَحْصَاةٌ.

حَصِىٌّ Possessing full, sound, and strong, intelligence or understanding. (K, * TA.)

حَصَاوِىٌّ Bread made upon the pebbles: but this is a vulgar term. (TA.)

المُحْصِى one of the [ninety and nine] best

names of God; He who comprehendeth everything by his knowledge; nothing escaping Him thereof, small or great. (TA.)

مَحْصِىٌّ: see 1, last sentence.

أَرْضٌ مَحْصَاةٌ A land containing pebbles, or small stones: (S:) or abounding therewith; (K;) as also ↓ أَرْضٌ حَصِيَةٌ: and in like manner, نَهْرٌ

↓ حَصَوِىٌّ a river, or rivulet, or the like, abounding therewith. (TA.)
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