1 بَغَمَتْ,
aor. ـِ (
K) and بَغَمَ and بَغُمَ, (
inf. n. بُغَامٌ (
K) and بُغُومٌ; (
K;) and ↓ تبغّمت; (
K;) She (a gazelle) uttered a cry: (
S:) or uttered her softest, or gentlest, cry (
K) to her young one: (
K:) and sometimes it is said of a [wild] cow: (
TA:) so too بَغَمَ said of a male gazelle: and the verb is also used transitively, said of a female gazelle uttering this cry to her young one. (
JK.) Also, (
K,) ↓ both verbs, (
K,) She (a camel) uttered a cry without clearness: (
S:) or uttered a broken, or an interrupted, not a prolonged, yearning cry, to, or for, her young one: (
K:) or uttered a weak cry, below that [grumbling cry] which is termed رُغَآء. (
Ham p. 233.) [See an
ex. in a verse of Dhu-rRummeh cited
voce إِلَّا.] And بَغَمَ and ↓ تبغّم said of the ثَيْتَل and إِيَّل and وَعِل, [all of which words are said to signify the mountain goat,] He uttered a cry. (
b2: بَغَمَهُ, (
K,) and بَغَمَ لَهُ, (
TA,) (assumed
tropical:) He spoke to him obscurely, not expressing clearly to him the meaning of his speech to him; (
K;) taken from the بُغَام of the she-camel; because it is a cry not uttered clearly. (
TA.) 3 بَاْغَمَ باغمهُ, (
inf. n. مُبَاغَمَةٌ, (
S,) (
tropical:) He talked with him with a soft, or gentle, voice: (
TA:) or المُبَاغَمَةٌ is like المُنَاغَمَةُ, and means the speaking [with another] faintly; taken from the بُغَام [see 1] of the gazelle and the she-camel: (
Ham p. 233:) or the holding amatory and enticing talk, or conversation, with another, with a soft, or gentle, voice. (
TA.) 5 تَبَغَّمَ see 1, in three places.
6 تَبَاْغَمَ [تَبَاغَمَتْ They (gazelles) uttered cries, or their softest or gentlest cries, one to another.] One says, مَرَرْتُ بِرَوْضَةٍ تَتَبَاغَمُ فِيهَا الظِّبَآءُ [I passed by a meadow in which the gazelles were uttering cries, &c., one to another]: and بِغِزْلَانٍ يَتَبَاغَمْنَ [by gazelles uttering cries, &c., one to another]. (
TA.) بُغْمَةٌ A thing like the قِلَادَة, [a necklace,] with which women ornament themselves. (
TA.) [But this is apparently
post-classical, from the Turkish بُوغْمَقْ. In the present day, it is applied to A necklace of pearls.]
بُغَامٌ The crying, or cry, of the female gazelle, and of the she-camel, as explained above: see 1. (
S.) بَغُومٌ A female gazelle uttering, or that utters, the cry termed بُغَام. (
b2: (assumed
tropical:) A woman having a soft, or gentle, voice. (
TA.) مَبْغُومٌ A young gazelle, and a young camel, to which the cry termed بُغَام is addressed by its mother. (
b2: One says, also, بُغَامٌ مَبْغُومٌ [A cry &c. uttered]; like as one says, قَوْلٌ مَقُولٌ. (