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52360. اوَرِيكا1 52361. اوريكات1 52362. اوريكن1 52363. اوريموس1 52364. اوَرِينَة1 52365. اوز152366. اوز شلبي1 52367. اوزترك1 52368. اوزريس1 52369. اوزكان1 52370. اوَزْمَان1 52371. اوزن1 52372. اوَزُور1 52373. اوزيو1 52374. اوزيورك1 52375. اوس2 52376. اوسا1 52377. اوسابون أو أسانون1 52378. اوسار1 52379. اوساري1 52380. اوساس1 52381. اوسال1 52382. اوسر1 52383. اوسكا1 52384. اوسكير1 52385. اوسمه1 52386. اوسن1 52387. اوسه1 52388. اوسيد1 52389. اوش1 52390. اوشالم1 52391. اوشكان1 52392. اوشكير1 52393. اوضه1 52394. اوط1 52395. اوف2 52396. اوفة1 52397. اوفقسطيدس واوفوقوسطيس...1 52398. اوق2 52399. اوكده1 52400. اول1 52401. اولا1 52402. اولار1 52403. اولاق1 52404. اولان1 52405. اولبا1 52406. اولدس1 52407. اولغار1 52408. اولكا1 52409. اولكار1 52410. اولندا1 52411. اولو1 52412. اوليت1 52413. اوليتليرو1 52414. اوليجي1 52415. اوليه2 52416. اوم1 52417. اومكي1 52418. اومودن1 52419. اومى2 52420. اوميات1 52421. اون4 52422. اونار1 52423. اوناس1 52424. اونزار1 52425. اونس1 52426. اونسا1 52427. اونوطيلون1 52428. اونوناس1 52429. اوَنِيسَا1 52430. اونييا1 52431. اوه2 52432. اوَهَّاب1 52433. اوى2 52434. اويب1 52435. اويدا1 52436. اى1 52437. ايا1 52438. ايارميا1 52439. ايَالّ1 52440. ايب2 52441. ايباك1 52442. ايبكي1 52443. ايت1 52444. ايْتَلَخَ1 52445. ايتلع1 52446. ايجا1 52447. ايجاز1 52448. ايجور1 52449. ايد3 52450. ايداي1 52451. ايَدَّاي1 52452. ايدر1 52453. ايدمير1 52454. ايديا1 52455. اير4 52456. ايرا1 52457. ايرار1 52458. ايراق1 52459. ايراين1 Prev. 100




إِوَزٌّ (S, Msb, K) and إِوَزَّةٌ, (S,) or the latter is the n. un. of the former, [which is a coll. gen. n.,] (Msb,) i. q. بَطٌّ [The goose, or geese; and the duck, or ducks; but اوزّ is generally applied to the former of these birds; and بطّ, to the latter; agreeably with a statement in the JM, that بَطٌّ is applied by the Arabs to the small, and إِوَزٌّ to the large]; (S, K;) as also وَزٌّ, of which the n. un. is وَزَّةٌ: (Msb:) إِوَزٌّ is of the measure فِعَلٌّ: (Msb:) [but see what follows:] the pl. is إِوَزُّونَ, (S, Msb, K,) a form which is sometimes used, (S, Msb,) and which is anomalous. (Msb.) [See also كُرْكِىٌّ.] b2: [Hence,] إِوَزٌّ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Short and thick: (K:) fleshy without being tall: (Lth, TA:) fem. with ة. (TA.) El-'Okberee asserts that the أ is augmentative, because it is followed by three radical letters: (MF, TA:) but ISd says that it is of the measure فِعَلٌّ, and may not be of the measure إِفْعَلٌ, [i. e., originally إِوْزَزٌ,] because this does not occur as the measure of an epithet. (TA.) [It seems, however, that اوزّ is in this case a subst. used tropically as an epithet, after the manner of many nicknames.] b3: Also, applied to a man, and to a horse, and to a camel, Firm in make: (AHei in the Expos. of the Tes-heel, and TA:) or, applied to a horse, compact and strong in make. (TA.) إِوَزَّي A manner of walking in which is a moving up and down: or leaning on one side; (K;) [the latter omitted in the CK;] at one time on the right and at another on the left [like a goose or duck]: (TA:) and the walk of a sprightly horse. (TA.) Az says that it may be of the measure إِفْعَلَى, [i. e., originally إِوْزَزَّى,] or فِعَلَّى; but Abu-l-Hasan holds the latter to be the more correct, because it is the measure of many words relating to walking; as جِيَضَّى, and دِفَقَّى. (TA.) أَضٌ مَأْوَزَةٌ A land abounding with the birds called إِوَزّ. (Sgh, K.)
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