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[انح] غ فيه: رأى رجلاً "يأنح" ببطنه أي يقله مثقلاً به قال: ما هذا؟ قال: بركة الله، فقال: بل عذاب الله يعذب به. نه: "يأنح" من الأنوح وهو صوت يسمع من الجوف معه نفس وتهيج يعتري السمين.


1 أَنَحَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. أَنْحٌ and أَنِيحٌ and أَنُوحٌ, He (a man, S) breathed hard, or violently, in consequence of heaviness, or oppression, experienced by him as an effect of disease, or of being out of breath, (S, K, TA,) as though he made a reiterated hemming in his throat, (كَأَنَّهُ يَتَنَحْنَحُ,) and did not speak clearly, or plainly: (S, TA:) or he made a reiterated hemming in his throat (تَنَحْنَحَ), when asked for a thing, by reason of niggardliness: (L:) or he uttered a long, or vehement, sigh, or a kind of groaning sound, (زَفَرَ,) when asked for a thing. (A.) You say, يَأْنِحُ عَلَى مَالِهِ He utters a long, or vehement, sigh, or a kind of groaning sound, over his property [from unwillingness to part with it]. (A.) b2: It is said in a trad. of Ibn-'Omar, رَأَى رَجُلًا يَأْنِحُ بِبَطْنِهِ, meaning, [it is asserted, though this seems doubtful, He saw a man] raising, or lifting, his belly with an effort, oppressed by its weight: from

أُنُوحٌ in the last of the senses assigned to it below. (TA.) أُنَّحٌ: see آنِحٌ, with which it is syn., and of which it is also pl. أَنُوحٌ: see آنِحٌ, in two places.

أُنُوحٌ: [see 1:] it is also explained as signifying A sound like that which is termed زَفِيرٌ, arising from grief, or anger, or repletion of the belly, or jealousy: (L:) a sound accompanied by a reiterated hemming in the throat (صَوْتٌ مَعَ تَنَحْنُحٍ): (As:) and a sound that is heard from a man's inside, with breathing, and a shortness of breath, or panting for breath, which affects fat men; as also ↓ أَنِيحٌ. (L.) أَنِيحٌ: see أُنُوحٌ. [See also 1.]

أَنَّاحٌ: see آنِحٌ.

آنِحٌ act. part. n. of 1; A man breathing hard, or violently, &c.: and a man who, when he is asked for a thing, makes a reiterated hemming in his throat (يَتَنَحْنحُ), by reason of niggardliness; as also ↓ أَنُوحٌ, and ↓ أُنَّحٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ أَنَّاحٌ: (Lh:) or ↓ أَنُوحٌ signifies a man who hangs back from, or falls short of, doing generous deeds; as also أَزُوحٌ: (El-Ghanawee and S in art. ازح, and TA in the present art.:) and is also applied to a horse, meaning that runs, and makes a kind of groaning noise; إِذَا جَرَى فَزَفَرَ: this is the right reading in the K: in some copies اذا جرى قَرْقَرَ [that makes a rumbling sound in his belly when he runs]: (TA:) the pl. of آنِحٌ is أُنَّحٌ. (S, K.) b2: آنِحَةٌ, applied to a female, signifies Short. (K.)
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