8028. اتهمه2 8029. اتو1 8030. اتونس1 8031. اتى1 8032. اتييه1 8033. اث18034. اثأر1 8035. اثاقل1 8036. اثبأج1 8037. اِثْبُتْ1 8038. اثبجر1 8039. اثْبَجَرَّ1 8040. اثج1 8041. اثر1 8042. اثْرَنْبَجَ1 8043. اثعَنْجَحَ1 8044. اثْعَنْجَحَ1 8045. اثعنجر1 8046. اثغر1 8047. اثف1 8048. اثكل2 8049. اثل1 8050. اثم1 8051. اثمج1 8052. اثمد1 8053. اثن1 8054. اِثْنِ1 8055. اثْنَا عشر1 8056. اثْنَا عشرة1 8057. اثْنَتَا عَشَرَة1 8058. اثْنَتَا عشرَة1 8059. اثنى1 8060. اثني عشر صندوقًا أُخْرى...1 8061. اثْنَيْن اثنين1 8062. اثْنَيْن كيلو متر1 8063. اثْنَيْن مليون1 8064. اج1 8065. اجتأفه1 8066. اجتاب1 8067. اجتاحت1 8068. اجْتَاحَت موجةَ حرٍّ...1 8069. اجتاز1 8070. اجتاس1 8071. اجتافت1 8072. اجتافه1 8073. اجتال1 8074. اجتب1 8075. اجتباه1 8076. اجتبته1 8077. اجتبذه1 8078. اجتبر1 8079. اجتبه1 8080. اجتث1 8081. اجتحر1 8082. اجتحف1 8083. اجتحى1 8084. اجتداه1 8085. اجتدث1 8086. اجتدح1 8087. اجتدر1 8088. اجتدل1 8089. اجتذب1 8090. اجتذل1 8091. اجتر1 8092. اجترأ1 8093. اجترح1 8094. اجترش1 8095. اجترع1 8096. اجترفه1 8097. اجترم1 8098. اجترن1 8099. اجتز1 8100. اجتزأ1 8101. اجتزاه1 8102. اجتزر1 8103. اجتزعه1 8104. اجتزف1 8105. اجتزم1 8106. اجتسرت1 8107. اجتسه1 8108. اجتشأته1 8109. اجتشت1 8110. اجتعف1 8111. اجتعل1 8112. اجتف1 8113. اجتفأ1 8114. اجتفاه1 8115. اجْتَفَتَ1 8116. اجتفر1 8117. اجتل1 8118. اجتلب1 8119. اجتلدوا1 8120. اجتلطه1 8121. اجتلفه1 8122. اجتلم1 8123. اجتلى1 8124. اجتماع1 8125. اجتماع السّاكنين1 8126. اجْتِمَاع الساكنين1 8127. اجتماع الساكنين على حدة...1 Prev. 100




1 أَثَّ, aor. ـِ (T, S, M, L, K) and اَثُثَ and, (M, L, K,) inf. n. أَثَاثَةٌ (T, S, M, L, K) and أَثَاثٌ(M, L, K) and أُثُوثَةٌ, (M,) or أُثُوُثٌ, (L, K,) It (anything) was, or became, much in quantity, abundant, or numerous: and great, or large: (M, L:) it (herbage, or a herb,) was, or became, abundant, or plenteous, and tangled, or luxuriant; (T, S, K;) or abundant and tall: (M:) it (hair) was, or became, abundant and long. (M, TA.) b2: أَثَّتْ, (M, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. أَثٌّ, (M,) said of a woman, She was, or became, large in the hinder parts. (M, K.) 2 أثّثهُ He made it plain, level, smooth, soft, or easy to lie or ride or walk upon. (M, K.) 5 تأثّث He obtained, or acquired, goods, household-goods, or furniture and utensils and the like; or abundance of the goods, conveniences, or comforts, of life; (S;) or property; (S, M;) or wealth; or what was good. (M.) أَثٌّ, fem. with ة: see أَثِيثٌ, in two places.

أَثَاثٌ Goods; or utensils and furniture of a house or tent; household-goods; syn. مَتَاعٌ; (T, M;) or مَتَاعُ بَيْت; (S, Msb, K;) of whatever kind; consisting of clothes, and stuffing for mattresses or the like, or outer garments [&c.]: (M, TA:) or (so accord. to the M and K, but in the T “also,”) all property, (Az, T, S, M, K,) [consisting of] camels, and sheep or goats, and slaves, and utensils and furniture or householdgoods: (Az, T, S:) or abundant property: or abundance of property: (M, TA:) [in which last sense it is an inf. n. used as simple subst.:] or what is made, or taken, for use, and i. q. مَتَاعٌ; not what is for merchandise: or what is new, of the utensils and furniture of a house or tent; not what is old and worn out: (TA:) [it is a coll. gen. n., and] the n. un. is with اثر: (Az, T, S, M, Msb, K:) or it has no n. un.: (Fr, T, S, Msb, K:) if you form a pl. from اثاث, you say, ثَلَاثَةُ آثَّةٍ, [originally أَأْثِثَة, like أَطْعِمَة, pl. of طَعَام,] and أُثُثٌ كَثِيرَةٌ. (Fr, T.) أَثِيثٌ Much in quantity, abundant, or numerous: and great, or large: as also ↓ أَثٌّ; (M, K;) which is, in my opinion, [says ISd, originally أَثِثٌ,] of the measure فَعِلٌ: (M:) the fem. is أَثِيثَةٌ: and the pl. is إِثَاثٌand أَثَائِثُ; (M, K; *) both being pls. of the masc. and of the fem.; (K;) or the latter is pl. of the fem. only; (M, * MF;) but the former is [pl. of the masc.,] like كِرَامٌ as pl. of كَرِيمٌ, (TA,) and is pl. of the fem. also. (M.) You say, نَبَاتٌ أَثِيثٌ Herbage, or a herb, that is abundant, or plenteous, and tangled, or luxuriant: (T, S:) or abundant and tall. (M.) And شَعَرٌ أَثِيثٌ Hair that is abundant, and tangled, or luxuriant: (S:) or abundant (T, M) and long. (M.) And لِحْيَةٌ أَثِيثَةٌ, and ↓ أَثَّةٌ, A thick beard. (M, TA.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ أَثِيثَةٌA fleshy woman: (M, TA:) pl. أَثَائِثُ, (M,) signifying fleshy women; (S, M, K;) as also إِثَاثٌ: (M:) or the former of these pls. signifies tall, full-grown, women. (K.) أَثَاثِىُّ i. q. أَثَافِىُّ, (K,) i. e. The [three] stones which are set up and upon which the cooking-pot is placed: the [second] ثis said to be a substitute for ف, and some hold the hemzeh to be augmentative. (TA.)
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