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7932. ابْنُ مَدَى1 7933. ابْنا طِمِرٍّ1 7934. ابْنَا عُوَارَ1 7935. ابنة المخاض1 7936. ابنم2 7937. ابه27938. ابهار1 7939. ابو1 7940. ابُوس1 7941. ابى1 7942. ابيبانيكة1 7943. ابيض1 7944. ابيون1 7945. اتأب1 7946. اتأد1 7947. اتأس1 7948. اتأى1 7949. اتام1 7950. اتايع1 7951. اتب2 7952. اتبس1 7953. اتَّبَع1 7954. اتبع1 7955. اتبن1 7956. اتجأ1 7957. اتّجر2 7958. اتجه1 7959. اتحاد3 7960. اتَّحد2 7961. اتّحَدَ مع1 7962. اتحفه1 7963. اتَّخذهُ1 7964. اتخفت1 7965. اتخم1 7966. اتدع1 7967. اتدن1 7968. اتدى1 7969. اترج1 7970. اتّرجل أو اطرجل1 7971. اترس1 7972. اترع1 7973. اترك1 7974. اتزر1 7975. اتزع1 7976. اتزن1 7977. اتسخ1 7978. اتسر1 7979. اتَّسع1 7980. اتَّسَقَ1 7981. اتّسق1 7982. اتسق1 7983. اتسم1 7984. اتشحت1 7985. اتشرت1 7986. اتشق1 7987. اتشم1 7988. اتصال التّربيع1 7989. اتِّصَال التربيع1 7990. اتصال التربيع1 7991. اتِّصَال الفعل المعتل الآخر بالواو ...1 7992. اتصال الملازقة1 7993. اتّصف1 7994. اتَّصَلَ1 7995. اتَّصل1 7996. اتَّضَح1 7997. اتضع1 7998. اتضن1 7999. اتطد1 8000. اتطن1 8001. اتعاظ الحنفا، بأخبار الفاطميين الخل...1 8002. اتعاظ المتأمل1 8003. اِتْعِب1 8004. اتعد1 8005. اتعظ1 8006. اتّفاقيَّة1 8007. اتفاقية1 8008. اتفر1 8009. اتّفق1 8010. اتَّفَقَ مع1 8011. اتقدت1 8012. اتقر1 8013. اتَّقى1 8014. اتكأ1 8015. اتّكال واتّكاء وإقامة دعم للشيء وعم...1 8016. اتكر1 8017. اتكع1 8018. اتكل1 8019. اتلج1 8020. اتْلَعَبَّ1 8021. اتلعت1 8022. اتله2 8023. اتم1 8024. اتْمَهَلَّ1 8025. اتن1 8026. اتهب1 8027. اتهص1 8028. اتهمه2 8029. اتو1 8030. اتونس1 8031. اتى1 Prev. 100


ابه الأبهة العظمة، وتأبه علينا فلان. وتأبه عن كذا تنزه عنه. ويقال للأبح أبه. وما أبهت له بشيء. وما أبهت أي شعرت. وأبهت لكذا آبه أبوها وأبهاً. وأبهته بكذا أزننته به.


1 أَبَهَ لَهُ, (JK, K,) and بِهِ; (K;) and أَبِهَ; aor. [of both] يَأْبَهُ; inf. n. أَبْهٌ, (JK, K,) of the former, (TA,) and أُبُوهٌ, [also of the former,] (JK,) and أَبَهٌ, (JK, K,) which is of the latter; (TA;) He knew it; or understood it; or knew it, or understood it, instinctively: or he recognised it readily; knew it, or understood it, readily, after he had forgotten it. (K.) You say, مَا أَبَهْتُ لَهُ, (Az, JK, S, Mgh,) aor. ـه inf. n. أَبْهٌ; (Az, S) and مَا أَبِهْتُ لَهُ, (JK, S,) aor. as above, inf. n. أَبَهٌ; (S;) I did not know it, or understand it; or did not know of it; was not cognizant of it: (JK, Mgh:) or I did not have my attention roused to it after I had forgotten it: (Az, S:) the former is like وَبَهْتُ; (Mgh;) and the latter, like [وَبِهْتُ and] نَبِهْتُ. (S.) b2: لَا يُؤْبَهُ لَهُ (Mgh, K, TA) He will not be cared for, minded, or regarded, because of his lowness of condition, or abjectness. (Mgh, TA.) b3: أَبَهْتُهُ بِكَذَا I imputed to him, or suspected him of, such a thing. (JK, K, TA.) 2 أَبَّهْتُهُ, inf. n. تَأْبِيهِ, I roused his attention: and I made him to know, or understand. (Kr, K.) The two meanings are nearly alike. (TA.) And ↓ آبَهْتُهُ I made him to know; informed, apprized, advertised, or advised, him; gave him information, intelligence, notice, or advice. (IB.) 4 آبَهَ see 2.5 تأبّه He magnified himself; behaved proudly, or haughtily. (JK, S, K.) You say, تَأَبَّهَ الرَّجُلُ عَلَى فُلَانٍ The man magnified himself against such a one, and held himself above him. (JK, * TA.) And تَأَبَّهُ عَنْ كَذَا He shunned, avoided, or kept himself far from, such a thing; (JK, Z, K;) he was disdainful of it, he disdained it, or held himself above it. (Z, K.) أُبَّهَةٌ Greatness, or majesty; (JK, S, K;) a quality inspiring reverence or veneration; (TA;) goodliness and splendour; (K;) and goodliness of aspect: (TA:) and pride, self-magnification, or haughtiness. (JK, * S, * K.)
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