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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4084. مضر12 4085. مضرح3 4086. مضغ18 4087. مضف1 4088. مضى8 4089. مط44090. مطأ4 4091. مطث1 4092. مطر16 4093. مطق9 4094. مطل16 4095. مطى3 4096. مظ3 4097. مع6 4098. معت5 4099. معج11 4100. معد15 4101. معر13 4102. معز16 4103. معس10 4104. معص10 4105. معط15 4106. معق8 4107. معك15 4108. معل9 4109. معن18 4110. معى5 4111. مغث13 4112. مغج5 4113. مغد9 4114. مغر14 4115. مغس7 4116. مغص15 4117. مغط11 4118. مغنطس1 4119. مقأ2 4120. مقت15 4121. مقد6 4122. مقر15 4123. مقط14 4124. مقل17 4125. مكأ5 4126. مكت6 4127. مكث17 4128. مكد9 4129. مكر22 4130. مكس18 4131. مكن18 4132. مكو8 4133. مل4 4134. ملأ14 4135. ملب3 4136. ملت5 4137. ملث11 4138. ملج16 4139. ملح19 4140. ملخ12 4141. ملد13 4142. ملذ11 4143. ملز9 4144. ملس16 4145. ملص16 4146. ملط17 4147. ملع9 4148. ملق17 4149. ملك21 4150. ملى1 4151. من14 4152. منأ10 4153. منجن3 4154. منجنيق3 4155. منح16 4156. منذ10 4157. منع16 4158. منى11 4159. مه5 4160. مهج14 4161. مهد16 4162. مهر17 4163. مهل18 4164. مهم4 4165. مهن15 4166. مهو10 4167. موأ7 4168. موت20 4169. موث8 4170. موج13 4171. موذ6 4172. مور16 4173. موز11 4174. موس15 4175. موش7 4176. موق13 4177. مول16 4178. موم14 4179. موه17 4180. موى2 4181. ميب4 4182. ميت4 4183. ميث9 Prev. 100



1 مَطَّهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ (S, TA,) inf. n. مَطٌّ, (TA,) He drew it; pulled it; strained it; extended it by drawing or pulling; stretched it; stretched it out; extended it; lengthened it; i. q. مَدَّهُ: (S, K:) مَطٌّ and مَطْوٌ and مَدٌّ are all one [in meaning]. (Az, TA.) You say, مَطَّ الدَّلْوَ, (K,) or مَطَّ بِالدَّلْوِ, (Lh,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (Lh,) He drew, or pulled, the bucket. (Lh, K.) And مَطّ حَاجِبَيْهِ He extended, or stretched, his eyebrows (S, TA) in speaking. (TA.) This last phrase also signifies (tropical:) He behaved proudly; (S, K, TA;) and so مَطَّ خَدَّهُ; (K, TA;) syn. تَكَبَّرَ [for which in the CK we find تَكَبُّرًا]. (S, K.) You say also, مَطَّ أَصَابِعَهُ He extended his fingers, (K, TA,) as though (TA) talking, or addressing, with them. (K, TA.)

And مَطَّ الحُرُوفَ [He lengthened the letters]; for مَدَّهَا. (As, in TA, in remarks on the letter ط.) And مَطَّ خَطَّهُ, and خَطْوَهُ, He extended, and made wide, his handwriting, and his stepping: and مَطَّ [alone], aor. and inf. n. as above, [خَطْوَهُ being understood,] he made his stepping wide. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., of Saad, لَا تَمُطُّوا بآمِينَ Ye shall not lengthen [the word] آمِينُ [amen: yet this is done by most, if not by all, of the Muslims in the present day]. (TA.)

2 تَمْطِيطٌ, [inf. n. of مطّط, and app. originally

meaning The act of lengthening the tongue overmuch:] (tropical:) the act of reviling. (K, TA.)

5 تمطّط He stretched himself: he walked with an elegant, and a proud, and self-conceited, gait, with an affected inclining of his body from side to side, and stretching out his arms; syn. تَمَدَّدَ; (S, K;) as also تَمَطَّى; like تَظَنَّيْتُ

from الظَّنُّ; تمطّط being the original form. (TA.)

It is said in the Kur, [lxxv. 33,] ثُمَّ ذَهَبَ إِلَى

أَهْلِهِ يَتَمَطَّى Then he went to his family walking with an elegant, and a proud, and self-conceited, gait, with an affected inclining of his body from side to side; syn. يَتَبَخْتَرُ; (Fr, Bd, Jel, TA;) from المَطُّ, because he who so walks extends his steps, so that it is originally يَتَمَطَّطُ; (Bd;) or from المَطَا, signifying “ the back,”

because he who so walks twists his back. (Fr, Bd.)

b2: It (water, As, TA, and thick sour milk, TA) roped, or drew out, with a viscous, glutinous, cohesive, sticky, ropy, or slimy, continuity of parts; it was, or became, viscous, glutinous, cohesive, sticky, ropy, or slimy. (As, TA.) [See also R, Q. 2.]

b3: تمطّط فِى الكَلَامِ He varied (لَوَّنَ) in speech. (Sgh, K.)

R. Q. 1 مَطْمَطَ فِى كَلَامِهِ He extended, and lengthened, his speech: (IDrd:) or مَطْمَطَ signifies he flagged in his handwriting, or in his speech. (IAar, Az, K.)

R. Q. 2 تَمَطْمَطَ It (water) became thick. (Sgh, K.) [See also 5.]

مُطُطٌ [a pl., of which the sing. is probably ↓ مَطِيطٌ, like as the sing. of its syn. مُدُدٌ is مَدِيدٌ,] Tall, or long; applied to any animals. (IAar.)

مَطَاطٌ Thick and sour camels' milk; (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) such as is termed قَارِص; so called because it ropes, or is ropy. (TA.)

مُطَاطٌ: see what next follows.

مِطَاطٌ Extended; [meaning long;] as also ↓ مُطَاطٌ, and ↓ مَطَائِطٌ; applied as an epithet to what is termed صَلًا [app. here meaning the “ middle of the back ”]; (K;) and to a camel. (TA.)

مَطِيطٌ: see مُطُطٌ.

مَطِيطَةٌ thick water, (S,) or turbid and thick water, (K, TA,) remaining (TA) in the bottom of a watering-trough: (S, K, TA:) or slime; or strong, or thick, slime: or, accord. to As, water in which is ropy mud: pl. مَطَائِطُ: which, as pl. of the same sing., also signifies places hollowed by the feet of beasts of carriage, in the ground, in which slime, or strong or thick slime, collects. (TA.)

مُطَيْطَى: see what next follows.

مَطِيطَآءُ: see what next follows.

مُطَيْطَآءُ, a dim. n. which has no undiminished form, (Z, in the Fáïk,) The act of walking with an elegant, and a proud, and self-conceited, gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side: and the act of stretching out the arms in walking: (S, K:) as also ↓ مُطَيْطَى, (As, Kr, K,) in both these senses, (As, TA,) and ↓ مَطِيطَآءُ. (K.) You say, مَشَى المُطَيْطَآءَ [He walked in either of the manners above described]. (S, TA.)

مُطَائِطٌ: see مِطَاطُ.
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