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132484. مُشيلَة1 132485. مُشَيْلوِيخ1 132486. مُشِين1 132487. مَشِينَة1 132488. مُشَيْور1 132489. مص4132490. مَصَّ 1 132491. مصا2 132492. مَصَائِد1 132493. مَصَائر1 132494. مُصَاب1 132495. مُصَابِر1 132496. مُصَاحِب1 132497. مصاحي1 132498. مَصَاد1 132499. مَصَّاد1 132500. مَصَادٌ1 132501. مُصَادَرَة1 132502. مصادرة1 132503. مَصَادِع1 132504. مُصَادَفَة1 132505. مُصَادِق1 132506. مَصَادِيق1 132507. مَصَّارَة1 132508. مُصَارَة1 132509. مَصَارِيف1 132510. مُصَاصَة1 132511. مَصَاطِرة1 132512. مَصَّاعِي1 132513. مَصَاغ1 132514. مُصَاغ1 132515. مَصَاف1 132516. مُصَافَاة1 132517. مُصَافي1 132518. مُصَافَيْن1 132519. مُصَال1 132520. مُصَان2 132521. مِصَاورة1 132522. مُصَايح1 132523. مَصَاير1 132524. مُصَايِع1 132525. مُصِبَّا1 132526. مَصْبَا1 132527. مِصْبَاح1 132528. مِصْبَاحَة1 132529. مِصْبَاحِي1 132530. مُصَبِّح1 132531. مَصْبَح1 132532. مُصْبِح1 132533. مِصْبَح1 132534. مُصَبِّحِيّ1 132535. مُصْبِحي1 132536. مَصْبَحِي1 132537. مِصْبَحِيّ1 132538. مَصْبَغَة1 132539. مَصْبُوبة1 132540. مَصَتَ1 132541. مصت6 132542. مَصَتَ 1 132543. مصح11 132544. مَصَحَ2 132545. مَصَحَ 1 132546. مُصْحِب1 132547. مصحف الإمام1 132548. مَصَخَ1 132549. مصخ8 132550. مصخَ1 132551. مَصَخَ 1 132552. مَصْخِي1 132553. مُصِخِّي1 132554. مصد9 132555. مَصْد1 132556. مَصَدَ 1 132557. مصداق3 132558. مصداق الشَّيْء1 132559. مِصْداق الشيء1 132560. مِصْدَاقِيَّة1 132561. مصدر1 132562. مُصَدَّق1 132563. مُصَدِّق1 132564. مُصَّدِّق1 132565. مُصَدِّق لِـ1 132566. مُصدِّقاً لِما بَيْن يَدَيْهِ ...1 132567. مَصَرَ2 132568. مصر19 132569. مَصْر1 132570. مِصْرَ1 132571. مَصَرٌ1 132572. مِصْرُ1 132573. مصر فى القرآن1 132574. مَصَرَ 1 132575. مَصْرَاء1 132576. مَصْرَاثا1 132577. مِصْراد1 132578. مُصْرَان1 132579. مصرت1 132580. مُصْرَر1 132581. مصرع1 132582. مُصَرِّف1 132583. مَصْرَف1 Prev. 100


الْقصب وَنَحْوه مصا شربه شربا رَفِيقًا وَيُقَال مص من الدُّنْيَا نَالَ الْقَلِيل مِنْهَا
مص: امتص: جف، يبس، قسا (للشجرة) (فوك). ورق المص: ورق نشاف (بوشر).
قصب المص: أنظر الكلمة الأولى.
ذو مصة: في محيط المحيط (أحد السبعة الذين يقتدى بهم عند السبعين سمي به لأنه يمص أي يأخذ العلم من الحجة).
مصاصة قصب والجمع مصاص: ثفل المصاص (ثفل قصب السكر الذي يرسل إلى المطحنة) (بوشر).
مصاص: في محيط المحيط (الحجام والكثير المص) (فوك). مصاص جروح: هو الذي يمص الجروح لكي يشفيها (بوشر).
مصاصة: بومة (بوشر). مصاصة: هامة، خفاش يمتص الدماء (بوشر).
مصاصة: خفاش كبير (بوشر).
مصاصة: لسان الحمل، أذان الجدي، ذنب الفار (المعجم اللاتيني العربي وفي معجم المنصوري لسان الحمل، ياجني مخطوط، براكس جريدة الشرق والجزائر 8: 347، شيرب الذي كتبها منه مساسة). مصاصة البر: هو ما يدعى باللاتينية Plantago minima ( باجني مخطوط).
مصيص: في محيط المحيط (المصيص حبال وخيوط تصنع من مشاقة الكتان).
ممص: أداة تساعد على المص (بوشر).
ممصوص: مخيف جدا؛ طويل ممصوص، ضامر، مشيق (بوشر).
مَصِصْتُ الشيْءَ وامْتَصَصْتُه. ومُصَاصُه: ما امْتَصَصْتَ منه. ويقولون: وَيْلي على ماصّانِ بنِ ماصانَ؛ وماصانَةِ بنِ ماصّانَةَ. ومَصّانُ ومَصّانَةُ: من تُمِصُّه إمْصَاصاً. والمَصُوْص من النَسَاءِ: التي تَحْرَصُ على الرجُلِ عِنْدَ الجِماع. وهي من الأحْرَاحِ: التي تَنْشَفُ ما على الذَّكَرِ من البِلةِ، وُيجْمَع مَصَائصَ.
ومُصَاصُ القَوْمِ: أصْلُ مَنْبَتِهم وسِطَتِهم. ومُصةُ المالِ: مُصَاصُه. والمُصَاصُ: نباتٌ رَطْبٌ فإذا يَبِسَ قِشْرُه اتًّخِذَ منه الحِبَالُ.
والماصةُ: داءٌ يَأْخُذُ الصَبِيَّ من شَعَراتٍ تَنْبُتُ على سَنَاسِنِ الفَقَارِ فلا يَنْجَعُ فيه طَعام ولا شَرَابٌ.
والمَصُوْصَةُ من النَسَاءِ: المَهْزُوْلَةُ؛ وهي مِثْلُ المَهْلُوْسَةِ، وقيل: مَمْصُوْصَةٌ. والمَمْصُوْصَةُ من الأوْظِفَةِ: الدَّقِيْقُ منها.
والمَصْمَصَةُ: غَسْلُ الفَمِ بطَرَفِ اللِّسَانِ؛ دُوْنَ المَضْمَضَةِ. وفَرَس مُصَامِصٌ: شَدِيْدُ تَرْكِيْبِ المَفَاصلِ. والمُصَامِصُ من الخَيْلِ: الخالِصُ الكُمْتَةِ. ووَرْد مُصَامِصٌ. وُيقال للأسَدِ الشدِيدِ: المُصَامِصُ، وكذلك الرجُلُ.
والمَصيْصَةُ: من ثَغْرِ الرُوم. والمَصِيْصَةُ: القَصْعَةُ. ومَصِيْصُ الثَّرى: النَدى من التُّرابِ والرَّمْلِ. ورَأَيْتُ شَيْئاً يَتَمَصصُ: أي يَتَحَركُ.


1 مَصَّهُ, (A, Msb,) first Pers\. مَصِصْتُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K;) and first Pers\. مَصَصْتُ, aor. ـُ (Msb, K;) but the former is the more chaste; (T, Msb, TA,) inf. n. مَصٌّ; (S, M, Msb;) [He sucked it; or sucked it in; or sipped it, i. e.] he drank it (namely water, A, or a thing, S, M,) with a minute draught, (شُرْبًا رَقِيقًا: so in a copy of the A, and in the CK,) or with a gentle draught: (شُرْبًا رَفِيقًا: so in some copies of the K, and in the TA:) or he took it (namely a small quantity of a fluid) by drawing in the breath: and whether شَرِبَ may be used to denote this, as it is in the K, requires consideration: (MF:) or i. q. رَشَفَهُ: (S, K, art. رشف:) or i. q. تَرَشَّفَهُ: (M:) رَشْفٌ signifies the “ taking ” water “ with the lips; ” and is more than مَصٌّ: (Msb, art. رشف:) and ↓ امتصّهُ signifies the same; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) and so ↓ تمصّصهُ: (M, A:) or the last signifies he did so leisurely. (S, K.) You say, الرُّمَّانَ ↓ امتصّ, i. e. مَصَّهُ [He sucked the pomegranate]; and so of other things. (TA.) And مَصَّ الجَارِيَةَ He sucked the damsel's saliva from her mouth. (IAar, in L, art. مصد.) And مَصَّ Mإٌا اLضّUٌأىاا (tropical:) He obtained a little of worldly goods. (TA.) 4 امصّهُ [He made him to suck: or he gave him to suck]. (S, A, K.) You say أَمْصَصْتُهُ المَآءَ (A) or الشَّىْءَ (S) [I made him to suck, or I gave him to suck, the water, or the thing]. b2: (tropical:) He said to him يَا مَصَّانُ, q. v. (S, * A, TA.) You say, هُوَ يُمِصُّهُ وَيُبَظِّرُهُ. (K, art. بظر, which see in the present work.) 5 تَمَصَّّ see 1, in which two explanations of it are given.8 إِمْتَصَ3َ see 1. in two places. R. Q. 1 مَصْمَصَ, (S, A,) or مَصْمَصَ فَاهُ, (M, TA,) inf. n. مَصْمَصَةٌ, (S, M, K,) [He rinsed his mouth with water; he agitated water in his mouth; syn. مَضْمَضَ: (M:) or he did so with the extremity of his tongue, (S, M, K,) or with the fore parts of his mouth; (A;) whereas the latter signifies he did so with his mouth altogether; (S, M, A;) the difference between مَصْمَصَةٌ and مَضْمَضَةٌ being similar to that between قَبْصَةٌ and قَبْضَةٌ: (S, M:) the former is mentioned in a trad. as being done after drinking milk; but not after eating dates. (S.) You say also, مَصْمَصَ الإِنَآءَ He washed the vessel; (ISk, S, M;) as also مَضْمَضَهُ: (ISk, Yaakoob, M:) or he washed out, or rinsed, the vessel; he put water into the vessel, and shook it, to wash it; (As, TA;) he poured water into the vessel, and then shook it, without washing it with his hand, and then poured it out. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) And مَصْمَصَ الثَّوْبَ He washed [or rinsed] the garment, or piece of cloth. (M, TA.) مُصَّةٌ: see what next follows.

مُصَاصٌ What is sucked from, or of, a thing; (M, TA;) as also ↓ مُصَاصَةٌ. (M, A, TA.) Yousay, طَابَتْ مُصَاصَتُهُ فِى فَمِى What was sucked from it, or of it, was good, or sweet, or pleasant, in my mouth. (A.) b2: [And hence,] The pure, or choice, part of anything; (S, K;) as also ↓ مُصَامِصٌ: (K:) and (S) the purest, or choicest, (S, M,) of a thing; as also ↓ مُصَاصَةٌ and ↓ مُصَامِصٌ. (M.) And المَالِ ↓ مُصَّةُ signifies the same as مُصَاصُهُ, (K, TA,) i. e. The pure, or choice part of property, or of the property. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ مُصَاصُ قَوْمِهِ, (S, M,) and ↓ مُصَاصَتُهُ, (M,) Such a one is the purest in race, or lineage, of his people: and in like manner you say of two, and of more, and of a female. (S, M.) And هُوَ مِنْ مُصَاصِ قَوْمِهِ [He is of the purest, or choicest, of his people]. (A.) b3: Also, Pure, or choice, applied to حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect, &c.]; as also ↓ مُصَامِصٌ. (A.) You say also, إِنَّهُ لَمُصَامِصٌ فِى قَوْمِهِ Verily he is distinguished, or characterized, by pure grounds of respect among his people. (K, * TA.) b4: Also, The origin, source, or place of origination, of a thing. (M, TA.) You say, هُوَ كَرِيمُ المُصَاصِ He is generous, or noble, in respect of origin. (TA.) Accord. to Lth, مُصَاصُ القَوْمِ signifies The original source of the people: and the most excellent of their middle class. (TA.) مَصُوصٌ A certain kind of food, (S, K,) of flesh-meat, cooked, and steeped in vinegar; (K;) or, as some say, steeped in vinegar, and then cooked: (TA:) or of the flesh of birds particularly: (K:) pronounced by the vulgar with damm to the م: (S:) but what is said in the Nh implies that it is with damm; for it is there said, “and it may be with fet-h to the م. ” (TA.) مُصَاصَةٌ: see مُصَاصٌ, in four places.

مَصُوصَةٌ: see مَمْصُوصَةٌ.

مَصَّاصٌ: see what next follows.

مَصَّانٌ A cupper; because he sucks; (M, TA;) and so ↓ مَصَّاصٌ: (K, voce حَجَّامٌ, which is its syn.:) fem. of the former with ة. (M.) b2: A man who sucks his ewes or she-goats; by reason of his meanness, or ungenerousness: (A'Obeyd, S, K:) i. e. who sucks from their udders with his mouth; lest the sound of the milking should be heard; as also, ↓ مَاصُّ; (TA;) and so مَلْحَانُ and مَكَّانُ. (A'Obeyd, TA.) [But in the TA it is written مَصَّانُ, without tenween; and so in two copies of the S.]) b3: يَا مَصَّانُ, [said to a man,] and يَا مَصَّانَةُ, to a female, denote vituperation, meaning (tropical:) O sucker (مَاصّ S, K) of such a thing, (S, TA,) i. e. (TA) of the بَظْر [q. v.], (K, TA,) of thy mother: (S, K, TA:) or the meaning is O sucker (رَاضِع) of the ewes or she-goats: (K:) ISk says, (TA,) you should not say ↓ يَا مَاصَّانُ: (S, TA:) but Ibn-'Abbád says, (TA,) one says وَيْلِى عَلَى مَاصَّانِ بْنِ مَاصَّانٍ, and ↓ مَاصَّانَةَ بْنِ مَاصَّانَةَ, (K, TA,) meaning [Alas for me, on account of] the mean, or ungenerous, the son of the mean, or ungenerous! (TA.) مُصَّانٌ, with damm, The sugar-cane; [because it is sucked.] (IKh, IB.) مُصَامصٌ: see مُصَاصٌ, in four places.

مَاصٌّ, act. part. n. of 1: see مَصَّانٌ, in two places.

مَاصَّانُ and مَاصَّانَةُ: see مَصَّانٌ.

وَظِيفٌ مَمْصُوصٌ (tropical:) A slender pastern; (K, TA;) as though it were sucked. (TA.) And مَمْصُوصَةٌ (M, A) and مَصُوصَةٌ (Az, ISk, K) (tropical:) A woman emaciated (Az, ISk, M, A, K) by reason of a disease infecting her; (Az, ISk, M;) as though she were sucked. (M, TA.)
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