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132105. مَسِينَة1 132106. مَسِّيني1 132107. مُسَيْهِر1 132108. مَسْيُوع1 132109. مَسْيُونِيّ1 132110. مش5132111. مَشَّ 1 132112. مشا1 132113. مَشَاء1 132114. مَشَّاء1 132115. مَشَاء الله1 132116. مَشَاب1 132117. مَشَابِقة1 132118. مشابه1 132119. مُشَاتِن1 132120. مَشَاحَة1 132121. مشاحج1 132122. مُشَاحِر1 132123. مَشَاحِيت1 132124. مَشَادِي1 132125. مَشَار1 132126. مُشَار1 132127. مَشَّار1 132128. مَشَارُ1 132129. مَشَارِب1 132130. مَشَّارة1 132131. مُشَارة1 132132. مَشَارة1 132133. مَشَارِع1 132134. مُشَارِع1 132135. مَشَارِق1 132136. مُشَارِق1 132137. مشارق الفتح1 132138. مَشَارِقة1 132139. مَشَّارِيّ1 132140. مَشَارِيّ1 132141. مَشَارِيع1 132142. مُشَاشَة2 132143. مَشَّاشَة1 132144. مَشَّاط1 132145. مُشَاطِئة1 132146. مَشَاعِر2 132147. مَشَاعِل1 132148. مَشَاعِلَة1 132149. مُشَاعِي1 132150. مَشَاعِي1 132151. مشاغبة1 132152. مَشَاغِل2 132153. مَشَافِر1 132154. مَشَاقًّا1 132155. مُشَاك1 132156. مَشَاك1 132157. مَشَاكِل1 132158. مشاكلة1 132159. مَشَّالِيّ1 132160. مَشَالِي1 132161. مِشَانٌ1 132162. مَشَاهِد1 132163. مُشَاهِد1 132164. مشاهدات1 132165. مَشَاهِدَة1 132166. مشاهدة1 132167. مَشَاهِرَة1 132168. مَشَاهِي1 132169. مَشَاهِير1 132170. مُشَاوِر1 132171. مَشَاوِر1 132172. مَشَاوِري1 132173. مُشَاوِريّ1 132174. مُشَايع1 132175. مَشَايع1 132176. مشب1 132177. مِشْبَال1 132178. مُشَبْرَقٌ1 132179. مِشْبَك1 132180. مُشَبَّك1 132181. مُشْبِلِي1 132182. مشبهة1 132183. مَشْبُوح1 132184. مَشْبُوه1 132185. مُشْبِيب1 132186. مشت3 132187. مَشْتَا1 132188. مَشْتَاة1 132189. مُشْتَاق1 132190. مُشْتَاق الدين1 132191. مُشْتَاقِيّ1 132192. مُشْتَاك1 132193. مَشْتَاوي1 132194. مُشَتِّت1 132195. مشترداش1 132196. مُشْتَرَك1 132197. مشترك1 132198. مُشْتَرِي1 132199. مَشْتَلَةُ1 132200. مَشْتَلي1 132201. مَشْتُولُ1 132202. مَشْتُولي1 132203. مَشْتَى1 132204. مشج15 Prev. 100


الْعظم مشا مصه بعد مضغه والناقة وَنَحْوهَا حلبها باستقصاء وَمَال فلَان أَخذه شَيْئا بعد شَيْء وَالشَّيْء فِي المَاء أنقعه حَتَّى يذوب وَفُلَانًا عَادَاهُ وخاصمه وَيَده مسحها بِشَيْء خشن ليزيل الدسم
عظم امتشاش: عظم ممصوص= أمر مبتذل (المقري 1: 142).
مش: نوع جبن مستخرج من المخيض المسحوب منه زبده واللبن الرائب. خاثر، روبة؛ هناك نوع يدعى مش حصير (مهرن 35) وعند (سانك) مش الحصير: مصل اللبن.
مشش: أنظر ابن العوام (2: 638 السطر 19 وما أعقبه).
مشوشا: سارق (معجم الجغرافيا).
مشوشة: نوع من المآكل (انظر شوش).
ممتش: هذه هي الكتابة الصحيحة للكلمة وليس ممتش كما كتبها فريتاج (معجم الجغرافيا).


R. Q. 2 تَمَشْمَشَتِ الإِبِلُ The camels became dispersed. (TA in art. صعر.) مَشَقَ الخَطَّ1 تَمْشِيقٌ He elongated the handwriting: or was quick in it. (M.) 2 تَمْشِيقٌ The act of lacerating much: see an ex. voce دَحِيقٌ.

كِتَابُ مَشْقٍ Writing with spaces, or gaps, and with elongated letters; (JK;) [or quick, or hasty, writing; (see مَشَقَ;)] contr. of كِتَابُ التَّحَاسِينِ. (K in art. حسن.) مِشَاقٌ Tow; oakum.

مُشَاقَةٌ [the hards, or hurds, of flax or hemp and any similar coarse fibres: (see سَلَبٌ:) or tow; i. e.] what falls from the combing of hair and flax and the like: (S, K:) or what is long: or not cleared: (K:) or what remains, of flax, after combing, that is, after it has been drawn through the ↓ مِمْشَقَة, [or heckle,] which is a thing like a comb, whereby the best becomes cleared, the broken particles and integuments, which constitute the مُشَاقَة, remaining. (Mgh.) مُشَّقٌ A certain sea-fish. (K, voce مُدَّجٌ: in the CK, مُشَقٌّ.) مِمْشَقَةٌ : see مُشَاقَهٌ.

مَمْشُوقٌ A man light of flesh: (K:) a horse lean, lank, light of flesh, slender, or lank in the belly. (S.) b2: مَمْشُوقَةٌ A damsel tall and slender: (K:) slender: or perfect in make, and goodly, or beautiful: (Msb:) or goodly, or beautiful, in stature. (S.)
مش: مَشَشْتُ المُشَاشَ: إذا مَصِصْتَه مَمْضُوغاً. ومَشَّ مالَ فلانٍ يمش: إذا أخَذَ منه الشَّيْءَ بَعْدَ الشَّيْءِ. ويَقُولونَ: هل انْمَشَّ لكَ منه شَيْءٌ: أي حَصَلَ. وأمَشَّ العَظْمُ. وامْتَشَشْتُ ما في الضَّرْعِ: أخَذْت جَميعَ ما فيه. والمَشُّ: مَسْحُ القِدْحِ وغَيْرِه بِثَوبِكَ تُلَيِّنُه. وقيل: هو المَسْحُ بالشَّيْءِ الخَشِنِ الذي يَمْشُّ دَسَمَه. وامْتَشَّ الرَّجُلُ: اسْتَنْجى، وفي الحَدِيْثِ: " لا تَمْتَشَ برَوْثٍ ولا بَعْرٍ ". والمَشُوْشُ: الذي [تُمَشُّ] به اليَدُ. ومَشَّ الشَّيْءَ في الماءِ: ذافَه. والمَشَشُ في الدابَّةِ: مَعْرُوْفٌ، مَشِشَتِ الدابَّةُ. والمِشْمِشُ: من الفاكِهَةِ، ويَفْتَحُ المِيْمَانِ. والمُشَاشَةُ: أرْضٌ مَتَخَرِّبَةٌ يُحْفَرُ فيها، فَكُلُّ ما اسْتُقِيَ منها جَمَّتْ. ومُشَاشَةُ الرَّكِيَّةِ: نَبْطُها، كمُشَاشَةِ العَظْمِ تَتَحَلَّبُ أبَداً، وقيل: هي أرْضٌ ذاتُ حَصىً تَحْتَها أرْضٌ حرَّةٌ. وإنَّهُ لَكَرِيْمُ المُشَاشِ: أي الأصْلِ. وهو في مَشَاشَةِ قَوْمِه. وإِنَّه لَبَرُّ المُشَاشِ: أي طَيِّبُ النَّحِيزَةِ، وقيل: خَفَيفُ المَؤُوْنَةِ على مَنْ يُعَاشِر'هـ. والمُمْتَشُّ: اللِّصُّ الخارِبُ. وامْتَشَّتِ المَرْأَةُ حُلِيَّها: أي قَطَعَتْها عن لَبَّتِها. والمَشْمَاشُ: الخَفِيْفُ الظَّرِيْفُ الخَدّامُ في السَّفَرِ والحَضَرِ 234ب، وبه سُمِّيَ الرَّجُلُ. والمَشْمَشَةُ: النُّكَاحُ. والمَشَشُ: بَيَاضٌ يَعْتَري الإِبلَ في عُيُونِها، بَعِيرٌ أَمَشٌّ وناقَةٌ مَشّاءُ، وجَمَلٌ مَشٌّ وناقَةٌ مَشَّةٌ. وأطْعَمَه هَشّاً مَشّاً: أي طَيَّباً.

1 مَشَّ, (S, A,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. مَشٌّ, (S, A, K,) He wiped his hand with a thing, (S, A, K), or with a rough thing, (As, S,) and with a napkin, (A,) to cleanse it, (S, A, K,) and to remove its greasiness. (As, S, A, K.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce مُضَهَّبٌ.] You say also, مَشَّ أُذُنَهُ, and بِأُذُنِهِ, He wiped his ear. (TA.)

And أُمْشُشْ مُخَاطَكَ Wipe thou away the mucus of thy nose. (TA.)

b2: (tropical:) He wiped an arrow, and a bow-string, with his garment, to make it soft. (A, TA. *)

A2: مَشَّ, (Lth, A, Mgh,) [aor. and] inf. n. as above, (K,) He sucked, (Lth, A, Mgh,) a bone, (A,) or the heads, or extremites, of bones, (Mgh, K,) [i. e.] what are termed مُشَاش, they being chewed; (Lth;) as also ↓ تمشّشهُ, (Lth, A, K,) and ↓ امتشّهُ, and ↓ مَشْمَشَهُ, of which last the inf. n. is مَشْمَشَةٌ: (TA:) and (TA) العَظْمَ ↓ تمشّش he ate the مُشَاش [q. v.] of the bone: or he sucked the whole of it; or extracted its marrow; syn. تَمَكَّكَهُ: (S, TA:) and ↓ مشّشهُ, (TK,) inf. n. تَمْشِيشٌ, (K,) he extracted its marrow; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ امتشّهُ. (TA.)

b2: مَشَّ النَّاقَةَ, (S,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (assumed tropical:) He milked the she-camel leaving some of the milk in the udder: (S, K: *) and مَشٌّ also signifies (assumed tropical:) the milking to the uttermost; and so ↓ إِمْتِشَاشٌ: (TA:) you say, مَا فِى الضَّرْعِ ↓ امتشّ (assumed tropical:) he took, (K,) i. e. milked, (TA,) all that was in the udder. (K, TA, from Ibn-'Abbád.)

b3: هُوَ يَمُشُّ مَالَ فُلَانٍ, (A, TA,) inf. n. as above, (K,) (tropical:) He takes the property of such a one, thing after thing; (A, K, TA;) as also يَمُشُّ مِنْ مَالِهِ: (TA:) or the latter, (accord. to one copy of the S,) or من ماله ↓ يَمْتَشُّ, (accord. to other copies of the S, and the TA,) he obtains of his property. (S, TA.)

2 مَشَّّ see 1.

4 امشّ, (K,) inf. n. إِمْشَاشٌ, (TA,) It (a bone)

had in it what might be sucked, or extracted; i. e., (TA,) had in it marrow. (K, TA.)

5 تَمَشَّّ see 1, in two places.

8 امتشّ: see 1, in five places.

b2: Also, (tropical:) He performed the purification termed إِسْتَنْجَآء (IAar, A, K) with a piece of stone or a lump of dry clay or loam. (IAar, K.)

R. Q. 1 مَشْمَشَ: see 1.

مُشَاشٌ The heads of bones, (S, Mgh, K,) that are soft, (S,) that may be chewed, (S, K,) or that are sucked: (Mgh:) or soft bones: (A:) or the heads of bones such as the knees and elbows and shoulder-bones: (A'Obeyd:) and the bone within a horn: (Mgh:) sing. [or rather n. un.] with ة: (S, K,) which is also said to signify the prominent part of the shoulder-bone. (TA.) رَجُلٌ هَشُّ

المُشَاشِ رِخْوُ المَغْمَزِ (tropical:) [lit. A man soft, or fragile, in the heads of the bones, flabby where he is felt or pressed,] denotes dispraise. (TA.)

b2: (tropical:) The soul, or spirit; syn. نَفْسٌ. (S, K.) You say فُلَانٌ

طَيِّبُ المُشَاشِ (tropical:) Such a one is generous in soul, or spirit. (S, A. *) نَهِشُ المُشَاشِ, applied by Aboo-Dhu-eyb to a horse, means (tropical:) Light, or quick, in spirit, or in the bones, or in the legs. (S, TA.)

b3: (tropical:) Natural disposition. (K, TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ لَيِّنُ المُشَاشِ (tropical:) Such a one is good in natural disposition; one who abstains from coveting. (TA.)

b4: (tropical:) Origin. (K, Ibn-'Abbád.) So in the saying انه لكريم المُشَاشِ (tropical:) Verily he is of generous origin: (Ibn-'Abbád, TA:) or this means (tropical:) verily he is a lord, or chief. (A, TA.)

[And similar to this is the saying] ↓ هُوَ فِى مُشَاشَةِ

قَوْمِهِ (tropical:) He is among the best of his people. (A, * TA.)

b5: (assumed tropical:) Light, sharp, or quick, and who does much service in journeying and at home: (K:) or (assumed tropical:) light in spirit: or (assumed tropical:) one who is a light burden (خَفِيفُ المَؤُونَةِ) to him who consorts with him: or (assumed tropical:) sharp or quick in motions: and, as some say, خَفِيفُ المَشَاشِ means (assumed tropical:) one who does much service in journeying and at home: so accord. to Ibn-'Abbád. (TA.)

مَشُوشٌ A napkin, (S, A,) or rough napkin, (TA,) or thing with which to wipe the hand. (S, K.) See 1, first signification.

مُشَاشَةٌ: see مُشَاشٌ, in two places.

مِشْمِشٌ, (S, K,) in the dial. of El-Basrah, (TA,) and ↓ مَشْمَشٌ, (AO, S, K,) in the dial. of El-Koofeh, (TA,) [The apricot;] a certain thing that is eaten; (S;) a well-known fruit; (K;)

called in Persian زَرْدٌ الُو [or زَرْدْ آلُو]; (TA.) than

which few things are found more productive of cold, or coolness, to the stomach, and befouling, and weakening: (K:) some, (K,) namely, the people of Syria, (TA,) apply this appellation to the إِجَّاص [which with others signifies the plum; but with them, the pear]: (K:) so says Lth: and some of the people of Syria pronounce it [مُشْمُسٌ,] with damm. (TA.)
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