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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3824. لحت8 3825. لحج12 3826. لحد17 3827. لحس17 3828. لحص12 3829. لحظ153830. لحف20 3831. لحق17 3832. لحم17 3833. لحن21 3834. لحى8 3835. لخ3 3836. لخب6 3837. لخت3 3838. لخص12 3839. لخق4 3840. لخى3 3841. لد3 3842. لدب1 3843. لدم16 3844. لدن18 3845. لذ3 3846. لذب6 3847. لذع14 3848. لز3 3849. لزأ7 3850. لزب16 3851. لزج14 3852. لزق15 3853. لزم16 3854. لزن10 3855. لزورد2 3856. لس3 3857. لسب12 3858. لسد9 3859. لسن20 3860. لص4 3861. لصب9 3862. لصت6 3863. لصق12 3864. لط3 3865. لطأ10 3866. لطث7 3867. لطح12 3868. لطخ11 3869. لطس10 3870. لطف17 3871. لطم15 3872. لظ2 3873. لظأ3 3874. لعب17 3875. لعث3 3876. لعج11 3877. لعس14 3878. لعط9 3879. لعق15 3880. لعل9 3881. لعن18 3882. لعو7 3883. لغب16 3884. لغث7 3885. لغد12 3886. لغذ1 3887. لغز15 3888. لغط18 3889. لغم14 3890. لغن7 3891. لغو10 3892. لف5 3893. لفأ11 3894. لفت20 3895. لفث4 3896. لفج9 3897. لفح13 3898. لفط1 3899. لفظ17 3900. لفع15 3901. لفق14 3902. لفم9 3903. لفو7 3904. لق3 3905. لقب14 3906. لقث5 3907. لقح19 3908. لقس11 3909. لقط18 3910. لقف16 3911. لقم16 3912. لقن15 3913. لقى5 3914. لك3 3915. لكأ12 3916. لكب4 3917. لكث7 3918. لكد11 3919. لكز15 3920. لكم12 3921. لكن13 3922. للب1 3923. لم8 Prev. 100




لَحْظٌ: see عَيْرٌ.


1 لَحَظَهُ, (S, K,) or لَحَظَهُ بِالعَيْنِ, (Msb,) and لَحَظَ إِلَيْهِ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. لَحْظٌ (Msb, K) and لَحَظَانٌ, (K,) He looked at him from the outer angle of the eye, (S, Msb, K,) to the right or left, (Msb, TA,) with more turning of the face than is denoted by شَزْرٌ; (Msb, K;) or without turning the face: (TA:) or he watched him with the eye: (Msb:) and hence ↓ مُلَاحَظَةٌ, of the measure مُفَاعَلَةٌ, (K, TA,) explained by Az as signifying a man's looking from the outer angle of either eye. (TA.) 3 لاحظهُ, (S, Msb,) inf. n. مُلَاحَظَةٌ (Msb, K) and لِحَاظٌ, (S, Msb,) [i. q. لَحَظَهُ, q. v. b2: and hence,] (tropical:) He regarded him; had regard, or an eye, to him; paid regard, or consideration, to him; he regarded it, [namely, an affair,] or attended to it; syn. رَاعَاهُ. (S, Msb, TA.) b3: [And (assumed tropical:) He, or it, had a relation, or an analogy, to him, or it.]6 تلاحظوا (TA) They turned their eyes, [each looking from the outer angle of his eye,] one towards another. (K, L.) b2: [And hence, (assumed tropical:) They regarded one another; had regard, or an eye, one to another; paid regard, or consideration, one to another. b3: And (assumed tropical:) They had a mutual relation, or analogy.]

لَحْظٌ: see لَحَاظٌ.

لَحْظَةٌ A look from the outer angle of the eye; a sidelong glance; an ogle; a look from the side next the ear: pl. لَحَظَاتٌ: the dim. is لُحَيْظَةٌ. (TA.) Hence the saying جَلَسْتُ عِنْدَهُ لَحْظَةً I sat with him the like of [the time occupied by] a look from the outer angle of the eye. (TA.) And فِى لَحْظَةٍ [In the twinkling of an eye]. (K in art. سرع; &c.) لَحَاظٌ, (S, Msb, K,) with fet-h, (S, Msb,) like سَحَابٌ, (K,) or ↓ لِحَاظٌ, (T, IB, Mgh, Msb,) with kesr, (T, IB, Msb,) which latter is the form commonly known, (IB,) or the latter is incorrectly used for the former by some who twist the sides of the mouth in utterance, (MF,) or is [only] an inf. n. of لَاخَظَ, (S,) The outer angle of the eye, (T, S, Mgh, &c.,) next the part between the eye and the ear; (T, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ لَحْظٌ: pl. of the former لُحُظٌ: and of the latter أَلْحَاظٌ. (TA.) You say, فَتَنَتْهُ بِلَحَاظِهَا [She captivated his heart with the outer angle of her eye], and بِأَلْحَاظِهَا [with the outer angles of her eyes]. (TA.) لِحَاظٌ: see لَحَاظٌ.

لَحِيظٌ (assumed tropical:) Like. (K.) You say, هُوَ لَحِيظُ فُلَانٍ. (assumed tropical:) He is the like of such a one. (TA.) رَجُلٌ لَحَّاظٌ [A man who has a habit of looking from the outer angle of the eye]. (TA.) مَلْحَظٌ syn. with [the inf. n.] لَحْظٌ: or it signifies مَوْضِعُ لَحْظٍ [i.e. the place at which one looks from the outer angle of the eye]: pl. مَلَاحِظُ. (TA.) مَلْحُوظٌ (assumed tropical:) Regarded; had in view.]

أَحْوَالُهُمْ مُتَشَاكِلَةٌ مُتَلَاحِظَةٌ (tropical:) [Their states, or conditions, are similar; such as have mutual relation, or analogy]. (TA.)
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