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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3793. لبأ13 3794. لبت6 3795. لبث16 3796. لبج12 3797. لبخ9 3798. لبد193799. لبس19 3800. لبع3 3801. لبق16 3802. لبك13 3803. لبلب5 3804. لبن20 3805. لبى5 3806. لت3 3807. لتأ8 3808. لتب7 3809. لتح8 3810. لث5 3811. لثأ5 3812. لثف1 3813. لثم17 3814. لثو1 3815. لج5 3816. لجأ15 3817. لجب11 3818. لجح6 3819. لجف14 3820. لجم14 3821. لجن12 3822. لح2 3823. لحب10 3824. لحت8 3825. لحج12 3826. لحد17 3827. لحس17 3828. لحص12 3829. لحظ15 3830. لحف20 3831. لحق17 3832. لحم17 3833. لحن21 3834. لحى8 3835. لخ3 3836. لخب6 3837. لخت3 3838. لخص12 3839. لخق4 3840. لخى3 3841. لد3 3842. لدب1 3843. لدم16 3844. لدن18 3845. لذ3 3846. لذب6 3847. لذع14 3848. لز3 3849. لزأ7 3850. لزب16 3851. لزج14 3852. لزق15 3853. لزم16 3854. لزن10 3855. لزورد2 3856. لس3 3857. لسب12 3858. لسد9 3859. لسن20 3860. لص4 3861. لصب9 3862. لصت6 3863. لصق12 3864. لط3 3865. لطأ10 3866. لطث7 3867. لطح12 3868. لطخ11 3869. لطس10 3870. لطف17 3871. لطم15 3872. لظ2 3873. لظأ3 3874. لعب17 3875. لعث3 3876. لعج11 3877. لعس14 3878. لعط9 3879. لعق15 3880. لعل9 3881. لعن18 3882. لعو7 3883. لغب16 3884. لغث7 3885. لغد12 3886. لغذ1 3887. لغز15 3888. لغط18 3889. لغم14 3890. لغن7 3891. لغو10 3892. لف5 Prev. 100




1 لَبِدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. لَبَدٌ, It (a thing) stuck, clave, or adhered. (Msb.) b2: لَبَدَ بِالأَرْضِ, aor. ـُ inf. n. لُبُودٌ; (S, L;) and بِهَا ↓ البد; (L;) and بِهَا ↓ تلبّد; (S;) It (a thing) stuck, clave, or adhered, to the ground. (S, L.) b3: بِالأَرْضِ ↓ تلبّد He (a bird) lay upon his breast, cleaving to the ground. (S, L, K.) b4: (tropical:) He clave to the ground, concealing his person. (A.) b5: Hence the proverb تَصَيَّدِى ↓ تَلَبَّدِى, [for تَتَصَيَّدِى, (tropical:) Cleave thou (addressed to a female) to the ground: thou wilt take, or catch, or snare, or entrap, game]. (A.) b6: Hence also, ↓ تلبّد (tropical:) He remained fixed, or steady, and looked, or considered. (A.) b7: لَبَدَ بِالمَكَانِ, (L, K, *) aor. ـُ inf. n. لُبُودٌ; and لَبِدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. لَبَدٌ; (L, K;) and ↓ البد; (S, L, K;;) (tropical:) He remained, continued, stayed, abode, or dwelt, in the place; (S, L, K; *) and clave to it. (L, K. *) b8: لَبَدَ عَلَى عَصَاهُ, inf. n. لُبُودٌ, (assumed tropical:) He (a pastor) leaned upon his staff, remaining fixed to his place. (L.) b9: لَبِدَ, aor. ـَ (S, L,) inf. n. لَبَدٌ, (S, L, K,) He (a camel) became choked by eating much of the plant called صِلِّيَان, suffering a contortion in the [part of the chest called] حَيْزُوم and in the [part of the throat called] غَلْصَمَة: (ISk, S, L, K: *) or had a complaint of the belly from eating of the قَتَاد [or tragacantha]. (AHn, L.) b10: See 4.2 لبّدهُ, inf. n. تَلْبِيدٌ, He stuck it, one part upon another, so that it became like لِبْد [or felt]. (Msb.) b2: لبّد الصُّوفَ He made the wool into لِبْد [i. e., a compact and coherent mass; or felt]. (A.) [And He, or it, rendered the wool coherent, compact, or matted.] b3: لبّد الأَرْضَ, (inf. n. تَلْبِيدٌ, L,) It (rain, S, A, or a scanty rain, L,) rendered the ground compact, so that the feet did not sink in it. (S, * A, * L.) b4: لبّد, (L,) or لبّد شَعَرَهُ, (L, Msb,) inf. n. تَلْبِيدٌ, (S, L, Msb,) He (a pilgrim, S, L, Msb, in the state of إِحْرَام, S, L,) put upon his head some gum, (A 'Obeyd, S, L, K,) or خِطْمِىّ or the like, (Msb,) or honey, (A 'Obeyd, L,) or something glutinous, (L,) in order that his hair might become compacted together, (A 'Obeyd, S, L, Msb, K,) to preserve it in the state in which it was, (S, * L,) lest it should become shaggy, or dishevelled, and frowzy, or dusty, (S, L, Msb,) or lousy, (A 'Obeyd, L,) during the state of احرام. (S, L.) The Arabs in the time of paganism used to do thus when they did not desire to shave their heads during the pilgrimage. Some say, that it signifies He shaved the whole of his hair. (L.) A2: لبّد عَجَاجَتَهُ: see art. عج.4 أَلْبَدَ: see 1. b2: البد شَيْئًا بِشَىْءٍ He stuck a thing to a thing; (K;) as also لَبَدَهُ, inf. n. لَبْدٌ: (TA:) or he stuck a thing firmly to a thing. (L.) b3: He put the milking-vessel close to the udder [lit., stuck it to the udder] in order that there might be no froth to the milk. (TA, art. نفج.) b4: البد He (a camel) struck his hinder parts with his tail, having befouled it with his thin dung and his urine, and so made these to form a compact crust upon those parts. (S, L.) b5: البد بَصَرُهُ (assumed tropical:) His sight, or eye, (meaning that of a person praying,) remained fixed upon the place of prostration. (K.) b6: البد (tropical:) He lowered, or stooped, his head, in entering (A, K) a door. (A.) A2: البد السَّرْجَ; (S, IKtt, K;) and ↓ لَبَدَهُ, inf. n. لَبْدٌ; (IKtt;) He made for the saddle a لِبْد [or cloth of felt to place beneath it]: (S, IKtt, K:) and in like manner, البد الخُفَّ, and ↓ لَبَدَهُ, he made a لِبْد [or lining of felt?] for the boots. (IKtt.) b2: البد الفَرَسَ He bound upon the horse a لِبْد [or saddle cloth, or covering of felt]: (S, K:) or put it upon his back. (A.) b3: البدتِ الإِبِلُ (assumed tropical:) The camels put forth their soft hair (S, L, K) and their colours, (S, L,) and assumed a goodly appearance, (L,) and began to grow fat, (S, L, K,) by reason of the [season, or pasture, called] رَبِيع: (S, L:) as though they put on أَلْبَاد [or felt coverings]. (L.) b4: البد القِرْبَةَ He put the water-skin into a جُوَالِق [or sack]: (K:) or into a لَبِيد, or small جوالق: (S:) the لَبِيد is a لِبْد [or covering of felt] which is sewed upon it. (L.) 5 تَلَبَّدَ see 1. b2: تلبد It (wool, A, L, K, and the like, K, as common hair, A, L, and the soft hair of camels or the like, L,) became commingled, and compacted together, or matted, coherent; (S, * A, * L, K;) as also ↓ التبد. (L.) [Both are also said of dung, and of a mixture of dung and urine, meaning It caked, or became compacted, upon the ground &c.] b3: It (the ground, L, or the dust, or the sand, A,) became compact, so that the feet did not sink in it, by reason of rain. (S, * A, * L.) b4: [Also, app., He shrank, by reason of fear: see هَبِيتٌ: in the present day it is used to signify he hid, or contracted, himself, by reason of fear, or for the purpose of practising some act of guile.]8 التبدت الشَّجَرَةُ The tree became dense, or abundant, in its foliage. (S, L, K.) b2: التبد الوَرَقُ The leaves became commingled, and compacted together. (S, L, K.) See 5.

لِبْدٌ Hair or wool commingled, and compacted together, or coherent; [felt;] (L, Msb, K;) as also ↓ لِبْدَةٌ; (L, K;) or this is a more particular term; [meaning a portion of such hair or wool; a piece of felt;] (S, Msb;) and ↓ لُبْدَةٌ: (L, K:) pl. of لِبْدٌ, (or of لبدة, as though the ة were imagined to be elided, M,) لُبُودٌ (S, A, L, K) and أَلْبَادٌ. (L, K.) b2: لِبْدٌ A well-known kind of carpet [and cloth, made of felt]. (L, K.) b3: لِبْدٌ [or لِبْدَةٌ, (S, art. وثر,)] What is beneath the saddle; [a saddle-cloth; a housing; a cloth of felt, which is placed beneath the saddle, and also used as a covering without the saddle]. (S, * L, * K.) لَبَدٌ Wool. (S, K.) Hence the saying مَا لَهُ سَبَدٌ وَلَا لَبَدٌ He has neither hair nor wool: (S:) or, neither what has hair nor what has wool: or, neither little nor much: (TA:) or, he has not anything: (S:) for the wealth of the Arabs consisted of horses, camels, sheep and goats, and cows; and all of these are included in this saying (TA.) See also سَبَدٌ.

لبد [app. لَبِدٌ] Compact, or cohering, ground, upon which one may walk, or journey, quickly. (L.) لَبِدٌ (S, K) and ↓ لُبَدٌ, (S, A, L, K,) the former of which is preferable, accord. to A'Obeyd, (S,) (tropical:) One who does not travel, (S, L,) nor quit his abode, (S, * L, K,) or place, (A,) nor seek sustenance. (L, K.) Hence, (A,) the last of Lukmán's [seven] vultures [with whose life his own was to terminate] was called ↓ لُبَدٌ, (S, A, L, K,) because he thought that is would not go away nor die. (L.) Thus applied, it is perfectly decl., because it is a word not made to deviate from its original form. (S, L.) b2: Also ↓ لُبَدٌ A man who does not quit his camel's saddle. (L.) لُبَدٌ (S, L) and لِبَدٌ, which is pl. of ↓ لِبْدَةٌ, (L,) and ↓ لُبَّدَى, (L, K,) and ↓ لِبْدَةٌ, and ↓ لُبْدَةٌ, (L,) (tropical:) A number of men collected together, (S, L, K,) and [as it were] compacted, one upon another: so the first and second of these words, accord. to different readings, signify in the Kur., lxxii., 19: (L:) or لِبَدٌ signifies collected together like locusts, (T, L,) which are app. thus called as being likened to a congregation of men; (ISd, L;) pl. of لِبْدَةٌ, (L,) which signifies a locust. (K.) [See a verse cited voce صَابَ.] b2: مَالٌ لُبَدٌ, (S, A, K, &c.,) and ↓ لُبَّدٌ, (Aboo-Jaafar, K,) and ↓ لُبُدٌ, (El-Hasan and Mujáhid,) and ↓ لُبْدٌ, (Mujáhid,) (tropical:) Much wealth; (S, K, &c.;) so in the Kur., xc., 6; (S, TA;) as also ↓ لَابِدٌ: (K:) or wealth so abundant that one fears not its coming to an end: (A, L:) some say that لُبَدٌ is a pl., and that its sing. is لُبْدَةٌ: others, that it is sing., like قُثَمٌ and حُصَمٌ: أَمْوَالٌ and مَالٌ are sometimes used in the same sense: لُبَّدٌ seems to be pl. of لَابِدٌ: (L:) so is لُبُدٌ, and so لُبْدٌ: (El-Basáïr:) also, مال لِبَدٌ, which is accord. to the reading of Zeyd Ibn-'Alee and Ibn-'Omeyr and 'Ásim, signifies collected wealth; لِبَدٌ being pl. of لِبْدَةٌ. (TA.) A2: See لُبَدٌ.

لِبْدَةٌ (tropical:) The mass of hair between the shoulderblades of the lion, (S, A, K,) intermingled, and compacted together: (A:) and the like upon a camel's hump: (T, L:) pl. لِبَدٌ. (S.) Hence the proverb, هُوَ أَمْنَعُ مِنْ لِبْدَةِ الأَسَدِ [He, or it, is more unapproachable, or inaccessible, than the mass of hair between the shoulder-blades of the lion]. (S, A.) Hence also ذُو لِبْدَةٍ is an appel-lation of the lion; (T, S, A, K;) and so ذُو لِبَدٍ. (T, A,) b2: See لِبْدٌ and لُبَدٌ.

لُبْدَةٌ: see لُبَدٌ.

نَاقَةٌ لَبِدَةٌ A she-camel choked by eating much of the plant called صِلِّيَان: pl. لَبَادَى: [see لَبِدَ:] (S:) or إِبِلٌ لَبِدَةٌ, and لَبَادَى, camels having a complaint of the belly from eating of the قَتَاد [or tragacantha]: and in like manner you say ناقة لَبِدَةٌ. (AHn, L.) لَبِيدٌ A جُوَالِق [or sack]: (K:) or a small جوالق: (S, IKtt, L:) or a large جوالق: a لِبْد [or covering of felt] which is sewed upon a قِرْبَة [or water-skin]. (L.) b2: Also, (K,) or لَبِيدَةٌ, (L,) A [fodder-bag of the kind called] مِخْلَاة. (L, K.) لَبَّادٌ A maker, or manufacturer, of لِبْد [i. e., hair or wool commingled, and compacted together; or felt]. (K.) لُبَّادَةٌ A garment of felt (مِنْ لِبْد, S, or لُبُود, L, K,) worn on account of rain, (S, L, Msb, K,) to protect one therefrom: (TA:) a garment of the kind called قَبَآء. (L.) لُبَّادَى: see لُبَدٌ.

لَابِدٌ see لُبَدٌ. b2: اللَّابِدُ, and ↓ المُلْبَدُ, and أَبُو لُبَدٍ, and أَبُو لِبَدٍ, (tropical:) The lion. (K.) ملْبَدٌ A horse having a لِبْد [or saddle-cloth, or covering of felt] bound upon him. (S.) b2: See اللَابِدُ, and مُلْبِدٌ.

مُلْبِدٌ A camel (L, K) or stallion-camel, (T, L,) striking his thighs with his tail, (L, K,) and making his dung to stick to them. (L.) b2: (tropical:) A man cleaving to the ground, and making himself inconspicuous: (TA:) (tropical:) a man cleaving to the ground by reason of poverty. (A.) b3: مُلْبِدٌ, or ↓ مُلْبَدٌ, applied to a tank, or cistern: see مُبْلِدٌ.

مُلَبِّدٌ Scanty rain [that renders the soft ground compact, so that the feet do not sink in it]. (L.) خُفٌّ مُلَبَّدٌ, and ↓ مَلْبُودٌ, A pair of boots made of لِبْد [or felt]. (A.) See also 4.

مَلْبُودٌ (assumed tropical:) A he-goat compact in flesh. (L.) b2: See preceding paragraph.
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