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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3395. قرنبط1 3396. قرنس9 3397. قرنص7 3398. قرنفل4 3399. قرى8 3400. قز53401. قزح15 3402. قزدر2 3403. قزع16 3404. قزم14 3405. قس7 3406. قسب16 3407. قسح8 3408. قسر18 3409. قسط21 3410. قسطس9 3411. قسقس6 3412. قسم22 3413. قسى2 3414. قش5 3415. قشب17 3416. قشد8 3417. قشر17 3418. قشط12 3419. قشع16 3420. قشعر13 3421. قشف18 3422. قشم13 3423. قص6 3424. قصب20 3425. قصد23 3426. قصر23 3427. قصطس2 3428. قصع17 3429. قصف20 3430. قصل16 3431. قصم18 3432. قصى4 3433. قض8 3434. قضأ7 3435. قضب19 3436. قضف12 3437. قضم17 3438. قضى9 3439. قط9 3440. قطب18 3441. قطر21 3442. قطرب10 3443. قطع23 3444. قطف20 3445. قطمر10 3446. قطن20 3447. قطو8 3448. قع2 3449. قعب10 3450. قعث9 3451. قعد19 3452. قعر15 3453. قعسس1 3454. قعص13 3455. قعط15 3456. قعى2 3457. قف5 3458. قفأ3 3459. قفخ6 3460. قفد9 3461. قفر19 3462. قفز16 3463. قفش10 3464. قفص15 3465. قفل18 3466. قفو13 3467. ققب5 3468. ققز4 3469. قل6 3470. قلب21 3471. قلت15 3472. قلح17 3473. قلخ7 3474. قلد18 3475. قلس17 3476. قلص22 3477. قلع15 3478. قلف16 3479. قلفع3 3480. قلق14 3481. قلقس5 3482. قلم19 3483. قلمس7 3484. قلو7 3485. قم4 3486. قمأ9 3487. قمح15 3488. قمحد3 3489. قمد8 3490. قمر20 3491. قمس14 3492. قمش11 3493. قمص17 3494. قمط15 Prev. 100




1 قَزَّ, [sec. Pers\., app., قَزُزْتَ,] aor. ـُ inf. n. قَزَازَةٌ, He felt, or had a sense of, or was moved with, shame, or pudency; his soul shrank from foul things: (M:) and [in like manner] ↓ تقزّز he was scrupulous in shunning, or avoiding, unclean things, or impurities; (S, M;) he removed himself far from such things; (S, Mgh, K;) and قُزٌّ [an inf. n. of قَزَّ] signifies the same as تَقَزُّزٌ. (K, TA.) You say also, قَزَّ مِنَ الدَّنَسِ, inf. n. قُزٌّ, He removed himself far from what was unclean. (TK.) And قَزَّتْ نَفْسِى عَنِ الشَّىْءِ, and قَزَّتْهُ, with and without a prep., (M, TA,) inf. n. قَزٌّ, (M, K,) My soul, or mind, refused the thing, or rejected it; (M, K, * TA;) a meaning said by IKtt to be of the dial. of El-Yemen: (TA:) and it loathed the thing; which latter is the more common signification: (M, TA:) and [in like manner] عَنِ الشَّىْءِ ↓ تقزّز he did not eat the thing, nor drink it, willingly: (M, TA:) end مِنْ ↓ تقزّز

أَكْلِ الضَّبِّ وَغَيْرِهِ [he loathed, or shunned, or avoided, the eating of the lizard called ضبّ &c.]. (S, Mgh, TA.) 5 تَقَزَّّ see 1, in three places.

قَزٌّ A quality, or thing, that is to be loathed, or shunned, or avoided, for its uncleanness, in food; as also ↓ قُزُّ and ↓ قَزَازَةٌ. (M, TA.) See also 1.

A2: A man who feels, or has a sense of, or is moved with, shame, or pudency; whose soul shrinks from foul things: (M, TA:) and, as also ↓ قُزٌّ and ↓ قِزٌّ, a man scrupulous in shunning, or avoiding, unclean things, or impurities; (S;) who removes himself far from such things; (S, K;) who does not eat nor drink a thing willingly: (M:) and the same three epithets, (TA,) and ↓ قَزَزٌ (K) and ↓ قُزَّازٌ, (IAar, K,) a man well-bred, or polite, (ظَرِيفٌ,) who guards against vices or faults, and shuns acts of disobedience and afflictions, not through pride: (K, TA;) fem. قَزَّةٌ and قُزَّةٌ and قِزَّةٌ: (M, K: *) the pl. of قَزٌّ is أَقِزَّآءُ, which is anomalous. (M, TA.) A3: I. q. إِبْرِيسَمٌ [Silk: or raw silk:] (K:) or a kind thereof: (S:) or that whereof ابريسم is made; (Lth, Az, Msb, TA;) wherefore some say, that قزّ and ابريسم are like wheat and flour: (Msb:) a Persian word, [originally قَزْ,] (M, TA,) arabicized: (S, M, Msb:) pl. قُزُوزٌ. (M, TA.) b2: [Hence, دُودُ القَزِّ The silk-worm.]

قُزٌّ: see قَزٌّ; the first in three places, and the second in two.

قِزٌّ: see قَزٌّ; the first in three places, and the second in two.

قَزَزٌ: see قَزٌّ; the first in three places, and the second in two.

قَزَازَةٌ: see قَزٌّ, and see also 1.

قَزَّازٌ A seller of قَزّ, q. v. (K.) قُزَّازٌ: see قَزٌّ.
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