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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3234. فقو4 3235. فك4 3236. فكر16 3237. فكل10 3238. فكه18 3239. فل53240. فلت14 3241. فلج19 3242. فلح21 3243. فلذ16 3244. فلز10 3245. فلس18 3246. فلست1 3247. فلطح8 3248. فلع11 3249. فلق19 3250. فلقس5 3251. فلك19 3252. فلن13 3253. فلهد4 3254. فلو9 3255. فلى5 3256. فم5 3257. فن4 3258. فنتق3 3259. فنجان2 3260. فنخ9 3261. فند17 3262. فندر5 3263. فندق7 3264. فنزج6 3265. فنطس9 3266. فنع10 3267. فنق13 3268. فنك15 3269. فنو6 3270. فنى4 3271. فه3 3272. فهد13 3273. فهر14 3274. فهرس8 3275. فهم16 3276. فهو4 3277. فو4 3278. فوت16 3279. فوج14 3280. فوح13 3281. فوخ10 3282. فود15 3283. فور19 3284. فوز16 3285. فوص5 3286. فوض16 3287. فوط9 3288. فوظ5 3289. فوف13 3290. فوفل3 3291. فوق17 3292. فول10 3293. فولاذ1 3294. فوم18 3295. فوه18 3296. فى1 3297. فيأ16 3298. فيج9 3299. فيح13 3300. فيخ5 3301. فيد13 3302. فيروزج3 3303. فيش10 3304. فيص11 3305. فيض19 3306. فيظ9 3307. فيف14 3308. فيق7 3309. فيل17 3310. فين14 3311. فيه1 3312. فيهج1 3313. ق7 3314. قأب7 3315. قب6 3316. قبج6 3317. قبح17 3318. قبر19 3319. قبس20 3320. قبص18 3321. قبض21 3322. قبط17 3323. قبع14 3324. قبل22 3325. قبن13 3326. قبو9 3327. قبوس1 3328. قت6 3329. قتب19 3330. قتد11 3331. قتر19 3332. قترد4 3333. قتل20 Prev. 100




1 فَلَّهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. فَلٌّ, (M, TA,) He broke it, or notched it, in its edge, (M, K,) namely, [a sword or the like, or] anything; (M;) and so ↓ فللّٰهُ, (K, TA,) [or this signifies he did so much, or in many places,] inf. n. تَفْلِيلٌ. (TA.) b2: And i. q. كَسَرَهُ [app. as meaning He broke it, in an unrestricted sense; as well as in another sense; as will be shown by what follows]. (S.) وَلَا فَلُّوا لَهُ صَقاةً, i. e. [lit.] Nor did they break a stone (كَسَرُوا حَجَرَا) belonging to him, was said by 'Áïsheh in describing her father: she alluded thereby to his strength in religion. (TA. [See also قَرَعَ صَفَاتَهُ, in art. صفو; and see also مَغْمَزٌ.]) And [in like manner] one says, غَرْبَهُ ↓ استفلّ meaning كَسَرَهُ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) He broke his sharpness, or vehemence, or valour]. (TA.) And فَلَّ الجَيْشَ, (S, O, Msb,) or القَوْمَ, (M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M, O, Msb,) He defeated (هَزَمَ, S, M, O, K, or كَسَرَ, Msb) the army, or military force, (S, O, Msb,) or the people, or party. (M, K.) And مَنْ قَلَّ ذَلَّ وَمَنْ أَمِرَفَلَّ, (S, Meyd, O,) a prov., (Meyd, O,) meaning He who has few aiders is overcome, [or becomes abased], and he who has many relations [or who possesses authority to command] defeats (فَلَّ) his enemies. (Meyd. [In Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 683, a different (and I think a wrong) reading is given, with قَلَّ in the place of فَلَّ; though the reading with فَلَّ is added.]) شَجَّكِ أَوْ فَلَّكِ أَوْ جَمَعَ كُلًّا لَكِ, in the story of Umm-Zara, is said to mean, Whether he wound thee by smiting thy head, or break a limb [of thee], or combine the two deeds to thee: or by فلّك is meant altercate, or wrangle, with thee: (TA, in two places:) or the meaning [of فلّك] is defeat thee [so I render كَسَرَكِ]; or take away thy property; or defeat thee (كَسَرَكِ) with his altercation and his censure. (O.) A2: فَلَّ عَنْهُ عَقْلُهُ, aor. ـَ [in the CK (erroneously) فَلُّ,] His intellect, or intelligence, departed from him, and then returned. (M, K.) 2 فَلَّّ see above, first sentence. b2: تَفْلِيلٌ [as inf. n. of the pass. v. فُلِّلَ] means The state of being broken, or notched, [much, or in many places,] in the edge of a knife, or in the edges of the teeth, (T, TA,) and the like, (T,) [i. e.] and also in [the edge of] a sword. (TA.) 4 افلّت الأَرْضُ The land became such as is termed فِلّ [q. v.]. (AHn, M.) b2: And أَفَلّ, (Fr, T,) and أَفْلَلْنَا, (S, O,) He (a man, Fr, T,) and we, (S, O,) became in a land such as is termed فِلّ, (Fr, T, S, O,) upon which rain had not fallen: (Fr, T:) or the latter means we trod a land (M, K) such as is termed فِلّ (M) or such as is termed فَلّ. (K.) b3: And افلّ (assumed tropical:) He (a man, S, M, O) lost, or became deprived of, his property: (S, M, O, K:) from فِلٌّ applied to land. (M.) b4: And in like manner, one says, افلّ الدّهْرُ مَالَهُ (assumed tropical:) [Time, or fortune, deprived him of his property]. (O.) 5 تَفَلَّّ see the next paragraph, in three places: A2: and see also R. Q. 1, in two places [in each of which the verb is most probably, I think, mistranscribed].7 انفلّ It became broken, or notched, in its edge; as also ↓ افتلّ, and ↓ تفلّل; (M, K, TA;) said of [a sword or the like, or of] anything; (M;) the first quasi-pass. of فَلَّهُ, as is also the second; but the third is quasi-pass of فلَّلَهُ [and implying that it was so much, or in many places, or said of several things or of several parts of a thing]; (TA;) [therefore] one says [of a sword], مَضَارِبُهُ ↓ تَفَلَّلَتْ, meaning تَكَسَّرَتْ [i. e. Its edges (for the swords of the Arabs in the older times were generally two-edged), or its parts for striking, became broken, or notched, much, or in many places]; (S, TA;) and one says, انفلّ سِنُّهُ, (T, TA,) meaning [simply] His tooth became broken, or notched, in its edge. (TA.) And انفلّوا They became defeated; (S, * M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تفلّلوا [but this has an intensive signification]. (M, K.) 8 إِفْتَلَ3َ see the next preceding paragraph.10 إِسْتَفْلَ3َ see 1, former half. b2: استفلّ الشَّىْءَ He took of the thing the least portion, (M, K,) because of its difficulty (لِعُسْرِهِ), (M,) or such as the tenth part thereof (كَعُشْرِهِ): (K:) or الاِستِفْلَالُ signifies the obtaining a little thing from a difficult place; from a place of the seeking of a right, or due, or of a gift; it having no other object than a thing of little account. (T.) R. Q. 1 فَلْفَلَ He walked with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side; (T, O, TA;) as also ↓ تَفَلْفَلَ: (TA:) or both signify he walked thus, with short steps: (K:) or ↓ تفلفل signifies [simply] he went with short steps; (En-Nadr, O;) or so ↓ تفلّل. (T accord. to the TT.) A2: And He rubbed and cleaned his teeth with the [stick called] سِوَاك; (T, O, K;) as also ↓ تفلفل; (IAar, O, K;) or so ↓ تفلّل. (T accord. to the TT.) A3: فلفل الطَّعَامَ and الشَّرَابَ He peppered the food and the wine or beverage. (M.) A4: [And فلفل الشَّعَرَ He made the hair very crisp, or such as we term woolly, like that of the negro: see the pass. part. n., below.] R. Q. 2 تَفَلْفَلَ: see R. Q. 1, in three places.

A2: Said of the hair of a negro, It became very crisp [or such as we term woolly]. (M, TA.) b2: And تفلفل قَادِمَتَا الضَّرْعِ The two anterior teats of the udder became black. (S, O, K.) يَا فُلُ, (S in this art. and in art. فلن, and K and TA in the latter art.,) meaning يَا فُلَانُ [O such a one], (S &c.,) with refa and without tenween, (TA,) is sometimes said to one person, [i. e. to a man,] and يَا فُلَانِ to two persons, and يَا فُلُونَ to a pl. number; and يَا فُلَةُ to a female, and يَا فُلَتَانِ to two females, and يَا فُلَاتُ to a pl. number of females, (K, TA,) and sometimes يَا فُلَاةُ, (K, * TA,) thus correctly, of the dial. of some of the tribe of Temeem, in the copies of the K erroneously written يا فُلَاتُ, (TA,) is said, and some say يَا فُلَ, [in the CK يافلُ, but correctly يافُلَ, i. e., as is said in the TA, بِنَصْبِ اللَّامِ,] meaning يَا فُلَةُ: (K, TA:) [J says,] يَا فُلُ, without teshdeed, said in calling to a person, is apocopated from يَا فُلَانُ; not formed in the way of تَرْخِيم, for if it were an instance of ترخيم they would say يَا فُلَا: (S in this art.:) [or,] accord. to Sb, يَا فُلُ is not held to be an instance of a word from which is elided something that is retained when it is not [thus] used in calling to a person, but the noun in this case is made to be of two letters in the manner of دَمٌ [which is originally دَمَوٌ or دَمًى or دَمْىٌ], and it is thus made to be of two letters because a word that is used in calling to a person or thing is a subject for elision: (M in this art.:) and sometimes فُل was used otherwise than in calling to a person, by poetic license, as in the saying of Abu-n-Nejm, فِى لَجَّةٍ أَمْسِكْ فُلَانًا عَنْ فُلِ (S and M in this art.,) meaning عن فُلَانٍ [i. e. In, or amid, a multitude of cries, or noises: (thus expl. in the S:) withhold thou such a one from such a one]: (S in art. فلن:) and Sb disallowed the saying فُلُ as meaning فُلَان [in the CK (erroneously) يا فُلُ as meaning يا فُلَانُ] except [in the vocative form of speech and] in poetry: (M and K and TA in art. فلن:) [but] they said [also] فُلُ بْنُ فُلِ, [said to be] an instance of an elision, (T and M in art. فلن,) i. e. of the elision of a final و [accord. to some, who hold فُلَانٌ to be originally فُلْوَانٌ]; (T;) like as they said هَىُّ بْنُ بَىٍّ: (T, M:) and أَىْ فُلْ, with the ل quiescent, occurs in a trad. respecting the resurrection; meaning يَا فُلَانُ: (TA:) Ibn-Buzurj says that some of the tribe of اسد [i. e. Asd or Asad] say يا فل [app. يَافُلُ, without any variation,] in calling to a man and to two men and to a pl. number of men and to a female: (TA in art. فلن:) accord. to As, one says يَا فُلُ and يَا فُلَاهْ; he who says يَا فُلُ saying thus [when he pauses after it and] when he goes on, making the noun marfooa without tenween; whereas he who says يَافُلَاهْ says thus when he is silent after it, retaining the ه [which is termed the ه of pausation]. but when he goes on he rejects the ه and makes the noun to be mansoob, saying [for ex.] يَا فُلَا قُلْ [O such a one, say]. (T and TA in art. فلن.) [See also مُضَمَّنٌ (in art. ضمن), last sentence.]

فَلٌّ A break, or notch, in the edge, (ISk, T, S, M, O, Msb, K,) of a sword, (ISk, T, S, O, Msb, K,) [or the like,] or of anything; (M;) and so ↓ فَلَّةٌ [i. e. a single break, or notch, in the edge,] of a sword: (TA:) pl. of the former فُلُولٌ, (ISk, T, S, M, O, Msb, K,) of which an ex. occurs in a verse cited voce بَيْدَ: (O, TA:) it has been said that فُلُولٌ is an inf. n.; but it is more correctly said to be pl. of فَلٌّ. (M.) b2: And A portion that has fallen off from a thing, like the filings of gold and of silver, and the sparks of fire: (M, K, TA:) pl. فُلُولٌ. (M, TA.) A2: and A company (M, K, TA) of men; (TA;) as also ↓ فَلِيلٌ: (M, K, TA:) pl. of the former فُلُولٌ. (TA.) A3: And it is [an epithet] applied to a number of men, (S, M, O, K, [in the CK in this case, erroneously, فُلٌّ,]) and to a single man, (S, O,) signifying Defeated; (S, M, O, K;) and ↓ فُلَّى also signifies thus, applied to a كَتِيبَة [i. e. a military force, or troop, &c.]; (AA, T, O, K;) like فُرَّى: (AA, T, O:) one says رَجُلٌ فَلٌّ and قَوْمٌ فَلٌّ, and sometimes [when speaking of a number of men] they said فُلُولٌ and فِلَالٌ; (S, O;) accord. to the copies of the K, the pl. is فُلُولٌ and أَفْلَالٌ; but correctly the latter is فُلَّالٌ, like رُمَّانٌ, as in the M; (TA;) [i. e.] the pl. is فُلُولٌ and فُلَّالٌ: and [of فَلٌّ used in a pl. sense it is said that] it must be either a quasi-pl. n. or [originally] an inf. n.: if the former, the sing. should by rule be فَالٌّ, the case being like شَارِبٌ and شَرْبٌ, [of which the former is a sing, and the latter is a quasi-pl. n.,] and فَالٌّ is of the measure فَاعِلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ: and فلول is not necessarily pl. of فَلٌّ, but is rather pl. of فَالٌّ; for the pl. of the quasi-pl. n. is extr., like the pl. of the pl.: (M, TA: *) and as to فَلَّالٌ, it is necessarily pl. of فَالٌّ, for فَعْلٌ is not of the forms that have فُعَّالٌ as the measure of a pl.: (M, TA:) if it [i. e. فَلٌّ] be [originally] an inf. n., [this accounts for its being applied alike to a number of men and to a single man, which is not mentioned in the M, or] it is like نَسْجٌ in the sense of مَنْسُوجٌ in the phrase نَسْجُ اليَمَنِ. (M.) A4: Also Land affected with drought or barrenness; as also ↓ فِلٌّ: or [i. e. the former accord. to the K, but app. each accord. to the text of the M as given in the TT,] such as is rained upon but does not produce plants or herbage: (AO, M, K:) or such as the rain has failed to fall upon during several years: or such as is not rained upon between two lands that have been rained upon: (M, K:) or, accord. to AO, this is termed خَطِيطَةٌ; فلّ having the second of the meanings expl. in this sentence: (M:) or upon which rain has not fallen: (TA:) [in this sense, in the TT, as from the T, written فِل [for ↓ فِلّ]: and so in the same, as from the T and M, in the sense here following:] or in which is nothing; (T, M, * K; *) so says IAar; whence, he adds, الفَلَاةُ; but [Az says] I do not think that it is taken thence: (T:) the pl. is like the sing., [or rather the word used as a sing. is likewise used as a pl.,] and أَفْلَالٌ, (M, K,) this pl. form being sometimes used: (M:) or the pl. of ↓ الفِلُّ is أَفْلَالٌ; and one says also أَرْضٌ أَفْلَالٌ. (T.) A5: And A sort of cloth made of the hard fibres of flax. (TA.) فَلٌّ a term for يَاسَمِين مُضَاعَذ [Double jasmine], which is [rendered so] either بِالتَّرْكِيب [an expression meaning, as used in the present day, by grafting], or by slitting the stem thereof and inserting into it the [additional] jasmine [app. meaning by budding]: it is a flower of pure whiteness; and the rubbing oneself with its leaves perfumes the body: (TA:) [this name, or, more commonly, ↓ فِلّ, is now applied to the Arabian jasmine (jasminum sambac), or, as Forskål says (Flora Aegypt. Arab. p. cii.), nyctanthes sambac, mentioned by him among the plants cultivated in El-Yemen.] b2: [Freytag, misled by the CK, has assigned to this word a meaning belonging to فَلٌّ.]

فِلٌّ Land in which is no herbage; (K;) or land not rained upon, and in which is no herbage. (S, O.) See also فَلٌّ, in three places. b2: غَدَا فِلًّا مِنَ الطَّعَامِ, with kesr, means [He went forth early in the morning] devoid of food. (O.) b3: And فِلٌّ مِنَ الخَيْرِ occurs in a verse, (S, O,) in the poetry of 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Rawáhah and in that of Hassán, (S, O,) meaning Devoid of good. (S, TA.) [See عَلٌّ.]

A2: And Such as has become thin, of hair. (K.) A3: See also فُلٌّ.

فَلَّةٌ: see فَلٌّ, first sentence.

فَلَلٌ, in a sword [or the like], The state of having breaks, or notches, in the edge. (S, O.) فَلِيلٌ: see أَفَلُّ. b2: Applied to the tusk, or canine tooth, of a camel, Broken (S, M, O, K) in the edge. (S, O.) A2: See also فَلٌّ, first quarter.

A3: Also, and ↓ فَلِيلَةٌ, a quantity of hair collected together: (S, M, O, K:) the two words are either of the class of سَلٌّ and سَلَّةٌ [which are exactly syn., each with the other,] or are an instance of the pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] that does not differ from its sing. [or n. un.] except in [its not having] the [affix] ة: (M:) in one instance, occurring in a trad., the latter is said to signify a كُبَّة [or portion convolved, or glomerated, or formed into a ball] of hair, or, as Z says, app. of [the silk called] دِمَقْس: the pl. [of either] is فَلَائِلُ. (TA.) Hence, (O,) ↓ فَلِيلَةٌ signifies also The mane of the lion. (O, TA.) In the saying of Sá'ideh Ibn-Ju-eiyeh, وَغُودِرَ ثَاوِيًا وَتَأَوَّبَتْهُ مُذَرَّعَةٌ أُمَيْمَ لَهَا فَلِيلُ [And he was left remaining, and a hyena having stripes upon its arms, (thus مُذَرَّعَةٌ as used in this verse is expl. in the TA in art. ذدع, q. v.,) a young mother, (أُمَيْمَ being an instance of تَرْخِيم, used by poetic license, for أُمَيْمَةُ, a dim. of أُمٌّ,) and therefore unusually fierce, having a mane, or having convolved, or glomerated, hair, came to him at night, or in the beginning of the night], the last word is expl. by Suh, in the R, as meaning the عَرْف [so in my original, an obvious mistranscription for عُرْف, with damm]; but by Skr as meaning شَعَر مَكْبُوب. (TA.) b2: And فَلِيلٌ signifies also [The membranous fibres that grow at the base of the branches of the palm-tree, called]

لِيف: (M, K:) so in the dial. of Hudheyl: (TA:) and ↓ فُلِفُلٌ signifies the same. (K.) فَلِيلَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

فُلَّى: see فَلُّفِلّيَّةٌ, in the former half.

فِلِّيَّةٌ, (T, * K, TA,) like عِلِّيَّةٌ, (TA,) or فَلِّيَّةٌ, (O, *) [in the TT, as from the T, and in the O. written without the sign of teshdeed to the ل (app. because it is sufficiently indicated by the heading of the art. and by the pl. of this word), and in the CK, erroneously, فِلْيَة,] Land upon which the rain [that should have been that] of its year has not fallen until the falling of the rain of the next year upon it: pl. فَلَالِىُّ: (ISh, T, O, K:) [and Az says,] I have heard them call thus (i. e. by the sing.) land in which is nothing; like فِلٌّ as expl. by IAar. (T.) فُلْفُلٌ, (S, M, O, Msb, K,) also pronounced ↓ فِلْفِلٌ, (K,) but the vulgar pronounce it [thus] with kesr, (O,) and the pronouncing it with kesr is said to be not allowable, (Msb,) a word of Pers\. origin, (M,) arabicized, from پِلْپِل, with kesr, (O,) [or پُلْپُل; i. e. Pepper;] a sort of berry, (حَبٌّ, S, O, K,) brought from India, (O, K, *) well known, (S, M, O,) not growing in the land of the Arabs, but often mentioned in their language: AHn was informed by one who had seen it that its tree is just like the pomegranate; (M, TA;) but Dáwood the hakeem adds that it is taller; (TA;) between the pair of leaves thereof are two fruit-stalks, regularly disposed, each fruitstalk of the length of the finger; and it is green, and is then plucked, and spread in the shade, and becomes black and shrivelled; and it [the tree] has thorns, like those of the pomegranate: when it [i. e. the fruit] is fresh and moist, it is preserved with water and salt until it becomes mature, when it is eaten like as preserved herbs are eaten upon the tables of food, and it is a digestive: the n. un. is ↓ فُلْفُلَةٌ [app. meaning a peppercorn, like حَبَّةُ فُلْفُلٍ: and حَبُّ فُلْفُلٍ means peppercorns, collectively]: (M, TA:) Dáwood says, in the “ Tedhkireh,” that its leaves are thin, red next the tree and green in the other direction, and its wood is lank and soft: and it is white and black: (TA:) the white is the better. (TA.) [A long description of its properties, with additions in the TA, some of them well known and others fanciful, I omit as being needless.] b2: دَارُفُلْفُل, or ↓ دَارُفِلْفِل, (accord. to different copies of the K,) [app. دَارُفُلْفُلٌ, or perhaps دَارَفُلْفُلٌ, a compound of two words (both originally Pers\.) made one, as such written in the K with the article (الدّارفلفل), and perfectly declinable, because (although a compound of two nouns) it is not a proper name,] is The tree of the فُلْفُل when it first bears fruit, accord. to the K; but several writers declare that the tree of [the] دار فلفل is not the same as the tree of the فلفل: (MF, TA:) [دار فلفل is one of the names now applied to long pepper, and is commonly pronounced دَارْفِلْفِلْ:] it is [generally] known in Egypt by the name of عِرْقُ الذَّهَبِ, [another term, now used, for long pepper,] and is called in Pers\. پلپل دراز [i. e. پُلْپِلدَرَاز, the latter of which words signifies “ long ”]: (TA:) it increases the venereal faculty, causes the food to digest; removes colic, (K, TA,) and flatulence; (TA;) and is beneficial as a remedy against the bite, or sting, of venomous reptiles, applied as a liniment, with oil. (K, TA.) b3: فُلْفُلٌ is also a name sometimes applied to The fruit of the بَرْوَق [q. v., in art. برق]; likening it to the فُلْفُلٌ mentioned before [i. e. to peppercorns]: he who pronounces it, when thus applied, ↓ فِلْفِلٌ errs; for this signifies the fruit of certain trees of the [kind called] عِضَاه; and the people of El-Yemen call thus [particularly] the fruit of the [species of عِضَاه.

termed] غَاف [q. v.]. (M.) b4: فُلْفُلُ المَآءِ is the name of A certain plant growing in the neighbourhood of water, lank, soft, or smooth, in the leaves, having berries (حَبِّ) in bunches. (TA.) b5: فُلْفُلُ القُرُودِ is The same as حبّ الليم [but what this is I do not find]. (TA.) b6: فُلْفُلُ الصَّقَالِبَةِ is What is called [in Pers\.] فنجنكشت [i. e.

فَنْجَنْكُشْت: see الفَقْدُ]. (TA.) b7: [فَلَافِلُ is pl. of فُلْفُلٌ.] And فَلَافِلُ السُّودَانِ is the name of Certain berries (حَبّ), round and smooth, in sheaths, or cases, (غُلُف,) and in receptacles (أَبْيَات) like the صَنَوْبَر [or cone of the pine, app. in form]. (TA.) A2: See also فَلِيلٌ, last sentence.

A3: فُلْفُلٌ signifies also A sharp, or clever, servant; (T, O, K;) and ↓ فِلْفِلٌ is said to signify thus likewise by Mullà 'Alee, in his “ Námoos,” and even more commonly: but this requires consideration. (MF, TA.) فِلْفِلٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence: and the same again, in three places.

فُلْفُلَةٌ n. un. of فُلْفُلٌ; q. v., former half.

أَفْلُّ, applied to a sword [or the like], (T, S, O, K,) Having breaks, or notches, in its edge; (T, S, * O; *) or broken, or notched, in its edge; as also ↓ مَفْلُولٌ and ↓ مُنْفَلٌّ. (M, K.) الأَفَلُّ was the name of a sword of 'Adee Ibn-Hátim (O, K) Et-Tá-ee. (O.) مُفَلَّلٌ, applied to a نَضِىّ [app. as meaning an arrow-head] Broken by having hit stones. (S.) And, applied to front teeth (ثَغْرٌ) Serrated. (T.) مَفْلَولٌ: see أَفَلُّ.

مُنْفَلٌّ: see أَفَلُّ.

مُفَلْفَلٌ, applied to food, (TA,) and to wine, (T, TA,) [Peppered, i. e.] having فُلْفُل put into it, (T, M, * TA,) and consequently burning the tongue: (T, TA:) or wine that burns [the tongue] like فُلْفُل. (S, O, K, TA.) b2: And A garment, or piece of cloth, figured with round forms resembling فُلْفُل [or peppercorns] in roundness and smallness; (T, O, TA;) i. e. (TA) figured with the like of the صَعَارِير [pl. of صُعْرُورَةٌ] of فُلْفُل. (M, K, TA.) b3: And Very crisp hair, [such as we term woolly,] (T, O, K, TA,) like that of the negro. (TA.) b4: And A hide worn, or eroded, by the tan, (نَهَِكَهُ الدِّبَاغُ, M, K, in the CK نَهَكَهُ الدَّبّاغُ,) the like of فُلْفُل [or peppercorns] appearing in it. (TA.)
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