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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2996. غضرف7 2997. غضف14 2998. غضفر9 2999. غضن13 3000. غضو3 3001. غط53002. غطرف15 3003. غطس13 3004. غطش16 3005. غطف13 3006. غطل9 3007. غطم9 3008. غطمط6 3009. غف4 3010. غفر21 3011. غفص11 3012. غفل19 3013. غفو9 3014. غل6 3015. غلب20 3016. غلت16 3017. غلث9 3018. غلس15 3019. غلصم12 3020. غلط15 3021. غلظ17 3022. غلف19 3023. غلق19 3024. غلم18 3025. غلو13 3026. غلى5 3027. غم6 3028. غمت8 3029. غمد17 3030. غمر19 3031. غمز15 3032. غمس16 3033. غمص13 3034. غمض18 3035. غمط15 3036. غمل11 3037. غمن9 3038. غمه1 3039. غمى5 3040. غن5 3041. غنج11 3042. غندب5 3043. غنظ11 3044. غنم18 3045. غنو4 3046. غنى8 3047. غهب14 3048. غو2 3049. غوث15 3050. غوج7 3051. غور20 3052. غوص16 3053. غوط19 3054. غوغ9 3055. غول21 3056. غوى9 3057. غيب17 3058. غيث14 3059. غيد9 3060. غير18 3061. غيض22 3062. غيط6 3063. غيظ15 3064. غيف12 3065. غيق7 3066. غيل22 3067. غيم13 3068. غين14 3069. ف10 3070. فأ1 3071. فأت6 3072. فأد11 3073. فأر13 3074. فأس12 3075. فأل10 3076. فأم11 3077. فأو7 3078. فا4 3079. فالوذ2 3080. فاوانيا1 3081. فت3 3082. فتأ11 3083. فتح19 3084. فتخ13 3085. فتر17 3086. فتش14 3087. فتق19 3088. فتك15 3089. فتكر4 3090. فتل19 3091. فتن16 3092. فتو5 3093. فث4 3094. فثأ10 3095. فثج9 Prev. 100




1 غَطَّهُ فِى المَآءِ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K,) and غَطِّ, (K,) [the latter contr. to analogy,] inf. n. غَطٌّ, (S, Msb,) He immersed, immerged, dipped, plunged, or sunk, him, or it, in the water: (S, Msb, K:) he made him to plunge, or dive, in, or into, the water: (S:) [Golius adds, as from Ibn-Maaroof, head-downwards; but it is not so in my copy of the KL:] and غَتَّهُ signifies the same. (TA in art. غت.) b2: And غَطَّهُ, inf. n. غَطٌّ, He pressed, or squeezed, him, or it, (عَصَرَهُ,) vehemently; and i. q. كَبَسَهُ [q. v.]. (TA.) [And غَتَّهُ, q. v., has a similar meaning.]

A2: غَطَّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. غَطِيطٌ, said of a he-camel, (S, Msb, K,) He brayed; syn. هَدَرَ: (K:) or he brayed, (هَدَرَ, Az, S,) or made a sound, (صَوَّتَ, Msb,) in the شِقْشِقَة [or bursa faucium]: when not in the شقشقة, it is termed هَدِيرٌ: you say of the she-camel, تَهْدِرُ; not تَغِطُّ; (Az, S, Msb;) because she has no شقشقة: (Az, S:) or, as some say, he brayed, but not in the شقشقة. (L.) b2: غَطَّ, aor. as above, (Msb, K, *) and inf. n. as above (S, Msb, K *) and غَطٌّ, (TA,) said of a person sleeping, (S, Msb, K,) and of one strangled, or throttled, (S, K,) and of an animal slaughtered, (K,) He emitted a sound; (K;) in which sense it is also said of a lynx, and of a leopard, and of a bustard: (TA:) or snored, or snorted: (S, TA:) or sent back his breath up to his fauces so that it was heard by persons around him: (Msb:) or emitted a sound with his breath, reiterating his breath where he found not an easy passage [for it]. (TA.) b3: غَطَّتِ البُرْمَةُ The stone cooking-pot boiled audibly. (TA.) b4: See also غَتَّ, near the end of the paragraph.3 غاطّ حُوتًا He vied, or contended, with a fish in plunging, or diving. (JK in art. قمس.) 6 تغاطّ القَوْمُ The people, or company of men, vied, or contended, one with another, in plunging, or diving, (تَمَاقَلُوا,) in the water. (S.) and الصِّبْيَانُ يَتَغَاطُّونَ فِى البَحْرِ The children vie, or contend, one with another, in plunging, or diving, (يَتَقَامَسُونَ,) in the sea or great river. (A in art. قمس.) 7 انغطّ فِى المَآءِ He (a man, TA) became immersed, immerged, dipped, plunged, or sunk, in the water; or he plunged, or dived, in the water. (S, Msb, TA.) R. Q. 1 غَطْغَطَ البَحْرُ [inf. n. غَطْغَطَةٌ] The waves of the sea became high (عَلَتْ), so in some copies of the K, or estuated (غَلَتْ); so in other copies of the K, and in the L; (TA;) as also ↓ تَغَطْغَطَ. (O, K, TA.) b2: And غَطْغَطَتِ القِدْرُ [The contents of the cooking-pot] made a sound: or boiled vehemently. (K.) b3: And غَطْغَطَ عَلَيْهِ, said of sleep, It overcame him. (L, K, TA.) R. Q. 2 تَغَطْغَطَ: see the next preceding paragraph. b2: Also It (a thing) became separated, or dispersed. (Sgh, K, TA.) غَطَاطٌ The [bird called the] قَطَا [i. e. the sandgrouse]: (M, K:) or a species thereof, (S, K,) or, as some say, a species of bird not of the قطا, (TA,) dust-coloured in the backs and the bellies (S, K, TA) and the bodies, (S, TA,) black in the inner sides of the wings, (S, K, TA,) long in the legs and the necks, and slender, not collecting in flocks, two or three at most being found together: (S, TA:) n. un. with ة: (S, K:) it is said that the قطا compose two species: the short in the legs, yellow in the necks, black in the primary feathers of the wings, of a white hue tinged with red (صُهْب) in the tertials, are the كُدْرِيَّة and the جُونِيَّة: and the long in the legs, white in the bellies, dust-coloured in the backs, wide in the eyes are the غطاط: AHát says that in the أَخْدَعَانِ [by which is here meant, as in some other instances, the places of the two veins so called in the neck] of the غَطَاطَة are what resemble two decorations, two lines, black and white; and it is slender, [but] exceeding the مُكَّآء: accord. to Skr, it is a bird resembling the قطا. (TA.) A2: See also the paragraph here following.

غُطَاطٌ The commencement of the dawn: (S, K:) or a remaining portion of the blackness of the night: (S, * K:) or the commingling of the darkness of the last part of the night with the light of the first part of the day: (TA:) and (K) the سَحَر [or period a little before daybreak; as also ↓ غَطَاطٌ. (Th, K, TA.) غَطْغَطَةٌ a word imitative of The cry of the [bird called the] قَطَا: (S, K:) b2: and of The sound of the [vehemently-boiling] cooking-pot. (TA.) قِدْرٌ مُغَطْغِطَةٌ A cooking-pot vehemently boiling. (S.)
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