غَطَفٌ Ampleness of the means, or circumstances, of life: (S, O, K:) like غَضَفٌ. (O.) A2: and Length, and a folding, (O, K,) in the edges of the eyelids, (O,) or of the edges of the eyelids: (K:) or length, and then a bending [app. upwards] of the eyelashes: occurring in a trad., and, as some relate it, with ع; but Er-Riyáshee knew not this, and thought it to be غَطَف: (TA:) or abundance of the hair of the eyebrow: (K:) said by ISh to be syn. with وَطَفٌ: (TA:) but by IDrd said to be the contr. of وَطَف, and signifying paucity of the hair of the eyebrows: (O, TA:) and it is said to be sometimes used as meaning paucity of the eyelashes. (TA.) [See also غَضَفٌ.]
غطفان, in a note to “ Abulf. Ann. ” i. 194, thought by Reiske to be the name of a bird, is app. a mistake for some word relating to the cry of the bird called غَطَاط.]
غَاطُوفٌ A مِصْيَدَة [or snare, trap, gin, or net]: a dial. var. of عَاطُوفٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) أَغْطَفُ A life (عَيْشٌ) ample in its means, or circumstances: like أَغْضَفُ. (S, O.) A2: And syn. with أَوْطَفُ in relation to the edges of the eyelids [Having what is termed غَطَفٌ as meaning وَطَفٌ]. (TA.)