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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2954. غدر20 2955. غدف19 2956. غدق16 2957. غدو10 2958. غذ6 2959. غذو112960. غذى2 2961. غر5 2962. غرب23 2963. غربل14 2964. غرث14 2965. غرد14 2966. غرز16 2967. غرس15 2968. غرض17 2969. غرضف7 2970. غرف18 2971. غرق17 2972. غرقأ7 2973. غرقد8 2974. غرقل8 2975. غرل13 2976. غرم18 2977. غرمل6 2978. غرنق10 2979. غرو10 2980. غرى3 2981. غزر18 2982. غزل17 2983. غزو12 2984. غسق16 2985. غسل19 2986. غسم8 2987. غش7 2988. غشم14 2989. غشو7 2990. غص6 2991. غصب18 2992. غصن13 2993. غض5 2994. غضب18 2995. غضر14 2996. غضرف7 2997. غضف14 2998. غضفر9 2999. غضن13 3000. غضو3 3001. غط5 3002. غطرف15 3003. غطس13 3004. غطش16 3005. غطف13 3006. غطل9 3007. غطم9 3008. غطمط6 3009. غف4 3010. غفر21 3011. غفص11 3012. غفل19 3013. غفو9 3014. غل6 3015. غلب20 3016. غلت16 3017. غلث9 3018. غلس15 3019. غلصم12 3020. غلط15 3021. غلظ17 3022. غلف19 3023. غلق19 3024. غلم18 3025. غلو13 3026. غلى5 3027. غم6 3028. غمت8 3029. غمد17 3030. غمر19 3031. غمز15 3032. غمس16 3033. غمص13 3034. غمض18 3035. غمط15 3036. غمل11 3037. غمن9 3038. غمه1 3039. غمى5 3040. غن5 3041. غنج11 3042. غندب5 3043. غنظ11 3044. غنم18 3045. غنو4 3046. غنى8 3047. غهب14 3048. غو2 3049. غوث15 3050. غوج7 3051. غور20 3052. غوص16 3053. غوط19 Prev. 100




1 غَذَوْتُهُ, (S, Msb, K, TA,) aor. ـْ (Msb,) inf. n. غَذْوٌ, (K,) I fed him, or nourished him, (S, Msb, K, TA,) [for instance,] a child, (S, TA,) with milk; (S, Msb, TA;) and غَذَيْتُهُ signifies the same, unknown by J, and therefore disallowed by him, (K and TA in art. غذى,) but known by ISd: (TA in that art.;) and so ↓ غَذَّيْتُهُ, (S, * Msb, K, TA,) inf. n. تَغْذِيَةٌ, (S, TA,) [but, accord. to SM.] in an intensive sense. (TA.) And غَذَاهُ الطَّعَامُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, The food [nourished him, or] had an agreeable, a wholesome, or a beneficial, effect upon him, and sufficed him; namely, a child. (Msb.) b2: And [hence,] غُذُو بِلِبَانِ الكَرَمِ (tropical:) [They were fed, or nourished, by sucking the milk of generosity; meaning they derived generosity from their parents]. (TA.) A2: غَذَا بَوْلَهُ, and غَذَا بِهِ, (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He (a camel) interrupted his urine; (K, TA;) as also ↓ غذّاهُ, (S, K, TA,) inf. n. تَغْذِيَةٌ. (S, TA.) And غَذَا الكَلْبُ بِغَذًى [or بِغَذًا] The dog emitted urine in repeated discharges. (TA.) A3: غَذَا, said of urine, It became interrupted: (S, K, TA:) the verb being intrans. as well as trans. (TA.) b2: And, (S, M, K, TA,) aor. ـْ inf. n. غَذْوٌ and غَذَوَانٌ, (M, TA,) It flowed; (S, M, K, TA;) said of water, (S,) or, as some say, of anything, [or] of water or blood or sweat. (TA.) [Thus,] as IKtt says, the verb has two contr. significations. (TA.) It flowed with blood; (S, K;) aor. as above, inf. n. غَذْوٌ; (S;) said of a vein; as also ↓ غذّى, inf. n. تَغْذِيَةٌ. (S, K.) And It flowed continually; aor. as above; said of a wound. (TA.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) He went quickly. or swiftly; (S, M, K, TA,) aor. as above, inf. n. غَذْوٌ and غَذَوَانٌ; said of a horse. (TA.) 2 غَذَّوَ see the preceding paragraph, first sentence. b2: [Hence,] النَّارُ تُغَذَّى بِالحَطَبِ (tropical:) [The fire is fed with firewood]. (TA.) b3: And التَّغْذِيَةُ signifies also التَّرْبِيَةُ [app. as meaning The rearing a child &c. though it also means “ the feeding, or nourishing ”]: (S, K:) or in an intensive sense. (TA.) A2: See, again, 1, in two places.5 تغذّى quasi-pass. of 2: (Msb, K: *) see 8. b2: [Hence,] one says of a man, خَيْرُهُ يَتَغَذَّى كُلَّ يَوْمٍ (tropical:) His goodness increases every day. (TA.) 8 اغتذى He was, or became, fed, or nourished; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تغذّى. (Msb, K.) Yousay, اغتذى بِهِ He was, or became, fed, or nourished, with it; (S, Msb;) namely, food, and beverage, (S,) or milk. (Msb.) 10 استغذاهُ He threw him down on the ground with vehemence. (K.) غَذًا or غَذًى [accord. to different copies of the K, the former agreeable with a general rule, though the latter is said in the TA to be the right,] The urine of the camel, (K, TA,) and of the dog. (TA. [See 1.]) غَذَوَانٌ [an inf. n. of غَذَا said of water, and of a horse, and hence, app.,] (assumed tropical:) Swift: (TA:) or brisk, lively, or sprightly, and swift; applied to a horse: (S, K, TA: [see also غَذَوَانٌ:]) or that interrupts his urine, or emits it in repeated discharges, (يَغْذُو بِبَوْلِهِ,) when he runs. (TA.) b2: And (applied to a man, TA) (assumed tropical:) Long-tongued, or clamorous and foul-tongued; foul, unseemly, or obscene [in speech]: fem. with ة: (K, TA:) the latter, applied to a woman, expl. by Fr as signifying فَاحِشَةٌ [i. e. foul, &c., as above]. (TA.) غَذَوِىٌّ: see غَذِيٌّ, in four places: b2: and see also عَدَوِيَّةٌ, in art. عدو.

غِذَآءٌ Aliment, or nutriment; consisting of food and of drink; (S, Msb;) the means of the growth, or increase, and of the sustenance, or support, of the body: (K:) pl. أَغْذِيَةٌ. (KL.) [One says رَجُلٌ حَسَنُ الغِذَآءِ A man good in respect of food: i. e., who feeds on good food: and سَيِّئُ الغِذَآءِ bad in respect of food: who feeds: a bad food.] b2: It is also applied, by the poet Eiyoob Ibn-'Abáyeh. to (assumed tropical:) The water for irrigation of palm-trees. (TA.) A2: Also pl. of غَذِىٌّ. (S, &c.) غَذِىٌّ A lamb, or kid; syn. سَخْلَةٌ; (S, Msb, K;) or, as some say, a lamb (حَمَل); (Msb:) and the pl. is غِذَآءٌ: (S, Msb, K:) and syn. with غَدَوِىٌّ in senses expl. in art. غدو: as also غَذَوِىٌّ: (K:) or غَذِىُّ المَالِ and ↓ غَذَوِيُّهُ signify the younglings of cattle, such as lambs or kids and the like; (S, Msb;) accord. to Khalaf El-Ahmar, (S,) or IF; so that they are of camels and of him and of sheep or goats: (Msb:) accord. to IAar, ↓ غَذَوِىٌّ is syn. with بهيم [an evident mistranscription for بَهْم, q. v.]: and signifies such as is fed: (TA:) and he was told, he says, by an Arab of the desert, of Belhujeym, that the ↓ غَذَوِىّ is the lamb (حَمَل), or the kid, that is (??) with the milk of its mother, but with another's milk; accord. to which explanation it is different from the غَذِيّ; and so it is accord. to A(??) as IF says, some imagine الغَذَوِىُّ to be from الغَذِىُّ, which signifies the سَخْلَة [as expl. in the beginning of this paragraph]. (Msb, TA.) The dim. of غَذِىٌّ is ↓ غُذَىٌّ. (S.) b2: See also عَدَوِيَّةٌ, in art. عدو.

غُذَىٌّ dim. of غَذِىٌّ, q. v. (S.) غَاذِى مَالٍ (assumed tropical:) A good manager or tender [of cattle]: (K, TA:) as though he fed them. or reared them. (TA.) A2: And الغَاذِى signifies also Teh wound that will not cease to bleed. (TA.) الغَاذِيَةُ A certain vein; (K, TA;) so called because of its flowing with blood. (TA.) b2: and The part that is in a state of commotion, [or that pulses,] of the top of the head of a [young] child. as long as it continues soft; for when it becomes hard, and becomes bone, it is termed يَأْفُوخ: pl. الغَوَاذِى: mentioned by Az: (TA:) also called الغَاذَّةُ. (IAar, K in art. غذ.) الغَيْذَا, of the measure فَيْعَلٌ [when indeterminate], from غَذَا “ it flowed,” occurring in a trad. as meaning The clouds, is said by Z to be the only word of this measure having the final radical letter infirm except الكَيْهَا, [which I do not find in its proper art.,] meaning “ the large, or bulky,” she-camel [like كَهَاةٌ and كَيْهَاةٌ]. (TA.)
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