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107745. عذمهر2 107746. عَذَمْهَرٌ1 107747. عذن4 107748. عَذْنونُ1 107749. عذو7 107750. عذى2107751. عذي5 107752. عَذَيَ 1 107753. عَذِيب1 107754. عُذَيْب1 107755. عَذِيبَة1 107756. عُذَيْبَة1 107757. عُذَيْبِي1 107758. عُذَيْرِيّ1 107759. عَذِيرِيّ1 107760. عُذَيْق1 107761. عَذِيق1 107762. عُذَيقَةُ1 107763. عُرْ1 107764. عَرَّ1 107765. عر6 107766. عرَّ2 107767. عَرَّ 1 107768. عرا7 107769. عَرَا1 107770. عرائس النّيل1 107771. عَرَائِن1 107772. عُرَّاب1 107773. عِرَاب1 107774. عرّابةُ1 107775. عُرَابِيّ1 107776. عِرَابيّ1 107777. عَرَابيّ1 107778. عَرَاجِين1 107779. عَرَارٌ1 107780. عِرَارٌ1 107781. عِرَار1 107782. عَرَّار1 107783. عَرَار1 107784. عَرَارَات1 107785. عَرَّارة1 107786. عَرَارة1 107787. عُرَاعِرُ1 107788. عَرَاعِرَة1 107789. عَرَّافِيّ1 107790. عِرَاق1 107791. عُرَاق1 107792. عَرَاقَة1 107793. عِرَاقِيّ1 107794. عراقي1 107795. عَرَاقِيبُ1 107796. عِرَاك1 107797. عُرامُ1 107798. عُرَام1 107799. عَرَّام1 107800. عُرَّامَة1 107801. عَرَامَة1 107802. عِرَانٌ1 107803. عِرَان1 107804. عَراهُ1 107805. عراه2 107806. عُرَاهِمٌ 1 107807. عُرَاهِنٌ 1 107808. عَرَايَا1 107809. عَرَايشَة1 107810. عَرَّبَ1 107811. عَرِبُ1 107812. عرب23 107813. عَرَب1 107814. عَرب1 107815. عَرَبَ 1 107816. عربا1 107817. عَرَبَاتٌ1 107818. عربات القِطار1 107819. عِرْبَاضٌ 1 107820. عَرَبَانُ1 107821. عُرْبان1 107822. عَرْبان1 107823. عَرَبَايَا1 107824. عربة1 107825. عَرَبَةُ1 107826. عربج2 107827. عربد9 107828. عربذ1 107829. عربس6 107830. عِرْبِسٌ 1 107831. عَرْبَسُوسُ1 107832. عربش2 107833. عربض5 107834. عربق1 107835. عَرْبَنَ1 107836. عربن8 107837. عربنه1 107838. عَرْبُون1 107839. عَرَبِيّ1 107840. عَرَبِيَّات1 107841. عَرِبِيَّة1 107842. عَرَبِيّة1 107843. عَرْبِيد1 107844. عِرَّة1 Prev. 100


العِذْيُ: مَوْضِعٌ بالبادِيَةِ. والزَّرْعُ إِذا سَقَتْه السَّماءُ.


ى1 عَذِىَ, aor. ـْ [inf. n. عَذًى,] It was, or became, such as is termed عِذْىٌ, said of seedproduce, and of herbage, and of palm-trees. (Msb.) See also 1, in art. عذو.10 إِسْتَعْذَىَ see art. عذو [with which the present art. is intimately connected].

عَذْىٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

عِذْىٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ عَذْىٌ (IAar, Msb, K) Such as is not watered but by the rain, of seed-produce, (S, Msb, K, TA,) and of herbage, (Msb,) and of palm-trees: (Msb, TA:) [app. used as epithets and as substs.: see also عَثَرِىٌّ: and see بَعْلٌ:] and ↓ عَذٍ and ↓ عَذِىٌّ, the latter of the measure فَعِيلٌ, are applied as epithets to the same in the same sense: the pl. of عذْىٌ is أَعْذَآءٌ. (Msb.) b2: And عِذْىُ الكَلَأِ Herbage, or pasturage, that is remote from the رِيف [or land of sown fields and of seed produce &c.], and that grows from the rain. (TA.) b3: And عِذْىٌ signifies also A place that gives growth to plants, or herbage, in winter and summer, without the welling forth of water. (Lth, TA.) b4: And Any place not having in it [plants of the kind called] حَمْض (K, TA) nor land that exudes water and produces salt; (TA;) as also ↓ عَذْىٌ. (K.) b5: And i. q. عَذَاةٌ: [perhaps in the sense last expl. above: (see the latter in art. عذو:)] pl. أَعْذَآءٌ. (TA.) عَذٍ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عَذِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.
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