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104976. طُلَقِيّ1 104977. طَلْقِيّ1 104978. طَلَقِيّ1 104979. طلل15 104980. طَلُلَ1 104981. طلم14104982. طَلَمَ1 104983. طَلَمَ 1 104984. طلمبة1 104985. طلمس5 104986. طلمس وتطلمس1 104987. طلمنك1 104988. طَلَمَنْكَةُ1 104989. طلمه1 104990. طَلَمُويَةُ1 104991. طُلْمِيّ1 104992. طَلْمِيّ1 104993. طلن1 104994. طلنس3 104995. طلنط1 104996. طلنطار1 104997. طلنف3 104998. طَلَنْفَحٌ1 104999. طله6 105000. طَلَهَ1 105001. طَلَهَ 1 105002. طلهبس1 105003. طلهس1 105004. طلو7 105005. طلوا1 105006. طُلَوَا1 105007. طَلُوبُ1 105008. طَلُوبَةُ1 105009. طُلُوحٌ1 105010. طلوع1 105011. طَلُوقَة1 105012. طُلُوقة1 105013. طَلُوم1 105014. طَلَى1 105015. طلى4 105016. طَلَى 1 105017. طلي7 105018. طَلِيّ1 105019. طَلْيَاطَةُ1 105020. طُلَيْبَان1 105021. طُلَيْبَة1 105022. طَلِيبة1 105023. طُلَيْبِيّ1 105024. طَلِيبي1 105025. طليت1 105026. طُلَيْحَان1 105027. طَلِيحان1 105028. طُلْيط1 105029. طُلَيْطُلَةُ1 105030. طُلَيْع1 105031. طَلِيع1 105032. طُلَيعة1 105033. طَلِيعَة1 105034. طَلِيف1 105035. طُلَيْفَة1 105036. طَلِيفَة1 105037. طليفيون1 105038. طُلَيْق1 105039. طَلِيق1 105040. طَلِيقَة1 105041. طُلَيْل1 105042. طَلِيل1 105043. طُلَيْمَان1 105044. طلينا1 105045. طمّ1 105046. طم5 105047. طَمَّ1 105048. طَمَّ 1 105049. طمءن3 105050. طمأ1 105051. طمأن2 105052. طمأنه1 105053. طَمَأْنِينة1 105054. طَمَا2 105055. طما5 105056. طَمَّا1 105057. طَمَّاحة1 105058. طمار1 105059. طَمَارِ1 105060. طُماطِم وطُمَاطِيش1 105061. طَمَاعة1 105062. طَمَّاعَة1 105063. طماق1 105064. طَمَامِ1 105065. طَمَّام1 105066. طمبش1 105067. طمبورة1 105068. طُمْبورجي1 105069. طمبول1 105070. طُمَّة1 105071. طَمَّة1 105072. طمت1 105073. طَمِثَ1 105074. طمث16 105075. طَمَثَ 1 Prev. 100


طلم وَقَالَ أَبُو عبيد: فِي حَدِيث النَّبِي عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام أَنه مرّ بِرَجُل يعالج طُلمةً لأَصْحَابه فِي سفر وَقد عَرِق وآذاه وَهْج النَّار فَقَالَ النَّبِي عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام: لَا يُصِيبهُ حر جَهَنَّم أبدا. قَوْله: الطلمة يَعْنِي الخبزة وَهِي الَّتِي تسميها النَّاس المَلَّة وَإِنَّمَا الْملَّة اسْم الحفرة نَفسهَا فَأَما الَّتِي يُملَ فِيهَا فَهِيَ الطلمة والخبزة والمليل. وَأكْثر من يتَكَلَّم / بِهَذِهِ الْكَلِمَة أهل الشَّام والثغور وَهِي مبتذلة عِنْدهم 80 / الف وَالَّذِي يُرَاد من هَذَا الحَدِيث أَنه حمد الرجل على أَن خدم أَصْحَابه فِي السّفر يَعْنِي أَنه خبز لَهُم. وَقَالَ [أَبُو عبيد -] : فِي حَدِيث النَّبِي عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام أَنه قَالَ فِي مَرضه الَّذِي مَاتَ فِيهِ: أجلسوني فِي مِ
(طلم) الخبزة وَنَحْوهَا طلمها والعرق عَن جَبينه مَسحه


طَلَمَ(n. ac. طَلْم)
a. Kneaded, rolled out (bread).
طَلَّمَa. see I
طُلْمa. Pasteboard.

a. Cake, small loaf.

مِطْلَمَةa. Rollingpin.

a. [ coll. ]
see 3t
طلم: طُلم: مخثر، منعقد. فعند أبي الوليد (ص 187) وبالعربي يقال للشيء المنعقد طلم. وفي المخطوطة تيلم بالعبرية.
طَلَم وطَلِمى: ذكرتا في معجم فوك في القسم الثاني في مادة لاتينية معناها حمولة وفي القسم الأول منه: طَلَمي: مظهر الحمولة.
[طلم] نه: فيه: مر برجل يعالج "طلمة" في السفر، هي خبزة تجعل في الرماد الحار، وأصل الطلم الضرب ببسط الكف، وقيل: الطلمة صفيحة من حجارة كالطابق يخبزا عليها. وفي شعر حسان: "تطلمهن" بالخمر النساء؛ والمشهور: تلطمهن. ك: هو بالضم الخبزة- ومر في خ.
[طلم] الطُلْمَةُ بالضم: الخُبْزَةُ، وهي التي يسميها الناس المَلَّةُ، وإنَّما المَلَّةُ اسم الحفرة نفسها. فأمَّا التى تمل فيها فهى الطلمة والخبزة، والمَليلُ. وفي الحديث أنَّه عليه الصلاة والسلام مرّ برجلٍ يعالج طُلْمَةً لأصحابه في سفر وقد عَرِقَ، فقال: " لا يصيبه حَرُّ جهنم أبدا ".
ط ل م: (الطُّلْمَةُ) بِالضَّمِّ الْخُبْزَةُ وَهِيَ الَّتِي يُسَمِّيهَا النَّاسُ الْمَلَّةَ وَلَيْسَتْ هِيَ عَلَى مَا ذَكَرْنَاهُ فِي [م ل ل] . وَفِي الْحَدِيثِ: «أَنَّهُ عَلَيْهِ الصَّلَاةُ وَالسَّلَامُ مَرَّ بِرَجُلٍ يُعَالِجُ طُلْمَةً لِأَصْحَابِهِ فِي سَفَرٍ وَقَدْ عَرِقَ فَقَالَ: لَا يُصِيبُهُ حَرُّ جَهَنَّمَ أَبَدًا» . 
[ط ل م] الطُّلْمَةُ: الخُبْرةً: وفي الحَدِيثِ عن النَّبِيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((أَنَّه رأَي رَجُلاً يُعالِجُ طُلْمةً، وقد عَرِقَ من حَرِّ النارِ، وتَأَذَي، فَقَالَ: لا تَمَسُّه النّارُ أبداً)) . وقد طَلَمَها يَطْلِمُها، وطَلَّمَها. وطَلَّمَ العَرَقَ عن جَبِينِه: مَسَحَه، قَالَ حَسَّانُ بنُ ثَابتٍ:

(تَظَلُّ جيادُنا مُتَمطِّراتِ ... يُطَلِّمُهُنَّ بالخُمَرِ النِّساءُ)

طلم: الطُّلْمة، بالضم: الخُبْزةُ وهي التي تُسَمِّيها الناس المَلَّةَ،

وإِنما المَلَّةُ اسمُ الحُفْرةِ نفْسِها، فأَما التي يُمَلُّ فيها فهي

الطُّلْمةُ والخُبْزَةُ والمَليلُ. وفي الحديث عن النبي، صلى الله عليه

وسلم: أَنه رأى رَجُلاً يُعالِجُ طُلْمةً لأَصحابه في سَفَرٍ وقد عَرِقَ

من حَرِّ النارِ فتأَذَّى فقال: لا تَمَسُّه النارُ أَبداً، وفي رواية: لا

تَطْعَمُه النارُ بعدَها. والتَّطْليمُ: ضَرْبُكَ الخُبْزَةَ، وقال ابن

الأَثير: الطُّلْمَةُ هي الخُبْزةُ تُجْعَل في المَلَّة، وهي الرَّمادُ

الحارُّ. وأَصلُ الطَّلْمِ: الضرْبُ ببَسْطِ الكَفِّ، وقيل: الطُّلْمةُ

صفيحةٌ من حجارة كالطابَقِ يُخْبَزُ عليها، وقد طَلَمها يَطْلِمها

وطَلَّمها. وطَلَّمَ العَرَقَ عن جَبينه: مسحَه؛ قال حسانُ بن ثابت:

تَظَلُّ جِيادُنا مُتَمَطِّراتٍ،

يُطَلِّمُهنَّ بالخُمُرِ النساءُ

قال ابن الأَثير: والمشهور في الرواية تُلَطِّمُهنَّ، وهو بمعناه،

ومَثَلُ العربِ: إِن دونَ الطُّلْمةِ خَرْطَ قَتادِ هَوْبَر؛ قال: وهَوْبَر

مكانٌ؛ وأَنشد شمر:

تَكَلَّفْ ما بَدا لَكَ غيرَ طُلْمٍ،

فَفيما دونَه خَرْطُ القَتادِ

والطُّلْمُ: جمعُ الطُّلْمةِ. والطُّلاَّمُ: التَّنَوُّمُ وهو حَبُّ

الشاهْدانِج. والطَّلَمُ: وسَخُ الأَسنانِ من تَرْكِ السِّواك، والله



(الطُّلْمَةُ، بالضَّمِّ: الخُبْزَةُ) قَالَ الجوهريُّ: وَهِي الَّتِي تُسَمِّيها النّاسُ المَلَّةَ، وإنَّما المَلَّةُ اسمُ الحُفْرَةِ نَفْسِها، فأَمَّا الّتي يُمَلُّ فِيهَا فَهِي الطُّلْمَةُ والخُبْزَةُ والمَلِيلُ. وَفِي الحدِيثِ: " أَنَّه مرَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم بِرَجُلٍ يُعَالِجُ طُلْمَةً لأَصْحَابِهِ فِي سَفَرٍ وَقد عَرِقَ فَقَالَ: " لَا يُصِيبُهُ حَرُّ جَهَنَّمَ أبدا ".
(و) الطُّلاَّم، (كَزُنَّارٍ: التَّنُّومُ، وَهُوَ حبُّ الشَّاهْدَانِج) وَقد ذُكِر كلٌّ مِنْهُمَا فِي مَوْضِعِه.
(والطَّلَم، مُحَرَّكَة: وَسَخُ الأَسْنَانِ من تَرْكِ السِّواكِ) .
(و) الطُّلْمُ، (بالضَّمِّ: الخِوَانُ يُبْسَطُ عَلَيْهِ الخُبْزُ) .
(وطَلَمَ الخُبْزَةَ) طَلْمًا: (سَوَّاهَا وعَدَّلَها.)
(والتَّطْلِيمُ: ضَرْبُكَ الخُبْزَةَ بِيَدِكَ) لِتَبْرُدَ، (وَمِنْه قَولُ حَسَّان) بنِ ثابتٍ (رَضِيَ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى عَنهُ) :
(تظلُّ جِيَادُنا مُتَمَطِّراتٍ
(يُطَلِّمُهُنّ بالخُمُرِ النِّسَاءُ)
وَرِوايَة: يُلَطِّمُهُنَّ) بتَقْدِيمِ اللاَّمِ على الطَّاءِ: (ضَعِيفَةٌ أَو مَرْدُودَةٌ) . قَالَ شَيخُنا: بَلْ هِيَ صَحِيحَةٌ جَرَى عَلَيْها أكثرُ أَئِمّةِ السِّير رِوايَةً ودِرَايَةً، وَهِي أَظْهَرُ فِي المَعْنَى. وَقَالَ ابنُ الأَثِير: هُوَ المَشْهُورُ فِي الرِّوايَةِ، وَهُوَ بِمَعْناه، (أَي: تَمْسَحُ النِّساءُ العَرَقَ عَنْهُنَّ بالخُمُرِ) أَي: الأَكسِيَةِ ,
وَقيل: مَعْنَاهُ يَضْرِبْنَ بالأَكُفِّ فِي نَفْضِ مَا عَلَيْها من الغُبَارِ.
[] وممّا يُسْتَدْرَكُ عَلَيْهِ: فِي المَثَل: إنَّ دُونَ الطُّلْمَةِ خَرْطَ قَتَادِ هَوْبَرَ، وأَنْشَدَ شَمر: (تَكَلَّفْ مَا بَدَا لَكَ دُون طُلْمٍ ... فَفِيما دُونَه خَرْطُ القَتَادِ)

والطُّلْمُ: جَمْعُ الطُّلْمَةِ، كَمَا فِي اللِّسان.
باب الطاء واللام والميم معهما ط ل م، ط م ل، ل ط م، م ط ل، م ل ط مستعملات

طلم: الطلمة: الخبزة، وقيل: الطُّلَمة، بنصب الّلام. والتَّطليمُ: ضربك الخُبز.

طمل: الطِّمْلُ: الرَّجلُ الفاحِشُ الذي لا يبالي ما أَتَى وما قيل له. تقول: إنّه لَمِلْطٌ طِملٌ، والجميعُ: طُمُول. وهو بيّن الطُّمُولة، وقيل: الأّطْمال: اللُّصُوصُ الخُبَثاء، قال : أطاعوا في الغِوايةِ كلَّ طِمْلٍ ... يَجُرُّ المُخزِياتِ ولا يُبالي

لطم: اللَّطْمُ: ضربُ الخدِّ، وصَفَحات الجِسْم ببَسْط اليد. والمَلاطمُ: الخُدود. والفعل: لطم يلطم لطما.. واللطيم، بلا فِعلٍ، من الخيل: الذّي يأخذ خدّيه بياضٌ. ورجل ملطم، أي: لئيم. والمُلَطَّم: الخدّ. وفرسٌ أسيل المَلْطَم، وجمعُه: الملاطم. واللَّطيمةُ: سوقٌ فيها أوعيةُ العِطْر ونحوه من البِياعات. وكلُّ سُوقٍ يُحمل إليها غير الميرة فهو اللّطيمة من حرّ البياعات، غير ما يُؤْكل، قال النّابغة:

[على ظَهْرِ مِبناةٍ جديدٍ سُيُورُها] ... يَطوفُ بها وَسْطَ اللَّطيمةِ بائعُ

واللَّطيمةُ: المِسْكُ في قول ذي الرّمّة:

[كأنّه بيت عَطّارٍ يُضَمِّنهُ] ... لطائِمَ المِسْكِ يَحْويها وتُنتَهَبُ

يعني: أوعية المِسك.

مطل: المَطْلُ: مُدافَعَتُكَ العِدة، والدَّيْن، وليّانه، [يقال] : ما طلني بحقي، ومطلني حقّي. وهو مَطُولٌ ومَطّالٌ قال رؤبة:

دايَنْتُ أَرْوَى والدُّيُونُ تُقضَى ... فمَطَلَتْ بَعضاً وأدّتْ بَعْضا

ويُرْوى: فامتطلت..

وفي الحديث: مَطلُ الغَنِّي ظُلْمٌ

والمَطْلُ: أيضاً: مدُّ المَطالِ حَديدةَ البَيضةِ التّي تُذابُ للسُّيُوف حتّى تَحْمَى وتُضْرَبُ وتُمَدُّ وتُرَبَّع. يُقال: مَطَلَها المطّالُ، وهو الطّبّاعُ، ثم يَطْبَعُها بعدَ المَطل، فيَجْعَلُها صَفيحةً. والمَطيلةُ: اسْمُ الحَديدةِ التي تُمْطَلُ من البَيضةِ، ومن الزُّبرة. والمطّال: الحدّاد. والزُّبْرةُ: العَلاةُ التّي يُضْرَبُ عليها. والمَطالي: من مَناقعِ الماء.

ملط: المِلْطُ: الرَّجُلُ الذّي لا يُرْفَع له شَيْءٌ إلاّ أَلْمَأَ عليه، فذَهَب به سَرِقةً واسْتحلالاً، والجميعُ: المُلُوط، والأَمْلاط، وقد مَلَطَ مُلُوطاً. والملاّط: الذّي يملُطُ أَرْحامَ الخيلِ والإبلِ، يَدْهُنُ يَدَهُ ثمّ يدخل بها حياءَ النّاقةِ، لينظُرَ أيّ شيءٍ في رَحِمها من داء، وربّما نزع ولدها.والمِلاطانِ جانبا السَّنام مما يلي مقدّمَه. والمِلْطاءُ، بوزْنِ الحِرْباء، ممدود، مُذَكّر: هي الشَّجَّةُ التي يُقالُ لها: المِسحاق، [يُقالُ] : شجّ رأسَه شجةً مِلطاء. والأملط: الرّجل الذي لا شعر على جَسَدِهِ كلّه إلاّ الرّأس واللِّحية، والفِعلُ: مَلِطَ يَملَطُ مَلَطاً ومُلْطةً، وكان قيس بن الأحنف أَمْلَطَ. وقيل: المَليطُ: الذّي أُعْجِلَ عن التّمام من الوَلَد، والذّي لم يَخْرُجْ شَعره. والملاّطُ: الذّي يَمْلُطُ الطِّين، والمِلاطُ: هو الطِّين الذّي يُجْعَلُ بين سافَيِ البِناء.


1 طَلَمَ الخُبْزَةَ, (K,) aor. ـُ (TK,) inf. n. طَلْمٌ, (TA,) He made the cake of bread even, or equable. (K.) 2 طلّم, inf. n. تَطْلِيمٌ, He beat a cake of bread baked in hot ashes with his hand, (K, TA) in order that it might become cool. (TA.) Hence the saying of Hassán.

تَظَلُّ جِيَادُنَا مُتَمَطِّرَاتٍ

يُطَلِّمُهُنَّ بِالخُمُرِ النِّسَآءُ (K, * TA:) or, as some relate it, يُلَطِّمُهُنَّ; but this is weak, or repudiated: (K:) or this is the correct reading, and the more obviously appropriate in meaning, accord. to MF; and accord. to IAth, it is the reading commonly known, and the same as the former in meaning: (TA:) the meaning is, [Our coursers passing the day running like the pouring of rain,] the women wiping the sweat from them with the mufflers: (K, TA:) or, as some say, [the women with the mufflers] beating them with the hands in removing the dust that was upon them. (TA.) طُلْمٌ A table upon which the bread is expanded [previously to the baking]. (K.) طَلَمٌ Dirt of the teeth in consequence of neglect [of the use] of the سِوَاك [or tooth-stick]. (K.) طُلْمَةٌ A خُبْزَة, (S, K, TA,) [i. e. a cake of bread, or lump of dough,] baked in hot ashes in a hollow in the ground; what people [now] call a مَلَّة; but this is the name of the hollow itself: what is baked in this is [properly called] the طُلْمَة and خُبْزَة and مَلِيل: (S, TA:) pl. طُلَمٌ. (L, TA.) It is said in a prov., إِنَّ دُونَ الطَّلْمَةِ خَرْطَ قَتَادِ هُوْبَرَ (Meyd, TA) [i. e. Before the attainment of the cake of bread baked in hot ashes is the stripping of the leaves, by grasping each branch and drawing the hand down it, of the tragacanth of Howbar]: the طُلْمَة is the cake of bread that is put in hot ashes; and Howbar is a place abounding with the tragacanth: the prov. is applied in relation to a thing that is unattainable. (Meyd.) طُلَّامٌ The [tree called] تَنُّوم [q. v.]; which is [erroneously said to be] hemp-seed (حَبُّ الشَّهْدَانِجِ). (K.) مِطْلَمَةٌ The implement with which bread is expanded. (KL.) طلو and طلى 1 طَلَوْتُ الطّلَا, (S, TA,) or الطَّلِىَّ, aor. ـْ (TA;) and طَلَيْتُهُ, (S, K, TA,) aor. ـْ inf. n. طَلْىٌ; (TA;) I tied the young lamb or kid, (S, K, * TA,) by its leg, (S, TA,) to a peg, or stake; (TA;) and confined, restrained, or withheld, it. (S.) And طَلَيْتُ الشَّىْءَ I confined, restrained, or withheld, the thing. (S, K, * TA.) A2: طَلَيْتُهُ بِهِ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـْ (Msb,) inf. n. طَلْىٌ, (S, Msb,) I daubed, bedaubed, smeared, or besmeared, it; (Mgh;) [rubbed, or did, it over; anointed, painted, varnished, plastered, coated, overspread, or overlaid, it; with it; i. e. with any fluid, semifluid, liniment, unguent, or the like; as, for instance,] with oil, (S,) or tar, (Mgh,) or clay, or mud, (Msb,) &c. (S, Mgh, Msb.) You say, طَلَى البَعِيرَ الهِنَآءَ, and بِالهِنَآءِ, [the latter of which is the more common,] aor. ـْ (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He daubed, bedaubed, smeared, or besmeared, the camel with tar; as also ↓ طلّاهُ, [but app. in an intensive sense, or relating to several objects,] (K, TA,) inf. n. تَطْلِيَةٌ. (TA.) [And طَلَاهُ بِالذَّهَبِ He gilded it. And طَلَاهُ بِالفِضَّةِ He silvered it.] b2: Hence, طَلَى اللَّيْلُ الآفَاقَ (tropical:) The night covered [with its darkness] the adjacent regions, or the tracts of the horizon; like as when a camel is daubed with tar. (TA.) b3: And طَلَى, aor. ـْ (assumed tropical:) He reviled [another], or vilified [him]; (TA;) as also ↓ طلّى, (K, * TA,) inf. n. تَطْلِيَةٌ; (K;) or تَطْلِيَةٌ signifies the reviling, or vilifying, in a foul manner. (IAar, TA.) b4: And طَلَى

البَقْلُ (assumed tropical:) The herbs, or leguminous plants, appeared upon the surface of the earth [as though they overspread it with a coating of colour]. (TA.) A3: طَلِىَ فُوهُ, aor. ـْ inf. n. طَلًا, His mouth had a yellowness in the teeth. (S, TA.) طَلًا [in relation to the mouth but in a somewhat different sense] is mentioned in the K in art. طلو and not in art. طلى; but it belongs to both of these. (TA.) 2 1َ2َّ3َ see the preceding paragraph, in two places. b2: طَلَّيْتُ فُلَانًا, (S,) inf. n. تَطْلِيَةٌ, (S, K,) signifies also I tended, or took care of, such a one in his sickness; undertook, or managed, or superintended, the treatment of him therein. (S, K, * TA.) A2: And التَّطْلِيَةُ also signifies The act of singing. (AA, K.) 4 اطلت She (a wild animal) had with her a young one, which is termed طَلًا. (IKtt, TA.) A2: اطلى (said of a man, S, TA, and of a camel, TA) He had an inclining of the neck (S, K, TA) towards one side when said of a man, (TA,) on the occasion of death, (S, K, TA,) or on some other occasion. (S, TA.) b2: Hence, (IAth, TA,) مَا أَطْلَى نَبِىٌّ قَطُّ, (K, TA,) occurring in a trad., (TA,) means مَا مَالَ إِلَى هَوَاهُ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) No prophet ever inclined to his natural desire]: (K, TA:) as some relate it, مَا اطَّلَى; but this is a mistake. (TA.) 5 تطلّى: see 8. b2: Also, (said of a man, TA,) He kept to diversion, sport, or play, and mirth. (K, TA.) 8 اِطَّلَى, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) of the measure اِفْتَعَلَ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and ↓ تطلّى, (S, K,) [He, or it, was, or became, daubed, bedaubed, smeared, or besmeared; rubbed, or done, over; anointed, painted, varnished, plastered, coated, overspread, or overlaid: or] he daubed, &c., himself: (S, * Mgh, Msb, K: *) بِهِ [with it]; (S, K;) i. e. [with any fluid, semifluid, liniment, unguent, or the like; as, for instance,] with oil, (S,) or tar, (Mgh, K,) or clay, or mud, (Msb,) &c. (S, Mgh, Msb.) 12 اِطْلَوْلَى He was good in speech: A2: and He was defeated, or put to flight. (IAar, TA in art. خلى.) طَلًا The young one of any of the cloven-hoofed animals: (S, TA: [in the latter of which is added, as from the S, وَالخُفِّ; but this is app. a mistake:]) or the young one of the gazelle, when just born: (M, Msb, K: [see شَصَرٌ:]) and the youngling, of any kind; as also ↓ طَلْوٌ; (K, TA;) which latter is mentioned by IDrd; but expl. by him as meaning the young one of a wild animal: (TA:) and ↓ طِلْوَةٌ has this last meaning (K, TA) likewise accord. to IDrd: (TA:) the pl. [of pauc.] of طَلًا is أَطْلَآءٌ (S, Msb, K) and [of mult.] طِلَآءٌ (K) and طُلِيٌّ (K, TA, but omitted in the CK) and طِلِىٌّ (Lth, TA) and طُلْيَانٌ (K) and طِلْيَانٌ. (Lth, K.) [See also طَلِىٌّ.]

b2: [And, accord. to Freytag (in art. طلى), An infant until a month old or more: but for this he has named no authority.]

A2: And The person; syn. شَخْصٌ. (S, K.) So in the saying, إِنَّهُ لَجَمِيلُ الطَّلَا [Verily he is goodly, or comely, in person]. (S.) A3: Also Daubed, or smeared, (↓ مَطْلِىٌّ,) with tar. (S, K.) [See also طَلْيَآءُ.]

b2: And A man having a severe disease: (K, TA:) having no dual nor pl., or, as some say, (TA,) the pl. is أَطْلَآءٌ, and the dual is طَلَيَانِ. (K, TA.) [See also مُطَلًّى.]

A4: And Desire; syn. هَوًى. (K, TA.) So in the saying, قَضَى

طَلَاهُ مِنْ حَاجَتِهِ [He accomplished his desire of that which he wanted]. (K, TA.) [Or, as Freytag says, on the authority of the Deewán of the Hudhalees, accord. to some it signifies Pleasure (voluptas): and accord. to others, thirst. But see طِلًا.] b2: See also طُلَاوَةٌ, in two places.

A5: And see also طِلَآء, last sentence.

طِلًا Pleasure, or delight. (K.) A2: See also طِلَآءٌ.

طَلْوٌ: see طَلًا, first sentence.

طِلْوٌ The wolf. (K.) b2: And A hunter, or pursuer of wild animals or the like, slender in body: (Aboo-Sa'eed, K, TA: [in the CK, القابِضُ is erroneously put for القَانِصُ:]) said to be [so called as being] likened to the wolf. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) Et-Tirimmáh says, صَادَفَتْ طِلْواً طَوِيلَ الطَّوَى

حَافِظَ العَيْنِ قَلِيلَ السَّآمْ [She, or they, (app. referring to one or more of the objects of the chase,) encountered a hunter slender in body, a long endurer of hunger, one whom sleep did not overcome, little, or seldom, subject to disgust]. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) A2: See also طِلَآءٌ, last sentence.

طُلَاةٌ (S, K, TA) accord. to AA and Fr, (S, TA,) and so says Sb on the authority of Abu-lKhattáb, (TA,) or ↓ طُلْيَةٌ (S, K, TA) accord. to As, (S, TA,) each with damm, (TA,) is sing. of طُلًا or طُلًى; which signifies Necks: (S, K:) or the bases of the necks: (M, K:) or the broad part [or parts] beneath the protuberant bone behind the ear: or, accord. to ISk, the sides of the neck: Sb says that طُلَاةٌ and طُلًا are of the class of رُطَبَةٌ, and رُطَبٌ, not of the class of تَمْرَةٌ and تَمْرٌ: (TA:) [but see art. رطب, in which it is said, as on the authority of Sb, that رُطَبٌ is not a broken pl. of رُطَبَةٌ, being masc. like تَمْرٌ:] ↓ طُلْوَةٌ, also, signifies the side of the neck, as a dial. var. of [طُلَاةٌ or of] طُلْيَةٌ. (TA.) طُلْوَةٌ The whiteness of the dawn, (K, TA,) and of blossoms, or flowers. (TA.) A2: See also طُلَاةٌ.

طِلْوَةٌ: see طَلًا: A2: and see also طِلآءٌ, last sentence.

طَلْيَةٌ A single act of daubing or smearing or the like: pl. طَلَيَاتٌ. (Mgh.) b2: See also طِلَآءٌ, last sentence.

طُلْيَةٌ: see طُلَاةٌ.

A2: Also A portion, tuft, or wisp, of wool, with which mangy camels are daubed [with tar]; also called رِبْذَةٌ: whence the saying, مَا يُسَاوِى طُلْيَةً [It is not worth a طلية]. (TA.) b2: See also طَلْيَآءُ. b3: And see طِلَآءٌ, last sentence.

طَلْيَآءُ A she-camel daubed, or smeared, (↓ مَطْلِيَّةٌ, K, TA,) with tar. (TA.) [See also طَلًا.] b2: And A mangy she-camel: (K:) app. so called because the she-camel is not daubed, or smeared, [with tar] unless mangy. (TA.) b3: And The rag of a menstruous woman: (K, TA:) whence the prov., أَهْوَنُ مِنَ الطَّلْيَآءِ [More despicable than the طلياء]: or, accord. to IAar, this is called ↓ طُلْيَةٌ. (TA.) b4: [In some copies of the K, this word is erroneously put for طَلِيَّا, q. v.]

طُلَوَآءُ: see طُلْوَانٌ.

A2: Also [The green substance that overspreads stale water, called]

طُحْلُب; and so ↓ طُلَاوَةٌ. (Sgh, TA.) طَلْوَانٌ: see طُلَاوَةٌ.

طُلْوَانٌ and ↓ طَلَوَانٌ and ↓ طُلَوَآءُ [or app. the last only accord. to some copies of the K] Expectation: and slowness, or tardiness; as also ↓ طَلَاوَةٌ, (K, TA,) with fet-h. (TA.) See also طُلَاوَةٌ.

طَلَوَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph: and see also طُلَاوَةٌ.

طِلْيَانٌ: see طَلِىٌّ.

طَلَيَانٌ: see طُلَاوَةٌ.

طُلَآءٌ The coat upon the surface of blood. (K.) [See also طُلَاوَةٌ. And see طُلَّآءٌ.]

طِلَآءٌ Tar: and anything (S, Mgh, Msb, K) of the like kind (Mgh, Msb) with which one daubs or smears or the like; [i. e. any fluid, semifluid, liniment, unguent, oil, varnish, plaster, or the like, with which a thing is daubed, smeared, rubbed or done over, anointed, painted, varnished, plastered, coated, overspread, or overlaid;] (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ طُلَاوَةٌ, which by rule should be ↓ طُلَايَةٌ, for it is from طَلَيْتُ. (TA, in which طُلَايَةٌ is afterwards mentioned as having the same meaning.) b2: And, as being likened thereto, (assumed tropical:) Any thick beverage or wine: (Mgh:) expressed juice of grapes cooked until the quantity of two thirds has gone by evaporation; (S, A, Mgh;) called by the Persians مَيْبُخْتَج [or مَىْ

پُخْتَه]; called by the Arabs طِلَآء as being likened to tar: (A, Mgh: *) or thick expressed juice, or wine, cooked until half of it has gone: (K:) in a verse of Ibn-Sukkarah, shortened to ↓ طِلًا, for the sake of the metre. (Har p. 302.) b3: and (assumed tropical:) Wine [in an absolute sense] (S, K) is thus called by some of the Arabs, for the purpose of euphemism. (S.) 'Obeyd Ibn-El-Abras said to El-Mundhir when he [the latter] desired to slay him, هِىَ الخَمْرُ تُكْنَى الطِّلَآءَ كَمَا الذِّئْبُ يُكْنَى أَبَا جعْدَةَ [It is wine: it is surnamed الطلآء like as the wolf is surnamed ابو جعدة]: i. e. thou pretendest to show honour to me while desiring to slay me; like the wolf, whose acting is not good though his surname is good: (S:) or, as cited by IKt, عَنِ الخَمْرِ تَكْنِى الطِّلَآءَ: and in the M, هَىِ الخَمْرُ يَكْنُونَهَا بِالٰطِّلَآءِ [forming a hemistich; the words كَمَا الذِّئْبُ الخ, cited above, completing the verse]. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) The ashes between the three stones upon which the cooking-pot is placed: so called by way of comparison [to tar]. (TA.) b5: And Pure silver. (TA.) b6: And (assumed tropical:) Revilement, or reproach. (K.) A2: Also The cord with which the leg of the lamb, or kid, is tied (S, K) to a peg, or stake; (S;) and so ↓ طِلْوٌ and ↓ طِلْوَةٌ: (TA:) or the string with which the leg of the kid is tied as long as he is little; (Lh, TA;) and so ↓ طُلْيَةٌ and ↓ طَلْيَةٌ and ↓ طَلًى [or طَلًا]. (TA.) طَلِىٌّ Confined, restrained, or withheld; [and particularly tied by the leg, as is shown by what follows;] as also ↓ مَطْلِىٌّ. (S. b2: And A young lamb or kid: (ISk, S, K:) so called because it is tied by the leg for some days to a peg, or stake: (ISk, S:) pl. طُلْيَانٌ; like رُغْفَانٌ, (ISk, S, K,) pl. of رَغِيفٌ: (ISk, S:) it is thus pluralized like a subst. because it is an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant. (AAF, TA.) [See also طَلًا.] b3: [Hence الطَّلِىُّ meaning (assumed tropical:) The sign of Aries: see an ex. voce حَمَلٌ.]

A2: Also A yellowness in the teeth; and so ↓ طِلْيَانٌ: like صَبِىٌّ and صِبْيَانٌ [in form]. (S.) [See also طُلَاوَةٌ.]

طَلَاوَةٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places: A2: and see also طُلْوَانٌ.

طُلَاوَةٌ, and ↓ طَلَاوَةٌ, (Az, S, ISd, Msb, K,) the former preferred by Az, (TA, and this, only, mentioned in the Mgh,) and ↓ طِلَاوَةٌ, (K,) Beauty, goodliness, grace, comeliness, or pleasingness: (Az, * ISd, * S, Mgh, Msb, * K:) ISd says, it is in that which has growth and that which has not growth. (TA.) One says, عَلَيْهِ طُلَاوَةٌ [Upon him, or it, is an appearance of beauty, &c.]. (Msb.) and مَا عَلَيْهِ طُلَاوَةٌ [There is not upon him, or it, &c.]. (S.) And إِنَّ لِلْقُرْآنِ لَطُلَاوَةً [Verily to the Kur-án pertains beauty, &c.]. (Mgh, from a trad.) and مَاعَلَى وَجْهِهِ حَلَاوَةٌ وَلَا طُلَاوَةٌ [There is not upon his face an appearance of sweetness nor an appearance of beauty, &c.]. (TA.) b2: Also, (K,) or the first, with damm, (TA,) Enchantment, or fascination: (K:) a meaning mentioned by ISd. (TA.) A2: And (the first, TA) The thin skin that overspreads the surface of milk, (T, ISd, K, TA,) as also ↓ طُلَايَةٌ, (Kr, TA,) or of blood. (ISd, K, TA. [See also طُلَآءٌ.]) b2: And Remains of food in the mouth. (Lh, K, TA.) b3: And Saliva becoming dry (K, TA) and thick (TA) in the mouth, by reason of some accident, (K, TA,) or, as in the M, from thirst, (TA,) or disease; (K, TA;) the first and ↓ second have this meaning; (TA;) as also ↓ طَلًا (K) [and app. ↓ طُلْوَانٌ and ↓ طَلَوَانٌ also accord. to the copies of the K followed in the TA; but see طُلْوَنٌ above]: it is also said that ↓ طَلْوَانٌ, with fet-h, signifies saliva becoming dry upon the teeth from hunger; and has no pl.: ↓ طَلًا is the inf. n. of طَلِىَ فُوهُ: and signifies also a whiteness that comes upon the teeth from disease or thirst; and so ↓ طَلَيَانٌ. (TA.) [See also طَلِىٌّ.] b4: For other meanings of طُلَاوَةٌ, see طُلَوَآءُ, b5: and طِلَآءٌ. b6: It signifies also A small quantity of herbage or pasture. (TA.) طِلَاوَةٌ: see طُلَاوَةٌ, first sentence.

طُلَايَةٌ: see طِلَآءٌ: b2: and see also طُلَاوَةٌ.

طَلِيَّا, thus correctly, as written by Sgh in the TS, not, as in the copies of the K, طَلْيَا [or طَلْيَآء], (TA,) The mange, or scab. (K, TA.) And A certain purulent pustule, [or eruption,] resembling the قُوبَآء [or ringworm], (K, TA,) that comes forth in a man's side; whereupon one says to him, “It is only قوبآء, and not طليّا; ” thus making light of it to him. (TA.) طُلَّى A draught of milk: (K:) but this is of the measure فُعْلَى, belonging to art. طل. (TA. [See طُلَّةٌ in that art.]) طَلَّآءٌ A seller of the thickened juice called طِلَآء. (MA.) طُلَّآءٌ Blood, (A'Obeyd, S, K, TA,) itself; applied to that of a slain person: or, accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, a thing [or fluid] that comes forth after the flow of the blood, differing from blood in colour, on the occasion of the exit of the soul of the slaughtered animal: and the blood with which one daubs, or smears. (TA.) [See also طُلَآءٌ.]

طَالٍ A water to which camels come to drink overspread with [the green substance called] طُحْلُب [and طُلَوَآء]. (K, TA.) b2: And (tropical:) A dark night: (AA, K, TA:) as though it smeared [with tar] the forms, or persons, of men, and obscured them. (AA, TA.) مِطْلًى: see what next follows.

مِطْلَآءٌ (S, K) and ↓ مِطْلًى (K) A narrow tract of ground in which water flows: (K:) or soft ground that gives growth to the trees called عِضَاه, (as in the S and in some copies of the K,) or غَضًا: (so in other copies of the K and in copies of the T and M:) and المَطَالِى, which is the pl. [of the latter, or المَطَالِىُّ pl. of the former], signifies the soft places: (TA:) or the places in which the wild animals feed their younglings: (S, K, TA:) so it is said. (S.) مَطْلِىٌّ: see طَلِىٌّ: A2: see also طَلًا; and see the fem., with ة, voce طَلْيَآءُ. b2: [Hence,] أَمْرٌ مَطْلِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) A dubious and obscure affair, or case: as though it were smeared over with that which involved it. (TA.) b3: And عُودٌ مَطْلِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) A stick, or rod, or branch, not stript of the peel or bark. (TA.) مُطَلًّى Having a constant, or chronic, disease, (K, TA,) and bent thereby. (TA.) [See also طَلًا.] b2: And Imprisoned without hope of liberation. (K.)
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الطلْمَةُ: الخُبْزَةُ. والتطْلِيْمُ: ضَرْبُكَها لتَنْفُضَ ما عليها من الرمَادِ.
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