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103503. ضنكه1 103504. ضَنَنَ1 103505. ضنن12 103506. ضَنَنْتُ1 103507. ضنو2 103508. ضنى3103509. ضَنَى 1 103510. ضني9 103511. ضِنيَّة1 103512. ضَنِيَة1 103513. ضه1 103514. ضهء1 103515. ضهأ8 103516. ضَهَا1 103517. ضُهاً1 103518. ضها2 103519. ضهب11 103520. ضَهَبَ 1 103521. ضَهَبَهُ1 103522. ضهت3 103523. ضَهَتَهُ1 103524. ضهج4 103525. ضَهَدَ1 103526. ضهد10 103527. ضَهَدَ 1 103528. ضَهَدَه1 103529. ضهده1 103530. ضهر6 103531. ضَهَرَ 1 103532. ضهز4 103533. ضهزم2 103534. ضَهَزَهُ1 103535. ضهس5 103536. ضَهَسَ 1 103537. ضَهَسَهُ1 103538. ضهضب2 103539. ضَهَلَ2 103540. ضهل8 103541. ضَهَلَ 1 103542. ضَهَّهُ1 103543. ضهه1 103544. ضهو4 103545. ضهى3 103546. ضهي6 103547. ضَهِيَ 1 103548. ضهيأ1 103549. ضهيت1 103550. ضَهْيَدُ1 103551. ضُهَيْرِي1 103552. ضو1 103553. ضَو1 103554. ضُوء1 103555. ضوء3 103556. ضَوْء1 103557. ضَوْء البيت1 103558. ضَوْء النعيم1 103559. ضَوُأَ1 103560. ضوأ13 103561. ضَوَأَ 1 103562. ضَوَا1 103563. ضوا3 103564. ضَوَاحِي1 103565. ضَواحِي1 103566. ضَوّاط1 103567. ضوب5 103568. ضَوَبَ 1 103569. ضَوْتٌ2 103570. ضوت3 103571. ضوَج1 103572. ضَوَجَ1 103573. ضوج8 103574. ضَوَجَ 1 103575. ضَوْجِيَّة1 103576. ضوح3 103577. ضوخ2 103578. ضود4 103579. ضَوَرَ1 103580. ضور13 103581. ضَوَرَ 1 103582. ضَوْرَانُ1 103583. ضَوْراني1 103584. ضوز8 103585. ضَوَزَ 1 103586. ضوس2 103587. ضوض3 103588. ضَوَضَ 1 103589. ضوضأ2 103590. ضَوْضَاء عَالِية1 103591. ضَوْضَو1 103592. ضوضو1 103593. ضوضى1 103594. ضوضي1 103595. ضوط8 103596. ضَوَطَ 1 103597. ضوطر1 103598. ضوع13 103599. ضَوَعَ1 103600. ضَوَعَ 1 103601. ضوعه1 103602. ضوف5 Prev. 100


: (ى (} ضَنَتِ) المرْأَةُ ( {ضَنًى) ، مَقْصور، (} وضَناءً) بالمدِّ، (كَثُرَ ولَدُها) .
قالَ الجوهريُّ: يُهْمَزُ وَلَا يُهْمَزُ، واقْتَصَرَ على المَصْدرِ الأخيرِ؛ ( {كضَنِيَتْ) كرَضِيَ.
(و) } ضَنا (نَصِيبُه: تَرَيَّعَ وزادَ) ؛ نقلَهُ الصَّاغانيُّ. 
ضَنِيَ الرجُلُ ضَنىً شَديداً: إذا كانَ به مَرَضٌ مُخَامِرٌ كُلَّما ظُن أنَه بَرَأ نُكِسَ. وأضْنَاه المَرَضُ.
وضَنِيَ يَضْنى: إذا تَرَيعَ وزادَ.
وضَنَتِ المَرْأةُ - بغير هَمْزٍ -: كَثُرَ ضَنَاها أي وَلَدُها، تَضْني ضَنَاءً - مَمْدُوْدٌ -. والقَوْمُ قد أضْنَوْا.


ى1 ضَنِىَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. ضَنًى; (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ اضطنى signifies the same; He was, or became, slender, and small in body: and hence, (Ham p. 112,) he was, or became, diseased, disordered, or sick; (S, and Ham ibid.;) because disease occasions leanness, or emaciation: (Ham:) or he was, or became, lean, or emaciated: (so accord. to the explanation of the inf. n. in the Mgh:) or he was, or became, affected with a disease, disorder, or sickness, (M, Msb, K,) of long continuance, and settled, (M,) or constant, so that he was at the point of death, (Msb,) or such as infected, or pervaded, him, and so that, whenever he thought himself to be recovering, he relapsed. (K.) A2: [See also 1 in art. ضنو.]3 مُضَانَاةٌ i. q. مُعَانَاةٌ, (S, K, KL,) both signifying The suffering, or enduring, [or contending with,], the difficulty, or trouble, or inconvenience, of a thing; as also مُقَاسَاةٌ. (KL.) 4 اضناهُ, said of a disease, disorder, or sickness, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) It rendered him such as is termed ضَنًى or ضَنٍ: (M, Msb, K:) rendered him lean, or emaciated: (Mgh:) or oppressed him; burdened him heavily; overburdened him; or overcame him, and rendered him heavy. (S, TA.) A2: And أَضْنَى He kept to the bed by reason of what is termed ضَنًى [i. e. leanness, or emaciation; or disease, disorder, or sickness, or such as was of long continuance, &c.: see 1]. (TA.) 5 تضنّى He (a man) feigned himself diseased, disordered, or sick. (TA.) 8 اضطنى: see 1. b2: See also 8 in art. ضنأ.

ضَنًى: inf. n. of 1. (S, M, &c.) b2: Also, [in some copies of the K erroneously written ضَنِىٌّ,] and ↓ ضَنٍ; (S, M, Msb, K;) the former applied alike to a man (Fr, IAar, T, S, Msb) and to a woman (IAar, T, S, Msb) and to two persons (Msb) and to a pl. number, (Fr, IAar, T, S, Msb,) because originally an inf. n., (S, Msb,) for ذُو ضَنًى and ذَاتُ ضَنًى [&c.]; (Msb;) or some do not dualize it nor pluralize it, because it is [originally] an inf. n., and others dualize it and pluralize it; (M;) but ↓ ضَنٍ has a fem. (Msb) and a dual and a pl., (S,) its fem. being ضَنِيَةٌ (Msb, TA) [and its dual ضَنِيَانِ] and the pl. is أَضْنَآءٌ; (TA;) [Slender, and small in body: and hence, (see 1,)] diseased, disordered, or sick: (S:) [or lean, or emaciated: (see again 1:)] or affected with a disease, disorder, or sickness, (M, Msb, K,) of long continuance, and settled, (M,) or constant, so that he is at the point of death, (Msb,) or such as infects, or pervades, him, and so that, whenever he thinks himself to be recovering, he relapses. (K.) You say, تَرَكْتُهُ ضَنًى and ↓ ضَنِيًا [I left him lean, or diseased, &c.]. (S.) ضَنٍ; fem. ضَنِيَةٌ; and pl. أَضْنَآءٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.

ضِنًى, [written in the TA ضنا, but the final radical is ى,] with kesr, accord to IAar, signifies Pains that cause fear. (TA.) ضَنَآءٌ, like سَلَامٌ [in measure, The state of such as is termed ضَنًى or ضَنٍ], a subst. from ضَنِىَ. (Msb.) مُضْنًى Rendered lean, or emaciated; [&c;] (Mgh;) pass. part. n. of 4 [q. v.]. (Mgh, Msb.)
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