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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2453. صوك8 2454. صول15 2455. صولج2 2456. صوم19 2457. صون14 2458. صوى82459. صيب9 2460. صيح12 2461. صيد18 2462. صير17 2463. صيص10 2464. صيع7 2465. صيغ5 2466. صيف18 2467. صيك6 2468. صيل5 2469. صين7 2470. ض6 2471. ضأ1 2472. ضأبل2 2473. ضأز6 2474. ضأل13 2475. ضأن11 2476. ضب3 2477. ضبأ10 2478. ضبث12 2479. ضبح15 2480. ضبر17 2481. ضبط19 2482. ضبع19 2483. ضبن12 2484. ضبنط3 2485. ضبو5 2486. ضج4 2487. ضجر15 2488. ضجع18 2489. ضجم10 2490. ضح2 2491. ضحك17 2492. ضحل15 2493. ضخم11 2494. ضد5 2495. ضر5 2496. ضرب23 2497. ضرج15 2498. ضرح15 2499. ضرس18 2500. ضرط18 2501. ضرع20 2502. ضرغم12 2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو5 2505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 2507. ضعو4 2508. ضغث18 2509. ضغط17 2510. ضغن17 2511. ضف4 2512. ضفدع10 2513. ضفر17 2514. ضفو10 2515. ضل5 2516. ضلع17 2517. ضم6 2518. ضمحل6 2519. ضمحن4 2520. ضمخ13 2521. ضمد15 2522. ضمر16 2523. ضمن18 2524. ضن5 2525. ضنأ8 2526. ضنك17 2527. ضنو2 2528. ضنى3 2529. ضهأ8 2530. ضهب11 2531. ضهد10 2532. ضهضب2 2533. ضهو4 2534. ضهى3 2535. ضهيأ1 2536. ضو1 2537. ضوأ13 2538. ضوح3 2539. ضود4 2540. ضور13 2541. ضوز8 2542. ضوض3 2543. ضوع13 2544. ضوف5 2545. ضوم4 2546. ضون7 2547. ضوى3 2548. ضيح11 2549. ضير14 2550. ضيز10 2551. ضيع16 2552. ضيف21 Prev. 100




ى1 صَوَتِ النَّخْلَةُ, (Lth, Az, S, M, K,) aor. ـْ (S, K,) inf. n. صُوِىٌّ; (Lth, Az, S, M, K;) and صَوِيَت, (Az, M, K,) which is the form preferred by Az, [aor. ـْ inf. n. صَوًى; (TA;) The palm-tree needed irrigation, and became slender: (Az, TA:) or became dry, or dried up; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ أَصْوَت, and ↓ صَوَّت: (K:) and in like manner one says of other trees: and sometimes, of animals. (M.) And صَوِىَ الضَّرْعُ The udder had no milk remaining in it. (Ham p. 661.) b2: [Hence,] صَوَتِ الشَّاةُ The ewe, or she-goat, became fat, (S, TA,) in consequence of her udder's having been made to dry up. (S.) And صَوِىَ He became strong. (K.) 2 صوّى, (M,) inf. n. تَصْوِيَةٌ, (K,) primarily, (M,) is used in relation to females, meaning He abstained from milking her, in order that she might become fat, (M, K,) and not be weak. (M.) You say, صَوَّيْتُ النَّاقَةَ I abstained from milking the she-camel for some days in order that the milk might collect in her udder so that she might become fat: or I made her milk to dry up, that she might become fatter. (M.) And صَوَّيْتُ الشَّاةَ, inf. n. as above, I made the udder of the ewe, or goat, to become dry, that she might become fatter: (S:) or صوّيت الغَنَمَ I made the milk of the ewes, or goats, to dry up, purposely, that they might become fatter; like as one says in relation to camels: the subst. from the verb thus used is ↓ صَوًى; and this is said to mean The leaving an animal and not milking her. (M.) Some say that تَصْوِيَةٌ is like تَصْرِيَةٌ; and hence the trad., التَّصْوِيَةُ خِلَابَةٌ [i. e. The causing the milk to collect in the udder of an animal by abstaining from milking her for some days, when one desires to sell her, is an endeavouring to deceive: but I think that the right reading in this instance is probably التَّصْرِيَةُ, with ر]. (TA.) b2: It is also used in relation to a stallion (S, M, K) of the camels: (S:) thus it is used by El-Fak'asee. (M.) One says, صَوَّيْتُ الفَحْلَ, (M,) inf. n. as above, (S, K,) I put no burden upon the stallion [camel], and did not bind him with a rope, in order that he might become more brisk in covering, and more strong; (S, * M, K; *) thus expl. by El-'Adebbes El-Kinánee: (S:) or I exempted him from work, and fed him, until his spirit returned to him, and he became fat. (M.) and صَوَّيْتُ لِإِبِلِى فَحْلًا I chose for my camels a stallion, and fed and nourished him for the office of the stallion. (S.) A2: See also 1.

A3: [And see art. صو.]4 أَصْوَىَ see 1. b2: One says also اصوى القَوْمُ, meaning The people's cattle became lean, or emaciated; like اضوى القوم. (IKtt, TA.) A2: [See also art. صو.]

صَوًى a subst. from 2, q. v. (M.) صَوٍ: see its fem., صَوِيَةٌ, voce صَاوٍ. b2: [Also, app., Empty سُنْبُل (or ears of corn): accord. to the TA (on the authority of Az): the word in this sense, and thus applied, is there written with the article, الصوى, without any syll. sign.]

صَوِيَّةٌ: see the following paragraph.

صَاوٍ Dry, (S, K, TA,) by reason of thirst, or want of irrigation, or by reason of leanness, or emaciation. (TA.) You say نَخْلَةٌ صَاوِيَةٌ, (M, K,) and ↓ صَوِيَةٌ, (M, TA,) [agreeably with rule, as part. n. of صَوِيَت,] or ↓ صَوِيَّةٌ, (so in copies of the K, [app. a mistranscription,]) A dry, or driedup, palm-tree: (M, K:) and in like manner one terms other trees: and sometimes, animals: thus the poet Sá'ideh applies the epithet صاوية to wild cows or wild oxen (بَقَر وَحْش). (M.) b2: And Strong. (TA.)
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