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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2435. صهر16 2436. صهرج9 2437. صهصلق5 2438. صهصى1 2439. صهل13 2440. صهو72441. صو1 2442. صوب19 2443. صوبج1 2444. صوت16 2445. صوج5 2446. صوح13 2447. صوخ6 2448. صود5 2449. صور20 2450. صوع15 2451. صوغ16 2452. صوف17 2453. صوك8 2454. صول15 2455. صولج2 2456. صوم19 2457. صون14 2458. صوى8 2459. صيب9 2460. صيح12 2461. صيد18 2462. صير17 2463. صيص10 2464. صيع7 2465. صيغ5 2466. صيف18 2467. صيك6 2468. صيل5 2469. صين7 2470. ض6 2471. ضأ1 2472. ضأبل2 2473. ضأز6 2474. ضأل13 2475. ضأن11 2476. ضب3 2477. ضبأ10 2478. ضبث12 2479. ضبح15 2480. ضبر17 2481. ضبط19 2482. ضبع19 2483. ضبن12 2484. ضبنط3 2485. ضبو5 2486. ضج4 2487. ضجر15 2488. ضجع18 2489. ضجم10 2490. ضح2 2491. ضحك17 2492. ضحل15 2493. ضخم11 2494. ضد5 2495. ضر5 2496. ضرب23 2497. ضرج15 2498. ضرح15 2499. ضرس18 2500. ضرط18 2501. ضرع20 2502. ضرغم12 2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو5 2505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 2507. ضعو4 2508. ضغث18 2509. ضغط17 2510. ضغن17 2511. ضف4 2512. ضفدع10 2513. ضفر17 2514. ضفو10 2515. ضل5 2516. ضلع17 2517. ضم6 2518. ضمحل6 2519. ضمحن4 2520. ضمخ13 2521. ضمد15 2522. ضمر16 2523. ضمن18 2524. ضن5 2525. ضنأ8 2526. ضنك17 2527. ضنو2 2528. ضنى3 2529. ضهأ8 2530. ضهب11 2531. ضهد10 2532. ضهضب2 2533. ضهو4 2534. ضهى3 Prev. 100


صهو and صهى 1 صَهَا [or صَهَى], aor. ـْ inf. n. صَهْىٌ, accord. to A'Obeyd; or صَهِىَ accord. to Kh; It (a wound) was, or became, moist: (S:) or صَهَا or صَهَى [as written in different copies of the K], aor. ـَ and صَهِىَ; he had a wound and it became moist. (K.)

b2: And the former, He had much property. (Az, K.)

b3: And i. q. أَسَنَّ [He became advanced in age, or full-grown; &c.]. (TA.)

3 صاهاهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُصَاهَاةٌ, (TA,) as expl. by IAar, (TA,) He mounted upon its, or his, صَهْوَة

[q. v.]; (K, TA;) said with reference to a mountain and to an animal. (TA.)

4 اصهى He had a complaint of the صَهْوَة

[q. v.]; (K, TA;) said of a horse. (TA.)

A2: اصهى الصَّبِىَّ He anointed the boy, or young male child, with clarified butter, and put him in the sun, in consequence of a disease (M, K) that had befallen him: (K:) or he so anointed him, and put him to sleep in the sun, in consequence of a disease. (JK.)

صَهًا: see صَهْ, in art. صه.

صَهَاةٌ: see the next following paragraph, last sentence but one.

صَهْوَةٌ The part of the back, of a horse, which is the place of the saddle-cloth: (S:) or the smooth, or soft, part (ما أَسْهَلَ [so in copies of the K, but the right reading is app. ما أُسْهِلَ, lit. the part that is found to be smooth, or soft, to sit upon, see an ex. of this verb in the Ham p. 675,]) of the two sides of the سَرَاة [or back] of the horse: (K:) or the part, of the back, of the horse, whereon the rider sits: (K, and EM p. 43: [see an ex. of one of its pls. voce خَفِيفٌ:]) and (K) the hinder part of the hump of the camel; (JK, K;) also called the رَادِفَة; (JK;) or, as some say, the [part called] رَادِفَة, which one sees above the rump: (TA:) pl. صَهَوَاتٌ and صِهَآءٌ. (K.) [Hence, app.,] one says, تَيْسٌ ذُو صَهَوَاتٍ meaning (tropical:) A fat he-goat. (TA.) And صَهَوَاتٌ signifies also The middle portions of the flesh extending along the two sides of the backbone of a bird of the species termed قَطًا. (TA.)

b2: Also The uppermost part of any mountain, (S,) and of anything. (Har p. 374.)

b3: And The exterior uppermost part of a house, or chamber; the interior uppermost part thereof being called سَمْكٌ. (Ham p. 725.)

b4: And A tower (JK, S, K) made (JK, S) upon a hill, (JK, S, K,) on the highest part thereof: (JK, K:) pl. صَهَوَاتٌ, (JK,) or صُهًى, (K,) which is extr. [in respect of rule], like شُهًى pl. of شَهْوَةٌ: mentioned

by AHei. (TA.)

b5: And The like of a cave, or cavern, in a mountain, in which is water (K, TA) of the rain: (TA:) pl. صِهَآءٌ, (K, TA,) with

kesr and the long ا: (TA:) or صِهَآءٌ signifies places in which water falls, upon the heads of mountains, like the قَلْب [a mistranscription for قَلْت, q. v.]: (JK:) [or,] accord. to AA, places in which water wells forth; pl. of صَهْوَةٌ: but in the handwriting of Az, الصُّهَا is expl. as meaning the places in which water wells forth; and as pl. of صَهْوَةٌ: in the Mj, صِهَآءٌ is said to be pl. of ↓ صَهَاةٌ and of صَهْوَةٌ also. (TA.)

b6: And A depressed tract of land to which stray camels betake themselves: (K:) or a depressed place surrounded by mountains; (JK;) [or] so ↓ صُهَاوِيَّةٌ, accord. to Az. (TA.)

صُهَاوِيَّةٌ: see what next precedes.
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