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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2407. صلى8 2408. صم4 2409. صمت17 2410. صمج7 2411. صمخ13 2412. صمد142413. صمر13 2414. صمع18 2415. صمغ14 2416. صمقر3 2417. صملخ7 2418. صمي7 2419. صن4 2420. صنب9 2421. صنبر12 2422. صنج16 2423. صند9 2424. صندق6 2425. صندل9 2426. صنر9 2427. صنط3 2428. صنع19 2429. صنف16 2430. صنم15 2431. صنو10 2432. صنى3 2433. صه8 2434. صهب17 2435. صهر16 2436. صهرج9 2437. صهصلق5 2438. صهصى1 2439. صهل13 2440. صهو7 2441. صو1 2442. صوب19 2443. صوبج1 2444. صوت16 2445. صوج5 2446. صوح13 2447. صوخ6 2448. صود5 2449. صور20 2450. صوع15 2451. صوغ16 2452. صوف17 2453. صوك8 2454. صول15 2455. صولج2 2456. صوم19 2457. صون14 2458. صوى8 2459. صيب9 2460. صيح12 2461. صيد18 2462. صير17 2463. صيص10 2464. صيع7 2465. صيغ5 2466. صيف18 2467. صيك6 2468. صيل5 2469. صين7 2470. ض6 2471. ضأ1 2472. ضأبل2 2473. ضأز6 2474. ضأل13 2475. ضأن11 2476. ضب3 2477. ضبأ10 2478. ضبث12 2479. ضبح15 2480. ضبر17 2481. ضبط19 2482. ضبع19 2483. ضبن12 2484. ضبنط3 2485. ضبو5 2486. ضج4 2487. ضجر15 2488. ضجع18 2489. ضجم10 2490. ضح2 2491. ضحك17 2492. ضحل15 2493. ضخم11 2494. ضد5 2495. ضر5 2496. ضرب23 2497. ضرج15 2498. ضرح15 2499. ضرس18 2500. ضرط18 2501. ضرع20 2502. ضرغم12 2503. ضرم15 2504. ضرو5 2505. ضَعٌّ1 2506. ضعف20 Prev. 100




1 صَمَدَهُ, (S, M, A, Mgh,) aor. ـُ (S, Mgh,) inf. n. صَمْدٌ; (S, M, Mgh, K;) and صَمَدَ إِلَيْهِ; (M, A; *) He tended, repaired, betook himself, or directed himself or his course or aim, to, or towards, him, or it; or endeavoured to reach, or attain, or obtain, him, or it; or had recourse to him, or it; syn. قَصَدَهُ: (S, M, A, Mgh, K: *) and so سَمَدَهُ. (M in art. سمد.) One says, صَمَدَ إِلَيْهِ فِى الحَوَائِجِ He repaired, betook himself, or had recourse, to him in exigencies; syn. قَصَدَ. (M.) And صَمَدَ الأَمْرَ, (A,) or صَمَدَ صَمْدَ الأَمْرِ, (M,) He betook himself to the thing, or affair; aimed at it; sought it, or endeavoured after it; or intended, or purposed, it; syn. اِعْتَمَدَهُ; (A;) or قَصَدَ قَصْدَهُ. (M.) And تصمّد لَهُ بِالعَصَا He betook himself to him or towards him, or aimed at him, with the staff, or stick; syn. قَصَدَ. (M.) And رَأْسَهُ بِالعَصَا ↓ تصمّد He aimed (عَمَدَ) at the main part of his head with the staff, or stick. (M.) b2: Hence, صَمَدَ لَهُ He faced it directly; directed his face exactly towards it. (Mgh.) b3: And He pointed towards it. (Mgh.) b4: And صَمَدْتُ لَهُ حَتَّى أَمْكَنَتْنِى مِنْهُ غِرَّةٌ I sprang and betook myself towards him, watching until heedlessness on his part made me to have him within my power. (L, from a trad. respecting the slaying of Aboo-Jahl.) b5: and صَمَدَهُ بِالعَصَا, (A,) inf. n. صَمْدٌ, (K,) He struck him, or beat him, with the staff, or stick. (A, K. *) A2: الصَّمْدُ also signifies النَّصْبُ [The setting up, or erecting, a thing]: (K:) one says صَمَدَهُ He set it up, or erected, it. (TK.) A3: And صَمَدَتِ الشَّمْسُ وَجْهَهُ, (TK,) inf. n. صَمْدٌ, (K,) The sun scorched his face. (K, * TK.) A4: صَمَدَ القَارُورَةَ, (M, K,) aor. ـِ (M,) or ـَ (K,) but this is strange, for there is no faucial letter, nor any other reason for it, (MF,) He put a صِمَاد [q. v.] over, or into, the mouth of the flask, or bottle. (M, K.) 2 صَمَّدَ [صمّدهُ, said of a number of persons, signifies the same as صَمَدَهُ as first expl. above; or, said of a single person, He tended, repaired, &c., repeatedly, or frequently, to him, or it; see its pass. part. n., below.]

A2: صمّد رَأْسَهُ, inf. n. تَصْمِيدٌ, He wound a piece of cloth, or a kerchief, called صِمَاد, round his head. (TA.) 3 صامدهُ, (TA,) inf. n. صِمَادٌ, (K, TA,) He contended with him in fight; syn. of the inf. n. جِلَادٌ. (K, * TA. [For جِلَاد, Golius appears to have found in his copy of the K جَلَّاد.]) 4 اصمد إِلَيْهِ الأَمْرَ He rested, or stayed, upon him the affair; syn. أَسْنَدَهُ. (M.) 5 تَصَمَّدَ see 1, in two places.

صَمْدٌ inf. n. of 1. (S, M, &c.) [Hence صَمَدْتُ صَمْدَهُ, like قَصَدْتُ قَصْدَهُ, q. v.]

A2: Also, (S, L, K,) or ↓ صَمَدٌ, (as in a copy of the S and in one of the M,) Elevated ground: (L:) or elevated and rugged ground, (S, M, L, K,) not so high as to be a mountain: (M, L:) or hard, firm, or tough, ground: (AA:) pl. أَصْمَادٌ and ↓ صِمَادٌ: (M:) or a narrow, rugged, and low part of a mountain, producing trees; as also ↓ صِمَادٌ. (Aboo-Kheyreh.) صَمَدٌ (with the article ال an epithet applied to God, M) A lord; because one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, to him in exigencies; (S, A, K; *) or, when applied to God, because affairs are stayed, or rested, upon Him, (أُصْمِدَتْ

إِلَيْهِ,) and none but He accomplishes them: (M, A, L:) or a person to whom one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, in exigencies: (M, A: *) you say, سَيِّدٌ صَمَدٌ, meaning a lord, or chief, to whom recourse is had: (A:) or صَمَدٌ signifies a lord to whom obedience is rendered, without whom no affair is accomplished: or one to whom lordship ultimately pertains: (M, L:) or a lord whose lordship has attained its utmost point or degree; in which sense it is not applicable to God: (T, L:) or the Being that continues, or continues for ever or is everlasting: (M, K:) or the Being that continues, or continues for ever, after his creatures have perished: (M:) or the Creator of everything, of whom nothing is independent, and whose unity everything indicates: or one who takes no nourishment, or food: (M, L:) also high, or elevated; (L, K;) applied to anything: (L:) a man above whom is no one: (L:) a man who neither thirsts nor hungers in war. (AA, K.) b2: Also Solid; not hollow; (M, K;) in which sense it may not be applied to God: (M:) and so ↓ مُصْمَدٌ, a dial. var. of مُصْمَتٌ. (S.) b3: And A people having no trade, or occupation, nor anything by means of which they may live. (K.) A2: See also صَمْدٌ.

صَمْدَةٌ A rock firmly imbedded in the earth, even with the surface thereof, or, in some instances, somewhat elevated; (M, K; *) as also ↓ صُمْدَةٌ. (M.) A2: And A she-camel that has been covered and has not conceived; (M, K; *) as also ↓ صَمَدَةٌ. (Kr, M.) صُمْدَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

صَمَدَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

صِمَادٌ The سِدَاد [or stopper, like صِمَامٌ], (IAar, K,) or the عِفَاص [or piece of skin that is put as a cover over the mouth], (Lth, S, M,) of a flask or bottle. (Lth, IAar, S, M, K.) b2: And A piece of cloth, or a kerchief, which a man winds round his head, دُونَ العِمَامَةِ [which may mean either exclusively of the turban or beneath the turban]. (K.) A2: See also صَمْدٌ, in two places.

صَمُودٌ A certain idol, which belonged to the tribe of 'Ád, who worshipped it. (TA.) مُصْمَدٌ: see صَمَدٌ, near the end of the paragraph.

مُصَمَّدٌ applied to a house, or tent, (بَيْتٌ, S) repaired to [repeatedly, or frequently, or by many persons, as is indicated by the teshdeed, though only expl. as] syn. with مَقْصُودٌ. (S, K.) A2: Also A hard thing; in which is no softness, or fragility. (K, TA.) مِصْمَادٌ A she-camel that endures cold, and drought, or barrenness of the earth, continuing to yield her milk: pl. مَصَامِدُ and مَصَامِيدُ. (K.) مُصَوْمِدٌ Thick, or rough, (K, TA,) and high, overtopping, or prominent. (TA.)
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