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99092. شليمون2 99093. شُلَيْوَة1 99094. شُلَيْوِيح1 99095. شُلَيْويخ1 99096. شليي1 99097. شم899098. شمّ1 99099. شَمَّ 1 99100. شمأز2 99101. شَمَئِل1 99102. شما1 99103. شَمَا1 99104. شَمَّا1 99105. شَمّاء1 99106. شَمَّاء1 99107. شَمَائِس1 99108. شَمَّاتَة1 99109. شَمَاتِيّ1 99110. شَمَّاتِي1 99111. شَمَّاخ1 99112. شَمَاخِي1 99113. شَمَّاخِيّ1 99114. شَمَاخِيرُ1 99115. شَمَّاذَة1 99116. شمارا2 99117. شَمَّارَا1 99118. شَمَارَا1 99119. شَمَّارة1 99120. شَمارِقُ1 99121. شَمَّارِيّ1 99122. شَمَارِيخ1 99123. شِمَاس1 99124. شَمَّاس2 99125. شَمَّاسة1 99126. شماض1 99127. شَمَّاع1 99128. شَمَّاعة1 99129. شماعو1 99130. شَمَّاك1 99131. شَمَال2 99132. شِمَال1 99133. شَمَّال1 99134. شَمَالِيّ1 99135. شَمَالِيلُ1 99136. شَمَامِ1 99137. شَمَام1 99138. شَمَّام1 99139. شَمَّامَة1 99140. شَمَامِيط1 99141. شَمَّانَة1 99142. شُمَانَة1 99143. شَمَاوة1 99144. شَمَاوِيّ1 99145. شماوي1 99146. شمايا1 99147. شَمَايِع1 99148. شمبا1 99149. شَمْبَا1 99150. شمبانزي1 99151. شمبانيا1 99152. شَمْبَر1 99153. شَمْبَرِيّ1 99154. شمبور1 99155. شَمْبُوليَّة1 99156. شَمَبُوه1 99157. شَمِبِيّ1 99158. شَمْبِيل1 99159. شَمَّة1 99160. شَمَتَ2 99161. شمت17 99162. شمِتَ1 99163. شَمِتَ 1 99164. شَمْتَه1 99165. شمته1 99166. شَمْتِيّ1 99167. شَمْج1 99168. شمج6 99169. شَمَجَ 1 99170. شمجت1 99171. شَمْجَرَ1 99172. شمجر1 99173. شَمْجَلَةُ1 99174. شَمْحَة1 99175. شمحط4 99176. شمحل1 99177. شَمْحُوط1 99178. شَمْخُ1 99179. شَمَخَ2 99180. شمخَ1 99181. شمخ16 99182. شَمَخَ 1 99183. شَمْخَة1 99184. شمختر2 99185. شَّمَخْتَر1 99186. شمخر7 99187. شمخز1 99188. شَمْخِيَّة1 99189. شمدي1 99190. شمذ8 99191. شَمَذَتِ1 Prev. 100


عن العبرية بمعنى إسم أو صيغة التصغير للاسم شموئيل بمعنى اسمه الرب. يستخدم للذكور.
من (ش م م) إدراك الروائح.
الشم: هو قوة مودعة في الزائدتين الثابتتين في مقدم الدماغ، الشبيهتين بحلمتي الثدي، يدرك بها الروائح بطريق وصول الهواء المتكيف بكيفية ذي الرائحة إلى الخيشوم.
(شم) الْبناء أَو الْجَبَل شمما ارْتَفع أَعْلَاهُ وَالْأنف ارْتَفَعت قصبته قَلِيلا فِي اسْتِوَاء وَالرجل ترفع وتكبر فَهُوَ أَشمّ وَهِي شماء (ج) شم وَالشَّيْء شما وشميما شمه يشمه
[شم] البشم: التخمة. يقال: بشمت من الطعام بالكسر، وبَشِمَ الفصيلُ من كثرة شُرب اللبن. وقد أبشمه الطعام. قال الراجز :

ولم يجشئ عن طعام يبشمه * وبشمت منه بشما، أي سَئِمْتُ. والبَشامُ: شجَرٌ طيِّب الريح يُسْتاكُ به. وقال : أتذكر يوم تَصْقُلُ عارِضَيْها بِفَرْعِ بَشامَةٍ سقى البشام
شم: شَمَمْتُ الشَّيْءَ أَشُمُّه، وأشْمَمْتُه، شَمّاً وشَمِيْماً، وتَسَمَّمَ تَشَمُّماً. والشَّمّاماتُ: ما يُشَمُّ ممّا له رائحَةٌ طَيِّبةٌ. والمُشَامَّمُ: الدُّنُوُّ من العَدْوِّ، شامَمْنَاه. وأشْمِمْني يَدَكَ أُقَبِّلْها. وشامِمْهُ: أي انْظُرْ ما عِنْدَه. والإِشْمَامُ: أنْ تُشِمَّ الحرْفَ الساكِنَ حَرْفاً. وأشَمَّ القَوْمُ أشْمَاماً: جارُوا عن وَجْهِهم يَمِيْناً وشِمَالاً. وكذلك إذا مَرَّ رافِعاً رَاْسَه. والشَّمَمُ: ارْتِفَاعٌ في الأنْفِ، والنَّعْتُ أشَمُّ وشَمّاءُ. والشَّمِيْمُ: المُرْتَفِعُ الأَشَمُّ. وجَبَلٌ أشَمٌّ: طَوِيْلُ الأعْلَى. والشَّمَمُ: القُرْبُ، والبُعْدُ، دارُهُ شَمَمٌ بالمَعْنَيَيْنِ جَمِيعاً وهو من الأضْداد. وشَمَامٌ: اسْمُ جَبَلٍ له رأْسَانِ يُسِمِّيَانِ: ابْنَا شَمَامٍ. 
باب الشين والميم ش م، م ش يستعملان

شم: الشم من قولك: شممت الشيء أشمه، ومنه التشمم كما تشمم البهيمة إذا التمست رعياً. والمشامة: المفاعلة من الشم، في [قولك] شاممت العدو، يعني. الدنو من العدو حتى يروك وتراهم، [والشمم: الدنو، اسم منه] ، تقول: شاممناهم وناوشناهم. والإشمام: أن تشم الحرف الساكن حرفاً، كقولك في الضمة: هذا العمل، وتسكت، فتجد في فيك إشماما للام لم يبلغ أن يكون واوا، ولا تحريكا يعتد به، ولكن شمة من ضمة خفيفة، ويجوز ذلك في الكسر والفتح أيضاً. وأشممت فلاناً الطيب. وتقول للوالي: أشممني يدك، وهو أحسن من قولك: ناولني يدك أقبلها. وشمام: اسم جبل له رأسان يسميان ابني شمام. والشمم: الارتفاع في الأنف، والنعت: أشم وشماء. وجبل أشم: طويل الرأس. وتقول: شامم فلاناً، أي: انظر ما عنده.

مش: مششت العظم، أي: مصصته ممضوغأ. وفلان يمش مال فلان، و [يمش] من ماله، أي: يأخذ الشيء بعد الشيء. والمشش: مشش الدابة، معروف. وتقول: أمش العظم [وهو أن يمخ حتى يتمشش] . والمش: أن تمسح القدح بثوبك لتلينه، كما تمش الوتر. والمش: تنديل الغمر، قال امرؤ القيس :

نمش بأعراف الجياد أكفنا ... إذا نحن قمنا عن شواء مضهب

والمشمش: فاكهة، وأهل الحجاز يسمون الإجاص مشمشاً
الشين وَالْمِيم

الشَّمْ: حِسُّ الْأنف.

شمِمته أشَمُّه، وشَمَمته شَمّاً، وشَمِيما، وتَشمَّمته، واشتممته، وشمَّمته، قَالَ قيس بن ذريح يصف أينقا وسَقْبا:

يُشَمَّمنه لَو يستطعن ارتشَفْنه ... إِذا سُفْنه يزددن نَكْباً على نَكْب

وَقَالَ أَبُو حنيفَة: تشمَّم الشَّيْء، واشْتَمَّه: أدناه من انفه ليجتذب رَائِحَته.

وأَشَّمه إِيَّاه: جعله يَشمُّه.

وأشمِمْني يدك أقبلها، وَهُوَ أحسن من ناولني، وَقَول عَلْقَمَة بن عَبدة:

يحملن أُتْرُجَّة نَضْحُ العَبِيرِ بهَا ... كَأَن تَطْيابها فِي الأنْف مشمومُ

قيل: يَعْنِي المِسْك. وَقيل: أَرَادَ: أَن رائحتها بَاقِيَة فِي الْأنف؛ كَمَا يُقَال: أكلت طَعَاما هُوَ فِي فمي إِلَى الْآن.

والشمَّامات: مَا يتشمم من الارواح الطّيبَة، اسْم كالجبانة.

وتَشَامَّ الرّجلَانِ: شم كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا صَاحبه.

والإشمام: روم الْحَرْف السَّاكِن بحركة خُفْيَة لَا يعْتد بهَا وَلَا تكسر وزنا، أَلا ترى أَن سِيبَوَيْهٍ حِين أنْشد:

مَتى أَنَام لَا يوَرِّقْنِي الكَرِى

مجزوم الْقَاف قَالَ بعد ذَلِك: وَسمعت بعض الْعَرَب يَشِمُّها الرّفْع كَأَنَّهُ قَالَ: مَتى أَنَام غير مؤرق.

وَأَشَمَّ الْحجام الْخِتَان والخافظة البظر: اخذ مِنْهُمَا قَلِيلا، وَفِي حَدِيث النَّبِي صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنه قَالَ لأم عَطِيَّة: " إِذا خَفَضْتِ فَأَشِمّي وَلَا تَنْهَكِي فَإِنَّهُ أضْوَأ للْوَجْه وأحظى لَهَا عِنْد الزَّوْج " قَوْله: لَا تنهكي: أَي لَا تاخذي من البظر كثيرا. وشاممت الْعَدو إِذا دَنَوْت مِنْهُم حَتَّى يَرَوك.

وشَمِمْت الْأَمر وشاممته: وليت عمله بيَدي.

والشَّمَم فِي الْأنف: ارْتِفَاع القصبة وحسنها واستواء أَعْلَاهَا وانتصاب الأرنبة.

وَقيل: الَّذِي تشرف أرنبته وَيَسْتَوِي مَتنه. وَهُوَ أحسن الأنوف.

وَقيل: وُرُود الأرنبة فِي حسن اسْتِوَاء القصبة وارتفاعها اشد من ارْتِفَاع الذلف.

وَقيل: الشَّمَم: أَن يطول الْأنف ويدق وتسيل روثته.

وَرجل أشمّ، وَإِذا وصف الشَّاعِر فَقَالَ: " أشمّ " فَإِنَّمَا يَعْنِي سيداً ذَا أَنَفَة.

ومنكب أشمّ: مُرْتَفع المُشَاشة.

رجل أشمّ، وَقد شَمَّ شَمَما فيهمَا.

والشَّمَم: ارْتِفَاع فِي الْجَبَل.

وشمَام: جبل مَعْرُوف. وابنا شَمَامٍ: جبلان.

وشَمَّاء: اسْم أكمة، وَعَلِيهِ فسر ابْن كيسَان قَول الْحَارِث بن حلزة:

بعد عَهْد لنا ببُرْقة شَمَّ ... اء فأدنى ديارِها الخَلْصاءُ


1 شَمِمْتُ, aor. ـَ and شَمَمْتُ, aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) the latter mentioned by AO; (S, TA;) third Pers\. of each شَمَّ; (Mgh;) inf. n. شَمُّ (S, Msb, K) and شَمِيمٌ, (S, K,) which are of both verbs, (TA,) and شِمِّيمَى, mentioned by Z (K, TA) alone; (TA;) I smelt, i. e. perceived by the nose, (K,) a thing, (S, Msb, K, *) or an odour; (Mgh;) and ↓ اِشْتَمَمْتُ signifies the same; (S, Msb, K, TA; [اَشْمَمْتُهُ in the CK is a mistranscription for اِشْتَمَمْتُهُ;]) and ↓ تَشَمَّمْتُ also, (K,) and ↓ شَمَّيْتُ, thus in the copies of the K, but correctly ↓ شَمَّمْتُ: (TA: [both, however, are mentioned in the CK: the former like قَصَّيْتُ for قَصَّصْتُ:]) or الشَّىْءَ ↓ تَشَمَّمْتُ signifies شَمِمْتُهُ فِى

مُهْلَةٍ [I smelt the thing leisurely, or gently]: (S, TA:) or الشَّىْءَ ↓ تشمّم and ↓ اشتمّهُ both signify he put the thing near to his nose in order that he might draw in its odour. (AHn, TA.) b2: See an ex. in a prov. mentioned voce خِمَارٌ. b3: [Hence,] شُمَّ (assumed tropical:) He was tried, or proved by trial or experiment or experience; syn. اُخْتُبِرَ. (IAar, K.) A2: شَمَّ, see. Pers\. شَمِمْتَ, aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. شَمَمٌ, (S, * Msb, K, *) He (a man) was high, or elevated, in the nose. (S, * Msb, K. *) b2: [And hence,] شَمَّ, (K,) [sec. Pers\. شَمِمْتَ,] inf. n. شَمَمٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He (a man, TA) magnified himself; or behaved proudly, or haughtily. (K, TA. [And اشمّ has a similar meaning.]) b3: [This verb is also probably used in other senses, said of a mountain, &c.: see شَمَمٌ below.] b4: See also 4, near the end.2 شَمَّمْتُ and شَمَّيْتُ: see above, in two places.3 شَامَّا, (K,) inf. n. مُشَامَّةٌ, (S, TA,) They smelt each other; (S, * K;) as also ↓ تشامّا, (K,) inf. n. تَشَامٌّ. (S.) b2: [Hence,] شَامِمْهُ (tropical:) Look thou to see what is with him, or in his mind, (مَا عِنْدَهُ, S, K, TA,) and draw near to him, (K, TA,) and seek after the knowledge of what is with him, or in his mind, (ما عنده,) by means of informations and disclosure; as though each smelt what was with the other in order to act according thereto. (TA.) And hence the saying, شَامَمْنَاهُمْ ثُمَّ نَاوَشْنَاهُمْ (tropical:) [We endeavoured, or looked, to ascertain their condition; then we engaged them in near, though not close, conflict]. (TA.) You say also, شَامَمْتُ الرَّجُلَ meaning [simply] (assumed tropical:) I drew near to the man. (S.) مُشَامَّةٌ [used tropically] signifies (assumed tropical:) The looking into a thing. (KL.) And (assumed tropical:) The approaching the enemy so that the two parties see each other. (S.) 4 اشمّهُ إِيَّاهُ He made him to smell it, or perceive it by the nose. (K.) You say, أَشْمَمْتُهُ الطِيبَ [I made him to smell the perfume]. (S, Msb.) b2: And [hence] one says to the prefect, or governor, or prince, or commander, أَشْمِمْنِى يَدَكَ أُقَبِّلْهَا (assumed tropical:) [Suffer me to approach thy hand that I may kiss it]; (S, * TA;) a phrase like نَاوِلْنِى يَدَكَ, (TA,) but better than the latter phrase: so says Kh. (S.) b3: And اشمّ الخِتَانَ, and اشمّت البَظْرَ, (tropical:) He, and she, i. e. the operator, took, (K, TA,) or cut off, (TA,) a small portion of the prepuce, and of the بَظْر [q. v.]: (K, TA:) or the latter signifies she cut off a portion of the نَوَاة [q. v.], not extirpating it. (TA.) b4: And اشمّ الحَرْفَ, (S, * K,) inf. n. إِشْمَامٌ, (S,) (assumed tropical:) He made the consonant to have a smack of the dammeh or the kesreh, (lit., made it to smell, S, or to taste, K, the dammeh or the kesreh,) in such a manner (S, K) that the إِشْمَام, (S,) or that the dammeh or kesreh, (K,) was not heard, (S, K,) what is termed إِشْمَامُ الحَرْفِ being less than what is termed رَوْمُ الحَرَكَةِ, the former being apparent only by the motion of the lip, (S,) or of the upper lip, (so in one of my copies of the S,) no account being taken of it, (S, K,) i. e. of the dammeh or kesreh, (K,) it not being reckoned as a حَرَكَة because of its feebleness, the consonant in this case being quiescent or like that which is quiescent, (S,) and the prosodical measure not being broken thereby: (K:) for ex., in the following verse, مَتَى أَنَامُ لَا يُؤَرِّقْنِى الكَرِى

لَيْلًا وَلَا أَسْمَعُ أَجْرَاسَ المَطِى

[meaning الكَرِىّ and المَطِىّ, (as is said in one of my copies of the S,) i. e. When I sleep, he who lets beasts on hire will not render me wakeful by night, nor do I hear the bells of the camels on which people ride], the Arabs [or, as is said in the TA, some of the Arabs] make the ق [in يؤرّقنى] to have a smack of the dammeh; but if you took account of the حَرَكَة of the إِشْمَام [in this case,] the measure of the verse would be broken, [the foot] رقنى الكرى becoming, in the scanning, مُتَفَاعِلُنْ, which may be only in the كَامِل; whereas this verse is of the رَجَز: (Sb, S:) another case of إِشْمَام is that of the ى in دُوَيْبَّةٌ, [in which that letter is quiescent, but made to have a smack of kesreh,] as is the same letter in every similar case, in a dim. noun, when followed by a doubled letter. (Zj, T in art. دب.) Also He pronounced the consonant with a حَرَكَة [or vowel-sound] between damm and kesr, apparent only in utterance, not in writing; as in قِيلَ and غِيضَ in the Kur xi. 46. (I 'Ak pp. 130 and 131.) [See also رَوْمُ الحَرَكَةِ, voce رَامَ.] b5: [Golius explains اشمّ as signifying also “ Reduxit, fecit ut converteret se ab aliqua re; ” as on the authority of the KL; in my copy of which, however, I do not find this meaning.]

A2: اشمّ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِشْمَامٌ, [as an intrans. verb,] said of a man, (S,) also signifies He passed by, or along, raising his head; (S, K, TA;) and magnified, or exalted, himself; behaved proudly, or disdainfully; or elevated his nose, from pride. (TA. [See also 1, near the end.]) b2: And He turned away from a thing. (K.) One says بَيْنَا هُمْ فِى وَجْهٍ إِذْ أَشَمُّوا, i. e. [While they were in a certain direction, lo,] they turned away; (S, TA, as from AA;) or ↓ شَمُّوا. (Thus in one of my copies of the S [but I think it to be a mistranscription].) And اشمّ القَوْمُ The people, or party, deviated in their directions to the right and left: a phrase heard in this sense by AA. (S.) 5 تَشَمَّّ see 1, in three places.6 تَشَاْمَّ see 3, first sentence.8 إِشْتَمَ3َ see 1, in two places.10 استشمّ He desired to smell. (KL.) b2: and He perceived a smell, or an odour, from a thing. (KL.) b3: دَخَلَ المُخَاطُ أَنْفَهُ فَأْسْتَشَمَّهُ فَأَدْخَلَهُ فِى

حَلْقِهِ, said of a man, means اِسْتَنْشَقَهُ [i. e. (tropical:) The mucus entered his nose, and he snuffed it up, and made it to pass into his fauces]; the verb being metaphorically thus used, like as الاِسْتِنْشَاقُ is metaphorically used for الشَّمُّ. (Mgh.) شَمَمٌ inf. n. of the intrans. verb شَمَّ [q. v.]. (Msb, TA.) b2: [Used as a simple subst.,] Highness of the nose: (Msb:) or highness of the bone of the nose, (S, K,) and beauty thereof, (K,) with evenness, or straightness, of its upper part, (S, K, when there is in it a gibbousness it is termed قَنًا, S,) and uprightness of the end, or lowest part: (K:) or, as some say, this last quality [alone]: (TA:) or length of the end, or lower part, of the nose, so that it extends over the middle of the mustache, (وُرُودُ الأَرْنَبَةِ,) with beautiful evenness, or straightness, of the bone, and highness thereof greater than the highness that is termed ذَلَفٌ: or length and slenderness of the nose, and a downward extending of its رَوْثَة [i. e. end or tip, or part where the blood that flows from the nostrils drops or drips]: (K:) or [simply] length. in the nose. (Ham p. 789.) b3: And, in a man, The quality of having what is termed شَمَمٌ of the nose. (S.) b4: [And hence, (tropical:) Self-magnification, or pride, or haughtiness: see 1, near the end.] b5: And (tropical:) Generosity. (Ham p. 728.) b6: Also Highness, (K,) or tallness of the head, (S,) of a mountain. (S, K.) b7: And (tropical:) Nearness: and (tropical:) remoteness: thus having two contr. meanings. (K, TA.) It has both of such meanings in the phrase دَارُهُ شَمَمٌ (tropical:) [His house, or abode, is near: and, remote]: (K, TA:) and in the phrase رَأَيْتُهُ مِنْ شَمَمٍ (tropical:) [I saw him, or it, from within a short distance: and, from afar]. (TA.) شَمُومٌ A thing [odorous, fragrant, or] fit to be smelt. (KL.) شَمِيمٌ High, or elevated: (S, K:) applied in this sense to a [camel's saddle such as is called]

قَتَب. (S.) شَمَّامٌ A sort of melon resembling a small colocynth, [or rather a small melon resembling a colocynth,] streaked with redness and greenness and yellowness: called in Pers\. دَسْتَنْبُويَه [i. e. “ perfume ”]; (K;) originally دَسْتْ بُوى [or دَسْتْ بُويَهْ]: (TA:) its odour is cool, pleasant, lenitive, and narcotic; and the eating of it is laxative to the bowels: (K:) [The cucumis dudaïm of Linn.; called by Forskål cucumis schemmam: the latter thus describes it (Flora Aegypt. Arab. p. 169): “ Caules 5-sulcati, setis rigidis, scandentes, cirrhosi: folia cordato-oblonga, acuta, subsinuata, dentato-repanda, hispida: calyces villosi, molles: flores flavi, conferti in alis: fructus globosoovatus, glaberrimus, magnitudine citri, flavus, maculis inæqualibus, fulvo-ferrugineis, versus polos in lineas confluentibus; pulpa aquosa, seminibus tota plena: fructus juvenis villosus; maturus glaber: odor, fortis nec ingratus; eamque ob caussam cultus; non edulis: ” in the present day, the same appellation is applied in Egypt to several species of melon, of pleasant odour and taste; but this application I believe to be of very late origin: see also لُفَّاحٌ: and see De Sacy's

“ Rel. de l'Égypte par Abd-allatif,” pp. 126-7.]

شَمَّامَاتٌ Sweet odours that one smells. (K.) شَمَاشِمُ Ripe dates remaining upon the raceme. (Az, K.) شَامٌّ Smelling, or perceiving by the nose.] b2: يَا ابْنَ شَامَّةِ الوَذْرَةِ [O son of her who smells the وَذْرَة] is an expression of reproach. (S.) أَشَمُّ, applied to a man, (Msb,) Having that quality of the nose which is termed شَمَمٌ; (Msb, K;) or so أَشَمُّ الأَنْفِ, thus applied: (S:) fem.

شَمَّآءُ: (Msb, TA:) and pl. شُمٌّ. (TA.) b2: and [hence, (tropical:) Self-magnifying, or proud, or haughty: or] a chief characterized by disdainfulness, scornfulness, or disdainful and proud incompliance, (K, TA,) and high-minded. (TA.) b3: Also A mountain tall, (S, TA,) or high, (TA,) in the head. (S, TA.) [And High, as applied to a place of ascent in a mountain: see an ex. of the pl. in a verse cited voce تَصَدَّفَ.] b4: And A shoulder high in the head of its bone. (K.) b5: [Freytag mentions two other meanings: b6: “ Ventus ex alto veniens, qui penetrantioris est odoratus: b7: [and] fem. شَمَّاء Jugum extensum in monte: ”

from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.]

مُشِمٌّ [Turning away, or averse]. One says, عَرَضْتُ عَلَيْهِ كَذَا فَإِذَا هُوَ مُشِمٌّ لَا يُرِيدُهُ [I offered to him such a thing, and lo, he was averse, not desiring it]. (S.) مِشَمٌّ An instrument of smelling; like as مِسْمَعٌ signifies “ an instrument of hearing. ” b2: Hence, its pl.] مَشَامُّ signifies Noses. (KL.) b3: [This pl. is expl. by Jac. Schultens, as meaning Perfumes (odoramenta): so says Freytag.]

مَشْمُومٌ A thing that is smelt; such as any sweet-smelling plant: like as مَأْكُولٌ signifies “ a thing that is eaten: ” (Msb:) [and] musk: (S, K:) [pl. مَشْمُومَاتٌ.]
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