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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2170. شر6 2171. شرب24 2172. شرج17 2173. شرح19 2174. شرخ14 2175. شرد162176. شردم4 2177. شرذم11 2178. شرس18 2179. شرسف8 2180. شرط19 2181. شرع20 2182. شرف19 2183. شرق18 2184. شرقرق3 2185. شرك16 2186. شرم17 2187. شرنف5 2188. شره13 2189. شرو4 2190. شرول2 2191. شرى13 2192. شزب10 2193. شزر16 2194. شسع17 2195. ششب1 2196. شصر10 2197. شط6 2198. شطأ13 2199. شطب16 2200. شطر22 2201. شطرنج4 2202. شطن16 2203. شظ5 2204. شظف14 2205. شظى5 2206. شع3 2207. شعب20 2208. شعبذ6 2209. شعث16 2210. شعذ8 2211. شعر24 2212. شعف18 2213. شعل18 2214. شعو7 2215. شغب16 2216. شغر18 2217. شغرب2 2218. شغزب10 2219. شغف19 2220. شغل17 2221. شغو5 2222. شف5 2223. شفر14 2224. شفرج4 2225. شفع19 2226. شفق16 2227. شفه15 2228. شفو8 2229. شق4 2230. شقأ7 2231. شقح13 2232. شقذ8 2233. شقر16 2234. شقرق6 2235. شقص15 2236. شقو7 2237. شقى2 2238. شك3 2239. شكد7 2240. شكر19 2241. شكس18 2242. شكل24 2243. شكم15 2244. شل6 2245. شلجم5 2246. شلم11 2247. شلو11 2248. شلياق2 2249. شم8 2250. شمت17 2251. شمخ16 2252. شمر15 2253. شمرخ12 2254. شمردل6 2255. شمرذل2 2256. شمز14 2257. شمس20 2258. شمط16 2259. شمع14 2260. شمعل7 2261. شمل17 2262. شن6 2263. شنأ16 2264. شنب15 2265. شنبث3 2266. شنبر5 2267. شنج14 2268. شنر13 2269. شنز7 Prev. 100




1 شَرَدَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. شُرُودٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and شِرَادٌ, (S, L, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) and شُرَادٌ (K) and شَرْدٌ, (L,) said of a camel, (S, A, L, Msb,) and of a horse or the like, (L,) He took fright, or shied, and fled, or ran away at random; or became refractory, and went away at random, or ran away, or broke loose, and went hither and thither by reason of his sprightliness; syn. نَفَرَ, (S, L, Msb, K,) and نَدَّ: (Msb:) and [simply] he fled, or ran away; said of a camel &c. (Aboo-Bekr, TA.) The saying of the Prophet, أَمَا يَشْرُدُ بِكَ بَعِيرُكَ (tropical:) [Does not thy camel take fright and run away with thee?], addressed by him to Khowwát, who answered, أَمَا مُنْذُ قَيَّدَهُ الإِسْلَامُ فَلَا [As to the period since El-Islám shackled him, no], mentioned in the A, points to a story related of Khowwát Ibn-Jubeyr, (TA,) that, being found by the Prophet sitting by some strange women, he endeavoured to excuse himself by saying that he had a camel which took fright and ran away, and he was seeking for something wherewith to shackle him: the Prophet used afterwards to taunt him by inquiring of him respecting the running-away of his camel: what Kr says, and J in the S [in art. نحى], is incorrect. (IAth, L.) You say also, شَرَدَ عَنِّى فُلَانٌ Such a one fled, or went away or aside or apart or to a distance, from me; syn. نَفَرَ. (A.) [Or] شَرَدَ said of a man, inf. n. شُرُودٌ, means He departed, driven away. (L.) And you say, شَرَدَ عَلَى اللّٰهِ, meaning He departed from obedience to God, and seceded, or separated himself from the community [of the faithful]. (L.) 2 شرّدهُ, (L, Msb,) inf. n. تَشْرِيدٌ, (S, L, Msb, K,) He made him to take fright, and flee, or run away at random; or to become refractory, and to go away at random, or run away, or break loose, and go hither and thither by reason of his sprightliness; namely, a camel [and a horse or the like: see 1]: (Msb:) or he drove him away, or expelled him; (S, * L, K; *) as also ↓ اشردهُ; (L;) [and so شرّد بِهِ; for] you say شَرَّدْتُهُ عَنٍّى and شَرَّدْتُ بِهِ [I drove him away from me]. (A.) And تَشْرِيدٌ signifies also The act of dispersing, or scattering. (K.) [Hence,] شَرِّدْ بِهِمْ مَنْ خَلْفَهُمْ, in the Kur [viii. 59], means Disperse thou, or scatter thou, by them, those [who shall come] after them: (S, L:) or terrify thou, by them, those [who shall come] after them: or make thou them notorious to those [who shall come] after them: (L:) [for]

b2: شرّد بِهِ (inf. n. as above, TA) signifies He rendered him notorious by exposing his vices or faults. (L, K.) 4 أَشْرَدَاشردهُ He made him to be driven away, or expelled, (L, K,) and not received into a place of refuge, covert, or lodging. (L.) See also 2.5 تشرّد القَوْمُ The people, or party, went away, or departed. (L.) شَرَدٌ: see شَارِدٌ.

شِرَادٌ an inf. n. of شَرَدَ [q. v.]: (S, L, K:) or a simple subst. from شَرَدَ [and as such signifying A taking fright, or shying, and fleeing, or running away at random; &c.: or a disposition thereto]. (Msb.) You say, of a camel, بِهِ شِرَادٌ [He has a disposition to take fright, or shy, &c.]. (A.) شَرُودٌ: see شَارِدٌ, in five places.

شَرِيدٌ Driven away, or expelled: (S, L, K:) or, accord. to Aboo-Bekr, when following طَرِيدٌ, it signifies fleeing, or running away: or, as As says, alone, or solitary. (TA.) b2: Also A remainder of anything; as of water in a vessel, and as of property, or camels and the like; pl. شَرَائِدُ, deviating from rule: or شَرِيدَةٌ is a syn. [or rather fem.] of شَرِيدٌ [and شَرَائِدُ is its reg. pl.]. (L.) شَارِدٌ and ↓ شَرُودٌ, (S, A, L, K,) applied to a camel, (S, A, L,) and to a horse or the like, (L,) Taking fright, or shying, and fleeing, or running away at random; or refractory, and going away at random, or running away, or breaking loose, and going hither and thither by reason of sprightliness: or that takes fright, or shies, &c.: (S, L, K:) [or] the latter [signifies wont to take fright, or shy, &c.: and] is applied to a male animal and to a female: (L:) [the fem. of the former is with ة:] pl. of the former شُرَّدٌ (A, * L) and ↓ شَرَدٌ, (S, L, K,) [or rather this is a quasi-pl. n.,] like as خَدَمٌ is of خَادِمٌ; (S, K;) [and the pl. of شَارِدَةٌ is شُرَّدٌ and شَوَارِدُ;] and the pl. of ↓ شَرُودٌ is شُرُدٌ, like as زُبُرٌ is of زَبُورٌ. (S, L, K. *) You say ↓ فَرَسٌ شَرُودٌ A horse, or mare, refractory towards the rider: and ↓ نَاقَةٌ شَرُودٌ A she-camel that runs away, or breaks loose and goes hither and thither by reason of her sprightliness. (L.) b2: [Hence,] ↓ قَافِيَةٌ شَرُودٌ (tropical:) A rhyme, or verse, or poem, current through the countries, lands, or regions, or through the cities, or towns. (S, A, K.) b3: And قَوَافٍ شَوَارِدُ (S in art. ابد) and قَوَافٍ شُرَّدْ (K ibid.) [pls. of قَافِيَةٌ شَارِدَةٌ] (tropical:) Strange, unusual, unfamiliar, or extraordinary, rhymes or verses or poems; syn. أَوَابِدُ. (S and K ibid.) And [in like manner] لَفْظَةٌ شَارِدَةٌ, in lexicology, signifies (assumed tropical:) A barbarism; or a strange, or an uncouth, unusual, unfamiliar, or extraordinary, word or expression or phrase; as also لفظة غَرِيبَةٌ and وَحْشِيَّةٌ and حُوشِيَّةٌ; opposed to لفظة فَصِيحَةٌ. (Mz, 13th نوع.)
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